Multi-Step FlexiSuperTrend For ThinkOrSwim


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is an advanced trading strategy that integrates the well-known SuperTrend indicator with a nuanced and dynamic approach to market trend analysis. Unlike conventional SuperTrend strategies that rely on static thresholds and fixed parameters, this strategy introduces multi-step take profit mechanisms that allow traders to capitalize on varying market conditions in a more controlled and systematic manner.
More details:


#// Indicator for TOS
#// © PresentTrading
#strategy("Multi-Step FlexiSuperTrend - Strategy [presentTrading]", shorttitle = "Multi-Step FlexiST-VT - Strategy
declare lower;

input displayOptios = {Default "Supertrend & Median", "Supertrend Only", "Median Only"};
input tradeDirection = {default "Both", "Long", "Short"}; # "Trading Direction"
input Source = close; #, title="Indicator Source")
input indicatorLength = 10; #, minval = 2, title="Indicator Length")
input startingFactor = 0.618; #, title="Starting Factor", minval = 0)
input incrementFactor = 0.382; #, minval = 0, step = .10, title="Increment Factor")
input NormalizationMethod = {default "None", "Max-Min", "Absolute Sum"}; # "Normalization Method"

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = IsNaN(close);
def both  = displayOptios==displayOptios."Supertrend & Median";
def super = displayOptios==displayOptios."Supertrend Only" or both;
def med = displayOptios==displayOptios."Median Only" or both;
def maxmin = NormalizationMethod == NormalizationMethod."Max-Min";
#-- Color
DefineGlobalColor("bg", CreateColor(10,93,128));
DefineGlobalColor("up", Color.GREEN); #CreateColor(0, 140, 255));
DefineGlobalColor("dn", CreateColor(255, 72, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("up1", CreateColor(49, 244, 212));
DefineGlobalColor("up2", CreateColor(33, 243, 208));
DefineGlobalColor("up3", CreateColor(18, 242, 205));
DefineGlobalColor("up4", CreateColor(12, 232, 196));
DefineGlobalColor("up5", CreateColor(11, 217, 183));
DefineGlobalColor("up6", CreateColor(10, 201, 169));
DefineGlobalColor("up7", CreateColor(9, 186, 156));
DefineGlobalColor("up8", CreateColor(8, 170, 143));
DefineGlobalColor("up9", CreateColor(8, 155, 130));
DefineGlobalColor("up10", CreateColor(7, 139, 117));
DefineGlobalColor("up11", CreateColor(6, 124, 104));
DefineGlobalColor("up12", CreateColor(5, 108, 91));
DefineGlobalColor("up13", CreateColor(4, 93, 78));
DefineGlobalColor("up14", CreateColor(4, 77, 65));
DefineGlobalColor("up15", CreateColor(3, 69, 58));
DefineGlobalColor("up16", CreateColor(3, 62, 52));
DefineGlobalColor("up17", CreateColor(2, 38, 32));
DefineGlobalColor("up18", CreateColor(1, 31, 26));
DefineGlobalColor("up19", CreateColor(1, 23, 19));
DefineGlobalColor("dn1", CreateColor(241, 51, 67));
DefineGlobalColor("dn2", CreateColor(240, 36, 52));
DefineGlobalColor("dn3", CreateColor(239, 21, 38));
DefineGlobalColor("dn4", CreateColor(229, 14, 32));
DefineGlobalColor("dn5", CreateColor(222, 14, 30));
DefineGlobalColor("dn6", CreateColor(206, 13, 28));
DefineGlobalColor("dn7", CreateColor(191, 12, 26));
DefineGlobalColor("dn8", CreateColor(183, 11, 25));
DefineGlobalColor("dn9", CreateColor(168, 10, 23));
DefineGlobalColor("dn10", CreateColor(160, 10, 22));
DefineGlobalColor("dn11", CreateColor(145, 9, 20));
DefineGlobalColor("dn12", CreateColor(130, 8, 18));
DefineGlobalColor("dn13", CreateColor(114, 7, 16));
DefineGlobalColor("dn14", CreateColor(99, 6, 13));
DefineGlobalColor("dn15", CreateColor(84, 5, 11));
DefineGlobalColor("dn16", CreateColor(68, 4, 9));
DefineGlobalColor("dn17", CreateColor(53, 3, 7));
DefineGlobalColor("dn18", CreateColor(45, 2, 6));
DefineGlobalColor("dn19", CreateColor(30, 1, 4));

