Repaints Neural Network For ThinkOrSwim



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can some plz look and see if anyone can convert this to Thinkorswim ?
not sure about the conversation since I didnt test it.

#strategy("𝐍𝐄𝐔𝐑𝐀𝐋 ππ„π“π–πŽπ‘πŠ", overlay=true,
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - Need to be tested - 11/2022
input alternatesignals = yes; #"Alternate Signals",
input ShowWeakSignals = no;
input ShowCloud = yes;
def na = Double.NaN; def c = close; def h = high; def l = low; def o = open; def v = volume;
def price = ohlc4;    # "Close Line"


#//Trend EMA
#tttradetrend = "Only place BUY or SELL orders with the direction of the Trend EMA."
input tradeTrendOption = no;   # "Only Tade with Trend"
input len111 = 200;            # "Trend EMA Length"
def src111 = close;
def out111 = ExpAverage(src111, len111);
def ma111  = out111;           # "EMA 200"

def mabuy  = out111 > out111[1];
def masell = out111 < out111[1];
#//5 EMAs/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
def len1 = 9;
def src1 = close;
def out1 = ExpAverage(src1, len1);
def ema1color = if out1 > out1[1] then 1 else 0;# #00bcd4 : #
def ema1 = out1;#, title="EMA 9", linewidth=3,, 50), offset=0,
AddCloud(if ShowCloud then price else na, out1, CreateColor(0,53,60), CreateColor(100,10,41));#title="EMA 9 Fill",, 90), editable=true)
def len2 = 21;
def src2 = close;
def out2 = ExpAverage(src2, len2);
def ema2color = if out2 > out2[1] then 1 else 0; #00bcd4 : #e91e63)
def ema2 = out2;#, title="EMA 21", linewidth=3,, 50),
AddCloud(if ShowCloud then price else na, ema2, CreateColor(0,53,60), CreateColor(100,10,41));

def len3 = 55;
def src3 = close;
def out3 = ExpAverage(src3, len3);
def ema3color = if out3 > out3[1] then 1 else 0; #00bcd4 : #e91e63)
def ema3 = out3;#, title="EMA 55", linewidth=3,, 50), off
AddCloud(if ShowCloud then price else na, out3, CreateColor(0,53,60), CreateColor(100,10,41));

def len4 = 100;
def src4 = close;
def out4 = ExpAverage(src4, len4);
def ema4color = if out4 > out4[1] then 1 else 0; #00bcd4 : #e91e63)
def ema4 = out4;#, title="EMA 100", linewidth=3,, 50),
AddCloud(if ShowCloud then price else na, out4, CreateColor(0,53,60), CreateColor(100,10,41));

def len5 = 200;
def src5 = close;
def out5 = ExpAverage(src5, len5);
def ema5color = if out5 > out5[1] then 1 else 0; #00bcd4 : #e91e63)
def ema5 = out5;#, title="EMA 200", linewidth=3,, 50),
AddCloud(if ShowCloud then price else na, out5, CreateColor(0,53,60), CreateColor(100,10,41));

#Supertrend(Source, AtrMult, atrPeriod, ChangeATR);
script supertrend {
    input Source    = hl2;
    input AtrMult   = 1;
    input atrPeriod = 10;
    input changeATR = yes;
    def ATR = if changeATR then ATR(atrPeriod) else SimpleMovingAvg(TrueRange(high, close, low), atrPeriod);
    def UP = Source + (AtrMult * ATR);
    def LW = Source - (AtrMult * ATR);
    def UP_Band = if ((UP < UP_Band[1]) or (close[1] > UP_Band[1])) then UP else UP_Band[1];
    def LW_Band = if ((LW > LW_Band[1]) or (close[1] < LW_Band[1])) then LW else LW_Band[1];

    def ST = if ((ST[1] == UP_Band[1]) and (close < UP_Band)) then UP_Band
        else if ((ST[1] == UP_Band[1]) and (close > UP_Band)) then LW_Band
        else if ((ST[1] == LW_Band[1]) and (close > LW_Band)) then LW_Band
        else if ((ST[1] == LW_Band)    and (close < LW_Band)) then UP_Band
        else LW_Band;
    plot Super = ST;
input changeATR = yes;
def atrPeriod = 10;
def factor = 3;
def ST = supertrend(c, factor, atrPeriod, changeATR);

def uptrend = c > ST;
def downtrend = c < ST;
def LongTrigger  = !uptrend[1] and uptrend;
def ShortTrigger = !downtrend[1] and downtrend;

def len6 = 100;
def src6 = close;
def hma = WMA(2 * WMA(src6, len6 / 2) - WMA(src6, len6), Floor(Sqrt(len6)));
def hmacolor = if c > hma then 1 else 0; #00bcd4 : #e91e63
plot MAhma = hma;#, title="HMA Line",, 25), linewidth=5)
MAhma.AssignValueColor(if hmacolor then CreateColor(0, 188, 212) else CreateColor(233, 30, 99));
#//Parabolic SAR///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
def start = 0.02;
def maximum = 0.2;
def psar = ParabolicSAR(start, maximum);
#//Bollinger Bands///////////////
def length1 = 20;
def src7 = close;
def mult1 = 2.0;
def basis = SimpleMovingAvg(src7, length1);
def dev = mult1 * StDev(src7, length1);
def upper = basis + dev;
def lower = basis - dev;
#//Average True Range ////////////////////////////////
def length2 = 1;
def mult2 = 1.85;
def natr = mult2 * ATR(length = length2);

def longStop1 = Highest(h, length2) - natr;
def longStopPrev = If(IsNaN(longStop1[1]), longStop1, longStop1[1]);
def longStop = If(c[1] > longStopPrev, Max(longStop1, longStopPrev), longStop[1]);

def shortStop1 = Lowest(l, length2) + natr;
def shortStopPrev = If(IsNaN(shortStop1[1]), shortStop1, shortStop1[1]);
def shortStop = If(c[1] < shortStopPrev, Min(shortStop1, shortStopPrev), shortStop[1]);
#var int dir = 1
def dir = if dir[1] == 0 then 1 else
            if c > shortStopPrev then 1 else if c < longStopPrev then -1 else dir[1];

def buySignal = dir == 1 and dir[1] == -1;
def sellSignal = dir == -1 and dir[1] == 1;
#//Chaikin Money Flow////////
def length19 = 50;
def ad19 = If(c == h and c == l or h == l, 0, ((2 * c - l - h) / (h - l)) * v);
def cmf = Sum(ad19, length19) / Sum(v, length19);
def  _vwap = vwap;
def vwapValue = _vwap;
#//Candle Patterns/////////////
#//Bullish Engulfing

def priceAvg = SimpleMovingAvg(c, 50);
def C_DownTrend = c < priceAvg;
def C_UpTrend = c > priceAvg;

def C_Len = 14;
def C_ShadowPercent = 5.0;
def C_ShadowEqualsPercent = 100.0;
def C_DojiBodyPercent = 5.0;
def C_Factor = 2.0;

def C_BodyHi = Max(c, o);
def C_BodyLo = Min(c, o);
def C_Body = C_BodyHi - C_BodyLo;
def C_BodyAvg = ExpAverage(C_Body, C_Len);
def C_SmallBody = C_Body < C_BodyAvg;
def C_LongBody = C_Body > C_BodyAvg;
def C_UpShadow = h - C_BodyHi;
def C_DnShadow = C_BodyLo - l;
def C_HasUpShadow = C_UpShadow > C_ShadowPercent / 100 * C_Body;
def C_HasDnShadow = C_DnShadow > C_ShadowPercent / 100 * C_Body;
def C_WhiteBody = o < c;
def C_BlackBody = o > c;
def C_Range = h - l;
def C_IsInsideBar = C_BodyHi[1] > C_BodyHi and C_BodyLo[1] < C_BodyLo;
def C_BodyMiddle = C_Body / 2 + C_BodyLo;
def C_ShadowEquals = C_UpShadow == C_DnShadow or (AbsValue(C_UpShadow - C_DnShadow) / C_DnShadow * 100) < C_ShadowEqualsPercent and (AbsValue(C_DnShadow - C_UpShadow) / C_UpShadow * 100) < C_ShadowEqualsPercent;
def C_IsDojiBody = C_Range > 0 and C_Body <= C_Range * C_DojiBodyPercent / 100;
def C_Doji = C_IsDojiBody and C_ShadowEquals;

def patternLabelPosLow = l - (ATR(Length=30) * 0.6);
def patternLabelPosHigh = h + (ATR(Length=30) * 0.6);

def C_EngulfingBullishNumberOfCandles = 2;
def C_EngulfingBullish = C_DownTrend and C_WhiteBody and C_LongBody and C_BlackBody[1] and C_SmallBody[1] and c >= o[1] and o <= c[1] and ( c > o[1] or o < c[1] );

#//Bearish Engulfing
def C_EngulfingBearishNumberOfCandles = 2;
def C_EngulfingBearish = C_UpTrend and C_BlackBody and C_LongBody and C_WhiteBody[1] and C_SmallBody[1] and c <= o[1] and o >= c[1] and (c < o[1] or o > c[1] );

#//plot(psar, "ParabolicSAR", style=plot.style_circles, color=#ffffff)
# stoch(source, high, low, length) =>
script stoch {
    input src = close;
    input h = high;
    input l = low;
    input len = 0;
    def stoch = 100 * (src - Lowest(l, len)) / (Highest(h, len) - Lowest(l, len));
    plot return = stoch;

script FindPivots {
    input dat = close; # default data or study being evaluated
    input HL  = 0;    # default high or low pivot designation, -1 low, +1 high
    input lbL  = 5;    # default Pivot Lookback Left
    input lbR  = 1;    # default Pivot Lookback Right
    def _nan;    # used for non-number returns
    def _BN;     # the current barnumber
    def _VStop;  # confirms that the lookforward period continues the pivot trend
    def _V;      # the Value at the actual pivot point
    _BN  = BarNumber();
    _nan = Double.NaN;
    _VStop = if !IsNaN(dat) and lbR > 0 and lbL > 0 then
                fold a = 1 to lbR + 1 with b=1 while b do
                    if HL > 0 then dat > GetValue(dat, -a) else dat < GetValue(dat, -a) else _nan;
    if (HL > 0) {
        _V = if _BN > lbL and dat == Highest(dat, lbL + 1) and _VStop
            then dat else _nan;
    } else {
        _V = if _BN > lbL and dat == Lowest(dat, lbL + 1) and _VStop
            then dat else _nan;
    plot result = if !IsNaN(_V) and _VStop then _V else _nan;
#valuewhen (Cond, source, lbr, occurrence)
script valuewhen {
    input cond = 0;
    input src = close;
    input lbr = 0;
    input occurrence = 0;
    def n = occurrence + 1;
    def offset = fold j = 0 to 200 with p=1 while p < n + 1
    do p + ( if p == n then j - n else if cond[j] == yes then 1 else 0 );
    plot price = GetValue(src[lbr], offset - 1);
#_inRange(cond) =>
script _inRange {
    input cond = yes;
    input rangeUpper = 60;
    input rangeLower = 5;
    def bars = if cond then 0 else bars[1] + 1;
    def inrange =  (rangeLower <= bars) and (bars <= rangeUpper);
    plot retrun = inrange;

#Div(source, lbl, lbr, MaxLookback, MinLookback, DivBull = yes, DivBear = yes, DivHiddenBull=no, DivHiddenBear=no),
script Div {
    input divSrc = close;
    input lbl = 5;
    input lbr = 5;
    input MaxLookback = 60;
    input MinLookback = 5;
    input DivBull = yes;
    input DivBear = yes;
    input DivHiddenBull = no;
    input DivHiddenBear = no;
    def h = high;
    def l = low;
    def pl = findpivots(divSrc, -1, lbl, lbr);
    def ph = findpivots(divSrc, 1, lbl, lbr);

    def plFound = if !IsNaN(pl) then 1 else 0;
    def phFound = if !IsNaN(ph) then 1 else 0;

    def vlFound = valuewhen(plFound, divSrc, 0, 1);
    def vhFound = valuewhen(phFound, divSrc, 0, 1);

    def plPrice = valuewhen(plFound, l, 0, 1);
    def phPrice = valuewhen(phFound, h, 0, 1);

#// Regular Bullish
    def oscHL = divSrc > vlFound and  _inRange(plFound[1], MaxLookback, MinLookback);
    def priceLL = l < plPrice;
    def bullCond = DivBull and plFound and oscHL and priceLL;

#// Regular Bearish
    def oscLH   = divSrc < vhFound and  _inRange(phFound[1], MaxLookback, MinLookback);
    def priceHH = h > phPrice;
    def bearCond = DivBear and phFound and oscLH and priceHH;

    plot BullDiv = if bullCond then 1 else 0;
    plot BearDiv = if bearCond then 1 else 0;

#//RSI Divergence/////////////////////////
def len11 = 14;
def src11 = close;
def lbR11 = 2;
def lbL11 = 6;
def rangeUpper11 = 60;
def rangeLower11 = 5;

def osc11 = RSI(price = src11, Length = len11);

