Previous Day Levels


New member
Hello, I am trying to get all levels for previous day premarket, regular trading hours and post market. Can anyone help me with a thinkscript code for : Previous Day Premarket Open, Low, High, Close. (0400 to 0930)
Previous Day regular trading hours Open, Low, High, Close. (0930 to 1600)
Previous Day post market Open, Low, High, Close. (1600 to 2000)
Previous Day Open, Low, High, Close. (0400 to 2000)
Hello, I am trying to get all levels for previous day premarket, regular trading hours and post market. Can anyone help me with a thinkscript code for : Previous Day Premarket Open, Low, High, Close. (0400 to 0930)
Previous Day regular trading hours Open, Low, High, Close. (0930 to 1600)
Previous Day post market Open, Low, High, Close. (1600 to 2000)
Previous Day Open, Low, High, Close. (0400 to 2000) hal_prev

there probably are several studies here, that have different parts of what you are asking for.
i decided to start fresh and make it.

it draws 3 sets of lines, on the current day, for the 3 time periods, on a previous day.
pre , regular, post times

can pick an offset, to pick a previous day.
input days_back_date = 1;

it draws 4 candles, after the last bar, to represent the 4 time periods

# prev_day_levels2_00

#Previous Day Premarket Open, Low, High, Close. (0400 to 0930)
#Previous Day regular trading hours Open, Low, High, Close. (0930 to 1600)
#Previous Day post market Open, Low, High, Close. (1600 to 2000)
#Previous Day Open, Low, High, Close. (0400 to 2000)

def na = double.nan;
def bn = barnumber();

def lastbar = (!isnan(close) and isnan(close[-1]));
def newday = getday() <> getday()[1];
def currentday = getday() == getlastday();

#def cls2 = if isnan(close) then cls2[1] else close;
#def istoday = if GetLastDay() == GetDay() then 1 else 0;
#def isweek = if GetLastweek() == Getweek() then 1 else 0;
#def ismonth = if GetLastmonth() == Getmonth() then 1 else 0;

# 0 = current day ,  1 = prev day, 2 = 2 days ago
input days_back_date = 1;
def dayx = (getday() + days_back_date) == getlastday();


def start1 = 400;
def end1 = 930;
def daypre = if ( SecondsFromTime(start1) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(end1) > 0 ) then 1 else 0;

def start2 = 930;
def end2 = 1600;
def dayreg = if ( SecondsFromTime(start2) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(end2) > 0 ) then 1 else 0;

def start3 = 1600;
def end3 = 2000;
def daypost = if ( SecondsFromTime(start3) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(end3) > 0 ) then 1 else 0;

def start4 = start1;
def end4 = end3;
def dayall = if ( SecondsFromTime(start4) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(end4) > 0 ) then 1 else 0;


def prefirst = if !daypre[1] and daypre then 1 else 0;
def regfirst = if !dayreg[1] and dayreg then 1 else 0;
def postfirst = if !daypost[1] and daypost then 1 else 0;
def allfirst = prefirst;

def prelast = if daypre and !daypre[-1] then 1 else 0;
def reglast = if dayreg and !dayreg[-1] then 1 else 0;
def postlast = if daypost and !daypost[-1] then 1 else 0;
def alllast = postlast;


# pre day
def pre_open = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and prefirst then open else pre_open[1];
def pre_close = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and prelast then close else pre_close[1];
def pre_high = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and prefirst then high
  else if dayx and daypre and high > pre_high[1] then high
  else pre_high[1];
def pre_low = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and prefirst then low
  else if dayx and daypre and low < pre_low[1] then low
  else pre_low[1];


# reg day
def reg_open = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and regfirst then open else reg_open[1];
def reg_close = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and reglast then close else reg_close[1];
def reg_high = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and regfirst then high
  else if dayx and dayreg and high > reg_high[1] then high
  else reg_high[1];
def reg_low = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and regfirst then low
  else if dayx and dayreg and low < reg_low[1] then low
  else reg_low[1];


# post day
def post_open = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and postfirst then open else post_open[1];
def post_close = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and postlast then close else post_close[1];
def post_high = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and postfirst then high
  else if dayx and daypost and high > post_high[1] then high
  else post_high[1];
def post_low = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and postfirst then low
  else if dayx and daypost and low < post_low[1] then low
  else post_low[1];


