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percentage change label


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Hello, the script is fine in regular trading hours.
How can I tweak to let it work outside RTH ? Thanks!

input period_Type = AggregationPeriod.DAY;

def begin = close(period = period_Type)[1];
def end = close(period = period_Type);
def NetChg = end - begin;
def PctChg = (end / begin) - 1;

AddLabel(yes, "" + (NetChg) + " " + AsPercent(PctChg), if NetChg > 0 then CreateColor(100,200,100) else if NetChg < 0 then CreateColor(255,125,125) else color.LIGHT_GRAY);

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Hello, the script is fine in regular trading hours.
How can I tweak to let it work outside RTH ? Thanks!

input period_Type = AggregationPeriod.DAY;

def begin = close(period = period_Type)[1];
def end = close(period = period_Type);
def NetChg = end - begin;
def PctChg = (end / begin) - 1;

AddLabel(yes, "" + (NetChg) + " " + AsPercent(PctChg), if NetChg > 0 then CreateColor(100,200,100) else if NetChg < 0 then CreateColor(255,125,125) else color.LIGHT_GRAY);

See if this what you want by substituting 'def end = close' for end instead of 'def end = close(period = period_Type)'. Otherwise, please describe the period that defines 'outside RTH.'


input period_Type = AggregationPeriod.DAY;

def begin = close(period = period_Type)[1];
def end = close(period = period_Type);
def NetChg = end - begin;
def PctChg = (end / begin) - 1;

AddLabel(yes, "" + (NetChg) + " " + AsPercent(PctChg), if NetChg > 0 then CreateColor(100,200,100) else if NetChg < 0 then CreateColor(255,125,125) else color.LIGHT_GRAY);

def end1    = close;
def NetChg1 = end1 - begin;
def PctChg1 = (end1 / begin) - 1;

AddLabel(yes, "" + (NetChg1) + " " + AsPercent(PctChg1), if NetChg1 > 0 then CreateColor(100,200,100) else if NetChg1 < 0 then CreateColor(255,125,125) else color.LIGHT_GRAY);

input debug = yes;
addlabel(debug, "begin: " + begin + " end: " + end + " end1: " + close, color.white);
What I'd like is current price (after hour + premarket + regular trading hours)
CHG relative to previous day close.
So: always label visible.

Let me check better because weirdly on the weekend I can see label.
I expected black label as it was during the week outside RTH.
I'll write again eventually. Thanks.
Maybe if you have quick time you could check the script to find when it's expected to display black label.
I didn't write that script, I just tweaked colours.
What I'd like is current price (after hour + premarket + regular trading hours)
CHG relative to previous day close.
So: always label visible.

Let me check better because weirdly on the weekend I can see label.
I expected black label as it was during the week outside RTH.
I'll write again eventually. Thanks.
Maybe if you have quick time you could check the script to find when it's expected to display black label.
I didn't write that script, I just tweaked colours.

See if this is more of what you were looking to get


input showPriorCloseBasis = yes;
input marketopen     = 0930;
input marketclose    = 1600;
input dayend         = 2359;#end of day
input dayopen        = 0000;#beginning of new day
def c                = close;
def closepd          = close(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY)[1];
def closetd          = close(period = aggregationPeriod.DAY);
def closeam          = if SecondsFromTime(marketclose) > 0 and
                          SecondsTillTime(dayend) > 0
                       then c
                       else closeam[1];
def closepm          = if SecondsFromTime(dayopen) > 0 and
                          SecondsTillTime(marketopen) > 0
                       then c
                       else closepm[1];
def closerth         = if SecondsFromTime(marketopen) >= 0 and
                          SecondsTillTime(marketclose) >= 0
                       then c
                       else closerth[1];

AddLabel(1, (if !showPriorCloseBasis
            then ""
            else "Prior " +
            (if GetYYYYMMDD() and SecondsFromTime(marketclose) > 0 and SecondsTillTime(dayend) > 0
            then closetd
            else closepd)) +
            " After:  " + closeam + " Chg " + (closeam -
            (if GetYYYYMMDD() and SecondsFromTime(marketclose) > 0 and SecondsTillTime(dayend) > 0
             then closetd
             else closepd)) +
            " " + (100 * (closeam /
            (if GetYYYYMMDD() and SecondsFromTime(marketclose) > 0 and SecondsTillTime(dayend) > 0
             then closetd
             else closepd) - 1)) +
            "%", if (closeam -
            (if GetYYYYMMDD() and SecondsFromTime(marketclose) > 0 and SecondsTillTime(dayend) > 0
             then closetd
             else closepd)) < 0
             then Color.PINK
             else Color.LIGHT_GREEN);

AddLabel(1, " ", Color.BLACK); #Spacer

AddLabel(1, if SecondsFromTime(marketclose) > 0
            then "PreMarket Closed  "
            else (if !showPriorCloseBasis
                  then ""
                  else "Prior " + closepd) + " Pre:  " + closepm +
                       " Chg " + astext(closepm - closepd) +
                       " " + (100 * (closepm / closepd - 1)) + "%",
           if SecondsFromTime(marketclose) > 0
           then Color.WHITE
           else if (closepm - closepd) < 0
           then Color.PINK
           else Color.LIGHT_GREEN);

