Repaints Multiple Time Frame (MTF) MACD Dashboard For ThinkOrSwim

Is there any indicator similar to bottom pane for MACD?

Here is one I did awhile ago that has as one of the options, the MACD. It can be displayed as an upper or lower indicator as shown in the 2 charts below loaded per an input selection. There are some instructions in the script header.

# Choose how the candles are being colored (green/red) in Multiple user defined TimeFrames by one of 4 methods.
# Labels show current color status
# Trend method is similar but not exactly like TTM_Trend
# Move study from lower to upper and select "upper" at the input useupperlower to display dots on upper price panel. Uncheck at input screen "use left axis"
# Using the study on the lower panel, select "lower" at the input useupperlower to lower to display dots on lower panel
# Dots can be turned off/on at the input screen
# Summary line shows only if all colors are the same, otherwise blank.
declare lower;
input method         = {default "MACD", "Close_Close[1]", "HAOpen_HAClose", "Trend", "HHLLS"};
input useupper_lower = {default lower, upper};
input showdotplot    = yes;
input agg1           = AggregationPeriod.MIN;
input agg2           = AggregationPeriod.TWO_MIN;
input agg3           = AggregationPeriod.THREE_MIN;

#Heiken Ashi defined
def HAclose1 = ohlc4(period = agg1);
def HAopen1  = CompoundValue( 1, ( HAopen1[1] + HAclose1[1] ) / 2, HAclose1 );
def HAclose2 = ohlc4(period = agg2);
def HAopen2  = CompoundValue( 1, ( HAopen2[1] + HAclose2[1] ) / 2, HAclose2 );
def HAclose3 = ohlc4(period = agg3);
def HAopen3  = CompoundValue( 1, ( HAopen3[1] + HAclose3[1] ) / 2, HAclose3 );

#Trend defined
input trend_lookback = 6;
def HH1      = (Highest(high(period = agg1) , trend_lookback) + Lowest(low(period = agg1), trend_lookback)) / 2;
def Trend1   = close(period = agg1) > HH1;
def HH2      = (Highest(high(period = agg2) , trend_lookback) + Lowest(low(period = agg2), trend_lookback)) / 2;
def Trend2   = close(period = agg2) > HH2;
def HH3      = (Highest(high(period = agg3) , trend_lookback) + Lowest(low(period = agg3), trend_lookback)) / 2;
def Trend3   = close(period = agg3) > HH3;

input fastlength = 12;
input slowlength = 26;
input macdlength = 9;
input averagetype = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
def Value1 = MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg1), fastlength) - MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg1), slowlength);
def Avg1  = MovingAverage(averagetype, Value1, macdlength);
def MACD1  = Value1 - Avg1;
def Value2 = MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg2), fastlength) - MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg2), slowlength);
def Avg2  = MovingAverage(averagetype, Value2, macdlength);
def MACD2  = Value2 - Avg2;
def Value3 = MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg3), fastlength) - MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg3), slowlength);
def Avg3  = MovingAverage(averagetype, Value3, macdlength);
def MACD3  = Value3 - Avg3;

input length = 20;
input over_bought = 60;
input signal_line = 50;
input over_sold = 10;
input averageTypehhlls = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;

Assert(length > 1, "'length' must be greater than one: " + length);

def HS1 = if high (period = agg1) > high(period= agg1)[1] then (high (period= agg1) - Lowest(high (period= agg1), length)) / (Highest(high (period= agg1), length) - Lowest(high (period= agg1), length)) else 0;
def LS1 = if low (period= agg1)< low(period= agg1)[1] then (Highest(low(period= agg1), length) - low(period= agg1)) / (Highest(low(period= agg1), length) - Lowest(low(period= agg1), length)) else 0;

def HHS1 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, HS1, length);
def LLS1 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, LS1, length);

def HS2 = if high (period = agg2) > high(period= agg2)[1] then (high (period= agg2) - Lowest(high (period= agg2), length)) / (Highest(high (period= agg2), length) - Lowest(high (period= agg2), length)) else 0;
def LS2 = if low (period= agg2)< low(period= agg2)[1] then (Highest(low(period= agg2), length) - low(period= agg2)) / (Highest(low(period= agg2), length) - Lowest(low(period= agg2), length)) else 0;

def HHS2 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, HS2, length);
def LLS2 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, LS2, length);

def HS3 = if high (period = agg3) > high(period= agg3)[1] then (high (period= agg3) - Lowest(high (period= agg3), length)) / (Highest(high (period= agg3), length) - Lowest(high (period= agg3), length)) else 0;
def LS3 = if low (period= agg3)< low(period= agg3)[1] then (Highest(low(period= agg3), length) - low(period= agg3)) / (Highest(low(period= agg3), length) - Lowest(low(period= agg3), length)) else 0;

def HHS3 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, HS3, length);
def LLS3 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, LS3, length);

#Method applied to each aggregation

def Agg1per;
def Agg2per;
def Agg3per;
plot Agg1lower;
plot Agg2lower;
plot Agg3lower;

if method == method."Close_Close[1]" {
    Agg1per = close(period = agg1) > close(period = agg1)[1];
    Agg2per = close(period = agg2) > close(period = agg2)[1];
    Agg3per = close(period = agg3) > close(period = agg3)[1];
} else if method == method."HAOpen_HAClose" {
    Agg1per = HAclose1 > HAopen1;
    Agg2per = HAclose2 > HAopen2;
    Agg3per = HAclose3 > HAopen3;
} else if method == method."Trend" {
    Agg1per = Trend1;
    Agg2per = Trend2;
    Agg3per = Trend3;
} else if method == method."HHLLS" {
    Agg1per = HHS1 > LLS1;
    Agg2per = HHS2 > LLS2;
    Agg3per = HHS3 > LLS3;
} else {
    Agg1per = Value1 > Avg1;
    Agg2per = Value2 > Avg2;
    Agg3per = Value3 > Avg3;
#Labels with selection to turn them on/off
input showlabels = yes;
            if agg1 / 60000 <= 240
            then (agg1 / 60000 + " Min")
            else if agg1 / 60000 == 1440
            then "Day"
            else if agg1 / 60000 == 10080
            then "Week"
            else if agg1 / 60000 == 43200
            then "Month"
            else " ",
            if (Agg1per == 1 and method == method."HHLLS") or (Agg1per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value1 > 0) or (Agg1per == 1 and method != method."MACD" and method != method."HHLLS")
            then Color.GREEN
            else if (Agg1per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value1 < 0)
            then Color.DARK_GREEN
            else if (Agg1per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value1 < 0)
            then Color.DARK_RED  
            else Color.RED);
            if agg2 / 60000 <= 240
            then (agg2 / 60000 + " Min")
            else if agg2 / 60000 == 1440
            then "Day"
            else if agg2 / 60000 == 10080
            then "Week"
            else if agg2 / 60000 == 43200
            then "Month"
            else " ",
            if (Agg2per == 1 and method == method."HHLLS") or (Agg2per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value2 > 0) or (Agg2per == 1 and method != method."MACD" and method != method."HHLLS")
            then Color.GREEN
            else if (Agg2per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value2 < 0)
            then Color.DARK_GREEN
            else if (Agg2per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value2 < 0)
            then Color.DARK_RED  
            else Color.RED);
            if agg3 / 60000 <= 240
            then (agg3 / 60000 + " Min")
            else if agg3 / 60000 == 1440
            then "Day"
            else if agg3 / 60000 == 10080
            then "Week"
            else if agg3 / 60000 == 43200
            then "Month"
            else " ",
            if (Agg3per == 1 and method == method."HHLLS") or (Agg3per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value3 > 0) or (Agg3per == 1 and method != method."MACD" and method != method."HHLLS")
            then Color.GREEN
            else if (Agg3per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value3 < 0)
            then Color.DARK_GREEN
            else if (Agg3per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value3 < 0)
            then Color.DARK_RED  
            else Color.RED);

