Multiple divergences For ThinkOrSwim


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Author states:
Divergences are well-known tool for finding trend reversals. Powerful, yet... unreliable. Sometimes they show up, sometimes they don't. Sometimes they really mean trend end, sometimes the trend continues. I've witnessed countless discussions about which indicator to hunt for divergences on. All pointless.

Earlier today I found a very inspirational script by Lonesometheblue, combining multiple divergences together. Actually - summing them up and showing hunted divergences count in a label. Because if a divergence shows up on a single indicator like RSI, it can indeed mean trend reversal, but... yeah, check previous paragraph. But if this divergence shows up on 8 different indicators at the same time, then chances increase, don't they?


Could somone please convert this to thinkscript?
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check the below:

#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// © Peter_O
#// + huge parts of code by Lonesometheblue and Everget's built-in divergence indicator
#study("Multiple divergences rework NON-REPAINT by PeterO", overlay=true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 05/2024

input Repaint = no; #, "Repaint or not?")
input MinimumDivCountToDisplay = 2; #, minval=1, maxval=10, title="Minimum Div Count to Display")
input PivotLookbackRight = 1; #(title="Pivot Lookback Right", defval=1)
input PivotLookbackLeft = 5; #(title="Pivot Lookback Left", defval=3)
input MaxLookbackRange = 60; #(title="Max of Lookback Range", defval=60)
input MinLookbackRange = 5; #(title="Min of Lookback Range", defval=1)
input showRegularBullishDiv = yes; #(title="Plot Bullish", defval=true)
input showRegularBearishDiv =  yes; #((title="Plot Bearish", defval=true)
input showHiddenBullishDiv = no; #(title="Plot Hidden Bullish", defval=true)
input showHiddenBearishDiv =  no; #((title="Plot Hidden Bearish", defval=true)
input showMacd =  yes; #((true, title="MACD")
input showMacdHist =  yes; #((true, title="MACD Histogram")
input showRsi =  yes; #((true, title="RSI")
input showStochastic =  yes; #((true, title="Stochastic")
input showCci =  yes; #((true, title="CCI")
input showMomentum =  yes; #((true, title="Momentum")
input showObv =  yes; #((true, title="OBV")
input showDiosc =  yes; #((true, title="Diosc")
input showVwMacd =  yes; #((true, title="VWmacd")
input showChaikinMoneyFlow =  yes; #((true, title="Chaikin Money Flow")
input showMoneyFlowIndex =  yes; #((true, title="Money Flow Index")

def na = Double.NaN;
def cnt = MinimumDivCountToDisplay;
def lbr = PivotLookbackRight;
def lbl = PivotLookbackLeft;
def rngUp = MaxLookbackRange;
def rngLo = MinLookbackRange;
def plotBullish = showRegularBullishDiv;
def plotHiddenBull = showHiddenBullishDiv;
def plotBearish =  showRegularBearishDiv;
def plotHiddenBear =  showHiddenBearishDiv;
def calcstoc = showStochastic;
def calccci = showCci;
def calcmom = showMomentum;
def calcobv = showObv;
def calcdi = showDiosc;
def calcvwmacd = showVwMacd;
def calccmf = showChaikinMoneyFlow;
def calcmfi = showMoneyFlowIndex;
def off = if Repaint then lbR else 0;