# all day
def all_open = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and allfirst then open else all_open[1];
def all_close = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and alllast then close else all_close[1];
def all_high = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and allfirst then high
  else if dayx and dayall and high > all_high[1] then high
  else all_high[1];
def all_low = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and allfirst then low
  else if dayx and dayall and low < all_low[1] then low
  else all_low[1];


plot z1 = if currentday then pre_open else na;
plot z2 = if currentday then pre_high else na;
plot z3 = if currentday then pre_low else na;
plot z4 = if currentday then pre_close else na;

plot z5 = if currentday then reg_open else na;
plot z6 = if currentday then reg_high else na;
plot z7 = if currentday then reg_low else na;
plot z8 = if currentday then reg_close else na;

plot z9 = if currentday then post_open else na;
plot z10 = if currentday then post_high else na;
plot z11 = if currentday then post_low else na;
plot z12 = if currentday then post_close else na;

# all day lines will be duplicates of others, so don't need to plot them
#plot z13 = if currentday then all_open else na;
#plot z14 = if currentday then all_high else na;
#plot z15 = if currentday then all_low else na;
#plot z16 = if currentday then all_close else na;

addlabel(1, "PRE", getcolor(1));
addlabel(1, "REG", getcolor(4));
addlabel(1, "POST", getcolor(9));


# create candles, after last bar,  that represent time periods, pre, reg, post, all
input pre_offset = 3;
input reg_offset = 6;
input post_offset = 9;
input all_offset = 12;

def pre_x = (!isnan(close[pre_offset]) and isnan(close[pre_offset-1]));
def reg_x = (!isnan(close[reg_offset]) and isnan(close[reg_offset-1]));
def post_x = (!isnan(close[post_offset]) and isnan(close[post_offset-1]));
def all_x = (!isnan(close[all_offset]) and isnan(close[all_offset-1]));

# --------------------------------------

# day pre
def aopn = if pre_x then pre_open[pre_offset] else na;
def acls = if pre_x then pre_close[pre_offset] else na;
def ahi = if pre_x then pre_high[pre_offset] else na;
def alo = if pre_x then pre_low[pre_offset] else na;

def auptop = if acls > aopn then acls else na;
def aupbot = if acls > aopn then aopn else na;
AddChart(high = ahi, low = alo, open = aupbot, close = auptop, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor =;

def adwntop = if acls < aopn then aopn else na;
def adwnbot = if acls < aopn then acls else na;
AddChart(high = ahi, low = alo, open = adwntop, close = adwnbot, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor =;

def aztop = if acls == aopn then aopn else na;
def azbot = if acls == aopn then acls else na;
AddChart(high = ahi, low = alo, open = aztop, close = azbot, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = color.white);

# --------------------------------------

# day reg
def bopn = if reg_x then reg_open[reg_offset] else na;
def bcls = if reg_x then reg_close[reg_offset] else na;
def bhi = if reg_x then reg_high[reg_offset] else na;
def blo = if reg_x then reg_low[reg_offset] else na;

def buptop = if bcls > bopn then bcls else na;
def bupbot = if bcls > bopn then bopn else na;
AddChart(high = bhi, low = blo, open = bupbot, close = buptop, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor =;

def bdwntop = if bcls < bopn then bopn else na;
def bdwnbot = if bcls < bopn then bcls else na;
AddChart(high = bhi, low = blo, open = bdwntop, close = bdwnbot, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor =;

def bztop = if bcls == bopn then bopn else na;
def bzbot = if bcls == bopn then bcls else na;
AddChart(high = bhi, low = blo, open = bztop, close = bzbot, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = color.white);

# --------------------------------------

# day post
def copn = if post_x then post_open[post_offset] else na;
def ccls = if post_x then post_close[post_offset] else na;
def chi = if post_x then post_high[post_offset] else na;
def clo = if post_x then post_low[post_offset] else na;

def cuptop = if ccls > copn then ccls else na;
def cupbot = if ccls > copn then copn else na;
AddChart(high = chi, low = clo, open = cupbot, close = cuptop, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor =;

def cdwntop = if ccls < copn then copn else na;
def cdwnbot = if ccls < copn then ccls else na;
AddChart(high = chi, low = clo, open = cdwntop, close = cdwnbot, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor =;

def cztop = if ccls == copn then copn else na;
def czbot = if ccls == copn then ccls else na;
AddChart(high = chi, low = clo, open = cztop, close = czbot, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = color.white);