script norm {
    input value = close;
    input minn = 0;
    input maxx = 10;
    input den = 20;
    input NormalizationMethod = "None";
    def range = maxx - minn;
    def maxmin = (value - minn) / range;
    def avg = value / den;
    def normalizeMethod = if NormalizationMethod == "Max-Min" then maxmin else
                          if NormalizationMethod == "Absolute Sum" then avg else value;
    plot out = normalizeMethod;
#SuperTrend Polyfactor Oscillator
script supertrend {
    input src = hl2;
    input Period = 10;
    input factor = 3;
    def nATR = ATR(Length = Period) * factor;
    def up = hl2 + nATR;
    def dn = hl2 - nATR;
    def lowerBand;
    def upperBand;
    def prevLowerBand = CompoundValue(1, lowerBand[1], 0);
    def prevUpperBand = CompoundValue(1, upperBand[1], 0);
    def trend = if src > prevUpperBand then 1 else
                if src < prevLowerBand then 0 else trend[1];
    lowerBand = CompoundValue(1, if (src[1] > prevLowerBand) then Max(dn, prevLowerBand) else dn, dn);
    upperBand = CompoundValue(1, if (src[1] < prevUpperBand) then Min(up, prevUpperBand) else up, up);
    def superTrend = if trend == 1 then lowerBand else upperBand;
    plot ST  = if IsNaN(superTrend) then 0 else superTrend;
script rank {
    input v0 = 0;
    input v01 = 0;
    input v02 = 0;
    input v03 = 0;
    input v04 = 0;
    input v05 = 0;
    input v06 = 0;
    input v07 = 0;
    input v08 = 0;
    input v09 = 0;
    input v10 = 0;
    input v11 = 0;
    input v12 = 0;
    input v13 = 0;
    input v14 = 0;
    input v15 = 0;
    input v16 = 0;
    input v17 = 0;
    input v18 = 0;
    input v19 = 0;
    input v20 = 0;
    def r01 = v0 > v01;
    def r02 = v0 > v02;
    def r03 = v0 > v03;
    def r04 = v0 > v04;
    def r05 = v0 > v05;
    def r06 = v0 > v06;
    def r07 = v0 > v07;
    def r08 = v0 > v08;
    def r09 = v0 > v09;
    def r10 = v0 > v10;
    def r11 = v0 > v11;
    def r12 = v0 > v12;
    def r13 = v0 > v13;
    def r14 = v0 > v14;
    def r15 = v0 > v15;
    def r16 = v0 > v16;
    def r17 = v0 > v17;
    def r18 = v0 > v18;
    def r19 = v0 > v19;
    def r20 = v0 > v20;
    def cnt = r01 + r02 + r03 + r04 + r05 + r06 + r07 + r08 + r09 + r10 +
                  r11 + r12 + r13 + r14 + r15 + r16 + r17 + r18 + r19 + r20;
    plot out = cnt + 1;
def factor00 = startingFactor;
def factor01 = factor00 + incrementFactor;
def factor02 = factor01 + incrementFactor;
def factor03 = factor02 + incrementFactor;
def factor04 = factor03 + incrementFactor;
def factor05 = factor04 + incrementFactor;
def factor06 = factor05 + incrementFactor;
def factor07 = factor06 + incrementFactor;
def factor08 = factor07 + incrementFactor;
def factor09 = factor08 + incrementFactor;
def factor10 = factor09 + incrementFactor;
def factor11 = factor10 + incrementFactor;
def factor12 = factor11 + incrementFactor;
def factor13 = factor12 + incrementFactor;
def factor14 = factor13 + incrementFactor;
def factor15 = factor14 + incrementFactor;
def factor16 = factor15 + incrementFactor;
def factor17 = factor16 + incrementFactor;
def factor18 = factor17 + incrementFactor;
def factor19 = factor18 + incrementFactor;