#---- Div

def bullCond = DIV(osc11, lbL11, lbR11, rangeUpper11, rangeLower11).BullDiv;
def bearCond = DIV(osc11, lbL11, lbR11, rangeUpper11, rangeLower11).BearDiv;

def bullCond11 = if bullCond then 1 else 0;
def bearCond11 = if bearCond then 1 else 0;

#//MACD Divergence//////////////////////////////////////////////////
def fast_length12 = 12;
def slow_length12 = 26;
def src12 = close;
def signal_length12 = 9;
def fast_ma12 = ExpAverage(src12, fast_length12);
def slow_ma12 = ExpAverage(src12, slow_length12);
def macd = fast_ma12 - slow_ma12;
def signal = ExpAverage(macd, signal_length12);
def hist = macd - signal;
#donttouchzero12 = true
def lbR12 = 2;
def lbL12 = 6;
def rangeUpper12 = 60;
def rangeLower12 = 5;
def osc12 = macd;
def priceHHZero12 =  Highest(osc12, lbL12 + lbR12 + 5);
def blowzero12 = priceHHZero12 < 0;
def priceLLZero12 =  Lowest(osc12, lbL12 + lbR12 + 5);
def bearzero12 = priceLLZero12 > 0;
#---- Div
def bullCond2 = DIV(osc12, lbL12, lbR12, rangeUpper12, rangeLower12).BullDiv;
def bearCond2 = DIV(osc12, lbL12, lbR12, rangeUpper12, rangeLower12).BearDiv;

def bullCond12 = if bullCond2 and blowzero12 then 1 else 0;
def bearCond12 = if bearCond2 and bearzero12 then 1 else 0;

#//Wave Trend Divergence//////////////////////
def n1 = 9;
def n2 = 12;
def ap = hlc3 ;
def esa = ExpAverage(ap, n1);
def d1 = ExpAverage(AbsValue(ap - esa), n1);
def ci = (ap - esa) / (0.015 * d1);
def tci = ExpAverage(ci, n2);
#hline = 0
def wt1 = tci;
def wt2 = SimpleMovingAvg(wt1, 4);
def osc13 = tci;
def lbR13 = 2;
def lbL13 = 6;
def rangeUpper13 = 60;
def rangeLower13 = 5;
#---- Div
def bullCond3 = DIV(osc13, lbL13, lbR13, rangeUpper13, rangeLower13).BullDiv;
def bearCond3 = DIV(osc13, lbL13, lbR13, rangeUpper13, rangeLower13).BearDiv;

def bullCond13 = if bullCond3 then 1 else 0;
def bearCond13 = if bearCond3 then 1 else 0;
#//Stochastic Divergence///////////////
def periodK14 = 14;
def smoothK14 = 3;
def periodD14 = 3;
def k14 = SimpleMovingAvg(stoch(c, h, l, periodK14), smoothK14);
def d14 = simpleMovingAvg(k14, periodD14);
def lbR14 = 2;
def lbL14 = 6;
def rangeUpper14 = 60;
def rangeLower14 = 5;
def osc14 = k14;
#---- Div
def bullCond4 = DIV(osc14, lbL14, lbR14, rangeUpper14, rangeLower14).BullDiv;
def bearCond4 = DIV(osc14, lbL14, lbR14, rangeUpper14, rangeLower14).BearDiv;

def bullCond14 = if bullCond4 then 1 else 0;
def bearCond14 = if bearCond4 then 1 else 0;
#//Relative Volatility Index Divergence////////
def length15 = 12;
def src15 = close;
def len15 = 14;
def stddev15 = StDev(src15, length15);
def upper15 = ExpAverage(if (src15 - src15[1]) <= 0 then 0 else stddev15, len15);
def lower15 = ExpAverage(if (src15 - src15[1]) > 0 then 0 else stddev15, len15);
def rvi = upper15 / (upper15 + lower15) * 100;
def lbR15 = 2;
def lbL15 = 6;
def rangeUpper15 = 60;
def rangeLower15 = 5;
def osc15 = rvi;
#---- Div
def bullCond5 = DIV(osc15, lbL15, lbR15, rangeUpper15, rangeLower15).BullDiv;
def bearCond5 = DIV(osc15, lbL15, lbR15, rangeUpper15, rangeLower15).BearDiv;

def bullCond15 = if bullCond5 then 1 else 0;
def bearCond15 = if bearCond5 then 1 else 0;
#//OBV Divergence/////////////////////////////////////////
def len18 = 20;
def src18 = close;
def csrc = src18 - src18[1];
def os = TotalSum(if csrc > 0 then v else if csrc < 0 then -v else 0);
def obv = (os - ExpAverage(os, len18));
def lbR18 = 2;
def lbL18 = 6;
def rangeUpper18 = 60;
def rangeLower18 = 5;
def osc18 = obv;
#---- Div
def bullCond8 = DIV(osc18, lbL18, lbR18, rangeUpper18, rangeLower18).BullDiv;
def bearCond8 = DIV(osc18, lbL18, lbR18, rangeUpper18, rangeLower18).BearDiv;

def bullCond18 = if bullCond8 then 1 else 0;
def bearCond18 = if bearCond8 then 1 else 0;

#//Support and Resistance///////////////////////
def left16 = 200;
def right16 = 20;
def quick_right16 = 5;
#def src16 = yes;

def phc =  findpivots(c, 1, left16, right16);
def plc =  findpivots(c, -1, left16, right16);

def phc16 =  findpivots(c, 1, left16, quick_right16);
def plc16 =  findpivots(c, -1, left16, quick_right16);

def pivot_high16 = If(!IsNaN(phc), 1, na);
def pivot_lows16 = If(!IsNaN(plc), 1, na);

def quick_pivot_high16 = If(!IsNaN(phc16), 1, na);
def quick_pivot_lows16 = If(!IsNaN(plc16), 1, na);

def level1 = valuewhen(!isNaN(quick_pivot_high16), c,quick_right16, 0);
def level2 = valuewhen(!isNaN(quick_pivot_lows16), c,quick_right16, 0);
def level3 = valuewhen(!isNaN(pivot_high16), c,right16, 0);
def level4 = valuewhen(!isNaN(pivot_lows16), c,right16, 0);
def level5 = valuewhen(!isNaN(pivot_high16), c,right16, 1);
def level6 = valuewhen(!isNaN(pivot_lows16), c,right16, 1);
def level7 = valuewhen(!isNaN(pivot_high16), c,right16, 2);
def level8 = valuewhen(!isNaN(pivot_lows16), c,right16, 2);

def length17 = 9;
def src17 = close;
def hma17 = WMA(2 * WMA(src17, length17 / 2) - WMA(src17, length17), Floor(Sqrt(length17)));

def buy1 = hma17 > level1 and hma17[1] < level1[1] and c > c[2];
def buy2 = hma17 > level2 and hma17[1] < level2[1] and c > c[2];
def buy3 = hma17 > level3 and hma17[1] < level3[1] and c > c[2];
def buy4 = hma17 > level4 and hma17[1] < level4[1] and c > c[2];
def buy5 = hma17 > level5 and hma17[1] < level5[1] and c > c[2];
def buy6 = hma17 > level6 and hma17[1] < level6[1] and c > c[2];
def buy7 = hma17 > level7 and hma17[1] < level7[1] and c > c[2];
def buy8 = hma17 > level8 and hma17[1] < level8[1] and c > c[2];

def sell1 = hma17 < level1 and hma17[1] > level1[1] and c < c[2];
def sell2 = hma17 < level2 and hma17[1] > level2[1] and c < c[2];
def sell3 = hma17 < level3 and hma17[1] > level3[1] and c < c[2];
def sell4 = hma17 < level4 and hma17[1] > level4[1] and c < c[2];
def sell5 = hma17 < level5 and hma17[1] > level5[1] and c < c[2];
def sell6 = hma17 < level6 and hma17[1] > level6[1] and c < c[2];
def sell7 = hma17 < level7 and hma17[1] > level7[1] and c < c[2];
def sell8 = hma17 < level8 and hma17[1] > level8[1] and c < c[2];

#//Alternate Signals Option
#//Score Requirements
input strongLongScore = 10;#, minval=0, maxval=1000, title="Required Strong LONG Score")
input strongShortScore = 10;#, minval=0, maxval=1000, title="Required Strong SHORT Score")
input weakLongScore = 8;#, minval=0, maxval=1000, title="Required Weak LONG Score")
input weakShortScore = 8;#, minval=0, maxval=1000, title="Required Weak SHORT Score")
#//Trend Indicator Signals//////////////////////////////////////////
#//EMA Signals
input emaDirectionImportance = 2;    # "EMA Trend Direction Importance")
def emadirectionup = if out5 < c then emadirectionimportance else 0;
#emadirectionupstatus = emadirectionup ? "EMA Trend Direction Up" : na
def emadirectiondown = if out5 > c then emadirectionimportance else 0;
#emadirectiondownstatus = emadirectiondown ? "EMA Trend Direction Down" : na

input emaPushPullImportance = 2;    # "EMA Pressure Importance")
def emapushup = if out2 > out2[1] and out3 < out3[1] then emapushpullimportance else 0;
#emapushupstatus = emapushup ? "EMA Pushing Up" : na
def emapulldown = If(out2 < out2[1] and out3 > out3[1], emapushpullimportance, 0);
#emapulldownstatus = emapulldown ? "EMA Pulling Down" : na

#//Super Trend Signals
def supertrendDirImportance = 0;    # "SuperTrend Direction Importance")
def supertrendup = If(uptrend, supertrenddirimportance, 0);
def supertrenddown = If(downtrend, supertrenddirimportance, 0);

input supertrendRevImportance = 4;#, minval=0, maxval=100, title="SuperTrend Reversal Importance")
def supertrendrevup = If(LongTrigger, supertrendrevimportance, 0);
def supertrendrevdown = If(ShortTrigger, supertrendrevimportance, 0);

#/Parabolic SAR Signals
def psarDirImportance = 0;#, minval=0, maxval=100, title="Parabolic SAR Direction Importance")
def psardirup = If(psar < c, psardirimportance, 0);
def psardirdown = If(psar > c, psardirimportance, 0);

input psarRevImportance = 3;#00, title="Parabolic SAR Reversal Importance")
def psarrevup = If(psar < c and psar[1] > c[1], psarrevimportance, 0);
def psarrevdown = If(psar > c and psar[1] < c, psarrevimportance, 0);

#//HMA Signals
input hmaClosePosImportance = 1;#, title="HMA Trend Direction Importance")
def hmacloseposup = If(hma < c, hmacloseposimportance, 0);
def hmacloseposdown = If(hma > c, hmacloseposimportance, 0);

input hmaPivotImportance = 3;#100, title="HMA Pivot Importance")
def hmapivotup = If(hma > hma[1] and hma[1] < hma[2], hmapivotimportance, 0);
def hmapivotdown = If(hma < hma[1] and hma[1] > hma[2], hmapivotimportance, 0);

#//Momentum Indicator Signals////////

#//RSI Signals
input rsiDivImportance = 4;#tle="RSI Divergence Importance")
def rsidivup = If(bullCond11 or bullCond11[1] or bullCond11[2], rsidivimportance, 0);
def rsidivdown = If(bearCond11 or bearCond11[1] or bearCond11[2], rsidivimportance, 0);

input rsiLevelImportance = 0;# title="RSI Level Importance")
def rsioversold = If(osc11 < 30, rsilevelimportance, 0);
def rsioverbought = If(osc11 > 70, rsilevelimportance, 0);

input rsiDirectionImportance = 1;# title="RSI Cross 50-Line Importance")
def rsicrossup = If((osc11 > 50 and osc11[1] < 50) or (osc11 > 50 and osc11[2] < 50), rsidirectionimportance, 0);
def rsicrossdown = If((osc11 < 50 and osc11[1] > 50) or (osc11 < 50 and osc11[2] > 50), rsidirectionimportance, 0);

#//MACD Signals
input macdDivImportance = 0;# minval=0, maxval=100, title="MACD Divergence Importance")
def macddivup = If(bullCond12 or bullCond12[1] or bullCond12[2], macddivimportance, 0);
def macddivdown = If(bearCond12 or bearCond12[1] or bearCond12[2], macddivimportance, 0);

input histPivotImportance = 1;#100, title="MACD Histogram Pivot Importance")
def histpivotup = If(hist > hist[1] and hist[1] < hist[2] and hist < 0, histpivotimportance, 0);
def histpivotdown = If(hist < hist[1] and hist[1] > hist[2] and hist > 0, histpivotimportance, 0);

input macdCrossSignalImportance = 1;#title="MACD Cross Signal Importance")
def macdcrosssignalup = If(macd > signal and macd[1] < signal[1] and signal < 0, macdCrossSignalImportance, 0);
def macdcrosssignaldown = If(macd < signal and macd[1] > signal[1] and signal > 0, macdCrossSignalImportance, 0);