# day all
def dopn = if all_x then all_open[all_offset] else na;
def dcls = if all_x then all_close[all_offset] else na;
def dhi = if all_x then all_high[all_offset] else na;
def dlo = if all_x then all_low[all_offset] else na;

def duptop = if dcls > dopn then dcls else na;
def dupbot = if dcls > dopn then dopn else na;
AddChart(high = dhi, low = dlo, open = dupbot, close = duptop, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor =;

def ddwntop = if dcls < dopn then dopn else na;
def ddwnbot = if dcls < dopn then dcls else na;
AddChart(high = dhi, low = dlo, open = ddwntop, close = ddwnbot, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor =;

def dztop = if dcls == dopn then dopn else na;
def dzbot = if dcls == dopn then dcls else na;
AddChart(high = dhi, low = dlo, open = dztop, close = dzbot, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = color.white);


addchartbubble(lastbar, all_low*0.998,
, color.yellow, no);


# test data

addchartbubble(0, low,
getday() + "\n" +
, (if dayx then color.yellow else color.gray), no);

addchartbubble(0 and daypost, low, "x",, no);

addchartbubble(0, low,
prefirst + "\n" +
regfirst + "\n" +
, color.yellow, no);

addchartbubble(0 and post_x, 84,
 copn + "\n" +
 chi + "\n" +
 clo + "\n" +
, color. yellow);

addlabel(0, copn + chi + clo + ccls, color. yellow);


Last edited:
there probably are several studies here, that have different parts of what you are asking for.
i decided to start fresh and make it.

it draws 3 sets of lines, on the current day, for the 3 time periods, on a previous day.
pre , regular, post times

it draws 4 candles, after the last bar, to represent the 4 time periods

# prev_day_levels2_00

#Previous Day Premarket Open, Low, High, Close. (0400 to 0930)
#Previous Day regular trading hours Open, Low, High, Close. (0930 to 1600)
#Previous Day post market Open, Low, High, Close. (1600 to 2000)
#Previous Day Open, Low, High, Close. (0400 to 2000)

def na = double.nan;
def bn = barnumber();

def lastbar = (!isnan(close) and isnan(close[-1]));
def newday = getday() <> getday()[1];
def currentday = getday() == getlastday();

#def cls2 = if isnan(close) then cls2[1] else close;
#def istoday = if GetLastDay() == GetDay() then 1 else 0;
#def isweek = if GetLastweek() == Getweek() then 1 else 0;
#def ismonth = if GetLastmonth() == Getmonth() then 1 else 0;

# 0 = current day ,  1 = prev day, 2 = 2 days ago
input days_back_date = 1;
def dayx = (getday() + days_back_date) == getlastday();


def start1 = 400;
def end1 = 930;
def daypre = if ( SecondsFromTime(start1) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(end1) > 0 ) then 1 else 0;

def start2 = 930;
def end2 = 1600;
def dayreg = if ( SecondsFromTime(start2) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(end2) > 0 ) then 1 else 0;

def start3 = 1600;
def end3 = 2000;
def daypost = if ( SecondsFromTime(start3) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(end3) > 0 ) then 1 else 0;

def start4 = start1;
def end4 = end3;
def dayall = if ( SecondsFromTime(start4) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(end4) > 0 ) then 1 else 0;


def prefirst = if !daypre[1] and daypre then 1 else 0;
def regfirst = if !dayreg[1] and dayreg then 1 else 0;
def postfirst = if !daypost[1] and daypost then 1 else 0;
def allfirst = prefirst;

def prelast = if daypre and !daypre[-1] then 1 else 0;
def reglast = if dayreg and !dayreg[-1] then 1 else 0;
def postlast = if daypost and !daypost[-1] then 1 else 0;
def alllast = postlast;