AddLabel(1, " ", Color.BLACK); #Spacer

AddLabel(1,  if !(SecondsFromTime(marketopen) >= 0 and
                  SecondsTillTime(marketclose) >= 0)
             then "RTH Closed  "
             else if !showPriorCloseBasis
             then ""
             else "Prior " + closepd + " RTH:  " + closerth +
                  " Chg " + astext(closerth - closepd) +
                  " " + (100 * (closerth / closepd - 1)) + "%",
             if !(SecondsFromTime(marketopen) >= 0 and
                  SecondsTillTime(marketclose) >= 0)
             then Color.WHITE
             else if (closerth - closepd) < 0
             then Color.PINK
             else Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
Last edited:
Well thanks ! Yours looks like a brand new script.
Labels are visible in pre-market, I was hoping for a tweak of the script I provided
because I very much need small labels , ideally one.
So I guess I'll try to tweak your ideas in the script I provided ... let's see if I can, thanks !
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Well pre-market I can see label so I'd assume you solved my issue ..and thanks :)

That version used the previous day's close for 'After Market' (AM). If you want 'AM' to be based upon the close 'Today' rather than the 'Prior Day', then this should work. [Edited code 7.22 Code needs fixed]
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That version used the previous day's close for 'After Market' (AM). If you want 'AM' to be based upon the close 'Today' rather than the 'Prior Day', then this should work. [Edited code 7.22 Code needs fixed]

Here is the revised code. Hopefully, this now captures the correct prior closes to determine the percentage change for Aftermarket, Premarket and Regular Trading Hours. When the market closes, the Aftermarket label will show using the prior day value as that day's RTHours close.. Thereafter, the Premarket will show and use the same prior day close as the Aftemarket label. Finallly, the Regular Trading Hours label will show. When the Aftermarket starts again, the Premarket and RTHours labels will appear 'closed'.

You can input whether you want to display the Prior Day's value basis in the labels.

input showPriorCloseBasis = yes;
input marketopen     = 0930;
input marketclose    = 1600;
input dayend         = 2359;#end of day
input dayopen        = 0000;#beginning of new day
def c                = close;
def closepd          = close(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY)[1];
def closetd          = close(period = aggregationPeriod.DAY);
def closeam          = if SecondsFromTime(marketclose) > 0 and
                          SecondsTillTime(dayend) > 0
                       then c
                       else closeam[1];
def closepm          = if SecondsFromTime(dayopen) > 0 and
                          SecondsTillTime(marketopen) > 0
                       then c
                       else closepm[1];
def closerth         = if SecondsFromTime(marketopen) >= 0 and
                          SecondsTillTime(marketclose) >= 0
                       then c
                       else closerth[1];

AddLabel(1, (if !showPriorCloseBasis
            then ""
            else "Prior " +
            (if GetYYYYMMDD() and SecondsFromTime(marketclose) > 0 and SecondsTillTime(dayend) > 0
            then closetd
            else closepd)) +
            " After:  " + closeam + " Chg " + (closeam -
            (if GetYYYYMMDD() and SecondsFromTime(marketclose) > 0 and SecondsTillTime(dayend) > 0
             then closetd
             else closepd)) +
            " " + (100 * (closeam /
            (if GetYYYYMMDD() and SecondsFromTime(marketclose) > 0 and SecondsTillTime(dayend) > 0
             then closetd
             else closepd) - 1)) +
            "%", if (closeam -
            (if GetYYYYMMDD() and SecondsFromTime(marketclose) > 0 and SecondsTillTime(dayend) > 0
             then closetd
             else closepd)) < 0
             then Color.PINK
             else Color.LIGHT_GREEN);

AddLabel(1, " ", Color.BLACK); #Spacer

AddLabel(1, if SecondsFromTime(marketclose) > 0
            then "PreMarket Closed  "
            else (if !showPriorCloseBasis
                  then ""
                  else "Prior " + closepd) + " Pre:  " + closepm +
                       " Chg " + astext(closepm - closepd) +
                       " " + (100 * (closepm / closepd - 1)) + "%",
           if SecondsFromTime(marketclose) > 0
           then Color.WHITE
           else if (closepm - closepd) < 0
           then Color.PINK
           else Color.LIGHT_GREEN);

AddLabel(1, " ", Color.BLACK); #Spacer

AddLabel(1,  if !(SecondsFromTime(marketopen) >= 0 and
                  SecondsTillTime(marketclose) >= 0)
             then "RTH Closed  "
             else if !showPriorCloseBasis
             then ""
             else "Prior " + closepd + " RTH:  " + closerth +
                  " Chg " + astext(closerth - closepd) +
                  " " + (100 * (closerth / closepd - 1)) + "%",
             if !(SecondsFromTime(marketopen) >= 0 and
                  SecondsTillTime(marketclose) >= 0)
             then Color.WHITE
             else if (closerth - closepd) < 0
             then Color.PINK
             else Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
Last edited:

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