Predictive Stock Selectors


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2019 Donor
The following indicators are for a predictive stock software program. They are by Larry Williams, a Sentiment Index, and also his Electronic Market Accumulation Index.

Have any idea of how they might be calculate or how to write a TOS script? Any input appreciated.



Also, more info on Youtube:


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How much of your own research have you done? Larry Williams has been trading and writing indicators for 50 years. There is much discussion of ALL of his work on the web. Everything that he developed is pretty much an open book. If you start the discussion out with your attempt to code something, more people will be willing to help out. You will get out of trading what you put in. Sorry to be harsh, but you are asking people to spend their valuable time to create an "expensive" indicator for you, for free.....Good luck :)
How much of your own research have you done? Larry Williams has been trading and writing indicators for 50 years. There is much discussion of ALL of his work on the web. Everything that he developed is pretty much an open book. If you start the discussion out with your attempt to code something, more people will be willing to help out. You will get out of trading what you put in. Sorry to be harsh, but you are asking people to spend their valuable time to create an "expensive" indicator for you, for free.....Good luck :)
Sorry, my skills at coding are not great. I joined this forum because I am learning thinkscript and love TOS, but have a long way to go. I did look through his(Larry's) books,and searched on the web, etc. Perhaps there is something similar....a generic sentiment indicator. I ask because I have no idea how this is even calculated, so how could I code it? Maybe someone can point me in the right direction....that's all I'm asking. People on this forum are very helpful. What I lack in skill I can help by donating, until I improve(a lot). There is more than one way to contribute. But you're right.....back to the drawing board.....
Unless you can give us some sort of formula for the indicator you requested, we can hardly do anything about it.
I use VantagePoint and use these indicators. i bought them and the VP software - they are not cheap, but the neural index and predictive indicators do provide an advantage especially in 24-48hour accuracy. I use these 2 LW indicators together w the VP in nearly all my trade set ups. I have no idea how one would create these indicators in thinkscript.
I use VantagePoint and use these indicators. i bought them and the VP software - they are not cheap, but the neural index and predictive indicators do provide an advantage especially in 24-48hour accuracy. I use these 2 LW indicators together w the VP in nearly all my trade set ups. I have no idea how one would create these indicators in thinkscript.
Thanks for your response. I did end up purchasing them, and you're right, they cost. I find that the gray next day predictive bar is astonishingly accurate as to high/low some days, and completely off on others. I find crosses of the LW PSI below the 80 or above the 20 lines most helpful in determing trend changes. Any feedback on how you find the indicators most helpful would be appreciated. Also, as you commented, they are most accurate 28-48 hours after prediction. I, too have no idea how someone would begin to determine the logic behind LW's indicators.
snow 22 - great to have another VP user here. i also find the grey next day predictive bar is as you say very accurate, certainly directionally. i find that really you need to look at the neural index value w the grey next day predictive to predict if it will overshoot in the direction it is predicted to go. For most markets, it rare that it gets the next day directional move wrong. i am experimenting doing 0DTE (mostly spreads) w SPX (using the /ES market in VP as there is no SPX in VP) as well as the neural index and ST and MT Pred differences and i also use a very cool gauge in VP called Bull/Bear. I've just paper traded it for about 2 months M,W,F weeklys on SPX- so far it has been exceptional because with the spreads i'm betting on the direction, not just range bound butterflies or iron condors that most use for this trade. If you want to really learn how the LW PSI and EMAI are used together, i suggest you join their Live Trading Room at least for a month or two (you can cancel after that i think because you've learned basically the keys strategy and you can record the sessions for reviewing later), because the trainer on Tuesday and Friday uses these exclusively to find all kinds of trades and how to manage them together w the shorter term VP indicators (but not forex or options - those are for the other days of the week). He explains the set up well and the key takeaway for me is that PSI is a 3-10 day predictive move, as you say when it hits the 80/20 levels, the EMAI is good for a.) 2-6 wk early indicator while looking for the divergence w price or less effective but also helpful if once in a trending mode, price should generally follow it or better said, don't go against it. another analogy is EMAI are binoculars, PSI is your human eye and the VP NI, pred hi low next day, S/MT crossover, Pred differences are like a microscope. BTW, if you are looking for the equivalent of the VP triple cross for TOS, the Slim Ribbon indicator is essentially exactly the same.
Hi, thanks for your input! Also, thanks for the TOS does stand in well for the triple cross. Do you trade directional options as well as spreads? I'm not familiar with butterflies or iron condors so I don't understand the range bound limitation. I'm assuming you give yourself maximum room to take advantage of the trend, as VP is excellent in that regard.