# pre day
def pre_open = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and prefirst then open else pre_open[1];
def pre_close = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and prelast then close else pre_close[1];
def pre_high = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and prefirst then high
  else if dayx and daypre and high > pre_high[1] then high
  else pre_high[1];
def pre_low = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and prefirst then low
  else if dayx and daypre and low < pre_low[1] then low
  else pre_low[1];


# reg day
def reg_open = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and regfirst then open else reg_open[1];
def reg_close = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and reglast then close else reg_close[1];
def reg_high = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and regfirst then high
  else if dayx and dayreg and high > reg_high[1] then high
  else reg_high[1];
def reg_low = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and regfirst then low
  else if dayx and dayreg and low < reg_low[1] then low
  else reg_low[1];


# post day
def post_open = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and postfirst then open else post_open[1];
def post_close = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and postlast then close else post_close[1];
def post_high = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and postfirst then high
  else if dayx and daypost and high > post_high[1] then high
  else post_high[1];
def post_low = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and postfirst then low
  else if dayx and daypost and low < post_low[1] then low
  else post_low[1];


# all day
def all_open = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and allfirst then open else all_open[1];
def all_close = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and alllast then close else all_close[1];
def all_high = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and allfirst then high
  else if dayx and dayall and high > all_high[1] then high
  else all_high[1];
def all_low = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and allfirst then low
  else if dayx and dayall and low < all_low[1] then low
  else all_low[1];


plot z1 = if currentday then pre_open else na;
plot z2 = if currentday then pre_high else na;
plot z3 = if currentday then pre_low else na;
plot z4 = if currentday then pre_close else na;

plot z5 = if currentday then reg_open else na;
plot z6 = if currentday then reg_high else na;
plot z7 = if currentday then reg_low else na;
plot z8 = if currentday then reg_close else na;

plot z9 = if currentday then post_open else na;
plot z10 = if currentday then post_high else na;
plot z11 = if currentday then post_low else na;
plot z12 = if currentday then post_close else na;

# all day lines will be duplicates of others, so don't need to plot them
#plot z13 = if currentday then all_open else na;
#plot z14 = if currentday then all_high else na;
#plot z15 = if currentday then all_low else na;
#plot z16 = if currentday then all_close else na;

addlabel(1, "PRE", getcolor(1));
addlabel(1, "REG", getcolor(4));
addlabel(1, "POST", getcolor(9));


# create candles, after last bar,  that represent time periods, pre, reg, post, all
input pre_offset = 3;
input reg_offset = 6;
input post_offset = 9;
input all_offset = 12;

def pre_x = (!isnan(close[pre_offset]) and isnan(close[pre_offset-1]));
def reg_x = (!isnan(close[reg_offset]) and isnan(close[reg_offset-1]));
def post_x = (!isnan(close[post_offset]) and isnan(close[post_offset-1]));
def all_x = (!isnan(close[all_offset]) and isnan(close[all_offset-1]));

# --------------------------------------

# day pre
def aopn = if pre_x then pre_open[pre_offset] else na;
def acls = if pre_x then pre_close[pre_offset] else na;
def ahi = if pre_x then pre_high[pre_offset] else na;
def alo = if pre_x then pre_low[pre_offset] else na;

def auptop = if acls > aopn then acls else na;
def aupbot = if acls > aopn then aopn else na;
AddChart(high = ahi, low = alo, open = aupbot, close = auptop, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor =;

def adwntop = if acls < aopn then aopn else na;
def adwnbot = if acls < aopn then acls else na;
AddChart(high = ahi, low = alo, open = adwntop, close = adwnbot, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor =;

def aztop = if acls == aopn then aopn else na;
def azbot = if acls == aopn then acls else na;
AddChart(high = ahi, low = alo, open = aztop, close = azbot, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = color.white);