# Label identifying method and color green/red if all green/red otherwise white
def aggsum = Agg1per + Agg2per + Agg3per;
            if method == method."Close_Close[1]"
                  then "C_C[1]"
                  else if method == method."HAOpen_HAClose"
                  then "HAC_HAO"
                  else if method == method."Trend"
                  then "Trend"
                  else if method == method."HHLLS"
                  then "HHLLS"
                  else "MACD" ,
            if aggsum == 3
            then Color.GREEN
            else if aggsum == 0
            then Color.RED  
            else Color.WHITE);

plot lineh = if IsNaN(close) or showdotplot == no
             then Double.NaN
             else if useupper_lower == useupper_lower.upper then 7  else Double.NaN;
plot linel = if IsNaN(close) or showdotplot == no
             then Double.NaN
             else if useupper_lower == useupper_lower.upper then -7 else Double.NaN;
if IsNaN(close) or showdotplot == no {
    Agg1lower = Double.NaN;
    Agg2lower = Double.NaN;
    Agg3lower = Double.NaN;
} else {
    Agg1lower = if !IsNaN(Agg1per) then if useupper_lower == useupper_lower.upper then -8.75 else  6 else Double.NaN;
    Agg2lower = if !IsNaN(Agg2per) then if useupper_lower == useupper_lower.upper then -9.00 else  5 else Double.NaN;
    Agg3lower = if !IsNaN(Agg3per) then if useupper_lower == useupper_lower.upper then -9.25 else  4 else Double.NaN;

Agg1lower.AssignValueColor(if (Agg1per == 1 and method != method."MACD") or (Agg1per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value1 > 0)
                           then Color.GREEN
                           else if (Agg1per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value1 < 0)
                           then Color.DARK_GREEN
                           else if (Agg1per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value1 < 0)
                           then Color.DARK_RED  
                           else Color.RED);
Agg2lower.AssignValueColor(if (Agg2per == 1 and method != method."MACD") or (Agg2per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value2 > 0)
                           then Color.GREEN
                           else if (Agg2per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value2 < 0)
                           then Color.DARK_GREEN
                           else if (Agg2per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value2 < 0)
                           then Color.DARK_RED  
                           else Color.RED);
Agg3lower.AssignValueColor(if (Agg3per == 1 and method != method."MACD") or (Agg3per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value3 > 0)
                           then Color.GREEN
                           else if (Agg3per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value3 < 0)
                           then Color.DARK_GREEN
                           else if (Agg3per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value3 < 0)
                           then Color.DARK_RED  
                           else Color.RED);

plot linediv  =  if IsNaN(close) or showdotplot == no
                 then Double.NaN
                 else if useupper_lower == useupper_lower.upper then -8.5 else 6.25;
plot sumagg   = if IsNaN(close) or showdotplot == no
                 then Double.NaN
                 else if aggsum == 3 or aggsum == 0 then if useupper_lower == useupper_lower.upper then -8.25 else  6.5 else Double.NaN;
sumagg.AssignValueColor(if aggsum == 3
                           then Color.GREEN
                           else if aggsum == 0
                           then Color.RED  
                           else Color.WHITE);

#Squeeze Added
input showsqueeze = yes;
def bbupper = reference BollingerBands().UpperBand;
def kcupper = KeltnerChannels().Upper_Band;
def Squeeze  = bbupper - kcupper < 0;
plot Squeezeplot = if showsqueeze and Squeeze then linediv else Double.NaN;

#Count of Periods in consecutive squeeze
rec countsq = if Squeeze then countsq[1] + 1 else 0;
rec count1sq = if !Squeeze then count1sq[1] + 1 else 0;

#Expansion Bubbles
input n = 5;
def n1  = n + 1;
def c = close;
input showsqueezebubble = yes;

AddChartBubble(showsqueezebubble and !IsNaN(c[n1]) and IsNaN(c[n]),
               linediv[n1] ,
             ( if Squeeze[n1] then "S \n" + Round(countsq[n1], 2) else "NS \n" + count1sq[n1]) ,
               if aggsum[n1] == 3
               then Color.GREEN
               else if aggsum[n1] == 0
               then Color.RED
               else Color.WHITE, up = No);

Alert(Between(aggsum[1], 0, 2) and aggsum == 3 and !Squeeze, "Candles - All Green", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ding);
Alert(Between(aggsum[1], 1, 3) and aggsum == 0 and !Squeeze, "Candles - All Red  ", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ding);
Last edited:
Yes, thank you! I made the correction in the above post. to Agg2per and Agg3per value1 > 0 to value2 > 0 and value3 > 0, respectively
Hi Need your help with same indicator. I have tried to add more timeframe but I am not a coding guy so I am missing logic here can you help? I am only seeing Green and red color I am not getting dark green and dark red results with more time frames
# Labels show current color status
# Choose how the candles are being colored (green/red) in Multiple user defined TimeFrames by one of 4 methods.
# Trend method is similar but not exactly like TTM_Trend
# Move study from lower to upper and select "upper" at the input useupperlower to display dots on upper price panel. Uncheck at input screen "use left axis"
# Using the study on the lower panel, select "lower" at the input useupperlower to lower to display dots on lower panel
# Dots can be turned off/on at the input screen
# Summary line shows only if all colors are the same, otherwise blank.
declare lower;
input method = {default "MACD", "Close_Close[1]", "HAOpen_HAClose", "Trend", "HHLLS"};
input useupper_lower = {default lower, upper};
input showdotplot = yes;
input agg1 = AggregationPeriod.MIN;
input agg2 = AggregationPeriod.TWO_MIN;
input agg3 = AggregationPeriod.THREE_MIN;
input agg4 = AggregationPeriod.FIVE;
input agg5 = AggregationPeriod.TEN_MIN;
input agg6 = AggregationPeriod.FIFTEEN_MIN;

