#Need Help with Tos code writing.
#soni1 11/7
# take low and high of previous day.
# take a certain percentage from low and high of day to come up with targets.
# example, Low of day 202.51
# Buy level would be low of prev day * 0.2%
# Stoploss would be low of prev day * 0.999%
# Target 1 would be low of prev day * 1.45%
# Target 2 would be low of prev day * 2%
# So I should be able to Change the low price any time and new targets should be calculated based on percentages i mentioned with lines on the chart.
def na = Double.NaN;
def bn = BarNumber();
def big = 99999;
def istoday = if GetLastDay() == GetDay() then 1 else 0;
def day_last = (istoday and !istoday[-1]);
#addverticalline(day_last, "-", color.cyan);
input buy_per = 0.2;
input stop_per = -0.1;
input target1_per = 1.5;
input target2_per = 2.0;
#input agg = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
#def day_low = low(period = agg);
#def day_high = high(period = agg);
def days_back = 1;
def data_day = (getday() + days_back) == getlastday();
def day_high = if bn == 1 then 0
else if data_day then max(high, day_high[1])
else day_high[1];
def day_low = if bn == 1 then big
else if data_day then min(low, day_low[1])
else day_low[1];
def target2 = day_low[1] * (1 + (target2_per/100));
def target1 = day_low[1] * (1 + (target1_per/100));
def buy = day_low[1] * (1 + (buy_per/100));
def stop = day_low[1] * (1 + (stop_per/100));
plot zt2 = if istoday then target2 else na;
plot zt1 = if istoday then target1 else na;
plot zb = if istoday then buy else na;
plot zs = if istoday then stop else na;
input level_bubbles = yes;
addchartbubble(level_bubbles and day_last, target2, "Target 2 " + asdollars(target2) + " " + round(target2_per,2) + "%", color.yellow, yes);
addchartbubble(level_bubbles and day_last, target1, "Target 1 " + asdollars(target1) + " " + round(target1_per,2) + "%", color.yellow, yes);
addchartbubble(level_bubbles and day_last, buy, "Buy " + asdollars(buy) + " " + round(buy_per,2) + "%", color.yellow, no);
addchartbubble(level_bubbles and day_last, stop, "Stop " + asdollars(stop) + " " + round(stop_per,2) + "%", color.yellow, no);
# ------------------
input test1_prev_low_level = no;
plot zlo = if test1_prev_low_level and istoday then day_low else na;
# .setlineweight(1);
input test2_data_day_levels = no;
plot z1 = if test2_data_day_levels and day_high > 0 and data_day then day_high else na;
plot z2 = if test2_data_day_levels and day_low < big and data_day then day_low else na;