NOPE Indicator For ThinkOrSwim

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If you have some time, reading her white paper helps to understand it. She seems to use tos for trading and an options data service for calculation. I've started using it but have limited experience
Nope...!!! Did a bit of reading just to see what it was about an it's nowhere near my trading style... I scalp options and I don't need to do a lot of research... I've already researched and selected the Stocks and ETF's that are in my Watchlist... In fact I just added a few and also removed a few I hadn't traded in a while just last night... Perhaps other members may find NOPE interesting, however...
Nope...!!! Did a bit of reading just to see what it was about an it's nowhere near my trading style... I scalp options and I don't need to do a lot of research... I've already researched and selected the Stocks and ETF's that are in my Watchlist... In fact I just added a few and also removed a few I hadn't traded in a while just last night... Perhaps other members may find NOPE interesting, however...

Scalping options is literally what NOPE is for...
But... But... But how would it possibly help me...??? I've done option analysis for over 30 years, including custom software... What, exactly, am I missing...???
30 years?! Damn dude

Edit: Looked at white paper and this isn't something you can program for TOS. You can't pull most of those option datasets
Last edited:

I'm out of my realm, but does this script help with the creation of a Thinkscript Nope Indicator.

EDIT: This also looks to have the same (or similar) script
EDIT: Another advanced (to me) look at getting options volume

# TS_OptionVolume.ts
# RBuckley 5/4/15

declare lower;

#input strike = 260.0;
input strikeSpacing = 10.0;
input mode = {default volume, totalVolume, openInterest, volumePercentOI};
input totalStrikes = {default Five, Three, One};

def series = 1;
def CurrentYear = GetYear();
def CurrentMonth = GetMonth();
def CurrentDOM = GetDayOfMonth(GetYYYYMMDD());

def Day1DOW1 = GetDayOfWeek(CurrentYear * 10000 + CurrentMonth * 100 + 1);
def FirstFridayDOM1 = if Day1DOW1 < 6
    then 6 - Day1DOW1
    else if Day1DOW1 == 6
        then 7
        else 6;
def RollDOM = FirstFridayDOM1 + 14;
def ExpMonth1 = if RollDOM > CurrentDOM
    then CurrentMonth + series - 1
    else CurrentMonth + series;
def ExpMonth2 = if ExpMonth1 > 12
    then ExpMonth1 - 12
    else ExpMonth1;
def ExpYear = if ExpMonth1 > 12
    then CurrentYear + 1
    else CurrentYear;
def Day1DOW = GetDayOfWeek(ExpYear * 10000 + ExpMonth2 * 100 + 1);
def FirstFridayDOM = if Day1DOW < 6
    then 6 - Day1DOW
    else if Day1DOW == 6
        then 7
        else 6;
def ExpDOM = FirstFridayDOM + 14;

#def dynamicOptionExp = Concat(Concat(ExpYear, ExpMonth2), ExpDOM);

def showThree = if mode == mode.volume and totalStrikes == totalStrikes.Three then 1 else 0;
def showFive = if  mode == mode.volume and totalStrikes == totalStrikes.Five then 1 else 0;

def expiration = 20150515;

def strike = roundDown(close,0);

AddLabel(yes,  Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Color.WHITE);

AddLabel(yes, Concat(strike, "P"), Color.RED);
AddLabel(showThree or showFive, Concat(strike - strikeSpacing, "P"), Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(showThree or showFive, Concat(strike + strikeSpacing, "P"), Color.ORANGE);
AddLabel(showFive, Concat(strike - strikeSpacing - strikeSpacing, "P"), Color.PINK);
AddLabel(showFive, Concat(strike + strikeSpacing + strikeSpacing, "P"), Color.GRAY);
AddLabel(yes, Concat(strike, "C"), Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(showThree or showFive, Concat(strike - strikeSpacing, "C"), Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(showThree or showFive, Concat(strike + strikeSpacing, "C"), Color.BLUE);
AddLabel(showFive, Concat(strike - strikeSpacing - strikeSpacing, "C"), Color.LIME);
AddLabel(showFive, Concat(strike + strikeSpacing + strikeSpacing, "C"), Color.WHITE);