#Heiken Ashi defined
def HAclose1 = ohlc4(period = agg1);
def HAopen1 = CompoundValue( 1, ( HAopen1[1] + HAclose1[1] ) / 2, HAclose1 );
def HAclose2 = ohlc4(period = agg2);
def HAopen2 = CompoundValue( 1, ( HAopen2[1] + HAclose2[1] ) / 2, HAclose2 );
def HAclose3 = ohlc4(period = agg3);
def HAopen3 = CompoundValue( 1, ( HAopen3[1] + HAclose3[1] ) / 2, HAclose3 );
def HAclose4 = ohlc4(period = agg4);
def HAopen4 = CompoundValue( 1, ( HAopen4[1] + HAclose4[1] ) / 2, HAclose4 );
def HAclose5 = ohlc4(period = agg5);
def HAopen5 = CompoundValue( 1, ( HAopen5[1] + HAclose5[1] ) / 2, HAclose5 );
def HAclose6 = ohlc4(period = agg6);
def HAopen6 = CompoundValue( 1, ( HAopen3[1] + HAclose6[1] ) / 2, HAclose6 );

#Trend defined
input trend_lookback = 12;
def HH1 = (Highest(high(period = agg1) , trend_lookback) + Lowest(low(period = agg1), trend_lookback)) / 2;
def Trend1 = close(period = agg1) > HH1;
def HH2 = (Highest(high(period = agg2) , trend_lookback) + Lowest(low(period = agg2), trend_lookback)) / 2;
def Trend2 = close(period = agg2) > HH2;
def HH3 = (Highest(high(period = agg3) , trend_lookback) + Lowest(low(period = agg3), trend_lookback)) / 2;
def Trend3 = close(period = agg3) > HH3;
def HH4 = (Highest(high(period = agg4) , trend_lookback) + Lowest(low(period = agg4), trend_lookback)) / 2;
def Trend4 = close(period = agg4) > HH4;
def HH5 = (Highest(high(period = agg5) , trend_lookback) + Lowest(low(period = agg5), trend_lookback)) / 2;
def Trend5 = close(period = agg5) > HH5;
def HH6 = (Highest(high(period = agg6) , trend_lookback) + Lowest(low(period = agg6), trend_lookback)) / 2;
def Trend6 = close(period = agg6) > HH6;

input fastlength = 12;
input slowlength = 26;
input macdlength = 9;
input averagetype = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
def Value1 = MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg1), fastlength) - MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg1), slowlength);
def Avg1 = MovingAverage(averagetype, Value1, macdlength);
def MACD1 = Value1 - Avg1;
def Value2 = MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg2), fastlength) - MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg2), slowlength);
def Avg2 = MovingAverage(averagetype, Value2, macdlength);
def MACD2 = Value2 - Avg2;
def Value3 = MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg3), fastlength) - MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg3), slowlength);
def Avg3 = MovingAverage(averagetype, Value3, macdlength);
def MACD3 = Value3 - Avg3;
def Value4 = MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg4), fastlength) - MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg4), slowlength);
def Avg4 = MovingAverage(averagetype, Value4, macdlength);
def MACD4 = Value4 - Avg4;
def Value5 = MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg5), fastlength) - MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg5), slowlength);
def Avg5 = MovingAverage(averagetype, Value5, macdlength);
def MACD5 = Value5 - Avg5;
def Value6 = MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg6), fastlength) - MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg6), slowlength);
def Avg6 = MovingAverage(averagetype, Value6, macdlength);
def MACD6 = Value6 - Avg6;

input length = 20;
input over_bought = 60;
input signal_line = 50;
input over_sold = 10;
input averageTypehhlls = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;

Assert(length > 1, "'length' must be greater than one: " + length);

def HS1 = if high (period = agg1) > high(period= agg1)[1] then (high (period= agg1) - Lowest(high (period= agg1), length)) / (Highest(high (period= agg1), length) - Lowest(high (period= agg1), length)) else 0;
def LS1 = if low (period= agg1)< low(period= agg1)[1] then (Highest(low(period= agg1), length) - low(period= agg1)) / (Highest(low(period= agg1), length) - Lowest(low(period= agg1), length)) else 0;

def HHS1 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, HS1, length);
def LLS1 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, LS1, length);

def HS2 = if high (period = agg2) > high(period= agg2)[1] then (high (period= agg2) - Lowest(high (period= agg2), length)) / (Highest(high (period= agg2), length) - Lowest(high (period= agg2), length)) else 0;
def LS2 = if low (period= agg2)< low(period= agg2)[1] then (Highest(low(period= agg2), length) - low(period= agg2)) / (Highest(low(period= agg2), length) - Lowest(low(period= agg2), length)) else 0;

def HHS2 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, HS2, length);
def LLS2 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, LS2, length);

def HS3 = if high (period = agg3) > high(period= agg3)[1] then (high (period= agg3) - Lowest(high (period= agg3), length)) / (Highest(high (period= agg3), length) - Lowest(high (period= agg3), length)) else 0;
def LS3 = if low (period= agg3)< low(period= agg3)[1] then (Highest(low(period= agg3), length) - low(period= agg3)) / (Highest(low(period= agg3), length) - Lowest(low(period= agg3), length)) else 0;

def HHS3 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, HS3, length);
def LLS3 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, LS3, length);

def HS4 = if high (period = agg4) > high(period= agg4)[1] then (high (period= agg4) - Lowest(high (period= agg4), length)) / (Highest(high (period= agg4), length) - Lowest(high (period= agg4), length)) else 0;
def LS4 = if low (period= agg4)< low(period= agg4)[1] then (Highest(low(period= agg4), length) - low(period= agg4)) / (Highest(low(period= agg4), length) - Lowest(low(period= agg4), length)) else 0;

def HHS4 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, HS4, length);
def LLS4 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, LS4, length);

def HS5 = if high (period = agg5) > high(period= agg5)[1] then (high (period= agg5) - Lowest(high (period= agg5), length)) / (Highest(high (period= agg5), length) - Lowest(high (period= agg5), length)) else 0;
def LS5 = if low (period= agg5)< low(period= agg5)[1] then (Highest(low(period= agg5), length) - low(period= agg5)) / (Highest(low(period= agg5), length) - Lowest(low(period= agg5), length)) else 0;

def HHS5 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, HS5, length);
def LLS5 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, LS5, length);

def HS6 = if high (period = agg6) > high(period= agg6)[1] then (high (period= agg6) - Lowest(high (period= agg6), length)) / (Highest(high (period= agg6), length) - Lowest(high (period= agg6), length)) else 0;
def LS6 = if low (period= agg6)< low(period= agg6)[1] then (Highest(low(period= agg6), length) - low(period= agg6)) / (Highest(low(period= agg6), length) - Lowest(low(period= agg6), length)) else 0;

def HHS6 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, HS6, length);
def LLS6 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, LS6, length);

