OBV MACD Indicator For ThinkOrSwim


New member
This seems to work well.

"Notes by author:
So this script is my improvement to macd that we all know. It faster and more accurate with less lag
first is based on OBV as it primary source
next we convert the OBV to MA style format, in this case we can add all form of MA in order to calculate it. As you will see in settings it has many type of MA as each behave differently
I make the signal to be in linear form just to make it more sharp/ and in the end in order to make the signal I use Alex Grover method (this guy is a genius:))
in final step, we can make pivots point on our new for macd
end result is a faster, more accurate MACD and much more options for modification than the regular macd
this is volume indicator based, so in some graph where volume does not exist this will not wo

Here is the original Tradingview code:

For the new ThinkOrSwim code, you must scroll down to the next post
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This seem to work well and wanted to see if this can be converted to Thinkscript

Credits to RafaelZioni

"Notes by author:
So this script is my improvement to macd that we all know . it faster and more accurate with less lag
first is based on OBV as it primary source
next we convert the OBV to MA style format , in this case we can add all form of MA in order to calculate it . as you will see in settimgs it has many type of MA as each beahave differently
I make the signal to be in linear form jst to make it more sharp/ and in the end in order to make the signal i use Alex grover method (this guy is a genius:) )
in final step we can make pivots point on our new for macd
end resolt is a faster more accurate MACD and much more options fro modification then the regular macd
this is volume indicator based so in some graph where volume does not exist this will not wo

Open-source script​

In true TradingView spirit, the author of this script has published it open-source, so traders can understand and verify it. Cheers to the author! You may use it for free, but reuse of this code in publication is governed by House rules. You can favorite it to use it on a chart.

View attachment 23807


study("OBV MACD Indicator",overlay=false)
src1 = close
window_len = 28
v_len = 14
price_spread = stdev(high-low, window_len)
v = cum(sign(change(src1)) * volume)
smooth = sma(v, v_len)
v_spread = stdev(v - smooth, window_len)
shadow = (v - smooth) / v_spread * price_spread
out = shadow > 0 ? high + shadow : low + shadow
//plot(out, style=line,linewidth=3, color=color)
len10=input(1,title="OBV Length ")
src = obvema
type = input(defval="DEMA", title="MA Type", options=["TDEMA", "TTEMA", "TEMA", "DEMA", "EMA", "AVG", "THMA", "ZLEMA", "ZLDEMA", "ZLTEMA", "DZLEMA", "TZLEMA", "LLEMA", "NMA"])
showma = true
len = input(9, title="MA Length ")
showma1 = false
len1 = 26
showma2 =false
len2 = 52
nma(src, length1, length2) =>
lambda = length1 / length2
alpha = lambda * (length1 - 1) / (length1 - lambda)
ma1 = ema(src, length1)
ma2 = ema(ma1, length2)
nma = (1 + alpha) * ma1 - alpha * ma2

dema(src, len) =>
ma1 = ema(src, len)
ma2 = ema(ma1, len)
2 * ma1 - ma2
tema(src, len) =>
ma1 = ema(src, len)
ma2 = ema(ma1, len)
ma3 = ema(ma2, len)
3 * (ma1 - ma2) + ma3
tdema(src, len) =>
ma1 = dema(src, len)
ma2 = dema(ma1, len)
ma3 = dema(ma2, len)
3 * (ma1 - ma2) + ma3
ttema(src, len) =>
ma1 = tema(src, len)
ma2 = tema(ma1, len)
ma3 = tema(ma2, len)
3 * (ma1 - ma2) + ma3
tnma(src, len) =>
ma1 = nma(src, len, 3)
ma2 = nma(ma1, len, 3)
ma3 = nma(ma2, len, 3)
3 * (ma1 - ma2) + ma3
hma(src, len) => wma(2*wma(src, len/2)-wma(src, len), round(sqrt(len)))
thma(src, len) =>
ma1 = hma(src, len)
ma2 = hma(ma1, len)
ma3 = hma(ma2, len)
3 * (ma1 - ma2) + ma3
zlema(src, len) =>
lag = round((len - 1) / 2)
zlsrc = src + (src - src[lag])
ema(zlsrc, len)
zldema(src, len) =>
lag = round((len - 1) / 2)
zlsrc = src + (src - src[lag])
dema(zlsrc, len)

zltema(src, len) =>
lag = round((len - 1) / 2)
zlsrc = src + (src - src[lag])
tema(zlsrc, len)

dzlema(src, len) =>
ma1 = zlema(src, len)
ma2 = zlema(ma1, len)
2 * ma1 - ma2
tzlema(src, len) =>
ma1 = zlema(src, len)
ma2 = zlema(ma1, len)
ma3 = zlema(ma2, len)
3 * (ma1 - ma2) + ma3
llema(src, len) =>
srcnew = 0.25*src + 0.5*src[1] + 0.25*src[2]
ema(srcnew, len)