I took your advice and joined the trading room...they have plenty of archived meetings which was definitely a plus. I too am glad to be able to share notes with a fellow user. VP is really terrific. It is really simple to understand on the surface, but training or trading room tips really help with the many subtle interpretations that a new user might miss.

A few things you mentioned that I'm not familiar with are the bull/bear guage or the 0DTE. Is bull/bear a new indicator? Is 0DTE zero days 'till expiration? You are trading weeklies?
Hi, thanks for your input! Also, thanks for the TOS does stand in well for the triple cross. Do you trade directional options as well as spreads? I'm not familiar with butterflies or iron condors so I don't understand the range bound limitation. I'm assuming you give yourself maximum room to take advantage of the trend, as VP is excellent in that regard.

I took your advice and joined the trading room...they have plenty of archived meetings which was definitely a plus. I too am glad to be able to share notes with a fellow user. VP is really terrific. It is really simple to understand on the surface, but training or trading room tips really help with the many subtle interpretations that a new user might miss.

A few things you mentioned that I'm not familiar with are the bull/bear gauge or the 0DTE. Is bull/bear a new indicator? Is 0DTE zero days 'till expiration? You are trading weeklies?
snow, debit spreads(calls and puts) is all i'm currently doing a self back test on the ODTE w SPX with the explanation above w mostly VP indicators, especially using the predict next day hi/low w neural index. these are zero days till expiration so you are taking advantage mostly of the rapid decay in theta, thus mostly selling premium - it's a firecracker with a short fuse and you are just trying to stay range bound during this one day event and letting the option expire worthless or getting out for minimal cost, sometimes out within a few hours, but it is 3 days a week trade(sometimes 4 as the weeklies sometimes expire on a thursday). I think you'll like the Live training room as yes, you will learn alot of nuances using the software that you wouldn't otherwise. each of the 3 instructors focuses on different things. Again for me, i joined for about 3 months, took a break and then rejoined again recently (make sure you ask for the discount - i paid $99/month and they will usually honor it if you drop it for a period of time and then pick it up later)Usually i don't join live because of time difference (i live in Asia currently). the bull/bear gauge is basically looking at the top 10 positive and top 10 negative correlated markets/stocks/currencies for your targeted market and then based on their next day predicted move it give a bullish or bearish prediction on your market . it does this for monthly/quarterly and yearly correlated markets and these often change so it is a "dynamic" list of correlated markets. In some ways it is like a short term sentiment indicator for the market you are looking at. I also like it because i can trade other stocks/futures that either highly correlated to the target market or use it to find similar for hedging w highly negatively correlated markets. As you can guess, this is not a cheap indicator and you need to also upgrade to VP Plus to use it, but i've already invested alot of $ in my trading education and i look at these are long term investments and will pay for themselves rapidly over time.
snow, debit spreads(calls and puts) is all i'm currently doing a self back test on the ODTE w SPX with the explanation above w mostly VP indicators, especially using the predict next day hi/low w neural index. these are zero days till expiration so you are taking advantage mostly of the rapid decay in theta, thus mostly selling premium - it's a firecracker with a short fuse and you are just trying to stay range bound during this one day event and letting the option expire worthless or getting out for minimal cost, sometimes out within a few hours, but it is 3 days a week trade(sometimes 4 as the weeklies sometimes expire on a thursday). I think you'll like the Live training room as yes, you will learn alot of nuances using the software that you wouldn't otherwise. each of the 3 instructors focuses on different things. Again for me, i joined for about 3 months, took a break and then rejoined again recently (make sure you ask for the discount - i paid $99/month and they will usually honor it if you drop it for a period of time and then pick it up later)Usually i don't join live because of time difference (i live in Asia currently). the bull/bear gauge is basically looking at the top 10 positive and top 10 negative correlated markets/stocks/currencies for your targeted market and then based on their next day predicted move it give a bullish or bearish prediction on your market . it does this for monthly/quarterly and yearly correlated markets and these often change so it is a "dynamic" list of correlated markets. In some ways it is like a short term sentiment indicator for the market you are looking at. I also like it because i can trade other stocks/futures that either highly correlated to the target market or use it to find similar for hedging w highly negatively correlated markets. As you can guess, this is not a cheap indicator and you need to also upgrade to VP Plus to use it, but i've already invested alot of $ in my trading education and i look at these are long term investments and will pay for themselves rapidly over time.
Yes, I definitely agree, they are worth it and I'm addicted. I will have to inquire about the plus version and bull/bear, but I will just listen in the trading room for the next few weeks first. I regularly attend the VP University as you can ask questions there too and they teach refinements in applying VP for all sorts of trading application.