#Method applied to each aggregation

def Agg1per;
def Agg2per;
def Agg3per;
def agg4per;
def agg5per;
def agg6per;

plot Agg1lower;
plot Agg2lower;
plot Agg3lower;
plot agg4lower;
plot agg5lower;
plot agg6lower;

if method == method."Close_Close[1]" {
Agg1per = close(period = agg1) > close(period = agg1)[1];
Agg2per = close(period = agg2) > close(period = agg2)[1];
Agg3per = close(period = agg3) > close(period = agg3)[1];
agg4per = close(period = agg4) > close(period = agg4)[1];
agg5per = close(period = agg5) > close(period = agg5)[1];
agg6per = close(period = agg6) > close(period = agg6)[1];
} else if method == method."HAOpen_HAClose" {
Agg1per = HAclose1 > HAopen1;
Agg2per = HAclose2 > HAopen2;
Agg3per = HAclose3 > HAopen3;
agg4per = HAclose4 > HAopen4;
agg5per = HAclose5 > HAopen5;
agg6per = HAclose6 > HAopen3;
} else if method == method."Trend" {
Agg1per = Trend1;
Agg2per = Trend2;
Agg3per = Trend3;
agg4per = Trend4;
agg5per = Trend5;
agg6per = Trend6;
} else if method == method."HHLLS" {
Agg1per = HHS1 > LLS1;
Agg2per = HHS2 > LLS2;
Agg3per = HHS3 > LLS3;
agg4per = HHS4 > LLS4;
agg5per = HHS5 > LLS5;
agg6per = HHS6 > LLS6;
} else {
Agg1per = Value1 > Avg1;
Agg2per = Value2 > Avg2;
Agg3per = Value3 > Avg3;
agg4per = Value4 > Avg4;
agg5per = Value5 > Avg5;
agg6per = Value6 > Avg6;

#Labels with selection to turn them on/off
input showlabels = yes;
if agg1 / 60000 <= 240
then (agg1 / 60000 + " Min")
else if agg1 / 60000 == 1440
then "Day"
else if agg1 / 60000 == 10080
then "Week"
else if agg1 / 60000 == 43200
then "Month"
else " ",
if (Agg1per == 1 and method == method."HHLLS") or (Agg1per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value1 > 0) or (Agg1per == 1 and method != method."MACD" and method != method."HHLLS")
then Color.GREEN
else if (Agg1per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value1 < 0)
then Color.DARK_GREEN
else if (Agg1per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value1 < 0)
then Color.DARK_RED
else Color.RED);
if agg2 / 60000 <= 240
then (agg2 / 60000 + " Min")
else if agg2 / 60000 == 1440
then "Day"
else if agg2 / 60000 == 10080
then "Week"
else if agg2 / 60000 == 43200
then "Month"
else " ",
if (Agg2per == 1 and method == method."HHLLS") or (Agg2per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value1 > 0) or (Agg2per == 1 and method != method."MACD" and method != method."HHLLS")
then Color.GREEN
else if (Agg2per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value2 < 0)
then Color.DARK_GREEN
else if (Agg2per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value2 < 0)
then Color.DARK_RED
else Color.RED);
if agg3 / 60000 <= 240
then (agg3 / 60000 + " Min")
else if agg3 / 60000 == 1440
then "Day"
else if agg3 / 60000 == 10080
then "Week"
else if agg3 / 60000 == 43200
then "Month"
else " ",
if (Agg3per == 1 and method == method."HHLLS") or (Agg3per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value1 > 0) or (Agg3per == 1 and method != method."MACD" and method != method."HHLLS")
then Color.GREEN
else if (Agg3per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value3 < 0)
then Color.DARK_GREEN
else if (Agg3per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value3 < 0)
then Color.DARK_RED
else Color.RED);
if agg4 / 60000 <= 240
then (agg4 / 60000 + " Min")
else if agg4 / 60000 == 1440
then "Day"
else if agg4 / 60000 == 10080
then "Week"
else if agg4 / 60000 == 43200
then "Month"
else " ",
if (agg4per == 1 and method == method."HHLLS") or (agg4per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value4 > 0) or (agg4per == 1 and method != method."MACD" and method != method."HHLLS")
then Color.GREEN
else if (agg4per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value4 < 0)
then Color.DARK_GREEN
else if (agg4per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value4 < 0)
then Color.DARK_RED
else Color.RED);
if agg5 / 60000 <= 240
then (agg5 / 60000 + " Min")
else if agg5 / 60000 == 1440
then "Day"
else if agg5 / 60000 == 10080
then "Week"
else if agg5 / 60000 == 43200
then "Month"
else " ",
if (agg5per == 1 and method == method."HHLLS") or (agg5per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value4 > 0) or (agg5per == 1 and method != method."MACD" and method != method."HHLLS")
then Color.GREEN
else if (agg5per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value5 < 0)
then Color.DARK_GREEN
else if (agg5per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value5 < 0)
then Color.DARK_RED
else Color.RED);
if agg6 / 60000 <= 240
then (agg6 / 60000 + " Min")
else if agg6 / 60000 == 1440
then "Day"
else if agg6 / 60000 == 10080
then "Week"
else if agg6 / 60000 == 43200
then "Month"
else " ",
if (agg6per == 1 and method == method."HHLLS") or (agg6per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value4 > 0) or (agg6per == 1 and method != method."MACD" and method != method."HHLLS")
then Color.GREEN
else if (agg6per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value6 < 0)
then Color.DARK_GREEN
else if (agg6per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value6 < 0)
then Color.DARK_RED
else Color.RED);

# Label identifying method and color green/red if all green/red otherwise white
def aggsum = Agg1per + Agg2per + Agg3per + agg4per + agg5per + agg6per;
if method == method."Close_Close[1]"
then "C_C[1]"
else if method == method."HAOpen_HAClose"
then "HAC_HAO"
else if method == method."Trend"
then "Trend"
else if method == method."HHLLS"
then "HHLLS"
else "MACD" ,
if aggsum == 6
then Color.GREEN
else if aggsum == 0
then Color.RED
else Color.WHITE);

plot lineh = if IsNaN(close) or showdotplot == no
then Double.NaN
else if useupper_lower == useupper_lower.upper then 7 else Double.NaN;
plot linel = if IsNaN(close) or showdotplot == no
then Double.NaN
else if useupper_lower == useupper_lower.upper then -7 else Double.NaN;
if IsNaN(close) or showdotplot == no {
Agg1lower = Double.NaN;
Agg2lower = Double.NaN;
Agg3lower = Double.NaN;
agg4lower = Double.NaN;
agg5lower = Double.NaN;
agg6lower = Double.NaN;

} else {
Agg1lower = if !IsNaN(Agg1per) then if useupper_lower == useupper_lower.upper then -8.75 else 6 else Double.NaN;
Agg2lower = if !IsNaN(Agg2per) then if useupper_lower == useupper_lower.upper then -9.00 else 5 else Double.NaN;
Agg3lower = if !IsNaN(Agg3per) then if useupper_lower == useupper_lower.upper then -9.25 else 4 else Double.NaN;
agg4lower = if !IsNaN(agg4per) then if useupper_lower == useupper_lower.upper then -9.50 else 3 else Double.NaN;
agg5lower = if !IsNaN(agg5per) then if useupper_lower == useupper_lower.upper then -9.75 else 2 else Double.NaN;
agg6lower = if !IsNaN(agg6per) then if useupper_lower == useupper_lower.upper then -10.00 else 1 else Double.NaN;

