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need help to get the arrows to plot higher agg in a lower time frame chart

@Piper2808t Could you please post the code here using the </> post formatting bar icon, using Ruby for syntax highlighting... Members shouldn't be required to import your code in order to review it in an effort to help... Most issues can be resolved via brief visual review alone... Posting the code should always be the practice, whether a shared link is also provided or not...
@Piper2808t Please read the tutorial of how to post to this forum. It explains the correct way to include scripts and images in your post.
Your question doesn't make any sense. You already have all your arrows on your chart. Please be more clear about what the problem is. Mark up your chart in photoshop pointing to the problems. Follow the instructions on how to post in the above link.

Here is what your post should look like:
@Piper2808t has a question about how to plot RSI_Laguerre_Lines_wTargets 15min arrows on a 1min chart.
The chart shows the arrows are already plotting.

Here is the code being used:
#StudyName:     RSI_Laguerre_Lines_wTargets
#Version/Date:  v1 5/30/17                                           
#TOS.mx Link:
#Type:          [Study]                                               
#Description:   RSI in Laguerre Time MTF plotted on Upper chart
#Author:        jcseattle
#Copyright:     Copyright jcseattle/amalia 2016. All rights reserved.
#Copyleft:      This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#               it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#               the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#               (at your option) any later version. See <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
#Requested By:   ""
#History:       Ver  Date        Auth  Change
#First draft    v1   5/30/17     jcseattle - No changes
# Notes           :Based off original script in
#                  RSI in Laguerre Time MTF Option_v3
#                  Mobius
#                  V02.07.2014
#                  translation of J Elher's code
# Annotation      : ""
# Trading Notes   : ""

#                                        Start Code

input MTF = no;
input timeframe = AggregationPeriod.FIFTEEN_MIN ;
def na = Double.NaN;
script R {
    input gamma              = .2;
    input usecandletype      = {candle_hybrid, default candle};
    input usehigheraggperiod = {default "Current", "Higher"};
    input outputformat       = {default Rounded, "Not Rounded"};
    ;#Hint outputformat: 'Not Rounded' is used for notes, bonds (eg: 109'110), forex, etc type format.
    input atrlength          = 21;
    input agg                = AggregationPeriod.ten_MIN;
    input overbought         = .8;
    input oversold           = .2;
    def o;
    def h;
    def l;
    def c;
    def CU1;
    def CU2;
    def CU;
    def CD1;
    def CD2;
    def CD;
    def L0;
    def L1;
    def L2;
    def L3;
    plot RSI;
    plot OS;
    plot OB;
    def error = usehigheraggperiod == usehigheraggperiod."Higher" and GetAggregationPeriod() > agg;
    switch (usehigheraggperiod) {
    case Current:
        if usecandletype == usecandletype.candle_hybrid {
            o = (open + close[1]) / 2;
            h = Max(high, close[1]);
            l = Min(low, close[1]);
            c = (o + h + l + close) / 4;
        } else {
            o = open;
            h = high;
            l = low;
            c = close;
    case Higher:
        if error {
            o = Double.NaN;
            h = Double.NaN;
            l = Double.NaN;
            c = Double.NaN;
        } else {
            if usecandletype == usecandletype.candle_hybrid {
                o = (open(period = agg)     + close(period = agg)[1]) / 2;
                h = Max(high(period = agg)  , close(period = agg)[1]);
                l = Min(low(period = agg)   , close(period = agg)[1]);
                c = ((open(period = agg)    + close(period = agg)[1]) / 2
            + Max(high(period = agg), close(period = agg)[1])
            + Min(low(period = agg) , close(period = agg)[1])
            + close(period = agg)) / 4;
            } else {
                o = open(period = agg);
                h = high(period = agg);
                l = low(period = agg);
                c = close(period = agg);
    L0 = (1 – gamma) * c + gamma * L0[1];
    L1 = -gamma * L0 + L0[1] + gamma * L1[1];
    L2 = -gamma * L1 + L1[1] + gamma * L2[1];
    L3 = -gamma * L2 + L2[1] + gamma * L3[1];
    if L0 >= L1
    then {
        CU1 = L0 - L1;
        CD1 = 0;
    } else {
        CD1 = L1 - L0;
        CU1 = 0;
    if L1 >= L2
    then {
        CU2 = CU1 + L1 - L2;
        CD2 = CD1;
    } else {
        CD2 = CD1 + L2 - L1;
        CU2 = CU1;
    if L2 >= L3
    then {
        CU = CU2 + L2 - L3;
        CD = CD2;
    } else {
        CU = CU2;
        CD = CD2 + L3 - L2;