# stoch(source, high, low, length) =>
script stoch {
    input src = close;
    input h = high;
    input l = low;
    input len = 14;
    def hh = Highest(h, len);
    def ll = Lowest(l, len);
    def stoch = 100 * (src - ll) / (hh - ll);
    plot return = stoch;
#vwma(source, length)
script VWMA {
    input src = close;
    input len = 14;
    input vol = volume;
    def nom = Average(src * vol, len);
    def den = Average(vol, len);
    def VWMA = nom / den;
    plot result = VWMA;
script Pivots {
    input series    = close;
    input leftBars  = 10;
    input rightBars = 10;
    input isHigh = yes;
    def na = Double.NaN;
    def HH = series == Highest(series, leftBars + 1);
    def LL = series == Lowest(series, leftBars + 1);
    def pivotRange = (leftBars + rightBars + 1);
    def leftEdgeValue = if series[pivotRange] == 0 then na else series[pivotRange];
    def pvtCond = !IsNaN(series) and leftBars > 0 and rightBars > 0 and !IsNaN(leftEdgeValue);
    def barIndexH = if pvtCond then
                    fold i = 1 to rightBars + 1 with p=1 while p do
                    series > GetValue(series, - i) else na;
    def barIndexL = if pvtCond then
                    fold j = 1 to rightBars + 1 with q=1 while q do
                    series < GetValue(series, - j) else na;
    def PivotPoint;
    if isHigh {
        PivotPoint = if HH and barIndexH then series else na;
    } else {
        PivotPoint = if LL and barIndexL then series else na;
    plot pvt = PivotPoint;
#// RSI
def rsi = RSI(Price = close, Length = 14);
#// MACD
def macd = ExpAverage(close, 12) - ExpAverage(close, 26);
def signal = ExpAverage(macd, 9);
def macH = macd - signal;
#// Momentum
def mome = close - close[10];
#// CCI
def ma = Average(close, 10);
def cci = (close - ma) / (0.015 * Lindev(close, 10));
#// OBV
def OBV = TotalSum(Sign(close - close[1]) * volume);
#// Stoch
def stk = Average(stoch(close, high, low, 14), 3);
def DI = (high - high[1]) - (-(low - low[1]));
def trur = ATR(Length = 14);
def diosc = (100 * WildersAverage(DI, 14) / trur);
def dio = if !IsNaN(diosc) then diosc else dio[1];
#// volume weighted macd
def maFast = vwma(close, 12);
def maSlow = vwma(close, 26);
def vwmac = maFast - maSlow;
#// Chaikin money flow
def Cmfm = ((close - low) - (high - close)) / (high - low);
def Cmfv = Cmfm * volume;
def cmf = Average(Cmfv, 21) / Average(volume, 21);
#-- MFI
def mfi = MoneyFlowIndex(Length = 14);
#-- Div Script