Agg1lower.AssignValueColor(if (Agg1per == 1 and method != method."MACD") or (Agg1per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value1 > 0)
then Color.GREEN
else if (Agg1per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value1 < 0)
then Color.DARK_GREEN
else if (Agg1per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value1 < 0)
then Color.DARK_RED
else Color.RED);
Agg2lower.AssignValueColor(if (Agg2per == 1 and method != method."MACD") or (Agg2per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value2 > 0)
then Color.GREEN
else if (Agg2per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value2 < 0)
then Color.DARK_GREEN
else if (Agg2per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value2 < 0)
then Color.DARK_RED
else Color.RED);
Agg3lower.AssignValueColor(if (Agg3per == 1 and method != method."MACD") or (Agg3per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value3 > 0)
then Color.GREEN
else if (Agg3per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value3 < 0)
then Color.DARK_GREEN
else if (Agg3per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value3 < 0)
then Color.DARK_RED
else Color.RED);
agg4lower.AssignValueColor(if (agg4per == 1 and method != method."MACD") or (agg4per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value4 > 0)
then Color.GREEN
else if (agg4per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value4 < 0)
then Color.DARK_GREEN
else if (agg4per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value4 < 0)
then Color.DARK_RED
else Color.RED);
agg5lower.AssignValueColor(if (agg5per == 1 and method != method."MACD") or (agg5per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value5 > 0)
then Color.GREEN
else if (agg5per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value5 < 0)
then Color.DARK_GREEN
else if (agg5per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value5 < 0)
then Color.DARK_RED
else Color.RED);
agg6lower.AssignValueColor(if (agg6per == 1 and method != method."MACD") or (agg6per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value6 > 0)
then Color.GREEN
else if (agg6per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value6 < 0)
then Color.DARK_GREEN
else if (agg6per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value6 < 0)
then Color.DARK_RED
else Color.RED);

plot linediv = if IsNaN(close) or showdotplot == no
then Double.NaN
else if useupper_lower == useupper_lower.upper then -8.5 else 6.25;
plot sumagg = if IsNaN(close) or showdotplot == no
then Double.NaN
else if aggsum == 6 or aggsum == 0 then if useupper_lower == useupper_lower.upper then -8.25 else 6.5 else Double.NaN;
sumagg.AssignValueColor(if aggsum == 6
then Color.GREEN
else if aggsum == 0
then Color.RED
else Color.WHITE);

#Squeeze Added
input showsqueeze = yes;
def bbupper = reference BollingerBands().UpperBand;
def kcupper = KeltnerChannels().Upper_Band;
def Squeeze = bbupper - kcupper < 0;
plot Squeezeplot = if showsqueeze and Squeeze then linediv else Double.NaN;

#Count of Periods in consecutive squeeze
rec countsq = if Squeeze then countsq[1] + 1 else 0;
rec count1sq = if !Squeeze then count1sq[1] + 1 else 0;

#Expansion Bubbles
input n = 5;
def n1 = n + 1;
def c = close;
input showsqueezebubble = yes;

AddChartBubble(showsqueezebubble and !IsNaN(c[n1]) and IsNaN(c[n]),
linediv[n1] ,
( if Squeeze[n1] then "S \n" + Round(countsq[n1], 2) else "NS \n" + count1sq[n1]) ,
if aggsum[n1] == 6
then Color.GREEN
else if aggsum[n1] == 0
then Color.RED
else Color.WHITE, up = No);

Alert(Between(aggsum[1], 0, 2) and aggsum == 6 and !Squeeze, "Candles - All Green", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ding);
Alert(Between(aggsum[1], 1, 3) and aggsum == 0 and !Squeeze, "Candles - All Red ", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ding);
Last edited by a moderator:
@ap09 Hi Need your help with same indicator. I have tried to add more timeframe but I am not a coding guy so I am missing logic here can you help? I am only seeing Green and red color I am not getting dark green and dark red results with more time frames

See if this helps. Hopefully, the few minor correntions seem to work.

# Labels show current color status
# Choose how the candles are being colored (green/red) in Multiple user defined TimeFrames by one of 4 methods.
# Trend method is similar but not exactly like TTM_Trend
# Move study from lower to upper and select "upper" at the input useupperlower to display dots on upper price panel. Uncheck at input screen "use left axis"
# Using the study on the lower panel, select "lower" at the input useupperlower to lower to display dots on lower panel
# Dots can be turned off/on at the input screen
# Summary line shows only if all colors are the same, otherwise blank.
declare lower;
input method = {default "MACD", "Close_Close[1]", "HAOpen_HAClose", "Trend", "HHLLS"};
input useupper_lower = {default lower, upper};
input showdotplot = yes;
input agg1 = AggregationPeriod.MIN;
input agg2 = AggregationPeriod.TWO_MIN;
input agg3 = AggregationPeriod.THREE_MIN;
input agg4 = AggregationPeriod.FIVE_min;
input agg5 = AggregationPeriod.TEN_MIN;
input agg6 = AggregationPeriod.FIFTEEN_MIN;

#Heiken Ashi defined
def HAclose1 = ohlc4(period = agg1);
def HAopen1 = CompoundValue( 1, ( HAopen1[1] + HAclose1[1] ) / 2, HAclose1 );
def HAclose2 = ohlc4(period = agg2);
def HAopen2 = CompoundValue( 1, ( HAopen2[1] + HAclose2[1] ) / 2, HAclose2 );
def HAclose3 = ohlc4(period = agg3);
def HAopen3 = CompoundValue( 1, ( HAopen3[1] + HAclose3[1] ) / 2, HAclose3 );
def HAclose4 = ohlc4(period = agg4);
def HAopen4 = CompoundValue( 1, ( HAopen4[1] + HAclose4[1] ) / 2, HAclose4 );
def HAclose5 = ohlc4(period = agg5);
def HAopen5 = CompoundValue( 1, ( HAopen5[1] + HAclose5[1] ) / 2, HAclose5 );
def HAclose6 = ohlc4(period = agg6);
def HAopen6 = CompoundValue( 1, ( HAopen3[1] + HAclose6[1] ) / 2, HAclose6 );