def putOptionVolume =  if IsNaN(volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("P", strike)))) then 0 else volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("P", strike)));
rec cumPutVolume = cumPutVolume[1] + putOptionVolume;
def totalputOptionVolume = volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("P", strike)), "DAY");
def putOptionOI = open_interest(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("P", strike)), "DAY");
def callOptionVolume = if IsNaN(volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("C", strike)))) then 0 else volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("C", strike)));
rec cumCallVolume = cumCallVolume[1] + callOptionVolume;
def totalcallOptionVolume = volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("C", strike)), "DAY");
def callOptionOI = open_interest(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("C", strike)), "DAY");

def putOptionVolume1 = if IsNaN(volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("P", strike - strikeSpacing)))) then 0 else volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("P", strike - strikeSpacing)));
rec cumPutVolume1 = cumPutVolume1[1] + putOptionVolume1;
def totalputOptionVolume1 = volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("P", strike - strikeSpacing)), "DAY");
def putOptionOI1 = open_interest(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("P", strike - strikeSpacing)), "DAY");
def callOptionVolume1 = if IsNaN(volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("C", strike - strikeSpacing)))) then 0 else volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("C", strike - strikeSpacing)));
rec cumCallVolume1 = cumCallVolume1[1] + callOptionVolume1;
def totalcallOptionVolume1 = volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("C", strike - strikeSpacing)), "DAY");
def callOptionOI1 = open_interest(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("C", strike - strikeSpacing)), "DAY");

def putOptionVolume2 = if IsNaN(volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("P", strike + strikeSpacing)))) then 0 else volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("P", strike + strikeSpacing)));
rec cumPutVolume2 = cumPutVolume2[1] + putOptionVolume2;
def totalputOptionVolume2 = volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("P", strike + strikeSpacing)), "DAY");
def putOptionOI2 = open_interest(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("P", strike + strikeSpacing)), "DAY");
def callOptionVolume2 = if IsNaN(volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("C", strike + strikeSpacing)))) then 0 else volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("C", strike + strikeSpacing)));
rec cumCallVolume2 = cumCallVolume2[1] + callOptionVolume2;
def totalcallOptionVolume2 = volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("C", strike + strikeSpacing)), "DAY");
def callOptionOI2 = open_interest(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("C", strike + strikeSpacing)), "DAY");

def putOptionVolume3 = if IsNaN(volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("P", strike - strikeSpacing - strikeSpacing)))) then 0 else volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("P", strike - strikeSpacing - strikeSpacing)));
rec cumPutVolume3 = cumPutVolume3[1] + putOptionVolume3;
def totalputOptionVolume3 = volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("P", strike - strikeSpacing - strikeSpacing)), "DAY");
def putOptionOI3 = open_interest(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("P", strike - strikeSpacing - strikeSpacing)), "DAY");
def callOptionVolume3 = if IsNaN(volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("C", strike - strikeSpacing - strikeSpacing)))) then 0 else volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("C", strike - strikeSpacing - strikeSpacing)));
rec cumCallVolume3 = cumCallVolume3[1] + callOptionVolume3;
def totalcallOptionVolume3 = volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("C", strike - strikeSpacing - strikeSpacing)), "DAY");
def callOptionOI3 = open_interest(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("C", strike - strikeSpacing - strikeSpacing)), "DAY");

def putOptionVolume4 = if IsNaN(volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("P", strike + strikeSpacing + strikeSpacing)))) then 0 else volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("P", strike + strikeSpacing + strikeSpacing)));
rec cumPutVolume4 = cumPutVolume4[1] + putOptionVolume4;
def totalputOptionVolume4 = volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("P", strike + strikeSpacing + strikeSpacing)), "DAY");
def putOptionOI4 = open_interest(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("P", strike + strikeSpacing + strikeSpacing)), "DAY");
def callOptionVolume4 = if IsNaN(volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("C", strike + strikeSpacing + strikeSpacing)))) then 0 else volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("C", strike + strikeSpacing + strikeSpacing)));
rec cumCallVolume4 = cumCallVolume4[1] + callOptionVolume4;
def totalcallOptionVolume4 = volume(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("C", strike + strikeSpacing + strikeSpacing)), "DAY");
def callOptionOI4 = open_interest(Concat( Concat(Concat(".", GetSymbol()), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 < 10 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM < 10 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Concat("C", strike + strikeSpacing + strikeSpacing)), "DAY");