# --------------------------------------

# day reg
def bopn = if reg_x then reg_open[reg_offset] else na;
def bcls = if reg_x then reg_close[reg_offset] else na;
def bhi = if reg_x then reg_high[reg_offset] else na;
def blo = if reg_x then reg_low[reg_offset] else na;

def buptop = if bcls > bopn then bcls else na;
def bupbot = if bcls > bopn then bopn else na;
AddChart(high = bhi, low = blo, open = bupbot, close = buptop, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor =;

def bdwntop = if bcls < bopn then bopn else na;
def bdwnbot = if bcls < bopn then bcls else na;
AddChart(high = bhi, low = blo, open = bdwntop, close = bdwnbot, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor =;

def bztop = if bcls == bopn then bopn else na;
def bzbot = if bcls == bopn then bcls else na;
AddChart(high = bhi, low = blo, open = bztop, close = bzbot, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = color.white);

# --------------------------------------

# day post
def copn = if post_x then post_open[post_offset] else na;
def ccls = if post_x then post_close[post_offset] else na;
def chi = if post_x then post_high[post_offset] else na;
def clo = if post_x then post_low[post_offset] else na;

def cuptop = if ccls > copn then ccls else na;
def cupbot = if ccls > copn then copn else na;
AddChart(high = chi, low = clo, open = cupbot, close = cuptop, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor =;

def cdwntop = if ccls < copn then copn else na;
def cdwnbot = if ccls < copn then ccls else na;
AddChart(high = chi, low = clo, open = cdwntop, close = cdwnbot, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor =;

def cztop = if ccls == copn then copn else na;
def czbot = if ccls == copn then ccls else na;
AddChart(high = chi, low = clo, open = cztop, close = czbot, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = color.white);


# day all
def dopn = if all_x then all_open[all_offset] else na;
def dcls = if all_x then all_close[all_offset] else na;
def dhi = if all_x then all_high[all_offset] else na;
def dlo = if all_x then all_low[all_offset] else na;

def duptop = if dcls > dopn then dcls else na;
def dupbot = if dcls > dopn then dopn else na;
AddChart(high = dhi, low = dlo, open = dupbot, close = duptop, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor =;

def ddwntop = if dcls < dopn then dopn else na;
def ddwnbot = if dcls < dopn then dcls else na;
AddChart(high = dhi, low = dlo, open = ddwntop, close = ddwnbot, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor =;

def dztop = if dcls == dopn then dopn else na;
def dzbot = if dcls == dopn then dcls else na;
AddChart(high = dhi, low = dlo, open = dztop, close = dzbot, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = color.white);


addchartbubble(lastbar, all_low*0.998,
, color.yellow, no);


# test data

addchartbubble(0, low,
getday() + "\n" +
, (if dayx then color.yellow else color.gray), no);

addchartbubble(0 and daypost, low, "x",, no);

addchartbubble(0, low,
prefirst + "\n" +
regfirst + "\n" +
, color.yellow, no);

addchartbubble(0 and post_x, 84,
 copn + "\n" +
 chi + "\n" +
 clo + "\n" +
, color. yellow);

addlabel(0, copn + chi + clo + ccls, color. yellow);


there probably are several studies here, that have different parts of what you are asking for.
i decided to start fresh and make it.

it draws 3 sets of lines, on the current day, for the 3 time periods, on a previous day.
pre , regular, post times

can pick an offset, to pick a previous day.
input days_back_date = 1;

it draws 4 candles, after the last bar, to represent the 4 time periods

# prev_day_levels2_00

#Previous Day Premarket Open, Low, High, Close. (0400 to 0930)
#Previous Day regular trading hours Open, Low, High, Close. (0930 to 1600)
#Previous Day post market Open, Low, High, Close. (1600 to 2000)
#Previous Day Open, Low, High, Close. (0400 to 2000)

def na = double.nan;
def bn = barnumber();

def lastbar = (!isnan(close) and isnan(close[-1]));
def newday = getday() <> getday()[1];
def currentday = getday() == getlastday();

#def cls2 = if isnan(close) then cls2[1] else close;
#def istoday = if GetLastDay() == GetDay() then 1 else 0;
#def isweek = if GetLastweek() == Getweek() then 1 else 0;
#def ismonth = if GetLastmonth() == Getmonth() then 1 else 0;