#//WaveTrend Signals
input wtDivImportance = 0;# title="WaveTrend Divergence Importance")
def wtdivup = If(bullCond13 or bullCond13[1] or bullCond13[2], wtDivImportance, 0);
def wtdivdown = If(bearCond13 or bearCond13[1] or bearCond13[2], wtDivImportance, 0);

input wtCrossSignalImportance = 4;#le="WaveTrend Cross Signal Importance")
def wtcrosssignalup = If(wt1 > wt2 and wt1[1] < wt2[1] and wt2 < -10, wtCrossSignalImportance, 0);
def wtcrosssignaldown = If(wt1 < wt2 and wt1[1] > wt2[1] and wt2 > 10, wtCrossSignalImportance, 0);

#//Stochastic Signals
input sDivImportance = 1;#="Stochastic Divergence Importance")
def sdivup = If(bullCond14 or bullCond14[1] or bullCond14[2], sDivImportance, 0);
def sdivdown = If(bearCond14 or bearCond14[1] or bearCond14[2], sDivImportance, 0);

input sCrossSignalImportance = 1;#title="Stoch Cross Signal Importance")
def scrosssignalup = If(k14 > d14 and k14[1] < d14[1], sCrossSignalImportance, 0);
def scrosssignaldown = If(k14 < d14 and k14[1] > d14[1], sCrossSignalImportance, 0);

#//Volatility Indicators/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

#//Bollinger Bands Signals
input bbContImportance = 0;#="BollingerBands Contact Importance")
def bbcontup = If(c < lower, bbContImportance, 0);
def bbcontdown = If(o > upper, bbContImportance, 0);

#//Average True Range Signals
input atrRevImportance = 1;#e="ATR Reversal Importance")
def atrrevup = If(buySignal, atrRevImportance, 0);
def atrrevdown = If(sellSignal, atrRevImportance, 0);

#//Relative Volatility Index Signals
input rviPosImportance = 3;#00, title="RVI Position Importance")
def rviposup = If(rvi > 25 and rvi[1] < 40, rviPosImportance, 0);
def rviposdown = If(rvi < 75 and rvi[1] > 60, rviPosImportance, 0);

input rviDivImportance = 4;#, title="RVI Divergence Importance")
def rvidivup = If(bullCond15 or bullCond15[1] or bullCond15[2], rviDivImportance, 0);
def rvidivdown = If(bearCond15 or bearCond15[1] or bearCond15[2], rviDivImportance, 0);

#//Support and Resistance Signals
input srcrossimportance = 0;#itle="Support/Resistance Cross Importance")
def srcrossup = If(buy1 or buy2 or buy3 or buy4 or buy5 or buy6 or buy7 or buy8, srcrossimportance, 0);
def srcrossdown = If(sell1 or sell2 or sell3 or sell4 or sell5 or sell6 or sell7 or sell8, srcrossimportance, 0);

#//Volume Indicator Signals//////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#//On Balance Volume Divergence Signals
input obvdivimportance = 0;#=100, title="OBV Divergence Importance")
def obvdivup = If(bullCond18 or bullCond18[1] or bullCond18[2], obvdivimportance, 0);
def obvdivdown = If(bearCond18 or bearCond18[1] or bearCond18[2], obvdivimportance, 0);

#//Chaikin Money Flow Signals
input cmfCrossImportance = 0;#title="CMF Cross 50-Line Importance")
def cmfcrossup = If(cmf > 0 and cmf[1] < 0, cmfCrossImportance, 0);
def cmfcrossdown = If(cmf < 0 and cmf[1] > 0, cmfCrossImportance, 0);

input cmfLevImportance = 0;#axval=100, title="CMF Level Importance")
def cmflevup = If(cmf > 0, cmfLevImportance, 0);
def cmflevdown = If(cmf < 0, cmfLevImportance, 0);

#//VWAP Signals
input vwapCrossImportance = 0;#0, title="VWAP Cross HMA Importance")
def vwapcrossup = if(hma < vwapValue and hma[1] > vwapValue[1], vwapcrossimportance, 0);
def vwapcrossdown = if(hma > vwapValue and hma[1] < vwapValue[1], vwapcrossimportance, 0);

input vwapTrendImportance = 0;#, minval=0, maxval=100, title="VWAP Trend Importance")
def vwaptrendup = if(out2 > vwapValue, vwaptrendimportance, 0);
def vwaptrenddown = if(out2 < vwapValue,vwaptrendimportance, 0);

#//Candle Patterns Signals
input engulfingCandleImportance = 0;#00, title="Engulfing Candle Importance")
def bulleng = If(C_EngulfingBullish, engulfingCandleImportance, 0);
def beareng = If(C_EngulfingBearish, engulfingCandleImportance, 0);

#//Classify Entries
def stronglongentrysignal  = emadirectionup + emapushup + supertrendup   + supertrendrevup   + psardirup   + psarrevup   + hmacloseposup   + hmapivotup   + rsidivup   + rsioversold   + rsicrossup   + macddivup   + histpivotup   + macdcrosssignalup   + wtdivup   + wtcrosssignalup   + sdivup   + scrosssignalup   + bbcontup   + atrrevup   + rviposup   + rvidivup   + srcrossup   + obvdivup   + cmfcrossup   + cmflevup   + vwapcrossup   + vwaptrendup   + bulleng >= stronglongscore;

def strongshortentrysignal = emadirectiondown + emapulldown + supertrenddown + supertrendrevdown + psardirdown + psarrevdown + hmacloseposdown + hmapivotdown + rsidivdown + rsioverbought + rsicrossdown + macddivdown + histpivotdown + macdcrosssignaldown + wtdivdown + wtcrosssignaldown + sdivdown + scrosssignaldown + bbcontdown + atrrevdown + rviposdown + rvidivdown + srcrossdown + obvdivdown + cmfcrossdown + cmflevdown + vwapcrossdown + vwaptrenddown + beareng >= strongshortscore;

def weaklongentrysignal    = emadirectionup   + emapushup   + supertrendup   + supertrendrevup   + psardirup   + psarrevup   + hmacloseposup   + hmapivotup   + rsidivup   + rsioversold   + rsicrossup   + macddivup   + histpivotup   + macdcrosssignalup   + wtdivup   + wtcrosssignalup   + sdivup   + scrosssignalup   + bbcontup   + atrrevup   + rviposup   + rvidivup   + srcrossup   + obvdivup   + cmfcrossup   + cmflevup   + vwapcrossup   + vwaptrendup   + bulleng >= weaklongscore;

def weakshortentrysignal   = emadirectiondown + emapulldown + supertrenddown + supertrendrevdown + psardirdown + psarrevdown + hmacloseposdown + hmapivotdown + rsidivdown + rsioverbought + rsicrossdown + macddivdown + histpivotdown + macdcrosssignaldown + wtdivdown + wtcrosssignaldown + sdivdown + scrosssignaldown + bbcontdown + atrrevdown + rviposdown + rvidivdown + srcrossdown + obvdivdown + cmfcrossdown + cmflevdown + vwapcrossdown + vwaptrenddown + beareng >= weakshortscore;

#/Alternate Entry Signals
def pos;
if stronglongentrysignal and pos[1] <= 0 {
    pos = 1;
    } else {
if strongshortentrysignal and pos[1] >= 0 {
    pos = -1;
    } else {
    pos = pos[1];}}

def longentry = pos == 1 and pos[1] != 1;
def shortentry = pos == -1 and pos[1] != -1;
def alternatelong  = if(alternatesignals, longentry , stronglongentrysignal);
def alternateshort = if(alternatesignals, shortentry, strongshortentrysignal);

AddChartBubble(if(tradetrendoption,alternatelong and mabuy, alternatelong), l,"L",Color.GREEN,no);
AddChartBubble(if(tradetrendoption,alternateshort and masell,alternateshort),h,"S",Color.RED,yes);
plot WeakLong = if weaklongentrysignal then l else na;#, title="Weak Long Triangle",
plot WeakShort = if weakshortentrysignal then h else na;#"Weak Short Triangle"

#---- END CODE

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not sure about the conversation since I didnt test it.

#strategy("𝐍𝐄𝐔𝐑𝐀𝐋 ππ„π“π–πŽπ‘πŠ", overlay=true,
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - Need to be tested - 11/2022
input alternatesignals = yes; #"Alternate Signals",
input ShowWeakSignals = no;
input ShowCloud = yes;
def na = Double.NaN; def c = close; def h = high; def l = low; def o = open; def v = volume;
def price = ohlc4;    # "Close Line"


#//Trend EMA
#tttradetrend = "Only place BUY or SELL orders with the direction of the Trend EMA."
input tradeTrendOption = no;   # "Only Tade with Trend"
input len111 = 200;            # "Trend EMA Length"
def src111 = close;
def out111 = ExpAverage(src111, len111);
def ma111  = out111;           # "EMA 200"

def mabuy  = out111 > out111[1];
def masell = out111 < out111[1];
#//5 EMAs/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
def len1 = 9;
def src1 = close;
def out1 = ExpAverage(src1, len1);
def ema1color = if out1 > out1[1] then 1 else 0;# #00bcd4 : #
def ema1 = out1;#, title="EMA 9", linewidth=3,, 50), offset=0,
AddCloud(if ShowCloud then price else na, out1, CreateColor(0,53,60), CreateColor(100,10,41));#title="EMA 9 Fill",, 90), editable=true)
def len2 = 21;
def src2 = close;
def out2 = ExpAverage(src2, len2);
def ema2color = if out2 > out2[1] then 1 else 0; #00bcd4 : #e91e63)
def ema2 = out2;#, title="EMA 21", linewidth=3,, 50),
AddCloud(if ShowCloud then price else na, ema2, CreateColor(0,53,60), CreateColor(100,10,41));

def len3 = 55;
def src3 = close;
def out3 = ExpAverage(src3, len3);
def ema3color = if out3 > out3[1] then 1 else 0; #00bcd4 : #e91e63)
def ema3 = out3;#, title="EMA 55", linewidth=3,, 50), off
AddCloud(if ShowCloud then price else na, out3, CreateColor(0,53,60), CreateColor(100,10,41));

def len4 = 100;
def src4 = close;
def out4 = ExpAverage(src4, len4);
def ema4color = if out4 > out4[1] then 1 else 0; #00bcd4 : #e91e63)
def ema4 = out4;#, title="EMA 100", linewidth=3,, 50),
AddCloud(if ShowCloud then price else na, out4, CreateColor(0,53,60), CreateColor(100,10,41));

def len5 = 200;
def src5 = close;
def out5 = ExpAverage(src5, len5);
def ema5color = if out5 > out5[1] then 1 else 0; #00bcd4 : #e91e63)
def ema5 = out5;#, title="EMA 200", linewidth=3,, 50),
AddCloud(if ShowCloud then price else na, out5, CreateColor(0,53,60), CreateColor(100,10,41));

#Supertrend(Source, AtrMult, atrPeriod, ChangeATR);
script supertrend {
    input Source    = hl2;
    input AtrMult   = 1;
    input atrPeriod = 10;
    input changeATR = yes;
    def ATR = if changeATR then ATR(atrPeriod) else SimpleMovingAvg(TrueRange(high, close, low), atrPeriod);
    def UP = Source + (AtrMult * ATR);
    def LW = Source - (AtrMult * ATR);
    def UP_Band = if ((UP < UP_Band[1]) or (close[1] > UP_Band[1])) then UP else UP_Band[1];
    def LW_Band = if ((LW > LW_Band[1]) or (close[1] < LW_Band[1])) then LW else LW_Band[1];

    def ST = if ((ST[1] == UP_Band[1]) and (close < UP_Band)) then UP_Band
        else if ((ST[1] == UP_Band[1]) and (close > UP_Band)) then LW_Band
        else if ((ST[1] == LW_Band[1]) and (close > LW_Band)) then LW_Band
        else if ((ST[1] == LW_Band)    and (close < LW_Band)) then UP_Band
        else LW_Band;
    plot Super = ST;
input changeATR = yes;
def atrPeriod = 10;
def factor = 3;
def ST = supertrend(c, factor, atrPeriod, changeATR);

def uptrend = c > ST;
def downtrend = c < ST;
def LongTrigger  = !uptrend[1] and uptrend;
def ShortTrigger = !downtrend[1] and downtrend;

def len6 = 100;
def src6 = close;
def hma = WMA(2 * WMA(src6, len6 / 2) - WMA(src6, len6), Floor(Sqrt(len6)));
def hmacolor = if c > hma then 1 else 0; #00bcd4 : #e91e63
plot MAhma = hma;#, title="HMA Line",, 25), linewidth=5)
MAhma.AssignValueColor(if hmacolor then CreateColor(0, 188, 212) else CreateColor(233, 30, 99));
#//Parabolic SAR///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
def start = 0.02;
def maximum = 0.2;
def psar = ParabolicSAR(start, maximum);
#//Bollinger Bands///////////////
def length1 = 20;
def src7 = close;
def mult1 = 2.0;
def basis = SimpleMovingAvg(src7, length1);
def dev = mult1 * StDev(src7, length1);
def upper = basis + dev;
def lower = basis - dev;
#//Average True Range ////////////////////////////////
def length2 = 1;
def mult2 = 1.85;
def natr = mult2 * ATR(length = length2);