#Trend defined
input trend_lookback = 12;
def HH1 = (Highest(high(period = agg1) , trend_lookback) + Lowest(low(period = agg1), trend_lookback)) / 2;
def Trend1 = close(period = agg1) > HH1;
def HH2 = (Highest(high(period = agg2) , trend_lookback) + Lowest(low(period = agg2), trend_lookback)) / 2;
def Trend2 = close(period = agg2) > HH2;
def HH3 = (Highest(high(period = agg3) , trend_lookback) + Lowest(low(period = agg3), trend_lookback)) / 2;
def Trend3 = close(period = agg3) > HH3;
def HH4 = (Highest(high(period = agg4) , trend_lookback) + Lowest(low(period = agg4), trend_lookback)) / 2;
def Trend4 = close(period = agg4) > HH4;
def HH5 = (Highest(high(period = agg5) , trend_lookback) + Lowest(low(period = agg5), trend_lookback)) / 2;
def Trend5 = close(period = agg5) > HH5;
def HH6 = (Highest(high(period = agg6) , trend_lookback) + Lowest(low(period = agg6), trend_lookback)) / 2;
def Trend6 = close(period = agg6) > HH6;

input fastlength = 12;
input slowlength = 26;
input macdlength = 9;
input averagetype = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
def Value1 = MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg1), fastlength) - MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg1), slowlength);
def Avg1 = MovingAverage(averagetype, Value1, macdlength);
def MACD1 = Value1 - Avg1;
def Value2 = MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg2), fastlength) - MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg2), slowlength);
def Avg2 = MovingAverage(averagetype, Value2, macdlength);
def MACD2 = Value2 - Avg2;
def Value3 = MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg3), fastlength) - MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg3), slowlength);
def Avg3 = MovingAverage(averagetype, Value3, macdlength);
def MACD3 = Value3 - Avg3;
def Value4 = MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg4), fastlength) - MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg4), slowlength);
def Avg4 = MovingAverage(averagetype, Value4, macdlength);
def MACD4 = Value4 - Avg4;
def Value5 = MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg5), fastlength) - MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg5), slowlength);
def Avg5 = MovingAverage(averagetype, Value5, macdlength);
def MACD5 = Value5 - Avg5;
def Value6 = MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg6), fastlength) - MovingAverage(averagetype, close(period = agg6), slowlength);
def Avg6 = MovingAverage(averagetype, Value6, macdlength);
def MACD6 = Value6 - Avg6;

input length = 20;
input over_bought = 60;
input signal_line = 50;
input over_sold = 10;
input averageTypehhlls = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;

Assert(length > 1, "'length' must be greater than one: " + length);

def HS1 = if high (period = agg1) > high(period= agg1)[1] then (high (period= agg1) - Lowest(high (period= agg1), length)) / (Highest(high (period= agg1), length) - Lowest(high (period= agg1), length)) else 0;
def LS1 = if low (period= agg1)< low(period= agg1)[1] then (Highest(low(period= agg1), length) - low(period= agg1)) / (Highest(low(period= agg1), length) - Lowest(low(period= agg1), length)) else 0;

def HHS1 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, HS1, length);
def LLS1 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, LS1, length);

def HS2 = if high (period = agg2) > high(period= agg2)[1] then (high (period= agg2) - Lowest(high (period= agg2), length)) / (Highest(high (period= agg2), length) - Lowest(high (period= agg2), length)) else 0;
def LS2 = if low (period= agg2)< low(period= agg2)[1] then (Highest(low(period= agg2), length) - low(period= agg2)) / (Highest(low(period= agg2), length) - Lowest(low(period= agg2), length)) else 0;

def HHS2 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, HS2, length);
def LLS2 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, LS2, length);

def HS3 = if high (period = agg3) > high(period= agg3)[1] then (high (period= agg3) - Lowest(high (period= agg3), length)) / (Highest(high (period= agg3), length) - Lowest(high (period= agg3), length)) else 0;
def LS3 = if low (period= agg3)< low(period= agg3)[1] then (Highest(low(period= agg3), length) - low(period= agg3)) / (Highest(low(period= agg3), length) - Lowest(low(period= agg3), length)) else 0;

def HHS3 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, HS3, length);
def LLS3 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, LS3, length);

def HS4 = if high (period = agg4) > high(period= agg4)[1] then (high (period= agg4) - Lowest(high (period= agg4), length)) / (Highest(high (period= agg4), length) - Lowest(high (period= agg4), length)) else 0;
def LS4 = if low (period= agg4)< low(period= agg4)[1] then (Highest(low(period= agg4), length) - low(period= agg4)) / (Highest(low(period= agg4), length) - Lowest(low(period= agg4), length)) else 0;

def HHS4 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, HS4, length);
def LLS4 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, LS4, length);

def HS5 = if high (period = agg5) > high(period= agg5)[1] then (high (period= agg5) - Lowest(high (period= agg5), length)) / (Highest(high (period= agg5), length) - Lowest(high (period= agg5), length)) else 0;
def LS5 = if low (period= agg5)< low(period= agg5)[1] then (Highest(low(period= agg5), length) - low(period= agg5)) / (Highest(low(period= agg5), length) - Lowest(low(period= agg5), length)) else 0;

def HHS5 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, HS5, length);
def LLS5 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, LS5, length);

def HS6 = if high (period = agg6) > high(period= agg6)[1] then (high (period= agg6) - Lowest(high (period= agg6), length)) / (Highest(high (period= agg6), length) - Lowest(high (period= agg6), length)) else 0;
def LS6 = if low (period= agg6)< low(period= agg6)[1] then (Highest(low(period= agg6), length) - low(period= agg6)) / (Highest(low(period= agg6), length) - Lowest(low(period= agg6), length)) else 0;

def HHS6 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, HS6, length);
def LLS6 = 100 * MovingAverage(averageTypehhlls, LS6, length);

#Method applied to each aggregation

def Agg1per;
def Agg2per;
def Agg3per;
def agg4per;
def agg5per;
def agg6per;

plot Agg1lower;
plot Agg2lower;
plot Agg3lower;
plot agg4lower;
plot agg5lower;
plot agg6lower;

if method == method."Close_Close[1]" {
Agg1per = close(period = agg1) > close(period = agg1)[1];
Agg2per = close(period = agg2) > close(period = agg2)[1];
Agg3per = close(period = agg3) > close(period = agg3)[1];
agg4per = close(period = agg4) > close(period = agg4)[1];
agg5per = close(period = agg5) > close(period = agg5)[1];
agg6per = close(period = agg6) > close(period = agg6)[1];
} else if method == method."HAOpen_HAClose" {
Agg1per = HAclose1 > HAopen1;
Agg2per = HAclose2 > HAopen2;
Agg3per = HAclose3 > HAopen3;
agg4per = HAclose4 > HAopen4;
agg5per = HAclose5 > HAopen5;
agg6per = HAclose6 > HAopen3;
} else if method == method."Trend" {
Agg1per = Trend1;
Agg2per = Trend2;
Agg3per = Trend3;
agg4per = Trend4;
agg5per = Trend5;
agg6per = Trend6;
} else if method == method."HHLLS" {
Agg1per = HHS1 > LLS1;
Agg2per = HHS2 > LLS2;
Agg3per = HHS3 > LLS3;
agg4per = HHS4 > LLS4;
agg5per = HHS5 > LLS5;
agg6per = HHS6 > LLS6;
} else {
Agg1per = Value1 > Avg1;
Agg2per = Value2 > Avg2;
Agg3per = Value3 > Avg3;
agg4per = Value4 > Avg4;
agg5per = Value5 > Avg5;
agg6per = Value6 > Avg6;