# 0 = current day ,  1 = prev day, 2 = 2 days ago
input days_back_date = 1;
def dayx = (getday() + days_back_date) == getlastday();


def start1 = 400;
def end1 = 930;
def daypre = if ( SecondsFromTime(start1) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(end1) > 0 ) then 1 else 0;

def start2 = 930;
def end2 = 1600;
def dayreg = if ( SecondsFromTime(start2) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(end2) > 0 ) then 1 else 0;

def start3 = 1600;
def end3 = 2000;
def daypost = if ( SecondsFromTime(start3) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(end3) > 0 ) then 1 else 0;

def start4 = start1;
def end4 = end3;
def dayall = if ( SecondsFromTime(start4) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(end4) > 0 ) then 1 else 0;


def prefirst = if !daypre[1] and daypre then 1 else 0;
def regfirst = if !dayreg[1] and dayreg then 1 else 0;
def postfirst = if !daypost[1] and daypost then 1 else 0;
def allfirst = prefirst;

def prelast = if daypre and !daypre[-1] then 1 else 0;
def reglast = if dayreg and !dayreg[-1] then 1 else 0;
def postlast = if daypost and !daypost[-1] then 1 else 0;
def alllast = postlast;


# pre day
def pre_open = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and prefirst then open else pre_open[1];
def pre_close = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and prelast then close else pre_close[1];
def pre_high = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and prefirst then high
  else if dayx and daypre and high > pre_high[1] then high
  else pre_high[1];
def pre_low = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and prefirst then low
  else if dayx and daypre and low < pre_low[1] then low
  else pre_low[1];


# reg day
def reg_open = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and regfirst then open else reg_open[1];
def reg_close = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and reglast then close else reg_close[1];
def reg_high = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and regfirst then high
  else if dayx and dayreg and high > reg_high[1] then high
  else reg_high[1];
def reg_low = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and regfirst then low
  else if dayx and dayreg and low < reg_low[1] then low
  else reg_low[1];


# post day
def post_open = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and postfirst then open else post_open[1];
def post_close = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and postlast then close else post_close[1];
def post_high = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and postfirst then high
  else if dayx and daypost and high > post_high[1] then high
  else post_high[1];
def post_low = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and postfirst then low
  else if dayx and daypost and low < post_low[1] then low
  else post_low[1];


# all day
def all_open = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and allfirst then open else all_open[1];
def all_close = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and alllast then close else all_close[1];
def all_high = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and allfirst then high
  else if dayx and dayall and high > all_high[1] then high
  else all_high[1];
def all_low = if isnan(close) then na else if dayx and allfirst then low
  else if dayx and dayall and low < all_low[1] then low
  else all_low[1];


plot z1 = if currentday then pre_open else na;
plot z2 = if currentday then pre_high else na;
plot z3 = if currentday then pre_low else na;
plot z4 = if currentday then pre_close else na;

plot z5 = if currentday then reg_open else na;
plot z6 = if currentday then reg_high else na;
plot z7 = if currentday then reg_low else na;
plot z8 = if currentday then reg_close else na;

plot z9 = if currentday then post_open else na;
plot z10 = if currentday then post_high else na;
plot z11 = if currentday then post_low else na;
plot z12 = if currentday then post_close else na;

# all day lines will be duplicates of others, so don't need to plot them
#plot z13 = if currentday then all_open else na;
#plot z14 = if currentday then all_high else na;
#plot z15 = if currentday then all_low else na;
#plot z16 = if currentday then all_close else na;

addlabel(1, "PRE", getcolor(1));
addlabel(1, "REG", getcolor(4));
addlabel(1, "POST", getcolor(9));


# create candles, after last bar,  that represent time periods, pre, reg, post, all
input pre_offset = 3;
input reg_offset = 6;
input post_offset = 9;
input all_offset = 12;

def pre_x = (!isnan(close[pre_offset]) and isnan(close[pre_offset-1]));
def reg_x = (!isnan(close[reg_offset]) and isnan(close[reg_offset-1]));
def post_x = (!isnan(close[post_offset]) and isnan(close[post_offset-1]));
def all_x = (!isnan(close[all_offset]) and isnan(close[all_offset-1]));

