Hi Sally, if i am trying to plot only for current month using GetMonth() != GetMonth()[1] . its acting weired. can you pls help to plot for current month pls.
Code:#HL_Month input showcurrentonly = yes; def hi = if GetMonth() != GetMonth()[1] then high(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY) else hi[1]; plot h = if showcurrentonly and GetMonth() != GetLastMonth() then Double.NaN else hi; h.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.DASHES); h.SetDefaultColor(Color.GREEN); def lo = if GetMonth() != GetMonth()[1] then low(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY) else lo[1]; plot l =...
HI, I am trying to plot 1st Day of the month's High and LOW . i want to use this as a range for my Swings for that month.
Code:#HL_Month def hi = if GetMonth() != GetMonth()[1] then high else hi[1]; plot h = hi; h.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.DASHES); h.setdefaultColor(color.green); def lo = if GetMonth() != GetMonth()[1] then low else lo[1]; plot l = lo; l.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.DASHES); l.setdefaultColor(color.red); input cloud = no; defineGlobalColor("Cloud", color.light_gray); addcloud(if !cloud then double.nan else h, l, globalColor("Cloud"), globalColor("Cloud")); #
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Hi Sally, if i am trying to plot only for current month using GetMonth() != GetMonth()[1] . its acting weired. can you pls help to plot for current month pls.This plots those lines and has an optional cloud.
Hi Sally, if i am trying to plot only for current month using GetMonth() != GetMonth()[1] . its acting weired. can you pls help to plot for current month pls.
Code:#HL_Month input showcurrentonly = yes; def hi = if GetMonth() != GetMonth()[1] then high(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY) else hi[1]; plot h = if showcurrentonly and GetMonth() != GetLastMonth() then Double.NaN else hi; h.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.DASHES); h.SetDefaultColor(Color.GREEN); def lo = if GetMonth() != GetMonth()[1] then low(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY) else lo[1]; plot l = if showcurrentonly and GetMonth() != GetLastMonth() then Double.NaN else lo; l.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.DASHES); l.SetDefaultColor(Color.RED); input cloud = no; DefineGlobalColor("Cloud", Color.LIGHT_GRAY); AddCloud(if !cloud then Double.NaN else h, l, GlobalColor("Cloud"), GlobalColor("Cloud")); #
Hi Sleepyz, Thank you . Trying to see how can we draw the range for Highs and lows of 1st 10 business days of the month(January for example ) . I see above has different approaches which cant be used to find out for 10 days. can you help meThis should plot just the current month's h/l. This version should also work on intraday charts with enough days displayed on the chart for the month.
Hi Sleepyz, Thank you . Trying to see how can we draw the range for Highs and lows of 1st 10 business days of the month(January for example ) . I see above has different approaches which cant be used to find out for 10 days. can you help me
Thank you
Code:#Plot H/L 1st 10 trading days of Last Month Extended input days = 10; def ymd = GetYYYYMMDD(); def ct = if GetMonth() != GetMonth()[1] and ymd then 1 else if ymd != ymd[1] then ct[1] + 1 else ct[1]; def h = if isnan(close) then h[1] else if ct[1] != 1 and ct == 1 then high else if ct <= days then Max(high, h[1]) else h[1]; plot hh_x_days = if GetMonth() != GetLastMonth() then Double.NaN else h; def l = CompoundValue(1, if isnan(close) then l[1] else if ct[1] != 1 and ct == 1 then low else if ct <= days then Min(low, l[1]) else l[1], low); plot ll_xdays = if GetMonth() != GetLastMonth() then Double.NaN else l; input verticals = yes; addverticalLine(verticals and getmonth()!=getmonth()[1], " ", color.white); addverticalLine(verticals and ct==11 and ct[1] == 10, " ", color.white); #
THANK YOU SkeepyZ. Each version has diff logic . Any idea how can we have this as a scan column for the stocks which close is above high / Low of this range
Code:#Plot H/L 1st 10 trading days of Last Month Extended input days = 2; def ymd = GetYYYYMMDD(); def ct = if GetMonth() != GetMonth()[1] and ymd then 1 else if ymd != ymd[1] then ct[1] + 1 else ct[1]; def h = if isnan(close) then h[1] else if ct[1] != 1 and ct == 1 then high else if ct <= days then Max(high, h[1]) else h[1]; plot scan_high = close > h; def l = CompoundValue(1, if isnan(close) then l[1] else if ct[1] != 1 and ct == 1 then low else if ct <= days then Min(low, l[1]) else l[1], low); #plot scanlow = close < l; #
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