You will never regret joing usethinkscript.....this is a marvelous resource and everyone pitches in to help. My favorite indicators in this forum are the supertrend and moxie indicators, along with standard pivot levels. They excel for intraday trading, if that's your preference. So, in doing your debit spreads, do you want to enter the trade after momentum has dried up and the underlying is consolidating/going nowhere?
snow 22 - great to have another VP user here. i also find the grey next day predictive bar is as you say very accurate, certainly directionally. i find that really you need to look at the neural index value w the grey next day predictive to predict if it will overshoot in the direction it is predicted to go. For most markets, it rare that it gets the next day directional move wrong. i am experimenting doing 0DTE (mostly spreads) w SPX (using the /ES market in VP as there is no SPX in VP) as well as the neural index and ST and MT Pred differences and i also use a very cool gauge in VP called Bull/Bear. I've just paper traded it for about 2 months M,W,F weeklys on SPX- so far it has been exceptional because with the spreads i'm betting on the direction, not just range bound butterflies or iron condors that most use for this trade. If you want to really learn how the LW PSI and EMAI are used together, i suggest you join their Live Trading Room at least for a month or two (you can cancel after that i think because you've learned basically the keys strategy and you can record the sessions for reviewing later), because the trainer on Tuesday and Friday uses these exclusively to find all kinds of trades and how to manage them together w the shorter term VP indicators (but not forex or options - those are for the other days of the week). He explains the set up well and the key takeaway for me is that PSI is a 3-10 day predictive move, as you say when it hits the 80/20 levels, the EMAI is good for a.) 2-6 wk early indicator while looking for the divergence w price or less effective but also helpful if once in a trending mode, price should generally follow it or better said, don't go against it. another analogy is EMAI are binoculars, PSI is your human eye and the VP NI, pred hi low next day, S/MT crossover, Pred differences are like a microscope. BTW, if you are looking for the equivalent of the VP triple cross for TOS, the Slim Ribbon indicator is essentially exactly the same.
I fail to see how it is the same, I have it loaded on the chart and side by side comparison with the Triple from VP they don't tell the same story, perhaps I am not understanding what setting or time intervals you are using. What are your thoughts?
Hi guys, I am very new to trading. I know it could be irrelevant to the scripts but I wan to get an insight from more professional traders. I have been looking into an automated stock picker to help me out. I heard about MOMO Pro, Stock Rover, and Trade Idea. MOMO Pro and Stock Rover are within my budget. Do you have any recommendations or other suggestions? Thanks
snow, debit spreads(calls and puts) is all i'm currently doing a self back test on the ODTE w SPX with the explanation above w mostly VP indicators, especially using the predict next day hi/low w neural index. these are zero days till expiration so you are taking advantage mostly of the rapid decay in theta, thus mostly selling premium - it's a firecracker with a short fuse and you are just trying to stay range bound during this one day event and letting the option expire worthless or getting out for minimal cost, sometimes out within a few hours, but it is 3 days a week trade(sometimes 4 as the weeklies sometimes expire on a thursday). I think you'll like the Live training room as yes, you will learn alot of nuances using the software that you wouldn't otherwise. each of the 3 instructors focuses on different things. Again for me, i joined for about 3 months, took a break and then rejoined again recently (make sure you ask for the discount - i paid $99/month and they will usually honor it if you drop it for a period of time and then pick it up later)Usually i don't join live because of time difference (i live in Asia currently). the bull/bear gauge is basically looking at the top 10 positive and top 10 negative correlated markets/stocks/currencies for your targeted market and then based on their next day predicted move it give a bullish or bearish prediction on your market . it does this for monthly/quarterly and yearly correlated markets and these often change so it is a "dynamic" list of correlated markets. In some ways it is like a short term sentiment indicator for the market you are looking at. I also like it because i can trade other stocks/futures that either highly correlated to the target market or use it to find similar for hedging w highly negatively correlated markets. As you can guess, this is not a cheap indicator and you need to also upgrade to VP Plus to use it, but i've already invested alot of $ in my trading education and i look at these are long term investments and will pay for themselves rapidly over time.
I was looking for an easy to use back tester to test options strategies. tos is to slow on think back and not very high tech for stuff like that. Have u found a back tester you like?