lltema(src, len) =>
srcnew = 0.25*src + 0.5*src[1] + 0.25*src[2]
tema(srcnew, len)
myma(src, len) =>
if type == "EMA"
ema(src, len)
if type == "DEMA"
dema(src, len)
if type == "TEMA"
tema(src, len)
if type == "TDEMA"
tdema(src, len)
if type == "TTEMA"
ttema(src, len)
if type == "THMA"
thma(src, len)
if type == "ZLEMA"
zlema(src, len)
if type == "ZLDEMA"
zldema(src, len)
if type == "ZLTEMA"
zltema(src, len)
if type == "DZLEMA"
dzlema(src, len)
if type == "TZLEMA"
tzlema(src, len)
if type == "LLEMA"
llema(src, len)
if type == "NMA"
nma(src, len, len1)
avg(ttema(src, len), tdema(src, len))

ma = showma ? myma(src, len) : na
slow_length = input(title="MACD Slow Length", type=input.integer, defval=26)
//signal_length = input(title="MACD Signal Smoothing", type=input.integer, minval = 1, maxval = 50, defval = 9)
// Calculating MACD
slow_ma = ema(src12, slow_length)
macd =ma-slow_ma
//signal = ema(macd, signal_length)
src5 = macd
len5 = input(2)
offset = 0
calcSlope(src5, len5) =>
sumX = 0.0
sumY = 0.0
sumXSqr = 0.0
sumXY = 0.0
for i = 1 to len5
val = src5[len5-i]
per = i + 1.0
sumX := sumX + per
sumY := sumY + val
sumXSqr := sumXSqr + per * per
sumXY := sumXY + val * per

slope = (len5 * sumXY - sumX * sumY) / (len5 * sumXSqr - sumX * sumX)
average = sumY / len5
intercept = average - slope * sumX / len5 + slope
[slope, average, intercept]
var float tmp = na
[s, a5, i] = calcSlope(src5, len5)
tt1=(i + s * (len5 - offset))
////script based on alex grover from https://www.tradingview.com/script/KzTi6CZP-T-Channels/
p = 1,src15=tt1
b5 = 0.,dev5 = 0.,oc = 0
n5 = cum(1) - 1
a15 = cum(abs(src15 - nz(b5[1],src15)))/n5*p
b5 := src15 > nz(b5[1],src15) + a15 ? src15 : src15 < nz(b5[1],src15) - a15 ? src15 : nz(b5[1],src15)
dev5 := change(b5) ? a15 : nz(dev5[1],a15)
oc := change(b5) > 0 ? 1 : change(b5) < 0 ? -1 : nz(oc[1])
cs = oc == 1 ? color.blue : color.red
down = change(oc)<0
up = change(oc)>0
plot(showsignal and up ?tt1 :na, style=plot.style_cross, color=color.blue, linewidth=4, transp=0,offset=-1)
plot(showsignal and down ?tt1 :na, style=plot.style_cross, color=color.red, linewidth=4, transp=0,offset=-1)
//hist = macd - signal
//barColor =hist >= 0 and hist> signal ? color.teal : hist > 0 and hist < signal ? color.lime : hist < 0 and hist < signal ? color.red : color.orange
//plot(hist, color=barColor, style=plot.style_histogram, linewidth=3)

upper = tt1
lower = tt1
// DIVS code
piv = input(true, "Hide pivots?")
shrt = false
xbars = input(50, "period", input.integer, minval=1)
hb = abs(highestbars(upper, xbars))
lb = abs(lowestbars(lower, xbars))
max = float(na)
max_upper = float(na)
min = float(na)
min_lower = float(na)
pivoth = bool(na)
pivotl = bool(na)

max := hb == 0 ? close : na(max[1]) ? close : max[1]
max_upper := hb == 0 ? upper : na(max_upper[1]) ? upper : max_upper[1]
min := lb == 0 ? close : na(min[1]) ? close : min[1]
min_lower := lb == 0 ? lower : na(min_lower[1]) ? lower : min_lower[1]

if close > max
max := close
if upper > max_upper
max_upper := upper
if close < min_lower
min_lower := lower
if lower < min_lower
min_lower := lower

pivoth := max_upper == max_upper[2] and max_upper[2] != max_upper[3] ? true : na
pivotl := min_lower == min_lower[2] and min_lower[2] != min_lower[3] ? true : na
plotshape(piv ? na : shrt ? na : pivoth ? max_upper + 2 : na, location=location.absolute, style=shape.labeldown, color=color.red, size=size.tiny, text="Pivot", textcolor=color.white, transp=0, offset=0)
plotshape(piv ? na : shrt ? na : pivotl ? min_lower - 2 : na, location=location.absolute, style=shape.labelup, color=color.blue, size=size.tiny, text="Pivot", textcolor=color.white, transp=0, offset=0)
check the below:

#// Indicator for TOS
#// @RafaelZioni
#study("OBV MACD Indicator",overlay=false)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 01/2025
declare lower;

input showsignal = no;
input showPivot = no; #, "Show pivots?")
input src = close;
input obvAverageLength = 14;
input stdevLength = 28;
input obvSmoothingLength = 1; #,title="OBV Length ")
input LinearRegLength = 2;
input movAvgType = {"TDEMA", "TTEMA", "TEMA",Default "DEMA", "EMA", "AVG", "THMA", "ZLEMA", "ZLDEMA", "ZLTEMA", "DZLEMA", "TZLEMA", "LLEMA", "NMA"};
input movAvgLength = 9; #, title="MA Length ")
input macdSrc = close;
input macdSlowLength = 26; #(title="MACD Slow Length", type=input.integer, defval=26)
input factor = 1.0;
input lookbackPeriod = 50; #, "period", input.integer, minval=1)

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = IsNaN(close);
DefineGlobalColor("up" , CreateColor(33, 150, 243));
DefineGlobalColor("Dn", Color.DOWNTICK);

Script nma {
input src = close;
input length1 = 9;
input length2 = 26;
    def lambda = length1 / length2;
    def alpha = lambda * (length1 - 1) / (length1 - lambda);
    def ma1 = ExpAverage(src, length1);
    def ma2 = ExpAverage(ma1, length2);
    def nma = (1 + alpha) * ma1 - alpha * ma2;
    plot out = nma;
Script tdema {
input src = close;
input len = 9;
    def ma1 = dema(src, len);
    def ma2 = dema(ma1, len);
    def ma3 = dema(ma2, len);
    def tdema = 3 * (ma1 - ma2) + ma3;
    plot out = tdema;
Script ttema {
input src = close;
input len = 9;
    def ma1 = tema(src, len);
    def ma2 = tema(ma1, len);
    def ma3 = tema(ma2, len);
    def ttema = 3 * (ma1 - ma2) + ma3;
    plot out = ttema;
Script tnma {
input src = close;
input len = 9;
    def ma1 = nma(src, len, 3);
    def ma2 = nma(ma1, len, 3);
    def ma3 = nma(ma2, len, 3);
    def tnma = 3 * (ma1 - ma2) + ma3;
    plot out = tnma;
Script thma {
input src = close;
input len = 9;
    def ma1 = HullMovingAvg(src, len);
    def ma2 = HullMovingAvg(ma1, len);
    def ma3 = HullMovingAvg(ma2, len);
    def thma = 3 * (ma1 - ma2) + ma3;
    plot out = thma;
Script zlema {
input src = close;
input len = 9;
    def lag = round((len - 1) / 2, 0);
    def zlsrc = src + (src - src[lag]);
    def zelma = ExpAverage(zlsrc, len);
    plot out = zelma;
Script zldema {
input src = close;
input len = 9;
    def lag = round((len - 1) / 2, 0);
    def zlsrc = src + (src - src[lag]);
    def zldema = dema(zlsrc, len);
    plot out = zldema;
Script zltema {
input src = close;
input len = 9;
    def lag = round((len - 1) / 2, 0);
    def zlsrc = src + (src - src[lag]);
    def zltema = tema(zlsrc, len);
    plot out = zltema;
Script dzlema {
input src = close;
input len = 9;
    def ma1 = zlema(src, len);
    def ma2 = zlema(ma1, len);
    def dzlema = 2 * ma1 - ma2;
    plot out = dzlema;
Script tzlema {
input src = close;
input len = 9;
    def ma1 = zlema(src, len);
    def ma2 = zlema(ma1, len);
    def ma3 = zlema(ma2, len);
    def tzlema = 3 * (ma1 - ma2) + ma3;
    plot out = tzlema;
Script llema {
input src = close;
input len = 9;
    def srcnew = 0.25*src + 0.5*src[1] + 0.25*src[2];
    def llema = ExpAverage(srcnew, len);
    plot out = llema;
Script lltema {
input src = close;
input len = 9;
    def srcnew = 0.25*src + 0.5*src[1] + 0.25*src[2];
    def lltema = tema(srcnew, len);
    plot out = lltema;
def price_spread = stdev(high - low, stdevLength);
def v = if !v[1] then 1 else v[1] + (Sign(src - src[1]) * volume);
def smooth = Average(v, obvAverageLength);
def v_spread = StDev(v - smooth, stdevLength);
def shadow = (v - smooth) / v_spread * price_spread;
def obv = if IsNaN(shadow) then 0 else if shadow > 0 then high + shadow else low + shadow;
def obvema = ExpAverage(obv, obvSmoothingLength);
#input movAvgType = {"TDEMA", "TTEMA", "TEMA",Default "DEMA", "EMA", "AVG", "THMA", "ZLEMA", "ZLDEMA", "ZLTEMA", "DZLEMA", "TZLEMA", "LLEMA", "NMA"};
def ma;
Switch (movAvgType) {
Case "TDEMA" : ma = TDEMA(obvema, movAvgLength);
Case "TTEMA" : ma = TTEMA(obvema, movAvgLength);
Case "TEMA" : ma = TEMA(obvema, movAvgLength);
Case "EMA"  : ma = ExpAverage(obvema, movAvgLength);
Case "AVG"  : ma = (ttema(src, movAvgLength) + tdema(src, movAvgLength)) / 2;
Case "THMA" : ma = THMA(obvema, movAvgLength);
Case "ZLEMA"  : ma = ZLEMA(obvema, movAvgLength);
Case "ZLDEMA" : ma = ZLDEMA(obvema, movAvgLength);
Case "ZLTEMA" : ma = ZLTEMA(obvema, movAvgLength);
Case "DZLEMA" : ma = DZLEMA(obvema, movAvgLength);
Case "TZLEMA" : ma = TZLEMA(obvema, movAvgLength);
Case "LLEMA" : ma = LLEMA(obvema, movAvgLength);
Case "NMA"   : ma = nma(obvema, movAvgLength, macdSlowLength);
Default : ma = dema(obvema, movAvgLength);