plot zero = 0;

plot datap4;
plot datac4;
switch (mode){
case volume:
    datap4 = -putOptionVolume4 * showFive;
    datac4 = callOptionVolume4 * showFive;
case totalVolume:
    datap4 = Double.NaN;
    datac4 = Double.NaN;
case openInterest:
    datap4 = Double.NaN;
    datac4 = Double.NaN;
case volumePercentOI:
    datap4 = Double.NaN;
    datac4 = Double.NaN;

plot datap3;
plot datac3;
switch (mode){
case volume:
    datap3 = -putOptionVolume3 * showFive - putOptionVolume4 * showFive;
    datac3 = callOptionVolume3 * showFive + callOptionVolume4 * showFive;
case totalVolume:
    datap3 = Double.NaN;
    datac3 = Double.NaN;
case openInterest:
    datap3 = Double.NaN;
    datac3 = Double.NaN;
case volumePercentOI:
    datap3 = Double.NaN;
    datac3 = Double.NaN;



plot datap2;
plot datac2;
switch (mode){
case volume:
    datap2 = -putOptionVolume2 * (showThree or showFive) - putOptionVolume3 * showFive - putOptionVolume4 * showFive;
    datac2 = +callOptionVolume2 * (showThree or showFive) + callOptionVolume3 * showFive + callOptionVolume4 * showFive;
case totalVolume:
    datap2 = Double.NaN;
    datac2 = Double.NaN;
case openInterest:
    datap2 = Double.NaN;
    datac2 = Double.NaN;
case volumePercentOI:
    datap2 = Double.NaN;
    datac2 = Double.NaN;

plot datap1;
plot datac1;
switch (mode){
case volume:
    datap1 = -putOptionVolume1 * (showThree or showFive) - putOptionVolume2 * (showThree or showFive) - putOptionVolume3 * showFive - putOptionVolume4 * showFive;
    datac1 = callOptionVolume1 * (showThree or showFive) + callOptionVolume2 * (showThree or showFive) + callOptionVolume3 * showFive + callOptionVolume4 * showFive;
case totalVolume:
    datap1 = Double.NaN;
    datac1 = Double.NaN;
case openInterest:
    datap1 = Double.NaN;
    datac1 = Double.NaN;
case volumePercentOI:
    datap1 = Double.NaN;
    datac1 = Double.NaN;

plot datap;
plot datac;
switch (mode){
case volume:
    datap = -putOptionVolume - putOptionVolume1 * (showThree or showFive) - putOptionVolume2 * (showThree or showFive) - putOptionVolume3 * showFive - putOptionVolume4 * showFive;
    datac = callOptionVolume + callOptionVolume1 * (showThree or showFive) + callOptionVolume2 * (showThree or showFive) + callOptionVolume3 * showFive + callOptionVolume4 * showFive;
case totalVolume:
    datap = -totalputOptionVolume;
    datac = totalcallOptionVolume;
case openInterest:
    datap = -putOptionOI;
    datac = callOptionOI;
case volumePercentOI:
    datap = -putOptionVolume * 100 / putOptionOI;
    datac = callOptionVolume * 100 / callOptionOI;
Last edited by a moderator:
Hi guys,

Much appreciated your help on this NOPE script which return the error " expected double".

As attached the script and image for this error. Thanks again for your advises.

# Script to get the total volume*delta at a spot for Net Option Pricing Effect
script TotalNope {
input StrikeDepth = 1;
input OpexCode = 1;
input CenterStrike = 1;
input StrikeSpacing = 1;
input IsCall = yes;
input DTE = 1;
input IV = 1;
input r = 1;
input t = 1;
input y = 1;

    def epsilon = 0.001 * close;