def longStop1 = Highest(h, length2) - natr;
def longStopPrev = If(IsNaN(longStop1[1]), longStop1, longStop1[1]);
def longStop = If(c[1] > longStopPrev, Max(longStop1, longStopPrev), longStop[1]);

def shortStop1 = Lowest(l, length2) + natr;
def shortStopPrev = If(IsNaN(shortStop1[1]), shortStop1, shortStop1[1]);
def shortStop = If(c[1] < shortStopPrev, Min(shortStop1, shortStopPrev), shortStop[1]);
#var int dir = 1
def dir = if dir[1] == 0 then 1 else
            if c > shortStopPrev then 1 else if c < longStopPrev then -1 else dir[1];

def buySignal = dir == 1 and dir[1] == -1;
def sellSignal = dir == -1 and dir[1] == 1;
#//Chaikin Money Flow////////
def length19 = 50;
def ad19 = If(c == h and c == l or h == l, 0, ((2 * c - l - h) / (h - l)) * v);
def cmf = Sum(ad19, length19) / Sum(v, length19);
def  _vwap = vwap;
def vwapValue = _vwap;
#//Candle Patterns/////////////
#//Bullish Engulfing

def priceAvg = SimpleMovingAvg(c, 50);
def C_DownTrend = c < priceAvg;
def C_UpTrend = c > priceAvg;

def C_Len = 14;
def C_ShadowPercent = 5.0;
def C_ShadowEqualsPercent = 100.0;
def C_DojiBodyPercent = 5.0;
def C_Factor = 2.0;

def C_BodyHi = Max(c, o);
def C_BodyLo = Min(c, o);
def C_Body = C_BodyHi - C_BodyLo;
def C_BodyAvg = ExpAverage(C_Body, C_Len);
def C_SmallBody = C_Body < C_BodyAvg;
def C_LongBody = C_Body > C_BodyAvg;
def C_UpShadow = h - C_BodyHi;
def C_DnShadow = C_BodyLo - l;
def C_HasUpShadow = C_UpShadow > C_ShadowPercent / 100 * C_Body;
def C_HasDnShadow = C_DnShadow > C_ShadowPercent / 100 * C_Body;
def C_WhiteBody = o < c;
def C_BlackBody = o > c;
def C_Range = h - l;
def C_IsInsideBar = C_BodyHi[1] > C_BodyHi and C_BodyLo[1] < C_BodyLo;
def C_BodyMiddle = C_Body / 2 + C_BodyLo;
def C_ShadowEquals = C_UpShadow == C_DnShadow or (AbsValue(C_UpShadow - C_DnShadow) / C_DnShadow * 100) < C_ShadowEqualsPercent and (AbsValue(C_DnShadow - C_UpShadow) / C_UpShadow * 100) < C_ShadowEqualsPercent;
def C_IsDojiBody = C_Range > 0 and C_Body <= C_Range * C_DojiBodyPercent / 100;
def C_Doji = C_IsDojiBody and C_ShadowEquals;

def patternLabelPosLow = l - (ATR(Length=30) * 0.6);
def patternLabelPosHigh = h + (ATR(Length=30) * 0.6);

def C_EngulfingBullishNumberOfCandles = 2;
def C_EngulfingBullish = C_DownTrend and C_WhiteBody and C_LongBody and C_BlackBody[1] and C_SmallBody[1] and c >= o[1] and o <= c[1] and ( c > o[1] or o < c[1] );

#//Bearish Engulfing
def C_EngulfingBearishNumberOfCandles = 2;
def C_EngulfingBearish = C_UpTrend and C_BlackBody and C_LongBody and C_WhiteBody[1] and C_SmallBody[1] and c <= o[1] and o >= c[1] and (c < o[1] or o > c[1] );

#//plot(psar, "ParabolicSAR", style=plot.style_circles, color=#ffffff)
# stoch(source, high, low, length) =>
script stoch {
    input src = close;
    input h = high;
    input l = low;
    input len = 0;
    def stoch = 100 * (src - Lowest(l, len)) / (Highest(h, len) - Lowest(l, len));
    plot return = stoch;

script FindPivots {
    input dat = close; # default data or study being evaluated
    input HL  = 0;    # default high or low pivot designation, -1 low, +1 high
    input lbL  = 5;    # default Pivot Lookback Left
    input lbR  = 1;    # default Pivot Lookback Right
    def _nan;    # used for non-number returns
    def _BN;     # the current barnumber
    def _VStop;  # confirms that the lookforward period continues the pivot trend
    def _V;      # the Value at the actual pivot point
    _BN  = BarNumber();
    _nan = Double.NaN;
    _VStop = if !IsNaN(dat) and lbR > 0 and lbL > 0 then
                fold a = 1 to lbR + 1 with b=1 while b do
                    if HL > 0 then dat > GetValue(dat, -a) else dat < GetValue(dat, -a) else _nan;
    if (HL > 0) {
        _V = if _BN > lbL and dat == Highest(dat, lbL + 1) and _VStop
            then dat else _nan;
    } else {
        _V = if _BN > lbL and dat == Lowest(dat, lbL + 1) and _VStop
            then dat else _nan;
    plot result = if !IsNaN(_V) and _VStop then _V else _nan;
#valuewhen (Cond, source, lbr, occurrence)
script valuewhen {
    input cond = 0;
    input src = close;
    input lbr = 0;
    input occurrence = 0;
    def n = occurrence + 1;
    def offset = fold j = 0 to 200 with p=1 while p < n + 1
    do p + ( if p == n then j - n else if cond[j] == yes then 1 else 0 );
    plot price = GetValue(src[lbr], offset - 1);
#_inRange(cond) =>
script _inRange {
    input cond = yes;
    input rangeUpper = 60;
    input rangeLower = 5;
    def bars = if cond then 0 else bars[1] + 1;
    def inrange =  (rangeLower <= bars) and (bars <= rangeUpper);
    plot retrun = inrange;

#Div(source, lbl, lbr, MaxLookback, MinLookback, DivBull = yes, DivBear = yes, DivHiddenBull=no, DivHiddenBear=no),
script Div {
    input divSrc = close;
    input lbl = 5;
    input lbr = 5;
    input MaxLookback = 60;
    input MinLookback = 5;
    input DivBull = yes;
    input DivBear = yes;
    input DivHiddenBull = no;
    input DivHiddenBear = no;
    def h = high;
    def l = low;
    def pl = findpivots(divSrc, -1, lbl, lbr);
    def ph = findpivots(divSrc, 1, lbl, lbr);

    def plFound = if !IsNaN(pl) then 1 else 0;
    def phFound = if !IsNaN(ph) then 1 else 0;

    def vlFound = valuewhen(plFound, divSrc, 0, 1);
    def vhFound = valuewhen(phFound, divSrc, 0, 1);

    def plPrice = valuewhen(plFound, l, 0, 1);
    def phPrice = valuewhen(phFound, h, 0, 1);

#// Regular Bullish
    def oscHL = divSrc > vlFound and  _inRange(plFound[1], MaxLookback, MinLookback);
    def priceLL = l < plPrice;
    def bullCond = DivBull and plFound and oscHL and priceLL;

#// Regular Bearish
    def oscLH   = divSrc < vhFound and  _inRange(phFound[1], MaxLookback, MinLookback);
    def priceHH = h > phPrice;
    def bearCond = DivBear and phFound and oscLH and priceHH;

    plot BullDiv = if bullCond then 1 else 0;
    plot BearDiv = if bearCond then 1 else 0;

#//RSI Divergence/////////////////////////
def len11 = 14;
def src11 = close;
def lbR11 = 2;
def lbL11 = 6;
def rangeUpper11 = 60;
def rangeLower11 = 5;

def osc11 = RSI(price = src11, Length = len11);

#---- Div

def bullCond = DIV(osc11, lbL11, lbR11, rangeUpper11, rangeLower11).BullDiv;
def bearCond = DIV(osc11, lbL11, lbR11, rangeUpper11, rangeLower11).BearDiv;

def bullCond11 = if bullCond then 1 else 0;
def bearCond11 = if bearCond then 1 else 0;

#//MACD Divergence//////////////////////////////////////////////////
def fast_length12 = 12;
def slow_length12 = 26;
def src12 = close;
def signal_length12 = 9;
def fast_ma12 = ExpAverage(src12, fast_length12);
def slow_ma12 = ExpAverage(src12, slow_length12);
def macd = fast_ma12 - slow_ma12;
def signal = ExpAverage(macd, signal_length12);
def hist = macd - signal;
#donttouchzero12 = true
def lbR12 = 2;
def lbL12 = 6;
def rangeUpper12 = 60;
def rangeLower12 = 5;
def osc12 = macd;
def priceHHZero12 =  Highest(osc12, lbL12 + lbR12 + 5);
def blowzero12 = priceHHZero12 < 0;
def priceLLZero12 =  Lowest(osc12, lbL12 + lbR12 + 5);
def bearzero12 = priceLLZero12 > 0;
#---- Div
def bullCond2 = DIV(osc12, lbL12, lbR12, rangeUpper12, rangeLower12).BullDiv;
def bearCond2 = DIV(osc12, lbL12, lbR12, rangeUpper12, rangeLower12).BearDiv;

def bullCond12 = if bullCond2 and blowzero12 then 1 else 0;
def bearCond12 = if bearCond2 and bearzero12 then 1 else 0;

#//Wave Trend Divergence//////////////////////
def n1 = 9;
def n2 = 12;
def ap = hlc3 ;
def esa = ExpAverage(ap, n1);
def d1 = ExpAverage(AbsValue(ap - esa), n1);
def ci = (ap - esa) / (0.015 * d1);
def tci = ExpAverage(ci, n2);
#hline = 0
def wt1 = tci;
def wt2 = SimpleMovingAvg(wt1, 4);
def osc13 = tci;
def lbR13 = 2;
def lbL13 = 6;
def rangeUpper13 = 60;
def rangeLower13 = 5;
#---- Div
def bullCond3 = DIV(osc13, lbL13, lbR13, rangeUpper13, rangeLower13).BullDiv;
def bearCond3 = DIV(osc13, lbL13, lbR13, rangeUpper13, rangeLower13).BearDiv;

def bullCond13 = if bullCond3 then 1 else 0;
def bearCond13 = if bearCond3 then 1 else 0;
#//Stochastic Divergence///////////////
def periodK14 = 14;
def smoothK14 = 3;
def periodD14 = 3;
def k14 = SimpleMovingAvg(stoch(c, h, l, periodK14), smoothK14);
def d14 = simpleMovingAvg(k14, periodD14);
def lbR14 = 2;
def lbL14 = 6;
def rangeUpper14 = 60;
def rangeLower14 = 5;
def osc14 = k14;
#---- Div
def bullCond4 = DIV(osc14, lbL14, lbR14, rangeUpper14, rangeLower14).BullDiv;
def bearCond4 = DIV(osc14, lbL14, lbR14, rangeUpper14, rangeLower14).BearDiv;

def bullCond14 = if bullCond4 then 1 else 0;
def bearCond14 = if bearCond4 then 1 else 0;
#//Relative Volatility Index Divergence////////
def length15 = 12;
def src15 = close;
def len15 = 14;
def stddev15 = StDev(src15, length15);
def upper15 = ExpAverage(if (src15 - src15[1]) <= 0 then 0 else stddev15, len15);
def lower15 = ExpAverage(if (src15 - src15[1]) > 0 then 0 else stddev15, len15);
def rvi = upper15 / (upper15 + lower15) * 100;
def lbR15 = 2;
def lbL15 = 6;
def rangeUpper15 = 60;
def rangeLower15 = 5;
def osc15 = rvi;
#---- Div
def bullCond5 = DIV(osc15, lbL15, lbR15, rangeUpper15, rangeLower15).BullDiv;
def bearCond5 = DIV(osc15, lbL15, lbR15, rangeUpper15, rangeLower15).BearDiv;

def bullCond15 = if bullCond5 then 1 else 0;
def bearCond15 = if bearCond5 then 1 else 0;
#//OBV Divergence/////////////////////////////////////////
def len18 = 20;
def src18 = close;
def csrc = src18 - src18[1];
def os = TotalSum(if csrc > 0 then v else if csrc < 0 then -v else 0);
def obv = (os - ExpAverage(os, len18));
def lbR18 = 2;
def lbL18 = 6;
def rangeUpper18 = 60;
def rangeLower18 = 5;
def osc18 = obv;
#---- Div
def bullCond8 = DIV(osc18, lbL18, lbR18, rangeUpper18, rangeLower18).BullDiv;
def bearCond8 = DIV(osc18, lbL18, lbR18, rangeUpper18, rangeLower18).BearDiv;

def bullCond18 = if bullCond8 then 1 else 0;
def bearCond18 = if bearCond8 then 1 else 0;