snow 22 - great to have another VP user here. i also find the grey next day predictive bar is as you say very accurate, certainly directionally. i find that really you need to look at the neural index value w the grey next day predictive to predict if it will overshoot in the direction it is predicted to go. For most markets, it rare that it gets the next day directional move wrong. i am experimenting doing 0DTE (mostly spreads) w SPX (using the /ES market in VP as there is no SPX in VP) as well as the neural index and ST and MT Pred differences and i also use a very cool gauge in VP called Bull/Bear. I've just paper traded it for about 2 months M,W,F weeklys on SPX- so far it has been exceptional because with the spreads i'm betting on the direction, not just range bound butterflies or iron condors that most use for this trade. If you want to really learn how the LW PSI and EMAI are used together, i suggest you join their Live Trading Room at least for a month or two (you can cancel after that i think because you've learned basically the keys strategy and you can record the sessions for reviewing later), because the trainer on Tuesday and Friday uses these exclusively to find all kinds of trades and how to manage them together w the shorter term VP indicators (but not forex or options - those are for the other days of the week). He explains the set up well and the key takeaway for me is that PSI is a 3-10 day predictive move, as you say when it hits the 80/20 levels, the EMAI is good for a.) 2-6 wk early indicator while looking for the divergence w price or less effective but also helpful if once in a trending mode, price should generally follow it or better said, don't go against it. another analogy is EMAI are binoculars, PSI is your human eye and the VP NI, pred hi low next day, S/MT crossover, Pred differences are like a microscope. BTW, if you are looking for the equivalent of the VP triple cross for TOS, the Slim Ribbon indicator is essentially exactly the same.
I like the slim ribbon, never heard of it until ur post. thank you. Any other tools that are similar to VP tools?
snow, debit spreads(calls and puts) is all i'm currently doing a self back test on the ODTE w SPX with the explanation above w mostly VP indicators, especially using the predict next day hi/low w neural index. these are zero days till expiration so you are taking advantage mostly of the rapid decay in theta, thus mostly selling premium - it's a firecracker with a short fuse and you are just trying to stay range bound during this one day event and letting the option expire worthless or getting out for minimal cost, sometimes out within a few hours, but it is 3 days a week trade(sometimes 4 as the weeklies sometimes expire on a thursday). I think you'll like the Live training room as yes, you will learn alot of nuances using the software that you wouldn't otherwise. each of the 3 instructors focuses on different things. Again for me, i joined for about 3 months, took a break and then rejoined again recently (make sure you ask for the discount - i paid $99/month and they will usually honor it if you drop it for a period of time and then pick it up later)Usually i don't join live because of time difference (i live in Asia currently). the bull/bear gauge is basically looking at the top 10 positive and top 10 negative correlated markets/stocks/currencies for your targeted market and then based on their next day predicted move it give a bullish or bearish prediction on your market . it does this for monthly/quarterly and yearly correlated markets and these often change so it is a "dynamic" list of correlated markets. In some ways it is like a short term sentiment indicator for the market you are looking at. I also like it because i can trade other stocks/futures that either highly correlated to the target market or use it to find similar for hedging w highly negatively correlated markets. As you can guess, this is not a cheap indicator and you need to also upgrade to VP Plus to use it, but i've already invested alot of $ in my trading education and i look at these are long term investments and will pay for themselves rapidly over time.
hey bud... can you share the link for the VP? I would like to subscribe... thanks
I use VantagePoint and use these indicators. i bought them and the VP software - they are not cheap, but the neural index and predictive indicators do provide an advantage especially in 24-48hour accuracy. I use these 2 LW indicators together w the VP in nearly all my trade set ups. I have no idea how one would create these indicators in thinkscript.
How material has been the impact on your trading results? Your average daily take went from what to what? I'm reminded from my experience in the quant world that the models that make money are not exceptionally accurate, they're right about 40-50% of the time, but they pay off when they're right with outsized returns. Highly accurate models tend to have weak payoffs. I've heard this repeatedly. Most recently from Haim Mozes who wrote the original StarMine Smart Estimate model. The more uncertain the prediction, the higher the payoff. So if VantagePoint is touting the accuracy of their model that strikes me as retail marketing and calls into question their quantitative bona fides.
How material has been the impact on your trading results? Your average daily take went from what to what? I'm reminded from my experience in the quant world that the models that make money are not exceptionally accurate, they're right about 40-50% of the time, but they pay off when they're right with outsized returns. Highly accurate models tend to have weak payoffs. I've heard this repeatedly. Most recently from Haim Mozes who wrote the original StarMine Smart Estimate model. The more uncertain the prediction, the higher the payoff. So if VantagePoint is touting the accuracy of their model that strikes me as retail marketing and calls into question their quantitative bona fides.

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