    RSI = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN
      else if CU + CD <> 0
      then    CU / (CU + CD) else 0;
    OS  = if IsNaN(close)
      then Double.NaN else oversold;
    OB  = if IsNaN(close)
      then Double.NaN
      else overbought;
    def mid = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 0.5;
    def lineh = 1.2;
    def linel = -.2;
# End Code Basic RSI Laguerre - Author: Mobius


def Up = if R() crosses above R().OS then 1 else 0;
def u = if R() crosses above R().OB then 1 else 0;

def Dn = if R() crosses below R().OB then 1 else 0;
def d = if R() crosses below R().OS then 1 else 0;

def Green = if Up
#or u
then low else 0;
def Red = if Dn
#or d
then high else 0;

def showLines = 1;

def trendchange = if Green then low else if Red then high else trendchange[1];

def PL = if !IsNaN(trendchange)
             then trendchange
             else PL[1];

plot pivotLine = if PL > 0
                       then PL
                       else Double.NaN;

input showArrows = yes;
plot ArrUp = if showArrows and Green then low else 0;

plot ArrDn = if showArrows and Red then high else 0;

pivotLine.AssignValueColor(if R() < R().OB then Color.RED else if R() > R().OS then Color.GREEN else Color.BLACK);

input ShowLabels = yes;
#Multipliers for ATR targets
input firsttgt = 1.618;
input secondtgt = 3.447;
input thirdtgt = 4.25;
input ATRLength = 8;#default is 14

def agg = if GetAggregationPeriod() > AggregationPeriod.FIFTEEN_MIN then GetAggregationPeriod() else AggregationPeriod.FIFTEEN_MIN;#You can edit this to just (GetAggregationPeriod())
def ATR = Average(TrueRange(High(period = agg),Close(period = agg),Low(period = agg)),ATRLength);
#addlabel(ShowLabels, "ATR = " + Round((ATR) / TickSize(),0)*TickSize(), Color.GRAY);

input showStrategy = yes;
def co = if PL[1] and R()[1] > R().OS[1] then 1 else 0;
def firstlongtarget = if co then (PivotLine + ATR*firsttgt) else 0;
def secondlongtarget = if co then (PivotLine + ATR*secondtgt) else 0;
def thirdlongtarget = if co then (PivotLine + ATR*thirdtgt) else 0;

def sto = if PL and R() < R().OB then 1 else 0;
def firstshorttarget = if sto then (PivotLine - ATR*firsttgt) else 0;
def secondshorttarget = if sto then (PivotLine - ATR*secondtgt) else 0;
def thirdshorttarget = if sto then (PivotLine - ATR*thirdtgt) else 0;

#    Internal Script Reference
#    Author: Mobius

    def LineLimit = 30;
    def Detrend = 0;
    def OnExpansion = yes;
    def data = firstlongtarget;
    def bar = 0;
    def ShowAllPlots = 0;
    def ThisBar = HighestAll(bar) - Detrend;
    def cLine   = if ShowAllPlots == 0
            then if bar == ThisBar
                 then data
                 else Double.NaN
            else data;
    def cond1 = CompoundValue(1, if IsNaN(data)
                                then cond1[1]
                                else data, data);
    def P = if ShowAllPlots == 0
            then if ThisBar - LineLimit <= bar
            then HighestAll(cLine)
            else Double.NaN
            else cLine;
    plot firstLTarget = if OnExpansion and
                  then cond1
                  else Double.NaN;
#addlabel(ShowLabels, if R() > R().OS then "Long Target = " + Round((firstLTarget) / TickSize(),0)*TickSize() else "", Color.GREEN);
#AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close) and !isNaN(close[1]),
##               firstLTarget,
#              "First Target = " + Round((firstLTarget) / TickSize(),0)*TickSize(),
#               Color.GREEN,
 #              yes);

def difflongtarget = if close < firstlongtarget then (firstlongtarget - close) else (close - firstlongtarget);
#addLabel(ShowLabels, if R() > R().OS then "Diff 1st L tgt = " + (Round((difflongtarget) / TickSize(),0)*TickSize()) else "", Color.LIGHT_GREEN);