#//Support and Resistance///////////////////////
def left16 = 200;
def right16 = 20;
def quick_right16 = 5;
#def src16 = yes;

def phc =  findpivots(c, 1, left16, right16);
def plc =  findpivots(c, -1, left16, right16);

def phc16 =  findpivots(c, 1, left16, quick_right16);
def plc16 =  findpivots(c, -1, left16, quick_right16);

def pivot_high16 = If(!IsNaN(phc), 1, na);
def pivot_lows16 = If(!IsNaN(plc), 1, na);

def quick_pivot_high16 = If(!IsNaN(phc16), 1, na);
def quick_pivot_lows16 = If(!IsNaN(plc16), 1, na);

def level1 = valuewhen(!isNaN(quick_pivot_high16), c,quick_right16, 0);
def level2 = valuewhen(!isNaN(quick_pivot_lows16), c,quick_right16, 0);
def level3 = valuewhen(!isNaN(pivot_high16), c,right16, 0);
def level4 = valuewhen(!isNaN(pivot_lows16), c,right16, 0);
def level5 = valuewhen(!isNaN(pivot_high16), c,right16, 1);
def level6 = valuewhen(!isNaN(pivot_lows16), c,right16, 1);
def level7 = valuewhen(!isNaN(pivot_high16), c,right16, 2);
def level8 = valuewhen(!isNaN(pivot_lows16), c,right16, 2);

def length17 = 9;
def src17 = close;
def hma17 = WMA(2 * WMA(src17, length17 / 2) - WMA(src17, length17), Floor(Sqrt(length17)));

def buy1 = hma17 > level1 and hma17[1] < level1[1] and c > c[2];
def buy2 = hma17 > level2 and hma17[1] < level2[1] and c > c[2];
def buy3 = hma17 > level3 and hma17[1] < level3[1] and c > c[2];
def buy4 = hma17 > level4 and hma17[1] < level4[1] and c > c[2];
def buy5 = hma17 > level5 and hma17[1] < level5[1] and c > c[2];
def buy6 = hma17 > level6 and hma17[1] < level6[1] and c > c[2];
def buy7 = hma17 > level7 and hma17[1] < level7[1] and c > c[2];
def buy8 = hma17 > level8 and hma17[1] < level8[1] and c > c[2];

def sell1 = hma17 < level1 and hma17[1] > level1[1] and c < c[2];
def sell2 = hma17 < level2 and hma17[1] > level2[1] and c < c[2];
def sell3 = hma17 < level3 and hma17[1] > level3[1] and c < c[2];
def sell4 = hma17 < level4 and hma17[1] > level4[1] and c < c[2];
def sell5 = hma17 < level5 and hma17[1] > level5[1] and c < c[2];
def sell6 = hma17 < level6 and hma17[1] > level6[1] and c < c[2];
def sell7 = hma17 < level7 and hma17[1] > level7[1] and c < c[2];
def sell8 = hma17 < level8 and hma17[1] > level8[1] and c < c[2];

#//Alternate Signals Option
#//Score Requirements
input strongLongScore = 10;#, minval=0, maxval=1000, title="Required Strong LONG Score")
input strongShortScore = 10;#, minval=0, maxval=1000, title="Required Strong SHORT Score")
input weakLongScore = 8;#, minval=0, maxval=1000, title="Required Weak LONG Score")
input weakShortScore = 8;#, minval=0, maxval=1000, title="Required Weak SHORT Score")
#//Trend Indicator Signals//////////////////////////////////////////
#//EMA Signals
input emaDirectionImportance = 2;    # "EMA Trend Direction Importance")
def emadirectionup = if out5 < c then emadirectionimportance else 0;
#emadirectionupstatus = emadirectionup ? "EMA Trend Direction Up" : na
def emadirectiondown = if out5 > c then emadirectionimportance else 0;
#emadirectiondownstatus = emadirectiondown ? "EMA Trend Direction Down" : na

input emaPushPullImportance = 2;    # "EMA Pressure Importance")
def emapushup = if out2 > out2[1] and out3 < out3[1] then emapushpullimportance else 0;
#emapushupstatus = emapushup ? "EMA Pushing Up" : na
def emapulldown = If(out2 < out2[1] and out3 > out3[1], emapushpullimportance, 0);
#emapulldownstatus = emapulldown ? "EMA Pulling Down" : na

#//Super Trend Signals
def supertrendDirImportance = 0;    # "SuperTrend Direction Importance")
def supertrendup = If(uptrend, supertrenddirimportance, 0);
def supertrenddown = If(downtrend, supertrenddirimportance, 0);

input supertrendRevImportance = 4;#, minval=0, maxval=100, title="SuperTrend Reversal Importance")
def supertrendrevup = If(LongTrigger, supertrendrevimportance, 0);
def supertrendrevdown = If(ShortTrigger, supertrendrevimportance, 0);

#/Parabolic SAR Signals
def psarDirImportance = 0;#, minval=0, maxval=100, title="Parabolic SAR Direction Importance")
def psardirup = If(psar < c, psardirimportance, 0);
def psardirdown = If(psar > c, psardirimportance, 0);

input psarRevImportance = 3;#00, title="Parabolic SAR Reversal Importance")
def psarrevup = If(psar < c and psar[1] > c[1], psarrevimportance, 0);
def psarrevdown = If(psar > c and psar[1] < c, psarrevimportance, 0);

#//HMA Signals
input hmaClosePosImportance = 1;#, title="HMA Trend Direction Importance")
def hmacloseposup = If(hma < c, hmacloseposimportance, 0);
def hmacloseposdown = If(hma > c, hmacloseposimportance, 0);

input hmaPivotImportance = 3;#100, title="HMA Pivot Importance")
def hmapivotup = If(hma > hma[1] and hma[1] < hma[2], hmapivotimportance, 0);
def hmapivotdown = If(hma < hma[1] and hma[1] > hma[2], hmapivotimportance, 0);

#//Momentum Indicator Signals////////

#//RSI Signals
input rsiDivImportance = 4;#tle="RSI Divergence Importance")
def rsidivup = If(bullCond11 or bullCond11[1] or bullCond11[2], rsidivimportance, 0);
def rsidivdown = If(bearCond11 or bearCond11[1] or bearCond11[2], rsidivimportance, 0);

input rsiLevelImportance = 0;# title="RSI Level Importance")
def rsioversold = If(osc11 < 30, rsilevelimportance, 0);
def rsioverbought = If(osc11 > 70, rsilevelimportance, 0);

input rsiDirectionImportance = 1;# title="RSI Cross 50-Line Importance")
def rsicrossup = If((osc11 > 50 and osc11[1] < 50) or (osc11 > 50 and osc11[2] < 50), rsidirectionimportance, 0);
def rsicrossdown = If((osc11 < 50 and osc11[1] > 50) or (osc11 < 50 and osc11[2] > 50), rsidirectionimportance, 0);

#//MACD Signals
input macdDivImportance = 0;# minval=0, maxval=100, title="MACD Divergence Importance")
def macddivup = If(bullCond12 or bullCond12[1] or bullCond12[2], macddivimportance, 0);
def macddivdown = If(bearCond12 or bearCond12[1] or bearCond12[2], macddivimportance, 0);

input histPivotImportance = 1;#100, title="MACD Histogram Pivot Importance")
def histpivotup = If(hist > hist[1] and hist[1] < hist[2] and hist < 0, histpivotimportance, 0);
def histpivotdown = If(hist < hist[1] and hist[1] > hist[2] and hist > 0, histpivotimportance, 0);

input macdCrossSignalImportance = 1;#title="MACD Cross Signal Importance")
def macdcrosssignalup = If(macd > signal and macd[1] < signal[1] and signal < 0, macdCrossSignalImportance, 0);
def macdcrosssignaldown = If(macd < signal and macd[1] > signal[1] and signal > 0, macdCrossSignalImportance, 0);

#//WaveTrend Signals
input wtDivImportance = 0;# title="WaveTrend Divergence Importance")
def wtdivup = If(bullCond13 or bullCond13[1] or bullCond13[2], wtDivImportance, 0);
def wtdivdown = If(bearCond13 or bearCond13[1] or bearCond13[2], wtDivImportance, 0);

input wtCrossSignalImportance = 4;#le="WaveTrend Cross Signal Importance")
def wtcrosssignalup = If(wt1 > wt2 and wt1[1] < wt2[1] and wt2 < -10, wtCrossSignalImportance, 0);
def wtcrosssignaldown = If(wt1 < wt2 and wt1[1] > wt2[1] and wt2 > 10, wtCrossSignalImportance, 0);

#//Stochastic Signals
input sDivImportance = 1;#="Stochastic Divergence Importance")
def sdivup = If(bullCond14 or bullCond14[1] or bullCond14[2], sDivImportance, 0);
def sdivdown = If(bearCond14 or bearCond14[1] or bearCond14[2], sDivImportance, 0);

input sCrossSignalImportance = 1;#title="Stoch Cross Signal Importance")
def scrosssignalup = If(k14 > d14 and k14[1] < d14[1], sCrossSignalImportance, 0);
def scrosssignaldown = If(k14 < d14 and k14[1] > d14[1], sCrossSignalImportance, 0);

#//Volatility Indicators/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

#//Bollinger Bands Signals
input bbContImportance = 0;#="BollingerBands Contact Importance")
def bbcontup = If(c < lower, bbContImportance, 0);
def bbcontdown = If(o > upper, bbContImportance, 0);

#//Average True Range Signals
input atrRevImportance = 1;#e="ATR Reversal Importance")
def atrrevup = If(buySignal, atrRevImportance, 0);
def atrrevdown = If(sellSignal, atrRevImportance, 0);

#//Relative Volatility Index Signals
input rviPosImportance = 3;#00, title="RVI Position Importance")
def rviposup = If(rvi > 25 and rvi[1] < 40, rviPosImportance, 0);
def rviposdown = If(rvi < 75 and rvi[1] > 60, rviPosImportance, 0);

input rviDivImportance = 4;#, title="RVI Divergence Importance")
def rvidivup = If(bullCond15 or bullCond15[1] or bullCond15[2], rviDivImportance, 0);
def rvidivdown = If(bearCond15 or bearCond15[1] or bearCond15[2], rviDivImportance, 0);

#//Support and Resistance Signals
input srcrossimportance = 0;#itle="Support/Resistance Cross Importance")
def srcrossup = If(buy1 or buy2 or buy3 or buy4 or buy5 or buy6 or buy7 or buy8, srcrossimportance, 0);
def srcrossdown = If(sell1 or sell2 or sell3 or sell4 or sell5 or sell6 or sell7 or sell8, srcrossimportance, 0);

#//Volume Indicator Signals//////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#//On Balance Volume Divergence Signals
input obvdivimportance = 0;#=100, title="OBV Divergence Importance")
def obvdivup = If(bullCond18 or bullCond18[1] or bullCond18[2], obvdivimportance, 0);
def obvdivdown = If(bearCond18 or bearCond18[1] or bearCond18[2], obvdivimportance, 0);

#//Chaikin Money Flow Signals
input cmfCrossImportance = 0;#title="CMF Cross 50-Line Importance")
def cmfcrossup = If(cmf > 0 and cmf[1] < 0, cmfCrossImportance, 0);
def cmfcrossdown = If(cmf < 0 and cmf[1] > 0, cmfCrossImportance, 0);

input cmfLevImportance = 0;#axval=100, title="CMF Level Importance")
def cmflevup = If(cmf > 0, cmfLevImportance, 0);
def cmflevdown = If(cmf < 0, cmfLevImportance, 0);

#//VWAP Signals
input vwapCrossImportance = 0;#0, title="VWAP Cross HMA Importance")
def vwapcrossup = if(hma < vwapValue and hma[1] > vwapValue[1], vwapcrossimportance, 0);
def vwapcrossdown = if(hma > vwapValue and hma[1] < vwapValue[1], vwapcrossimportance, 0);

input vwapTrendImportance = 0;#, minval=0, maxval=100, title="VWAP Trend Importance")
def vwaptrendup = if(out2 > vwapValue, vwaptrendimportance, 0);
def vwaptrenddown = if(out2 < vwapValue,vwaptrendimportance, 0);

#//Candle Patterns Signals
input engulfingCandleImportance = 0;#00, title="Engulfing Candle Importance")
def bulleng = If(C_EngulfingBullish, engulfingCandleImportance, 0);
def beareng = If(C_EngulfingBearish, engulfingCandleImportance, 0);