#Labels with selection to turn them on/off
input showlabels = yes;
if agg1 / 60000 <= 240
then (agg1 / 60000 + " Min")
else if agg1 / 60000 == 1440
then "Day"
else if agg1 / 60000 == 10080
then "Week"
else if agg1 / 60000 == 43200
then "Month"
else " ",
if (Agg1per == 1 and method == method."HHLLS") or (Agg1per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value1 > 0) or (Agg1per == 1 and method != method."MACD" and method != method."HHLLS")
then Color.GREEN
else if (Agg1per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value1 < 0)
then Color.DARK_GREEN
else if (Agg1per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value1 < 0)
then Color.DARK_RED
else Color.RED);
if agg2 / 60000 <= 240
then (agg2 / 60000 + " Min")
else if agg2 / 60000 == 1440
then "Day"
else if agg2 / 60000 == 10080
then "Week"
else if agg2 / 60000 == 43200
then "Month"
else " ",
if (Agg2per == 1 and method == method."HHLLS") or (Agg2per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value2 > 0) or (Agg2per == 1 and method != method."MACD" and method != method."HHLLS")
then Color.GREEN
else if (Agg2per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value2 < 0)
then Color.DARK_GREEN
else if (Agg2per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value2 < 0)
then Color.DARK_RED
else Color.RED);
if agg3 / 60000 <= 240
then (agg3 / 60000 + " Min")
else if agg3 / 60000 == 1440
then "Day"
else if agg3 / 60000 == 10080
then "Week"
else if agg3 / 60000 == 43200
then "Month"
else " ",
if (Agg3per == 1 and method == method."HHLLS") or (Agg3per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value3 > 0) or (Agg3per == 1 and method != method."MACD" and method != method."HHLLS")
then Color.GREEN
else if (Agg3per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value3 < 0)
then Color.DARK_GREEN
else if (Agg3per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value3 < 0)
then Color.DARK_RED
else Color.RED);
if agg4 / 60000 <= 240
then (agg4 / 60000 + " Min")
else if agg4 / 60000 == 1440
then "Day"
else if agg4 / 60000 == 10080
then "Week"
else if agg4 / 60000 == 43200
then "Month"
else " ",
if (agg4per == 1 and method == method."HHLLS") or (agg4per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value4 > 0) or (agg4per == 1 and method != method."MACD" and method != method."HHLLS")
then Color.GREEN
else if (agg4per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value4 < 0)
then Color.DARK_GREEN
else if (agg4per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value4 < 0)
then Color.DARK_RED
else Color.RED);
if agg5 / 60000 <= 240
then (agg5 / 60000 + " Min")
else if agg5 / 60000 == 1440
then "Day"
else if agg5 / 60000 == 10080
then "Week"
else if agg5 / 60000 == 43200
then "Month"
else " ",
if (agg5per == 1 and method == method."HHLLS") or (agg5per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value5 > 0) or (agg5per == 1 and method != method."MACD" and method != method."HHLLS")
then Color.GREEN
else if (agg5per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value5 < 0)
then Color.DARK_GREEN
else if (agg5per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value5 < 0)
then Color.DARK_RED
else Color.RED);
if agg6 / 60000 <= 240
then (agg6 / 60000 + " Min")
else if agg6 / 60000 == 1440
then "Day"
else if agg6 / 60000 == 10080
then "Week"
else if agg6 / 60000 == 43200
then "Month"
else " ",
if (agg6per == 1 and method == method."HHLLS") or (agg6per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value6 > 0) or (agg6per == 1 and method != method."MACD" and method != method."HHLLS")
then Color.GREEN
else if (agg6per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value6 < 0)
then Color.DARK_GREEN
else if (agg6per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value6 < 0)
then Color.DARK_RED
else Color.RED);

# Label identifying method and color green/red if all green/red otherwise white
def aggsum = Agg1per + Agg2per + Agg3per + agg4per + agg5per + agg6per;
if method == method."Close_Close[1]"
then "C_C[1]"
else if method == method."HAOpen_HAClose"
then "HAC_HAO"
else if method == method."Trend"
then "Trend"
else if method == method."HHLLS"
then "HHLLS"
else "MACD" ,
if aggsum == 6
then Color.GREEN
else if aggsum == 0
then Color.RED
else Color.WHITE);

plot lineh = if IsNaN(close) or showdotplot == no
then Double.NaN
else if useupper_lower == useupper_lower.upper then 7 else Double.NaN;
plot linel = if IsNaN(close) or showdotplot == no
then Double.NaN
else if useupper_lower == useupper_lower.upper then -7 else Double.NaN;
if IsNaN(close) or showdotplot == no {
Agg1lower = Double.NaN;
Agg2lower = Double.NaN;
Agg3lower = Double.NaN;
agg4lower = Double.NaN;
agg5lower = Double.NaN;
agg6lower = Double.NaN;

} else {
Agg1lower = if !IsNaN(Agg1per) then if useupper_lower == useupper_lower.upper then -8.75 else 6 else Double.NaN;
Agg2lower = if !IsNaN(Agg2per) then if useupper_lower == useupper_lower.upper then -9.00 else 5 else Double.NaN;
Agg3lower = if !IsNaN(Agg3per) then if useupper_lower == useupper_lower.upper then -9.25 else 4 else Double.NaN;
agg4lower = if !IsNaN(agg4per) then if useupper_lower == useupper_lower.upper then -9.50 else 3 else Double.NaN;
agg5lower = if !IsNaN(agg5per) then if useupper_lower == useupper_lower.upper then -9.75 else 2 else Double.NaN;
agg6lower = if !IsNaN(agg6per) then if useupper_lower == useupper_lower.upper then -10.00 else 1 else Double.NaN;

Agg1lower.AssignValueColor(if (Agg1per == 1 and method != method."MACD") or (Agg1per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value1 > 0)
then Color.GREEN
else if (Agg1per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value1 < 0)
then Color.DARK_GREEN
else if (Agg1per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value1 < 0)
then Color.DARK_RED
else Color.RED);
Agg2lower.AssignValueColor(if (Agg2per == 1 and method != method."MACD") or (Agg2per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value2 > 0)
then Color.GREEN
else if (Agg2per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value2 < 0)
then Color.DARK_GREEN
else if (Agg2per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value2 < 0)
then Color.DARK_RED
else Color.RED);
Agg3lower.AssignValueColor(if (Agg3per == 1 and method != method."MACD") or (Agg3per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value3 > 0)
then Color.GREEN
else if (Agg3per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value3 < 0)
then Color.DARK_GREEN
else if (Agg3per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value3 < 0)
then Color.DARK_RED
else Color.RED);
agg4lower.AssignValueColor(if (agg4per == 1 and method != method."MACD") or (agg4per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value4 > 0)
then Color.GREEN
else if (agg4per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value4 < 0)
then Color.DARK_GREEN
else if (agg4per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value4 < 0)
then Color.DARK_RED
else Color.RED);
agg5lower.AssignValueColor(if (agg5per == 1 and method != method."MACD") or (agg5per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value5 > 0)
then Color.GREEN
else if (agg5per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value5 < 0)
then Color.DARK_GREEN
else if (agg5per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value5 < 0)
then Color.DARK_RED
else Color.RED);
agg6lower.AssignValueColor(if (agg6per == 1 and method != method."MACD") or (agg6per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value6 > 0)
then Color.GREEN
else if (agg6per == 1 and method == method."MACD" and Value6 < 0)
then Color.DARK_GREEN
else if (agg6per == 0 and method == method."MACD" and Value6 < 0)
then Color.DARK_RED
else Color.RED);

plot linediv = if IsNaN(close) or showdotplot == no
then Double.NaN
else if useupper_lower == useupper_lower.upper then -8.5 else 6.25;
plot sumagg = if IsNaN(close) or showdotplot == no
then Double.NaN
else if aggsum == 6 or aggsum == 0 then if useupper_lower == useupper_lower.upper then -8.25 else 6.5 else Double.NaN;
sumagg.AssignValueColor(if aggsum == 6
then Color.GREEN
else if aggsum == 0
then Color.RED
else Color.WHITE);