    def LineLimit3 = 30;
    def Detrend3 = 0;
    def OnExpansion3 = yes;
    def data3 = secondlongtarget;
    def bar3 = 0;
    def ShowAllPlots3 = 0;
    def ThisBar3 = HighestAll(bar) - Detrend;
    def cLine3   = if ShowAllPlots3 == 0
            then if bar3 == ThisBar3
                 then data3
                 else Double.NaN
            else data3;
    def cond3 = CompoundValue(1, if IsNaN(data3)
                                then cond3[1]
                                else data3, data3);
    def P3 = if ShowAllPlots3 == 0
            then if ThisBar3 - LineLimit3 <= bar3
            then HighestAll(cLine3)
            else Double.NaN
            else cLine3;
    plot secondLTarget = if OnExpansion3 and
                  then cond3
                  else Double.NaN;
#addlabel(ShowLabels, if R() > R().OS then "2nd Long Target = " + Round((secondLTarget) / TickSize(),0)*TickSize() else "", Color.GREEN);
#AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close) and !isNaN(close[1]),
  #             secondLTarget,
  #            "2nd Long Target = " + Round((secondLTarget) / TickSize(),0)*TickSize(),
  #             Color.GREEN,
    #           yes);

def difflongtarget2 = if close < secondlongtarget then (secondlongtarget - close) else (close - secondlongtarget);
#addLabel(ShowLabels, if R() > R().OS then "Diff 2nd L tgt = " + Round((difflongtarget2) / TickSize(),0)*TickSize() else "", Color.LIGHT_GREEN);

    def LineLimit9 = 30;
    def Detrend9 = 0;
    def OnExpansion9 = yes;
    def data9 = thirdlongtarget;
    def bar9 = 0;
    def ShowAllPlots9 = 0;
    def ThisBar9 = HighestAll(bar9) - Detrend9;
    def cLine9   = if ShowAllPlots9 == 0
            then if bar9 == ThisBar9
                 then data9
                 else Double.NaN
            else data9;
    def cond9 = CompoundValue(1, if IsNaN(data9)
                                then cond9[1]
                                else data9, data9);
    def P9 = if ShowAllPlots9 == 0
            then if ThisBar9 - LineLimit9 <= bar9
            then HighestAll(cLine9)
            else Double.NaN
            else cLine9;
    plot thirdLTarget = if OnExpansion9 and
                  then cond9
                  else Double.NaN;
#addlabel(ShowLabels, if R() > R().OS then "3rd Long Target = " + Round((thirdLTarget) / TickSize(),0)*TickSize() else "", Color.GREEN);
#AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close) and !isNaN(close[1]),
#              thirdLTarget,
#            "3rd Long Target = " + Round((thirdLTarget) / TickSize(),0)*TickSize(),
 #              Color.GREEN,
  #             yes);

def difflongtarget9 = if close < thirdlongtarget then (thirdlongtarget - close) else (close - thirdlongtarget);
#addLabel(ShowLabels, if R() > R().OS then "Diff 3rd L tgt = " + Round((difflongtarget9) / TickSize(),0)*TickSize() else "", Color.LIGHT_GREEN);

    def LineLimit2 = 30;
    def Detrend2 = 0;
    def OnExpansion2 = yes;
    def data2 = firstshorttarget;
    def bar2 = 0;
    def ShowAllPlots2 = 0;
    def ThisBar2 = HighestAll(bar2) - Detrend2;
    def cLine2   = if ShowAllPlots2 == 0
            then if bar2 == ThisBar2
                 then data2
                 else Double.NaN
           else data2;
    def cond2 = CompoundValue(1, if IsNaN(data2)
                                then cond2[1]
                                else data2, data2);
    def P2 = if ShowAllPlots2 == 0
            then if ThisBar2 - LineLimit2 <= bar2
            then HighestAll(cLine2)
            else Double.NaN
            else cLine2;
    plot firstSTarget = if OnExpansion2 and
                  then cond2
                  else Double.NaN;
#addlabel(ShowLabels, if R() < R().OB then "1st Short Target = " + Round((firstSTarget) / TickSize(),0)*TickSize() else "", Color.RED);
#AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close) and !IsNaN(Close[1]),
#                firstSTarget,
#                "Short Target = " + Round((firstSTarget) / TickSize(),0)*TickSize(),
 #               Color.RED,
  #              no);

def diffshorttarget = if close < data2 then (data2 - close) else (close - data2);
#addLabel(ShowLabels, if R() < R().OB then "Diff 1st S tgt = " + Round((diffshorttarget) / TickSize(),0)*TickSize() else "", Color.LIGHT_RED);