script _inRange {
    input cond = no;
    input rangeLower = 5;
    input rangeUpper = 60;
    def bars = if cond then 0 else bars[1] + 1;
    def inRange = rangeLower <= bars and bars <= rangeUpper;
    plot out = inRange;
#// Regular Bullish
script divBull {
    input osc = close;
    input cond = yes;
    input type = 1;
    def pvt1;
    def pvt2;
    def val1;
    def val2;
    if cond {
        pvt2 = pvt1[1];
        pvt1 = osc;
        val2 = val1[1];
        val1 = low;
    } else {
        pvt2 = pvt2[1];
        pvt1 = pvt1[1];
        val2 = val2[1];
        val1 = val1[1];
    def divR = (osc > pvt2) and (low < val2);
    def divH = (osc < pvt2) and (low > val2);
    def oscHL = if type == 1 then divR else divH;
    plot out = oscHL and cond;
script bullCond {
    input osc = close;
    input lbL = 10;
    input lbR = 10;
    input rangeLower = 1;
    input rangeUpper = 60;
    input plotBull = yes;
    def pl = pivots(osc, lbL, lbR, no);
    def plFound = !IsNaN(pl);
    def inRange = _inRange(plFound[1], rangeLower, rangeUpper);
    def divBull = divBull(osc, plFound, 1);
    def bullCond = plotBull and divBull and inRange;
    plot out = if IsNaN(bullCond) then 0 else bullCond;
#// Hidden Bullish
script hidBull {
    input osc = close;
    input lbL = 10;
    input lbR = 10;
    input rangeLower = 5;
    input rangeUpper = 60;
    input plotHiddenBull = yes;
    def pl = pivots(osc, lbL, lbR, no);
    def plFound = !IsNaN(pl);
    def inRange = _inRange(plFound[1], rangeLower, rangeUpper);
    def divBull = divBull(osc, plFound, 0);
    def hiddenBullCond = plotHiddenBull and divBull and inRange;
    plot out = if IsNaN(hiddenBullCond) then 0 else hiddenBullCond;
#// Regular Bearish
script DivBear {
    input osc = close;
    input cond = yes;
    input type = 1;
    def pvt1;
    def pvt2;
    def val1;
    def val2;
    if cond {
        pvt2 = pvt1[1];
        pvt1 = osc;
        val2 = val1[1];
        val1 = high;
    } else {
        pvt2 = pvt2[1];
        pvt1 = pvt1[1];
        val2 = val2[1];
        val1 = val1[1];
    def divR = (osc < pvt2) and (high > val2);
    def divH = (osc > pvt2) and (high < val2);
    def oscLH   = if type == 1 then divR else divH;
    plot out = oscLH and cond;
script bearCond {
    input osc = close;
    input lbL = 10;
    input lbR = 10;
    input rangeLower = 1;
    input rangeUpper = 60;
    input plotBear = yes;
    def ph = pivots(osc, lbL, lbR, yes);
    def phFound = !IsNaN(ph);
    def inRange = _inRange(phFound[1], rangeLower, rangeUpper);
    def divBear = DivBear(osc, phFound, 1);
    def bearCond = plotBear and divBear and inRange;
    plot out = if IsNaN(bearCond) then 0 else bearCond;
#// Hidden Bearish
script hidBear {
    input osc = close;
    input lbL = 10;
    input lbR = 10;
    input rangeLower = 1;
    input rangeUpper = 60;
    input plotHiddenBull = yes;
    def ph = pivots(osc, lbL, lbR, yes);
    def phFound = !IsNaN(ph);
    def inRange = _inRange(phFound[1], rangeLower, rangeUpper);
    def divBear = DivBear(osc, phFound, 0);
    def hiddenBearCond = plotHiddenBull and divBear and inRange;
    plot out = if IsNaN(hiddenBearCond) then 0 else hiddenBearCond;
# bull
def rsiRbull = bullCond(rsi   , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotBullish);
def macRbull = bullCond(macd  , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotBullish);
def hisRbull = bullCond(macH  , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotBullish);
def momRbull = bullCond(mome  , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotBullish);
def cciRbull = bullCond(cci   , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotBullish);
def obvRbull = bullCond(obv   , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotBullish);
def stcRbull = bullCond(stk   , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotBullish);
def dioRbull = bullCond(dio   , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotBullish);
def vwmRbull = bullCond(vwmac , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotBullish);
def cmfRbull = bullCond(cmf   , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotBullish);
def mfiRbull = bullCond(mfi   , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotBullish);
def posDivRsi = if (showRsi and rsiRbull) then 1 else 0;
def posDivMacd = posDivRsi  + (if showMacd and macRbull then 1 else 0);
def posDivDelt = posDivMacd + (if showMacdHist and hisRbull then 1 else 0);
def posDivMom = posDivDelt  + (if calcmom and momRbull then 1 else 0);
def posDivCCI = posDivMom + (if calccci and cciRbull then 1 else 0);
def posDivOBV = posDivCCI + (if calcobv and obvRbull then 1 else 0);
def posDivSTC = posDivOBV + (if calcstoc and stcRbull then 1 else 0);
def posDivDIO = posDivSTC + (if calcdi and dioRbull then 1 else 0);
def posDivVWM = posDivDIO + (if calcvwmacd and vwmRbull then 1 else 0);
def posDivCMF = posDivVWM + (if calccmf and cmfRbull then 1 else 0);
def posDivMFI = posDivCMF + (if calcmfi and mfiRbull then 1 else 0);
#hidden Bull
def rsiHbull = hidBull(rsi   , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotHiddenBull);
def macHbull = hidBull(macd  , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotHiddenBull);
def hisHbull = hidBull(macH  , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotHiddenBull);