#def ma = DEMA(obvema, movAvgLength);
#// Calculating MACD
def slow_ma = ExpAverage(macdSrc, macdSlowLength);
def macd = ma - slow_ma;
def linReg = Inertia(macd, LinearRegLength);
#////script based on alex grover from https://www.tradingview.com/script/KzTi6CZP-T-Channels/
#def src15 = if !last then tt1 else src15[1];
def b5;
def b51 = if IsNaN(b5[1]) then linReg else if !b5[1] then linReg else b5[1];
def n5 = n5[1] + 1;
def a15_ = a15_[1] + (AbsValue(linReg - b51));
def a15 = a15_ / (n5) * factor;
b5  = if linReg > (b51 + a15) then linReg else
          if linReg < (b51 - a15) then linReg else b51;
def dev5 = if !dev5[1] then a15 else if (b5 - b5[1]) then a15 else dev5[1];
def oc = if (b5 > b5[1]) then  1 else
         if (b5 < b5[1]) then -1 else oc[1];
def cs = oc == 1; # ? color.blue : color.red
plot line = if !last then b5 else na; #,color=cs,linewidth=4,transp=50)
plot zero = if !last then 0 else na;
line.AssignValueColor(if cs then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
#// Signals
def down = (oc - oc[1]) < 0 ;
def up = (oc - oc[1]) > 0;
def SigUp = if showsignal and up[-1] then linReg else na;
def SigDn = if showsignal and down[-1] then linReg else na;

AddVerticalLine(SigUp, color = GlobalColor("up"));
AddVerticalLine(SigDn, color = GlobalColor("dn"));

#// DIVS code
def hb = linReg == Highest(linReg, lookbackPeriod);
def lb = linReg == Lowest(linReg, lookbackPeriod);
#def max; def min;
def max_upper;
def min_lower;

#def max1 = if hb == 0 then close else if max[1] then close else max[1];
def max_upper1 = if hb then linReg else max_upper[1]; #if max_upper[1] then upper else 0; #max_upper[1];
#def min1 = if lb == 0 then close else if min[1] then close else min[1];
def min_lower1 = if lb then linReg else min_lower[1]; #if min_lower[1] then lower else 0; #min_lower[1];

if linReg > max_upper1 {
    max_upper = linReg;
    min_lower = min_lower1;
} else if close < min_lower1 {
    max_upper = max_upper1;
    min_lower = linReg;
} else if linReg < min_lower1 {
    max_upper = max_upper1;
    min_lower = linReg;
} else {
    max_upper = max_upper1;
    min_lower = min_lower1;
def pivoth = showPivot and !last and max_upper == max_upper[2] and max_upper[2] != max_upper[3];
def pivotl = showPivot and !last and min_lower == min_lower[2] and min_lower[2] != min_lower[3];

AddChartBubble(pivoth and !pivoth[1], max_upper + 0.5, "Pvt", GlobalColor("dn"));
AddChartBubble(pivotl and !pivotl[1], min_lower - 0.5, "Pvt", GlobalColor("up"), no);

#-- End of CODE

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