#//Classify Entries
def stronglongentrysignal  = emadirectionup + emapushup + supertrendup   + supertrendrevup   + psardirup   + psarrevup   + hmacloseposup   + hmapivotup   + rsidivup   + rsioversold   + rsicrossup   + macddivup   + histpivotup   + macdcrosssignalup   + wtdivup   + wtcrosssignalup   + sdivup   + scrosssignalup   + bbcontup   + atrrevup   + rviposup   + rvidivup   + srcrossup   + obvdivup   + cmfcrossup   + cmflevup   + vwapcrossup   + vwaptrendup   + bulleng >= stronglongscore;

def strongshortentrysignal = emadirectiondown + emapulldown + supertrenddown + supertrendrevdown + psardirdown + psarrevdown + hmacloseposdown + hmapivotdown + rsidivdown + rsioverbought + rsicrossdown + macddivdown + histpivotdown + macdcrosssignaldown + wtdivdown + wtcrosssignaldown + sdivdown + scrosssignaldown + bbcontdown + atrrevdown + rviposdown + rvidivdown + srcrossdown + obvdivdown + cmfcrossdown + cmflevdown + vwapcrossdown + vwaptrenddown + beareng >= strongshortscore;

def weaklongentrysignal    = emadirectionup   + emapushup   + supertrendup   + supertrendrevup   + psardirup   + psarrevup   + hmacloseposup   + hmapivotup   + rsidivup   + rsioversold   + rsicrossup   + macddivup   + histpivotup   + macdcrosssignalup   + wtdivup   + wtcrosssignalup   + sdivup   + scrosssignalup   + bbcontup   + atrrevup   + rviposup   + rvidivup   + srcrossup   + obvdivup   + cmfcrossup   + cmflevup   + vwapcrossup   + vwaptrendup   + bulleng >= weaklongscore;

def weakshortentrysignal   = emadirectiondown + emapulldown + supertrenddown + supertrendrevdown + psardirdown + psarrevdown + hmacloseposdown + hmapivotdown + rsidivdown + rsioverbought + rsicrossdown + macddivdown + histpivotdown + macdcrosssignaldown + wtdivdown + wtcrosssignaldown + sdivdown + scrosssignaldown + bbcontdown + atrrevdown + rviposdown + rvidivdown + srcrossdown + obvdivdown + cmfcrossdown + cmflevdown + vwapcrossdown + vwaptrenddown + beareng >= weakshortscore;

#/Alternate Entry Signals
def pos;
if stronglongentrysignal and pos[1] <= 0 {
    pos = 1;
    } else {
if strongshortentrysignal and pos[1] >= 0 {
    pos = -1;
    } else {
    pos = pos[1];}}

def longentry = pos == 1 and pos[1] != 1;
def shortentry = pos == -1 and pos[1] != -1;
def alternatelong  = if(alternatesignals, longentry , stronglongentrysignal);
def alternateshort = if(alternatesignals, shortentry, strongshortentrysignal);

AddChartBubble(if(tradetrendoption,alternatelong and mabuy, alternatelong), l,"L",Color.GREEN,no);
AddChartBubble(if(tradetrendoption,alternateshort and masell,alternateshort),h,"S",Color.RED,yes);
plot WeakLong = if weaklongentrysignal then l else na;#, title="Weak Long Triangle",
plot WeakShort = if weakshortentrysignal then h else na;#"Weak Short Triangle"

#---- END CODE
thanks a lot. i will test it soon
not sure about the conversation since I didnt test it.

#strategy("𝐍𝐄𝐔𝐑𝐀𝐋 ππ„π“π–πŽπ‘πŠ", overlay=true,
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - Need to be tested - 11/2022
input alternatesignals = yes; #"Alternate Signals",
input ShowWeakSignals = no;
input ShowCloud = yes;
def na = Double.NaN; def c = close; def h = high; def l = low; def o = open; def v = volume;
def price = ohlc4;    # "Close Line"


#//Trend EMA
#tttradetrend = "Only place BUY or SELL orders with the direction of the Trend EMA."
input tradeTrendOption = no;   # "Only Tade with Trend"
input len111 = 200;            # "Trend EMA Length"
def src111 = close;
def out111 = ExpAverage(src111, len111);
def ma111  = out111;           # "EMA 200"

def mabuy  = out111 > out111[1];
def masell = out111 < out111[1];
#//5 EMAs/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
def len1 = 9;
def src1 = close;
def out1 = ExpAverage(src1, len1);
def ema1color = if out1 > out1[1] then 1 else 0;# #00bcd4 : #
def ema1 = out1;#, title="EMA 9", linewidth=3,, 50), offset=0,
AddCloud(if ShowCloud then price else na, out1, CreateColor(0,53,60), CreateColor(100,10,41));#title="EMA 9 Fill",, 90), editable=true)
def len2 = 21;
def src2 = close;
def out2 = ExpAverage(src2, len2);
def ema2color = if out2 > out2[1] then 1 else 0; #00bcd4 : #e91e63)
def ema2 = out2;#, title="EMA 21", linewidth=3,, 50),
AddCloud(if ShowCloud then price else na, ema2, CreateColor(0,53,60), CreateColor(100,10,41));

def len3 = 55;
def src3 = close;
def out3 = ExpAverage(src3, len3);
def ema3color = if out3 > out3[1] then 1 else 0; #00bcd4 : #e91e63)
def ema3 = out3;#, title="EMA 55", linewidth=3,, 50), off
AddCloud(if ShowCloud then price else na, out3, CreateColor(0,53,60), CreateColor(100,10,41));

def len4 = 100;
def src4 = close;
def out4 = ExpAverage(src4, len4);
def ema4color = if out4 > out4[1] then 1 else 0; #00bcd4 : #e91e63)
def ema4 = out4;#, title="EMA 100", linewidth=3,, 50),
AddCloud(if ShowCloud then price else na, out4, CreateColor(0,53,60), CreateColor(100,10,41));

def len5 = 200;
def src5 = close;
def out5 = ExpAverage(src5, len5);
def ema5color = if out5 > out5[1] then 1 else 0; #00bcd4 : #e91e63)
def ema5 = out5;#, title="EMA 200", linewidth=3,, 50),
AddCloud(if ShowCloud then price else na, out5, CreateColor(0,53,60), CreateColor(100,10,41));

#Supertrend(Source, AtrMult, atrPeriod, ChangeATR);
script supertrend {
    input Source    = hl2;
    input AtrMult   = 1;
    input atrPeriod = 10;
    input changeATR = yes;
    def ATR = if changeATR then ATR(atrPeriod) else SimpleMovingAvg(TrueRange(high, close, low), atrPeriod);
    def UP = Source + (AtrMult * ATR);
    def LW = Source - (AtrMult * ATR);
    def UP_Band = if ((UP < UP_Band[1]) or (close[1] > UP_Band[1])) then UP else UP_Band[1];
    def LW_Band = if ((LW > LW_Band[1]) or (close[1] < LW_Band[1])) then LW else LW_Band[1];

    def ST = if ((ST[1] == UP_Band[1]) and (close < UP_Band)) then UP_Band
        else if ((ST[1] == UP_Band[1]) and (close > UP_Band)) then LW_Band
        else if ((ST[1] == LW_Band[1]) and (close > LW_Band)) then LW_Band
        else if ((ST[1] == LW_Band)    and (close < LW_Band)) then UP_Band
        else LW_Band;
    plot Super = ST;
input changeATR = yes;
def atrPeriod = 10;
def factor = 3;
def ST = supertrend(c, factor, atrPeriod, changeATR);

def uptrend = c > ST;
def downtrend = c < ST;
def LongTrigger  = !uptrend[1] and uptrend;
def ShortTrigger = !downtrend[1] and downtrend;

def len6 = 100;
def src6 = close;
def hma = WMA(2 * WMA(src6, len6 / 2) - WMA(src6, len6), Floor(Sqrt(len6)));
def hmacolor = if c > hma then 1 else 0; #00bcd4 : #e91e63
plot MAhma = hma;#, title="HMA Line",, 25), linewidth=5)
MAhma.AssignValueColor(if hmacolor then CreateColor(0, 188, 212) else CreateColor(233, 30, 99));
#//Parabolic SAR///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
def start = 0.02;
def maximum = 0.2;
def psar = ParabolicSAR(start, maximum);
#//Bollinger Bands///////////////
def length1 = 20;
def src7 = close;
def mult1 = 2.0;
def basis = SimpleMovingAvg(src7, length1);
def dev = mult1 * StDev(src7, length1);
def upper = basis + dev;
def lower = basis - dev;
#//Average True Range ////////////////////////////////
def length2 = 1;
def mult2 = 1.85;
def natr = mult2 * ATR(length = length2);

def longStop1 = Highest(h, length2) - natr;
def longStopPrev = If(IsNaN(longStop1[1]), longStop1, longStop1[1]);
def longStop = If(c[1] > longStopPrev, Max(longStop1, longStopPrev), longStop[1]);

def shortStop1 = Lowest(l, length2) + natr;
def shortStopPrev = If(IsNaN(shortStop1[1]), shortStop1, shortStop1[1]);
def shortStop = If(c[1] < shortStopPrev, Min(shortStop1, shortStopPrev), shortStop[1]);
#var int dir = 1
def dir = if dir[1] == 0 then 1 else
            if c > shortStopPrev then 1 else if c < longStopPrev then -1 else dir[1];

def buySignal = dir == 1 and dir[1] == -1;
def sellSignal = dir == -1 and dir[1] == 1;
#//Chaikin Money Flow////////
def length19 = 50;
def ad19 = If(c == h and c == l or h == l, 0, ((2 * c - l - h) / (h - l)) * v);
def cmf = Sum(ad19, length19) / Sum(v, length19);
def  _vwap = vwap;
def vwapValue = _vwap;
#//Candle Patterns/////////////
#//Bullish Engulfing

def priceAvg = SimpleMovingAvg(c, 50);
def C_DownTrend = c < priceAvg;
def C_UpTrend = c > priceAvg;

def C_Len = 14;
def C_ShadowPercent = 5.0;
def C_ShadowEqualsPercent = 100.0;
def C_DojiBodyPercent = 5.0;
def C_Factor = 2.0;

def C_BodyHi = Max(c, o);
def C_BodyLo = Min(c, o);
def C_Body = C_BodyHi - C_BodyLo;
def C_BodyAvg = ExpAverage(C_Body, C_Len);
def C_SmallBody = C_Body < C_BodyAvg;
def C_LongBody = C_Body > C_BodyAvg;
def C_UpShadow = h - C_BodyHi;
def C_DnShadow = C_BodyLo - l;
def C_HasUpShadow = C_UpShadow > C_ShadowPercent / 100 * C_Body;
def C_HasDnShadow = C_DnShadow > C_ShadowPercent / 100 * C_Body;
def C_WhiteBody = o < c;
def C_BlackBody = o > c;
def C_Range = h - l;
def C_IsInsideBar = C_BodyHi[1] > C_BodyHi and C_BodyLo[1] < C_BodyLo;
def C_BodyMiddle = C_Body / 2 + C_BodyLo;
def C_ShadowEquals = C_UpShadow == C_DnShadow or (AbsValue(C_UpShadow - C_DnShadow) / C_DnShadow * 100) < C_ShadowEqualsPercent and (AbsValue(C_DnShadow - C_UpShadow) / C_UpShadow * 100) < C_ShadowEqualsPercent;
def C_IsDojiBody = C_Range > 0 and C_Body <= C_Range * C_DojiBodyPercent / 100;
def C_Doji = C_IsDojiBody and C_ShadowEquals;

def patternLabelPosLow = l - (ATR(Length=30) * 0.6);
def patternLabelPosHigh = h + (ATR(Length=30) * 0.6);

def C_EngulfingBullishNumberOfCandles = 2;
def C_EngulfingBullish = C_DownTrend and C_WhiteBody and C_LongBody and C_BlackBody[1] and C_SmallBody[1] and c >= o[1] and o <= c[1] and ( c > o[1] or o < c[1] );

#//Bearish Engulfing
def C_EngulfingBearishNumberOfCandles = 2;
def C_EngulfingBearish = C_UpTrend and C_BlackBody and C_LongBody and C_WhiteBody[1] and C_SmallBody[1] and c <= o[1] and o >= c[1] and (c < o[1] or o > c[1] );

#//plot(psar, "ParabolicSAR", style=plot.style_circles, color=#ffffff)
# stoch(source, high, low, length) =>
script stoch {
    input src = close;
    input h = high;
    input l = low;
    input len = 0;
    def stoch = 100 * (src - Lowest(l, len)) / (Highest(h, len) - Lowest(l, len));
    plot return = stoch;

script FindPivots {
    input dat = close; # default data or study being evaluated
    input HL  = 0;    # default high or low pivot designation, -1 low, +1 high
    input lbL  = 5;    # default Pivot Lookback Left
    input lbR  = 1;    # default Pivot Lookback Right
    def _nan;    # used for non-number returns
    def _BN;     # the current barnumber
    def _VStop;  # confirms that the lookforward period continues the pivot trend
    def _V;      # the Value at the actual pivot point
    _BN  = BarNumber();
    _nan = Double.NaN;
    _VStop = if !IsNaN(dat) and lbR > 0 and lbL > 0 then
                fold a = 1 to lbR + 1 with b=1 while b do
                    if HL > 0 then dat > GetValue(dat, -a) else dat < GetValue(dat, -a) else _nan;
    if (HL > 0) {
        _V = if _BN > lbL and dat == Highest(dat, lbL + 1) and _VStop
            then dat else _nan;
    } else {
        _V = if _BN > lbL and dat == Lowest(dat, lbL + 1) and _VStop
            then dat else _nan;
    plot result = if !IsNaN(_V) and _VStop then _V else _nan;
#valuewhen (Cond, source, lbr, occurrence)
script valuewhen {
    input cond = 0;
    input src = close;
    input lbr = 0;
    input occurrence = 0;
    def n = occurrence + 1;
    def offset = fold j = 0 to 200 with p=1 while p < n + 1
    do p + ( if p == n then j - n else if cond[j] == yes then 1 else 0 );
    plot price = GetValue(src[lbr], offset - 1);
#_inRange(cond) =>
script _inRange {
    input cond = yes;
    input rangeUpper = 60;
    input rangeLower = 5;
    def bars = if cond then 0 else bars[1] + 1;
    def inrange =  (rangeLower <= bars) and (bars <= rangeUpper);
    plot retrun = inrange;