def momHbull = hidBull(mome  , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotHiddenBull);
def cciHbull = hidBull(cci   , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotHiddenBull);
def obvHbull = hidBull(obv   , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotHiddenBull);
def stcHbull = hidBull(stk   , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotHiddenBull);
def dioHbull = hidBull(dio   , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotHiddenBull);
def vwmHbull = hidBull(vwmac , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotHiddenBull);
def cmfHbull = hidBull(cmf   , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotHiddenBull);
def mfiHbull = hidBull(mfi   , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotHiddenBull);
def HposDivRsi = if (showRsi and rsiHbull) then 1 else 0;
def HposDivMacd = HposDivRsi + (if showMacd and macHbull then 1 else 0);
def HposDivDelt = HposDivMacd + (if showMacdHist and hisHbull then 1 else 0);
def HposDivMom = HposDivDelt + (if calcmom and momHbull then 1 else 0);
def HposDivCCI = HposDivMom + (if calccci and cciHbull then 1 else 0);
def HposDivOBV = HposDivCCI + (if calcobv and obvHbull then 1 else 0);
def HposDivSTC = HposDivOBV + (if calcstoc and stcHbull then 1 else 0);
def HposDivDIO = HposDivSTC + (if calcdi and dioHbull then 1 else 0);
def HposDivVWM = HposDivDIO + (if calcvwmacd and vwmHbull then 1 else 0);
def HposDivCMF = HposDivVWM + (if calccmf and cmfHbull then 1 else 0);
def HposDivMFI = HposDivCMF + (if calcmfi and mfiHbull then 1 else 0);
# bear
def rsiRbear = bearCond(rsi   , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotBearish);
def macRbear = bearCond(macd  , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotBearish);
def hisRbear = bearCond(macH  , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotBearish);
def momRbear = bearCond(mome  , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotBearish);
def cciRbear = bearCond(cci   , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotBearish);
def obvRbear = bearCond(obv   , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotBearish);
def stcRbear = bearCond(stk   , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotBearish);
def dioRbear = bearCond(dio   , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotBearish);
def vwmRbear = bearCond(vwmac , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotBearish);
def cmfRbear = bearCond(cmf   , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotBearish);
def mfiRbear = bearCond(mfi   , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotBearish);
def negDivRsi = if (showRsi and rsiRbear) then 1 else 0;
def negDivMacd = negDivRsi  + (if showMacd and macRbear then 1 else 0);
def negDivDelt = negDivMacd + (if showMacdHist and hisRbear then 1 else 0);
def negDivMom = negDivDelt + (if calcmom and momRbear then 1 else 0);
def negDivCCI = negDivMom + (if calccci and cciRbear then 1 else 0);
def negDivOBV = negDivCCI + (if calcobv and obvRbear then 1 else 0);
def negDivSTC = negDivOBV + (if calcstoc and stcRbear then 1 else 0);
def negDivDIO = negDivSTC + (if calcdi and dioRbear then 1 else 0);
def negDivVWM = negDivDIO + (if calcvwmacd and vwmRbear then 1 else 0);
def negDivCMF = negDivVWM + (if calccmf and cmfRbear then 1 else 0);
def negDivMFI = negDivCMF + (if calcmfi and mfiRbear then 1 else 0);
#hidden Bear
def rsiHbear = hidBear(rsi   , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotHiddenBear);
def macHbear = hidBear(macd  , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotHiddenBear);
def hisHbear = hidBear(macH  , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotHiddenBear);
def momHbear = hidBear(mome  , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotHiddenBear);
def cciHbear = hidBear(cci   , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotHiddenBear);
def obvHbear = hidBear(obv   , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotHiddenBear);
def stcHbear = hidBear(stk   , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotHiddenBear);
def dioHbear = hidBear(dio   , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotHiddenBear);
def vwmHbear = hidBear(vwmac , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotHiddenBear);
def cmfHbear = hidBear(cmf   , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotHiddenBear);
def mfiHbear = hidBear(mfi   , lbL, lbR, rngLo, rngUp, plotHiddenBear);
def HnegDivRsi = if (showRsi and rsiHbear) then 1 else 0;
def HnegDivMacd = HnegDivRsi + (if showMacd and macHbear then 1 else 0);
def HnegDivDelt = HnegDivMacd + (if showMacdHist and hisHbear then 1 else 0);
def HnegDivMom = HnegDivDelt + (if calcmom and momHbear then 1 else 0);
def HnegDivCCI = HnegDivMom + (if calccci and cciHbear then 1 else 0);
def HnegDivOBV = HnegDivCCI + (if calcobv and obvHbear then 1 else 0);
def HnegDivSTC = HnegDivOBV + (if calcstoc and stcHbear then 1 else 0);
def HnegDivDIO = HnegDivSTC + (if calcdi and dioHbear then 1 else 0);
def HnegDivVWM = HnegDivDIO + (if calcvwmacd and vwmHbear then 1 else 0);
def HnegDivCMF = HnegDivVWM + (if calccmf and cmfHbear then 1 else 0);
def HnegDivMFI = HnegDivCMF + (if calcmfi and mfiHbear then 1 else 0);