# --------------------------------------

# day pre
def aopn = if pre_x then pre_open[pre_offset] else na;
def acls = if pre_x then pre_close[pre_offset] else na;
def ahi = if pre_x then pre_high[pre_offset] else na;
def alo = if pre_x then pre_low[pre_offset] else na;

def auptop = if acls > aopn then acls else na;
def aupbot = if acls > aopn then aopn else na;
AddChart(high = ahi, low = alo, open = aupbot, close = auptop, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor =;

def adwntop = if acls < aopn then aopn else na;
def adwnbot = if acls < aopn then acls else na;
AddChart(high = ahi, low = alo, open = adwntop, close = adwnbot, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor =;

def aztop = if acls == aopn then aopn else na;
def azbot = if acls == aopn then acls else na;
AddChart(high = ahi, low = alo, open = aztop, close = azbot, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = color.white);

# --------------------------------------

# day reg
def bopn = if reg_x then reg_open[reg_offset] else na;
def bcls = if reg_x then reg_close[reg_offset] else na;
def bhi = if reg_x then reg_high[reg_offset] else na;
def blo = if reg_x then reg_low[reg_offset] else na;

def buptop = if bcls > bopn then bcls else na;
def bupbot = if bcls > bopn then bopn else na;
AddChart(high = bhi, low = blo, open = bupbot, close = buptop, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor =;

def bdwntop = if bcls < bopn then bopn else na;
def bdwnbot = if bcls < bopn then bcls else na;
AddChart(high = bhi, low = blo, open = bdwntop, close = bdwnbot, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor =;

def bztop = if bcls == bopn then bopn else na;
def bzbot = if bcls == bopn then bcls else na;
AddChart(high = bhi, low = blo, open = bztop, close = bzbot, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = color.white);

# --------------------------------------

# day post
def copn = if post_x then post_open[post_offset] else na;
def ccls = if post_x then post_close[post_offset] else na;
def chi = if post_x then post_high[post_offset] else na;
def clo = if post_x then post_low[post_offset] else na;

def cuptop = if ccls > copn then ccls else na;
def cupbot = if ccls > copn then copn else na;
AddChart(high = chi, low = clo, open = cupbot, close = cuptop, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor =;

def cdwntop = if ccls < copn then copn else na;
def cdwnbot = if ccls < copn then ccls else na;
AddChart(high = chi, low = clo, open = cdwntop, close = cdwnbot, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor =;

def cztop = if ccls == copn then copn else na;
def czbot = if ccls == copn then ccls else na;
AddChart(high = chi, low = clo, open = cztop, close = czbot, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = color.white);


# day all
def dopn = if all_x then all_open[all_offset] else na;
def dcls = if all_x then all_close[all_offset] else na;
def dhi = if all_x then all_high[all_offset] else na;
def dlo = if all_x then all_low[all_offset] else na;

def duptop = if dcls > dopn then dcls else na;
def dupbot = if dcls > dopn then dopn else na;
AddChart(high = dhi, low = dlo, open = dupbot, close = duptop, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor =;

def ddwntop = if dcls < dopn then dopn else na;
def ddwnbot = if dcls < dopn then dcls else na;
AddChart(high = dhi, low = dlo, open = ddwntop, close = ddwnbot, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor =;

def dztop = if dcls == dopn then dopn else na;
def dzbot = if dcls == dopn then dcls else na;
AddChart(high = dhi, low = dlo, open = dztop, close = dzbot, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = color.white);


addchartbubble(lastbar, all_low*0.998,
, color.yellow, no);


# test data

addchartbubble(0, low,
getday() + "\n" +
, (if dayx then color.yellow else color.gray), no);

addchartbubble(0 and daypost, low, "x",, no);

addchartbubble(0, low,
prefirst + "\n" +
regfirst + "\n" +
, color.yellow, no);

addchartbubble(0 and post_x, 84,
 copn + "\n" +
 chi + "\n" +
 clo + "\n" +
, color. yellow);

addlabel(0, copn + chi + clo + ccls, color. yellow);


Thanks man. I was looking for thins for a long time. Thank you very much.
Thanks man. I was looking for thins for a long time. Thank you very much.
Thanks man. I was looking for thins for a long time. Thank you very much.
I am sorry to bother you again. The code works perfectly exept on mondays because the previous day is sunday and also it does not works on days just after holidays. (the other thing is not important but how to make it work for the last three days or five or something like that. like plots monday levels on tuesday and tuesday levels on wednesday .....). Thanks in advance.

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