#Div(source, lbl, lbr, MaxLookback, MinLookback, DivBull = yes, DivBear = yes, DivHiddenBull=no, DivHiddenBear=no),
script Div {
    input divSrc = close;
    input lbl = 5;
    input lbr = 5;
    input MaxLookback = 60;
    input MinLookback = 5;
    input DivBull = yes;
    input DivBear = yes;
    input DivHiddenBull = no;
    input DivHiddenBear = no;
    def h = high;
    def l = low;
    def pl = findpivots(divSrc, -1, lbl, lbr);
    def ph = findpivots(divSrc, 1, lbl, lbr);

    def plFound = if !IsNaN(pl) then 1 else 0;
    def phFound = if !IsNaN(ph) then 1 else 0;

    def vlFound = valuewhen(plFound, divSrc, 0, 1);
    def vhFound = valuewhen(phFound, divSrc, 0, 1);

    def plPrice = valuewhen(plFound, l, 0, 1);
    def phPrice = valuewhen(phFound, h, 0, 1);

#// Regular Bullish
    def oscHL = divSrc > vlFound and  _inRange(plFound[1], MaxLookback, MinLookback);
    def priceLL = l < plPrice;
    def bullCond = DivBull and plFound and oscHL and priceLL;

#// Regular Bearish
    def oscLH   = divSrc < vhFound and  _inRange(phFound[1], MaxLookback, MinLookback);
    def priceHH = h > phPrice;
    def bearCond = DivBear and phFound and oscLH and priceHH;

    plot BullDiv = if bullCond then 1 else 0;
    plot BearDiv = if bearCond then 1 else 0;

#//RSI Divergence/////////////////////////
def len11 = 14;
def src11 = close;
def lbR11 = 2;
def lbL11 = 6;
def rangeUpper11 = 60;
def rangeLower11 = 5;

def osc11 = RSI(price = src11, Length = len11);

#---- Div

def bullCond = DIV(osc11, lbL11, lbR11, rangeUpper11, rangeLower11).BullDiv;
def bearCond = DIV(osc11, lbL11, lbR11, rangeUpper11, rangeLower11).BearDiv;

def bullCond11 = if bullCond then 1 else 0;
def bearCond11 = if bearCond then 1 else 0;

#//MACD Divergence//////////////////////////////////////////////////
def fast_length12 = 12;
def slow_length12 = 26;
def src12 = close;
def signal_length12 = 9;
def fast_ma12 = ExpAverage(src12, fast_length12);
def slow_ma12 = ExpAverage(src12, slow_length12);
def macd = fast_ma12 - slow_ma12;
def signal = ExpAverage(macd, signal_length12);
def hist = macd - signal;
#donttouchzero12 = true
def lbR12 = 2;
def lbL12 = 6;
def rangeUpper12 = 60;
def rangeLower12 = 5;
def osc12 = macd;
def priceHHZero12 =  Highest(osc12, lbL12 + lbR12 + 5);
def blowzero12 = priceHHZero12 < 0;
def priceLLZero12 =  Lowest(osc12, lbL12 + lbR12 + 5);
def bearzero12 = priceLLZero12 > 0;
#---- Div
def bullCond2 = DIV(osc12, lbL12, lbR12, rangeUpper12, rangeLower12).BullDiv;
def bearCond2 = DIV(osc12, lbL12, lbR12, rangeUpper12, rangeLower12).BearDiv;

def bullCond12 = if bullCond2 and blowzero12 then 1 else 0;
def bearCond12 = if bearCond2 and bearzero12 then 1 else 0;

#//Wave Trend Divergence//////////////////////
def n1 = 9;
def n2 = 12;
def ap = hlc3 ;
def esa = ExpAverage(ap, n1);
def d1 = ExpAverage(AbsValue(ap - esa), n1);
def ci = (ap - esa) / (0.015 * d1);
def tci = ExpAverage(ci, n2);
#hline = 0
def wt1 = tci;
def wt2 = SimpleMovingAvg(wt1, 4);
def osc13 = tci;
def lbR13 = 2;
def lbL13 = 6;
def rangeUpper13 = 60;
def rangeLower13 = 5;
#---- Div
def bullCond3 = DIV(osc13, lbL13, lbR13, rangeUpper13, rangeLower13).BullDiv;
def bearCond3 = DIV(osc13, lbL13, lbR13, rangeUpper13, rangeLower13).BearDiv;

def bullCond13 = if bullCond3 then 1 else 0;
def bearCond13 = if bearCond3 then 1 else 0;
#//Stochastic Divergence///////////////
def periodK14 = 14;
def smoothK14 = 3;
def periodD14 = 3;
def k14 = SimpleMovingAvg(stoch(c, h, l, periodK14), smoothK14);
def d14 = simpleMovingAvg(k14, periodD14);
def lbR14 = 2;
def lbL14 = 6;
def rangeUpper14 = 60;
def rangeLower14 = 5;
def osc14 = k14;
#---- Div
def bullCond4 = DIV(osc14, lbL14, lbR14, rangeUpper14, rangeLower14).BullDiv;
def bearCond4 = DIV(osc14, lbL14, lbR14, rangeUpper14, rangeLower14).BearDiv;

def bullCond14 = if bullCond4 then 1 else 0;
def bearCond14 = if bearCond4 then 1 else 0;
#//Relative Volatility Index Divergence////////
def length15 = 12;
def src15 = close;
def len15 = 14;
def stddev15 = StDev(src15, length15);
def upper15 = ExpAverage(if (src15 - src15[1]) <= 0 then 0 else stddev15, len15);
def lower15 = ExpAverage(if (src15 - src15[1]) > 0 then 0 else stddev15, len15);
def rvi = upper15 / (upper15 + lower15) * 100;
def lbR15 = 2;
def lbL15 = 6;
def rangeUpper15 = 60;
def rangeLower15 = 5;
def osc15 = rvi;
#---- Div
def bullCond5 = DIV(osc15, lbL15, lbR15, rangeUpper15, rangeLower15).BullDiv;
def bearCond5 = DIV(osc15, lbL15, lbR15, rangeUpper15, rangeLower15).BearDiv;

def bullCond15 = if bullCond5 then 1 else 0;
def bearCond15 = if bearCond5 then 1 else 0;
#//OBV Divergence/////////////////////////////////////////
def len18 = 20;
def src18 = close;
def csrc = src18 - src18[1];
def os = TotalSum(if csrc > 0 then v else if csrc < 0 then -v else 0);
def obv = (os - ExpAverage(os, len18));
def lbR18 = 2;
def lbL18 = 6;
def rangeUpper18 = 60;
def rangeLower18 = 5;
def osc18 = obv;
#---- Div
def bullCond8 = DIV(osc18, lbL18, lbR18, rangeUpper18, rangeLower18).BullDiv;
def bearCond8 = DIV(osc18, lbL18, lbR18, rangeUpper18, rangeLower18).BearDiv;

def bullCond18 = if bullCond8 then 1 else 0;
def bearCond18 = if bearCond8 then 1 else 0;

#//Support and Resistance///////////////////////
def left16 = 200;
def right16 = 20;
def quick_right16 = 5;
#def src16 = yes;

def phc =  findpivots(c, 1, left16, right16);
def plc =  findpivots(c, -1, left16, right16);

def phc16 =  findpivots(c, 1, left16, quick_right16);
def plc16 =  findpivots(c, -1, left16, quick_right16);

def pivot_high16 = If(!IsNaN(phc), 1, na);
def pivot_lows16 = If(!IsNaN(plc), 1, na);

def quick_pivot_high16 = If(!IsNaN(phc16), 1, na);
def quick_pivot_lows16 = If(!IsNaN(plc16), 1, na);

def level1 = valuewhen(!isNaN(quick_pivot_high16), c,quick_right16, 0);
def level2 = valuewhen(!isNaN(quick_pivot_lows16), c,quick_right16, 0);
def level3 = valuewhen(!isNaN(pivot_high16), c,right16, 0);
def level4 = valuewhen(!isNaN(pivot_lows16), c,right16, 0);
def level5 = valuewhen(!isNaN(pivot_high16), c,right16, 1);
def level6 = valuewhen(!isNaN(pivot_lows16), c,right16, 1);
def level7 = valuewhen(!isNaN(pivot_high16), c,right16, 2);
def level8 = valuewhen(!isNaN(pivot_lows16), c,right16, 2);

def length17 = 9;
def src17 = close;
def hma17 = WMA(2 * WMA(src17, length17 / 2) - WMA(src17, length17), Floor(Sqrt(length17)));

def buy1 = hma17 > level1 and hma17[1] < level1[1] and c > c[2];
def buy2 = hma17 > level2 and hma17[1] < level2[1] and c > c[2];
def buy3 = hma17 > level3 and hma17[1] < level3[1] and c > c[2];
def buy4 = hma17 > level4 and hma17[1] < level4[1] and c > c[2];
def buy5 = hma17 > level5 and hma17[1] < level5[1] and c > c[2];
def buy6 = hma17 > level6 and hma17[1] < level6[1] and c > c[2];
def buy7 = hma17 > level7 and hma17[1] < level7[1] and c > c[2];
def buy8 = hma17 > level8 and hma17[1] < level8[1] and c > c[2];

def sell1 = hma17 < level1 and hma17[1] > level1[1] and c < c[2];
def sell2 = hma17 < level2 and hma17[1] > level2[1] and c < c[2];
def sell3 = hma17 < level3 and hma17[1] > level3[1] and c < c[2];
def sell4 = hma17 < level4 and hma17[1] > level4[1] and c < c[2];
def sell5 = hma17 < level5 and hma17[1] > level5[1] and c < c[2];
def sell6 = hma17 < level6 and hma17[1] > level6[1] and c < c[2];
def sell7 = hma17 < level7 and hma17[1] > level7[1] and c < c[2];
def sell8 = hma17 < level8 and hma17[1] > level8[1] and c < c[2];

#//Alternate Signals Option
#//Score Requirements
input strongLongScore = 10;#, minval=0, maxval=1000, title="Required Strong LONG Score")
input strongShortScore = 10;#, minval=0, maxval=1000, title="Required Strong SHORT Score")
input weakLongScore = 8;#, minval=0, maxval=1000, title="Required Weak LONG Score")
input weakShortScore = 8;#, minval=0, maxval=1000, title="Required Weak SHORT Score")
#//Trend Indicator Signals//////////////////////////////////////////
#//EMA Signals
input emaDirectionImportance = 2;    # "EMA Trend Direction Importance")
def emadirectionup = if out5 < c then emadirectionimportance else 0;
#emadirectionupstatus = emadirectionup ? "EMA Trend Direction Up" : na
def emadirectiondown = if out5 > c then emadirectionimportance else 0;
#emadirectiondownstatus = emadirectiondown ? "EMA Trend Direction Down" : na

input emaPushPullImportance = 2;    # "EMA Pressure Importance")
def emapushup = if out2 > out2[1] and out3 < out3[1] then emapushpullimportance else 0;
#emapushupstatus = emapushup ? "EMA Pushing Up" : na
def emapulldown = If(out2 < out2[1] and out3 > out3[1], emapushpullimportance, 0);
#emapulldownstatus = emapulldown ? "EMA Pulling Down" : na

#//Super Trend Signals
def supertrendDirImportance = 0;    # "SuperTrend Direction Importance")
def supertrendup = If(uptrend, supertrenddirimportance, 0);
def supertrenddown = If(downtrend, supertrenddirimportance, 0);

input supertrendRevImportance = 4;#, minval=0, maxval=100, title="SuperTrend Reversal Importance")
def supertrendrevup = If(LongTrigger, supertrendrevimportance, 0);
def supertrendrevdown = If(ShortTrigger, supertrendrevimportance, 0);

#/Parabolic SAR Signals
def psarDirImportance = 0;#, minval=0, maxval=100, title="Parabolic SAR Direction Importance")
def psardirup = If(psar < c, psardirimportance, 0);
def psardirdown = If(psar > c, psardirimportance, 0);

input psarRevImportance = 3;#00, title="Parabolic SAR Reversal Importance")
def psarrevup = If(psar < c and psar[1] > c[1], psarrevimportance, 0);
def psarrevdown = If(psar > c and psar[1] < c, psarrevimportance, 0);

#//HMA Signals
input hmaClosePosImportance = 1;#, title="HMA Trend Direction Importance")
def hmacloseposup = If(hma < c, hmacloseposimportance, 0);
def hmacloseposdown = If(hma > c, hmacloseposimportance, 0);

input hmaPivotImportance = 3;#100, title="HMA Pivot Importance")
def hmapivotup = If(hma > hma[1] and hma[1] < hma[2], hmapivotimportance, 0);
def hmapivotdown = If(hma < hma[1] and hma[1] > hma[2], hmapivotimportance, 0);