def posdiverg = posDivMFI[-off];
def posdivHid = HposDivMFI[-off];
def negdiverg = negDivMFI[-off];
def negdivhid = HnegDivMFI[-off];

#-- Reg Bull
plot posDivR1 = if (posdiverg[lbr] == 1 and cnt < 2) then 1 else na;
plot posDivR2 = if (posdiverg[lbr] == 2 and cnt < 3) then 2 else na;
plot posDivR3 = if (posdiverg[lbr] == 3 and cnt < 4) then 3 else na;
plot posDivR4 = if (posdiverg[lbr] == 4 and cnt < 5) then 4 else na;
plot posDivR5 = if (posdiverg[lbr] == 5 and cnt < 6) then 5 else na;
plot posDivR6 = if (posdiverg[lbr] == 6 and cnt < 7) then 6 else na;
plot posDivR7 = if (posdiverg[lbr] == 7 and cnt < 8) then 7 else na;
plot posDivR8 = if (posdiverg[lbr] == 8 and cnt < 9) then 8 else na;
plot posDivR9 = if (posdiverg[lbr] == 9 and cnt < 10) then 9 else na;
plot posDivR0 = if (posdiverg[lbr] > 9 and cnt < 11) then 10 else na;
# Hidden Bull
plot posDivH1 = if (posdivHid[lbr] == 1 and cnt < 2) then 1 else na;
plot posDivH2 = if (posdivHid[lbr] == 2 and cnt < 3) then 2 else na;
plot posDivH3 = if (posdivHid[lbr] == 3 and cnt < 4) then 3 else na;
plot posDivH4 = if (posdivHid[lbr] == 4 and cnt < 5) then 4 else na;
plot posDivH5 = if (posdivHid[lbr] == 5 and cnt < 6) then 5 else na;
plot posDivH6 = if (posdivHid[lbr] == 6 and cnt < 7) then 6 else na;
plot posDivH7 = if (posdivHid[lbr] == 7 and cnt < 8) then 7 else na;
plot posDivH8 = if (posdivHid[lbr] == 8 and cnt < 9) then 8 else na;
plot posDivH9 = if (posdivHid[lbr] == 9 and cnt < 10) then 9 else na;
plot posDivH0 = if (posdivHid[lbr] > 9 and cnt < 11) then 10 else na;
# Reg Bear
plot negDivR1 = if (negdiverg[lbr] == 1 and cnt < 2) then 1 else na;
plot negDivR2 = if (negdiverg[lbr] == 2 and cnt < 3) then 2 else na;
plot negDivR3 = if (negdiverg[lbr] == 3 and cnt < 4) then 3 else na;
plot negDivR4 = if (negdiverg[lbr] == 4 and cnt < 5) then 4 else na;
plot negDivR5 = if (negdiverg[lbr] == 5 and cnt < 6) then 5 else na;
plot negDivR6 = if (negdiverg[lbr] == 6 and cnt < 7) then 6 else na;
plot negDivR7 = if (negdiverg[lbr] == 7 and cnt < 8) then 7 else na;
plot negDivR8 = if (negdiverg[lbr] == 8 and cnt < 9) then 8 else na;
plot negDivR9 = if (negdiverg[lbr] == 9 and cnt < 10) then 9 else na;
plot negDivR0 = if (negdiverg[lbr] > 9 and cnt < 11) then 10 else na;
# Hidden Bear
plot negDivH1 = if (negdivhid[lbr] == 1 and cnt < 2) then 1 else na;
plot negDivH2 = if (negdivhid[lbr] == 2 and cnt < 3) then 2 else na;
plot negDivH3 = if (negdivhid[lbr] == 3 and cnt < 4) then 3 else na;
plot negDivH4 = if (negdivhid[lbr] == 4 and cnt < 5) then 4 else na;
plot negDivH5 = if (negdivhid[lbr] == 5 and cnt < 6) then 5 else na;
plot negDivH6 = if (negdivhid[lbr] == 6 and cnt < 7) then 6 else na;
plot negDivH7 = if (negdivhid[lbr] == 7 and cnt < 8) then 7 else na;
plot negDivH8 = if (negdivhid[lbr] == 8 and cnt < 9) then 8 else na;
plot negDivH9 = if (negdivhid[lbr] == 9 and cnt < 10) then 9 else na;
plot negDivH0 = if (negdivhid[lbr] > 9 and cnt < 11) then 10 else na;

#-- Style


#-- END of COde
No Scans, No Watchlists, No Conditional Orders. Schwab limits the amount of resources available in scans, watchlists, and conditional orders. This script's requirements exceed the maximum resources available.
Meaning, this study is too complicated for use in any of the ToS widgets. It can only be used to plot on the chart.

Attempts to break down the script into the sum of its parts; still results in this being too complicated
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I played around with making a scan that shows when divergences have occurred within the past two days, and TOS gave me an error saying the script was either too long or too complex. I'm guessing you could split this into two separate scans, one for bullish divergences and one for bearish divergences. Has anybody else tried this?
Any idea why indicator does not display on a Forex Pair like EUR/USD? Works fine in Trading View. For me it displays great for Futures on TOS.


  • Capture5.PNG
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  • Capture6.PNG
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Any idea why indicator does not display on a Forex Pair like EUR/USD? Works fine in Trading View. For me it displays great for Futures on TOS.

This study has a volume component.
No, ToS Indicators containing volume analysis will not work with Forex.

Volume in forex is the number of lots traded in a currency pair within a certain time period.
In other words, the amount of currency bought and sold.
But the ToS data feeds only track real Volume, which in the case of Forex doesn't exist.
So, it is not possible to utilize any type of volume study with Forex on the ToS platform
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VIP members get exclusive access to these proven and tested premium indicators: Buy the Dip, Advanced Market Moves 2.0, Take Profit, and Volatility Trading Range. In addition, VIP members get access to over 50 VIP-only custom indicators, add-ons, and strategies, private VIP-only forums, private Discord channel to discuss trades and strategies in real-time, customer support, trade alerts, and much more. Learn all about VIP membership here.
How can I access the premium indicators?
To access the premium indicators, which are plug and play ready, sign up for VIP membership here.