    def total =
        fold index = -(StrikeDepth) to (StrikeDepth + 1)
        with value = 0
            if !IsNaN(
                volume(("." + GetSymbolPart()) + AsPrice(OpexCode) + (if IsCall then "C" else "P") + AsPrice(CenterStrike + (StrikeSpacing * index)))
            then value +
                volume(("." + GetSymbolPart()) + AsPrice(OpexCode) + (if IsCall then "C" else "P") + AsPrice(CenterStrike + (StrikeSpacing * index))) * 100 *
                (OptionPrice(CenterStrike + StrikeSpacing * index, !isCall, DTE, close + epsilon, IV, no, y, r) - OptionPrice(CenterStrike + StrikeSpacing * index, !isCall, DTE, close, IV, no, y, r)) / epsilon * 100
                # if (1 / (1 + .2316419 * AbsValue(Log(close / (CenterStrike + (StrikeSpacing * index))) + ((r + (Sqr(IV) / 2)) * t)) / (IV * Sqrt(t)))) < 0
                #     then 1 - (1 - 1 / Sqrt(2 * Double.Pi) * Exp(-Power(AbsValue(Log(close / (CenterStrike + (StrikeSpacing * index))) + ((r + (Sqr(IV) / 2)) * t)) / (IV * Sqrt(t)), 2) / 2) *
                #         (.31938153 * 1 / (1 + .2316419 * AbsValue(Log(close / (CenterStrike + (StrikeSpacing * index))) + ((r + (Sqr(IV) / 2)) * t)) / (IV * Sqrt(t))) +
                #         -.356563782  * Power(1 / (1 + .2316419 * AbsValue(Log(close / (CenterStrike + (StrikeSpacing * index))) + ((r + (Sqr(IV) / 2)) * t)) / (IV * Sqrt(t))), 2) +
                #         1.781477937  * Power(1 / (1 + .2316419 * AbsValue(Log(close / (CenterStrike + (StrikeSpacing * index))) + ((r + (Sqr(IV) / 2)) * t)) / (IV * Sqrt(t))), 3) +
                #         -1.821255978 * Power(1 / (1 + .2316419 * AbsValue(Log(close / (CenterStrike + (StrikeSpacing * index))) + ((r + (Sqr(IV) / 2)) * t)) / (IV * Sqrt(t))), 4) +
                #         1.330274429  * Power(1 / (1 + .2316419 * AbsValue(Log(close / (CenterStrike + (StrikeSpacing * index))) + ((r + (Sqr(IV) / 2)) * t)) / (IV * Sqrt(t))), 5)))
                #     else (1 - 1 / Sqrt(2 * Double.Pi) * Exp(-Power(AbsValue(Log(close / (CenterStrike + (StrikeSpacing * index))) + ((r + (Sqr(IV) / 2)) * t)) / (IV * Sqrt(t)), 2) / 2) *
                #         (.31938153 * 1 / (1 + .2316419 * AbsValue(Log(close / (CenterStrike + (StrikeSpacing * index))) + ((r + (Sqr(IV) / 2)) * t)) / (IV * Sqrt(t))) +
                #         -.356563782  * Power(1 / (1 + .2316419 * AbsValue(Log(close / (CenterStrike + (StrikeSpacing * index))) + ((r + (Sqr(IV) / 2)) * t)) / (IV * Sqrt(t))), 2) +
                #         1.781477937  * Power(1 / (1 + .2316419 * AbsValue(Log(close / (CenterStrike + (StrikeSpacing * index))) + ((r + (Sqr(IV) / 2)) * t)) / (IV * Sqrt(t))), 3) +
                #         -1.821255978 * Power(1 / (1 + .2316419 * AbsValue(Log(close / (CenterStrike + (StrikeSpacing * index))) + ((r + (Sqr(IV) / 2)) * t)) / (IV * Sqrt(t))), 4) +
                #         1.330274429  * Power(1 / (1 + .2316419 * AbsValue(Log(close / (CenterStrike + (StrikeSpacing * index))) + ((r + (Sqr(IV) / 2)) * t)) / (IV * Sqrt(t))), 5)))
            else value + 0
    plot TotalNopeValue = total;
def TotalCallNope = TotalNope(StrikeDepth, OpexCode, CenterStrike, StrikeSpacing, yes, DTE, IV, r, t, y);
def TotalPutNope = TotalNope(StrikeDepth, OpexCode, CenterStrike, StrikeSpacing, no, DTE, IV, r, t, y);
plot NOPE = (TotalCallNope + TotalPutNope)/volume();
NOPE.SetHiding(DataType != DataType.NetOptionPricingEffect);
AddLabel(ShowLabels and DataType == DataType.NetOptionPricingEffect, "NOPE: " + AbsValue(NOPE), GlobalColor("Nope"));


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