#Squeeze Added
input showsqueeze = yes;
def bbupper = reference BollingerBands().UpperBand;
def kcupper = KeltnerChannels().Upper_Band;
def Squeeze = bbupper - kcupper < 0;
plot Squeezeplot = if showsqueeze and Squeeze then linediv else Double.NaN;

#Count of Periods in consecutive squeeze
rec countsq = if Squeeze then countsq[1] + 1 else 0;
rec count1sq = if !Squeeze then count1sq[1] + 1 else 0;

#Expansion Bubbles
input n = 5;
def n1 = n + 1;
def c = close;
input showsqueezebubble = yes;

AddChartBubble(showsqueezebubble and !IsNaN(c[n1]) and IsNaN(c[n]),
linediv[n1] ,
( if Squeeze[n1] then "S \n" + Round(countsq[n1], 2) else "NS \n" + count1sq[n1]) ,
if aggsum[n1] == 6
then Color.GREEN
else if aggsum[n1] == 0
then Color.RED
else Color.WHITE, up = No);

Alert(Between(aggsum[1], 0, 2) and aggsum == 6 and !Squeeze, "Candles - All Green", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ding);
Alert(Between(aggsum[1], 1, 3) and aggsum == 0 and !Squeeze, "Candles - All Red ", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ding);
This tool is really good @SleepyZ . Amazing tool!
On the other hand, is there any way to add for example a colum at a certain watchlist to see when the sum of the two MACD (1 min and 2 min for example ) is green or red? or just a column.
Someting like that, because the thing that i´m doing is that i have different charts for different stocks of a watchlist to see when the bubble are green or red. And when both are green i pick that stock to the main monitor or sometimes i have to travel all around the stocks every 5 minutes to see which stock has green bubbles.
Is it possible to place an arrow (up or down) on price chart if multiple time frame (MTF) MACD (2m, 5m & 10m) are in agreement (up or down) to go long or short for day trading? Currently i am visually trading with other indicators plus MACD agreement but if this can be automated, it will be a great tool (not stand alone but with other confirming indicators). Thanks.

Is there an indicator available for short term day trading which will indicate agreement for MACD histogram (up or down) for 2 minutes, 5 minutes and 10 minutes time frame which will place an up or down arrow on the bar indicating agreement for all three time frames?
Is it possible to place an arrow (up or down) on price chart if multiple time frame (MTF) MACD (2m, 5m & 10m) are in agreement (up or down) to go long or short for day trading? Currently i am visually trading with other indicators plus MACD agreement but if this can be automated, it will be a great tool (not stand alone but with other confirming indicators). Thanks.

Is there an indicator available for short term day trading which will indicate agreement for MACD histogram (up or down) for 2 minutes, 5 minutes and 10 minutes time frame which will place an up or down arrow on the bar indicating agreement for all three time frames?

This will plot on the lower panel only if the chart timeframe is lower than or equal to the lowest of the 3 timeframes input.

If all 3 timeframes concur then the ALL will plot either a green or red until these all concur in the opposite direction.


declare lower;

script m {

    input aggPeriod = AggregationPeriod.HOUR;
    input fastLength = 12;
    input slowLength = 26;
    input signalLength = 9;
    input displace = 0;

    plot MACD = ExpAverage(close(period = aggPeriod)[displace], fastLength) -
ExpAverage(close(period = aggPeriod)[displace], slowLength);
    plot Signal = ExpAverage(ExpAverage(close(period = aggPeriod)[displace],
fastLength) - ExpAverage(close(period = aggPeriod)[displace], slowLength),
    plot Diff = MACD - Signal;

input agg1 = AggregationPeriod.TWO_MIN;
input agg2 = AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN;
input agg3 = AggregationPeriod.TEN_MIN;

def m1 = m("agg period" = agg1).Diff > 0;
def m2 = m("agg period" = agg2).Diff > 0;
def m3 = m("agg period" = agg3).Diff > 0;

plot line1  = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 1;
line1.AssignValueColor(if m1 == 1 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
plot line2  = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 2;
line2.AssignValueColor(if m2 == 1 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
plot line3  = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 3;
line3.AssignValueColor(if m3 == 1 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

plot line4 = 4;

def sum = compoundvalue(1,
          if m1 + m2 + m3 == 3 then 1
          else if m1 + m2 + m3 == 0 then 0
          else sum[1], 0);
plot line5 = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 5;
line5.AssignValueColor(if sum == 1 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

plot line7 = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 7;

input showbubbles = yes;
input bubblemover = 7;
def b  = bubblemover;
def b1 = b + 1;
def mover = showbubbles and IsNaN(close[b]) and !IsNaN(close[b1]);

AddChartBubble(mover, line1[b1], agg1 / 60000 + "m", line1.TakeValueColor());
AddChartBubble(mover, line2[b1], agg2 / 60000 + "m", line2.TakeValueColor());
AddChartBubble(mover, line3[b1], agg3 / 60000 + "m", line3.TakeValueColor());

AddChartBubble(mover, line5[b1], "All", line5.TakeValueColor());
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I'm building my first indicator, just a simplified way to view MACD trend from multiple timeframes plotted via multiple lines on a lower graph using points (green for bullish and red for bearish).

The problem I'm having is that when viewing a 1 min chart, the 1 min data points work as expected, however for the 10 min aggregation there are up to 9 additional data points being painted into the future. How can I get it to paint a single data point for the 10 min aggregation based on where the MACD was at that specific minute?
I'm building my first indicator, just a simplified way to view MACD trend from multiple timeframes plotted via multiple lines on a lower graph using points (green for bullish and red for bearish).

The problem I'm having is that when viewing a 1 min chart, the 1 min data points work as expected, however for the 10 min aggregation there are up to 9 additional data points being painted into the future. How can I get it to paint a single data point for the 10 min aggregation based on where the MACD was at that specific minute?
To see only the last datapoint, you want to say:
Plot where there is a datapoint on previous bar and no more datapoints on current bar

plot x = datapoint[1] and !datapoint ;
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