    def LineLimit4 = 30;
    def Detrend4 = 0;
    def OnExpansion4 = yes;
    def data4 = secondshorttarget;
    def bar4 = 0;
    def ShowAllPlots4 = 0;
    def ThisBar4 = HighestAll(bar4) - Detrend4;
    def cLine4   = if ShowAllPlots4 == 0
            then if bar4 == ThisBar4
                 then data4
                 else Double.NaN
           else data4;
    def cond4 = CompoundValue(1, if IsNaN(data4)
                                then cond4[1]
                                else data4, data4);
    def P4 = if ShowAllPlots4 == 0
            then if ThisBar4 - LineLimit4 <= bar4
            then HighestAll(cLine4)
            else Double.NaN
            else cLine4;
    plot secondSTarget = if OnExpansion4 and
                  then cond4 #
                  else Double.NaN;
#Round((close + (atr)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
#addlabel(ShowLabels, if R() < R().OB then "2nd Short Target = " + Round((secondSTarget) / TickSize(),0)*TickSize() else "", Color.RED);
#AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close) and !IsNaN(Close[1]),
             #   secondSTarget,
            ##    "2nd Short Target = " + Round((secondSTarget) / TickSize(),0)*TickSize(),
            #    Color.RED,
            #    no);

def diffshorttgt2 = if close < secondshorttarget then (secondshorttarget - close) else (close - secondshorttarget);
#addLabel(ShowLabels, if R() < R().OB then "Diff 2nd S tgt = " + Round((diffshorttgt2) / TickSize(),0)*TickSize() else "", Color.LIGHT_RED);

    def LineLimit8 = 30;
    def Detrend8 = 0;
    def OnExpansion8 = yes;
    def data8 = thirdshorttarget;
    def bar8 = 0;
    def ShowAllPlots8 = 0;
    def ThisBar8 = HighestAll(bar8) - Detrend8;
    def cLine8  = if ShowAllPlots8 == 0
            then if bar8 == ThisBar8
                 then data8
                 else Double.NaN
            else data8;
    def cond8 = CompoundValue(1, if IsNaN(data8)
                                then cond8[1]
                                else data8, data8);
    def P8 = if ShowAllPlots8 == 0
            then if ThisBar8 - LineLimit8 <= bar8
            then HighestAll(cLine8)
            else Double.NaN
            else cLine8;
    plot thirdSTarget = if OnExpansion8 and
                  then cond8
                  else Double.NaN;
#addlabel(ShowLabels, if R() < R().OB then "3rd Short Target = " + Round((thirdSTarget) / TickSize(),0)*TickSize() else "", Color.RED);
#AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close) and !isNaN(close[1]),
            #   thirdSTarget,
           #   "3rd Short Target = " + Round((thirdSTarget) / TickSize(),0)*TickSize(),
            #   Color.RED,
            #   no);

def diffshorttarget3 = if close < thirdshorttarget then (thirdshorttarget - close) else (close - thirdshorttarget);
#addLabel(ShowLabels, if R() < R().OB then "Diff 3rd S tgt = " + Round((diffshorttarget3) / TickSize(),0)*TickSize() else "", Color.LIGHT_RED);
@Piper2808t To plot 5min arrows on your 1min chart,
Change this two lines from:
input MTF = no;
input timeframe = AggregationPeriod.FIFTEEN_MIN ;
To these two lines:
input MTF = yes;
input timeframe = AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN ;
@Piper2808t The link you provided has MTF turned off and is NOT set to 5min.
Please share the link when you have made the changes.
The code seems to be working correctly.
Last edited:
i copied the code from the studies and it will not allow me to paste it in to send in this forum

@Piper2808t Personally, I find this hard to believe... Copy & Paste works, period...!!! There is absolutely no reason why, if you can see the code, that you can't use Ctrl + A to Select All, Ctrl + C to Copy, and Ctrl + V to Paste into the code box using the </> icon in the post formatting toolbar, selecting Ruby for code syntax, and saving... Unless you have a problem with your PC this should work... It surely isn't a problem with TOS if you have closed, rebooted, and restarted TOS...
I highlighted the script , copied it and when i tried to paste it in here nada, if it is such a big deal to get help as a vip member in here i will go elsewhere, not the end of the world
I highlighted the script , copied it and when i tried to paste it in here nada, if it is such a big deal to get help as a vip member in here i will go elsewhere, not the end of the world

VIP gives you access to additional scripts, not preferential support here in these forums and, if that was the case it would be @BenTen who would need to provide it as the rest of us simply help because we can - without compensation... I'm still chalking it up to operator error as to why only you seem to have a problem posting code here... Copy & Paste isn't something that can be enabled/disabled in the forum software...

This being a busy holiday weekend I don't know if I'll have time to import your link in the first post and take a look into this for you but if I can I will...

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