#//Momentum Indicator Signals////////

#//RSI Signals
input rsiDivImportance = 4;#tle="RSI Divergence Importance")
def rsidivup = If(bullCond11 or bullCond11[1] or bullCond11[2], rsidivimportance, 0);
def rsidivdown = If(bearCond11 or bearCond11[1] or bearCond11[2], rsidivimportance, 0);

input rsiLevelImportance = 0;# title="RSI Level Importance")
def rsioversold = If(osc11 < 30, rsilevelimportance, 0);
def rsioverbought = If(osc11 > 70, rsilevelimportance, 0);

input rsiDirectionImportance = 1;# title="RSI Cross 50-Line Importance")
def rsicrossup = If((osc11 > 50 and osc11[1] < 50) or (osc11 > 50 and osc11[2] < 50), rsidirectionimportance, 0);
def rsicrossdown = If((osc11 < 50 and osc11[1] > 50) or (osc11 < 50 and osc11[2] > 50), rsidirectionimportance, 0);

#//MACD Signals
input macdDivImportance = 0;# minval=0, maxval=100, title="MACD Divergence Importance")
def macddivup = If(bullCond12 or bullCond12[1] or bullCond12[2], macddivimportance, 0);
def macddivdown = If(bearCond12 or bearCond12[1] or bearCond12[2], macddivimportance, 0);

input histPivotImportance = 1;#100, title="MACD Histogram Pivot Importance")
def histpivotup = If(hist > hist[1] and hist[1] < hist[2] and hist < 0, histpivotimportance, 0);
def histpivotdown = If(hist < hist[1] and hist[1] > hist[2] and hist > 0, histpivotimportance, 0);

input macdCrossSignalImportance = 1;#title="MACD Cross Signal Importance")
def macdcrosssignalup = If(macd > signal and macd[1] < signal[1] and signal < 0, macdCrossSignalImportance, 0);
def macdcrosssignaldown = If(macd < signal and macd[1] > signal[1] and signal > 0, macdCrossSignalImportance, 0);

#//WaveTrend Signals
input wtDivImportance = 0;# title="WaveTrend Divergence Importance")
def wtdivup = If(bullCond13 or bullCond13[1] or bullCond13[2], wtDivImportance, 0);
def wtdivdown = If(bearCond13 or bearCond13[1] or bearCond13[2], wtDivImportance, 0);

input wtCrossSignalImportance = 4;#le="WaveTrend Cross Signal Importance")
def wtcrosssignalup = If(wt1 > wt2 and wt1[1] < wt2[1] and wt2 < -10, wtCrossSignalImportance, 0);
def wtcrosssignaldown = If(wt1 < wt2 and wt1[1] > wt2[1] and wt2 > 10, wtCrossSignalImportance, 0);

#//Stochastic Signals
input sDivImportance = 1;#="Stochastic Divergence Importance")
def sdivup = If(bullCond14 or bullCond14[1] or bullCond14[2], sDivImportance, 0);
def sdivdown = If(bearCond14 or bearCond14[1] or bearCond14[2], sDivImportance, 0);

input sCrossSignalImportance = 1;#title="Stoch Cross Signal Importance")
def scrosssignalup = If(k14 > d14 and k14[1] < d14[1], sCrossSignalImportance, 0);
def scrosssignaldown = If(k14 < d14 and k14[1] > d14[1], sCrossSignalImportance, 0);

#//Volatility Indicators/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

#//Bollinger Bands Signals
input bbContImportance = 0;#="BollingerBands Contact Importance")
def bbcontup = If(c < lower, bbContImportance, 0);
def bbcontdown = If(o > upper, bbContImportance, 0);

#//Average True Range Signals
input atrRevImportance = 1;#e="ATR Reversal Importance")
def atrrevup = If(buySignal, atrRevImportance, 0);
def atrrevdown = If(sellSignal, atrRevImportance, 0);

#//Relative Volatility Index Signals
input rviPosImportance = 3;#00, title="RVI Position Importance")
def rviposup = If(rvi > 25 and rvi[1] < 40, rviPosImportance, 0);
def rviposdown = If(rvi < 75 and rvi[1] > 60, rviPosImportance, 0);

input rviDivImportance = 4;#, title="RVI Divergence Importance")
def rvidivup = If(bullCond15 or bullCond15[1] or bullCond15[2], rviDivImportance, 0);
def rvidivdown = If(bearCond15 or bearCond15[1] or bearCond15[2], rviDivImportance, 0);

#//Support and Resistance Signals
input srcrossimportance = 0;#itle="Support/Resistance Cross Importance")
def srcrossup = If(buy1 or buy2 or buy3 or buy4 or buy5 or buy6 or buy7 or buy8, srcrossimportance, 0);
def srcrossdown = If(sell1 or sell2 or sell3 or sell4 or sell5 or sell6 or sell7 or sell8, srcrossimportance, 0);

#//Volume Indicator Signals//////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#//On Balance Volume Divergence Signals
input obvdivimportance = 0;#=100, title="OBV Divergence Importance")
def obvdivup = If(bullCond18 or bullCond18[1] or bullCond18[2], obvdivimportance, 0);
def obvdivdown = If(bearCond18 or bearCond18[1] or bearCond18[2], obvdivimportance, 0);

#//Chaikin Money Flow Signals
input cmfCrossImportance = 0;#title="CMF Cross 50-Line Importance")
def cmfcrossup = If(cmf > 0 and cmf[1] < 0, cmfCrossImportance, 0);
def cmfcrossdown = If(cmf < 0 and cmf[1] > 0, cmfCrossImportance, 0);

input cmfLevImportance = 0;#axval=100, title="CMF Level Importance")
def cmflevup = If(cmf > 0, cmfLevImportance, 0);
def cmflevdown = If(cmf < 0, cmfLevImportance, 0);

#//VWAP Signals
input vwapCrossImportance = 0;#0, title="VWAP Cross HMA Importance")
def vwapcrossup = if(hma < vwapValue and hma[1] > vwapValue[1], vwapcrossimportance, 0);
def vwapcrossdown = if(hma > vwapValue and hma[1] < vwapValue[1], vwapcrossimportance, 0);

input vwapTrendImportance = 0;#, minval=0, maxval=100, title="VWAP Trend Importance")
def vwaptrendup = if(out2 > vwapValue, vwaptrendimportance, 0);
def vwaptrenddown = if(out2 < vwapValue,vwaptrendimportance, 0);

#//Candle Patterns Signals
input engulfingCandleImportance = 0;#00, title="Engulfing Candle Importance")
def bulleng = If(C_EngulfingBullish, engulfingCandleImportance, 0);
def beareng = If(C_EngulfingBearish, engulfingCandleImportance, 0);

#//Classify Entries
def stronglongentrysignal  = emadirectionup + emapushup + supertrendup   + supertrendrevup   + psardirup   + psarrevup   + hmacloseposup   + hmapivotup   + rsidivup   + rsioversold   + rsicrossup   + macddivup   + histpivotup   + macdcrosssignalup   + wtdivup   + wtcrosssignalup   + sdivup   + scrosssignalup   + bbcontup   + atrrevup   + rviposup   + rvidivup   + srcrossup   + obvdivup   + cmfcrossup   + cmflevup   + vwapcrossup   + vwaptrendup   + bulleng >= stronglongscore;

def strongshortentrysignal = emadirectiondown + emapulldown + supertrenddown + supertrendrevdown + psardirdown + psarrevdown + hmacloseposdown + hmapivotdown + rsidivdown + rsioverbought + rsicrossdown + macddivdown + histpivotdown + macdcrosssignaldown + wtdivdown + wtcrosssignaldown + sdivdown + scrosssignaldown + bbcontdown + atrrevdown + rviposdown + rvidivdown + srcrossdown + obvdivdown + cmfcrossdown + cmflevdown + vwapcrossdown + vwaptrenddown + beareng >= strongshortscore;

def weaklongentrysignal    = emadirectionup   + emapushup   + supertrendup   + supertrendrevup   + psardirup   + psarrevup   + hmacloseposup   + hmapivotup   + rsidivup   + rsioversold   + rsicrossup   + macddivup   + histpivotup   + macdcrosssignalup   + wtdivup   + wtcrosssignalup   + sdivup   + scrosssignalup   + bbcontup   + atrrevup   + rviposup   + rvidivup   + srcrossup   + obvdivup   + cmfcrossup   + cmflevup   + vwapcrossup   + vwaptrendup   + bulleng >= weaklongscore;

def weakshortentrysignal   = emadirectiondown + emapulldown + supertrenddown + supertrendrevdown + psardirdown + psarrevdown + hmacloseposdown + hmapivotdown + rsidivdown + rsioverbought + rsicrossdown + macddivdown + histpivotdown + macdcrosssignaldown + wtdivdown + wtcrosssignaldown + sdivdown + scrosssignaldown + bbcontdown + atrrevdown + rviposdown + rvidivdown + srcrossdown + obvdivdown + cmfcrossdown + cmflevdown + vwapcrossdown + vwaptrenddown + beareng >= weakshortscore;

#/Alternate Entry Signals
def pos;
if stronglongentrysignal and pos[1] <= 0 {
    pos = 1;
    } else {
if strongshortentrysignal and pos[1] >= 0 {
    pos = -1;
    } else {
    pos = pos[1];}}

def longentry = pos == 1 and pos[1] != 1;
def shortentry = pos == -1 and pos[1] != -1;
def alternatelong  = if(alternatesignals, longentry , stronglongentrysignal);
def alternateshort = if(alternatesignals, shortentry, strongshortentrysignal);

AddChartBubble(if(tradetrendoption,alternatelong and mabuy, alternatelong), l,"L",Color.GREEN,no);
AddChartBubble(if(tradetrendoption,alternateshort and masell,alternateshort),h,"S",Color.RED,yes);
plot WeakLong = if weaklongentrysignal then l else na;#, title="Weak Long Triangle",
plot WeakShort = if weakshortentrysignal then h else na;#"Weak Short Triangle"

#---- END CODE
@samer800 thank you some much!!
@forex20723 Did you confirm it is preforming in the same manner? Any Backtesting?
Yes backtesting? Using the method in the video, when the bar close's above or below the line, that can be used with the Floating P/L. Just using a simple pen and paper method on /ES on the 5 Minute chart gives me a profit of $353 on Friday.
Yes backtesting? Using the method in the video, when the bar close's above or below the line, that can be used with the Floating P/L. Just using a simple pen and paper method on /ES on the 5 Minute chart gives me a profit of $353 on Friday.
Do you have the link for the video? Thank you!!
Oh nice. Yeah saw the original gave some poor signals and win rate. But came up on the strategy he used in the video.
Would there be a way to put a line that identifies the top/bottom of the ribbon? It is so "light" against my background I can barely identify it
Yes backtesting? Using the method in the video, when the bar close's above or below the line, that can be used with the Floating P/L. Just using a simple pen and paper method on /ES on the 5 Minute chart gives me a profit of $353 on Friday.

I would not bother back-testing this code since the FindPivots function relied upon extensively by this indicator is using forward-looking code.

The lbR variable is being used to specify how many bars it is looking ahead into time, and most of the code uses an lbR of 2 when calling Div (the Divergence Finder function), so it looks 2 bars into the future from the current bar (with the current bar being index 0 and + 2 making a total of 3 bars). This will make it appear to be incredible if trying to backtest it, but won't do anything for realtime trading as 3 bars will already have passed (3min Chart = 9min passed, 5min Chart = 15min passed) before the signals become reliable.

Essentially it's using the benefit of a full chart and looking ahead in time by 'n' bars to paint pictures, not give realtime trading signals. Since realtime data has no future bars, then the indicator will be constantly repainting the last 3 bars as new data comes in. (Just as TTM_Scalper does).

A fix would be to add the lbR index to all values so it will start say 2 bars back, then look 2 bars forward and end up back at the current bar, then only the latest bar would be updated with live results. However, the lbR would have to be added to every value that needs to be synchronized with Div - not just ones that use lbL.

Unfortunate, I know. But we don't (yet) have time-machines (or those that do aren't telling πŸ˜‰).
Last edited:
I have been trying to setup a scanner with this but I am getting an error saying that the script is too complicated for the scanner. Did anybody try this? if so, can you please help me.

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What is useThinkScript?

useThinkScript is the #1 community of stock market investors using indicators and other tools to power their trading strategies. Traders of all skill levels use our forums to learn about scripting and indicators, help each other, and discover new ways to gain an edge in the markets.

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VIP members get exclusive access to these proven and tested premium indicators: Buy the Dip, Advanced Market Moves 2.0, Take Profit, and Volatility Trading Range. In addition, VIP members get access to over 50 VIP-only custom indicators, add-ons, and strategies, private VIP-only forums, private Discord channel to discuss trades and strategies in real-time, customer support, trade alerts, and much more. Learn all about VIP membership here.
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To access the premium indicators, which are plug and play ready, sign up for VIP membership here.