def st00 = supertrend(Source, indicatorLength, factor00);
def st01 = supertrend(Source, indicatorLength, factor01);
def st02 = supertrend(Source, indicatorLength, factor02);
def st03 = supertrend(Source, indicatorLength, factor03);
def st04 = supertrend(Source, indicatorLength, factor04);
def st05 = supertrend(Source, indicatorLength, factor05);
def st06 = supertrend(Source, indicatorLength, factor06);
def st07 = supertrend(Source, indicatorLength, factor07);
def st08 = supertrend(Source, indicatorLength, factor08);
def st09 = supertrend(Source, indicatorLength, factor09);
def st10 = supertrend(Source, indicatorLength, factor10);
def st11 = supertrend(Source, indicatorLength, factor11);
def st12 = supertrend(Source, indicatorLength, factor12);
def st13 = supertrend(Source, indicatorLength, factor13);
def st14 = supertrend(Source, indicatorLength, factor14);
def st15 = supertrend(Source, indicatorLength, factor15);
def st16 = supertrend(Source, indicatorLength, factor16);
def st17 = supertrend(Source, indicatorLength, factor17);
def st18 = supertrend(Source, indicatorLength, factor18);
def st19 = supertrend(Source, indicatorLength, factor19);

def diffs00 = Source - st00;
def diffs01 = Source - st01;
def diffs02 = Source - st02;
def diffs03 = Source - st03;
def diffs04 = Source - st04;
def diffs05 = Source - st05;
def diffs06 = Source - st06;
def diffs07 = Source - st07;
def diffs08 = Source - st08;
def diffs09 = Source - st09;
def diffs10 = Source - st10;
def diffs11 = Source - st11;
def diffs12 = Source - st12;
def diffs13 = Source - st13;
def diffs14 = Source - st14;
def diffs15 = Source - st15;
def diffs16 = Source - st16;
def diffs17 = Source - st17;
def diffs18 = Source - st18;
def diffs19 = Source - st19;
def den00 = AbsValue(diffs00);
def den01 = den00 + AbsValue(diffs01);
def den02 = den01 + AbsValue(diffs02);
def den03 = den02 + AbsValue(diffs03);
def den04 = den03 + AbsValue(diffs04);
def den05 = den04 + AbsValue(diffs05);
def den06 = den05 + AbsValue(diffs06);
def den07 = den06 + AbsValue(diffs07);
def den08 = den07 + AbsValue(diffs08);
def den09 = den08 + AbsValue(diffs09);
def den10 = den09 + AbsValue(diffs10);
def den11 = den10 + AbsValue(diffs11);
def den12 = den11 + AbsValue(diffs12);
def den13 = den12 + AbsValue(diffs13);
def den14 = den13 + AbsValue(diffs14);
def den15 = den14 + AbsValue(diffs15);
def den16 = den15 + AbsValue(diffs16);
def den17 = den16 + AbsValue(diffs17);
def den18 = den17 + AbsValue(diffs18);
def den19 = den18 + AbsValue(diffs19);
def den = den19;
#-- Sorting
def sort01 = rank(diffs00, diffs00, diffs01, diffs02, diffs03, diffs04, diffs05, diffs06, diffs07, diffs08, diffs09,
                           diffs10, diffs11, diffs12, diffs13, diffs14, diffs15, diffs16, diffs17, diffs18, diffs19);
def sort02 = rank(diffs01, diffs00, diffs01, diffs02, diffs03, diffs04, diffs05, diffs06, diffs07, diffs08, diffs09,
                           diffs10, diffs11, diffs12, diffs13, diffs14, diffs15, diffs16, diffs17, diffs18, diffs19);
def sort03 = rank(diffs02, diffs00, diffs01, diffs02, diffs03, diffs04, diffs05, diffs06, diffs07, diffs08, diffs09,
                           diffs10, diffs11, diffs12, diffs13, diffs14, diffs15, diffs16, diffs17, diffs18, diffs19);
def sort04 = rank(diffs03, diffs00, diffs01, diffs02, diffs03, diffs04, diffs05, diffs06, diffs07, diffs08, diffs09,
                           diffs10, diffs11, diffs12, diffs13, diffs14, diffs15, diffs16, diffs17, diffs18, diffs19);
def sort05 = rank(diffs04, diffs00, diffs01, diffs02, diffs03, diffs04, diffs05, diffs06, diffs07, diffs08, diffs09,
                           diffs10, diffs11, diffs12, diffs13, diffs14, diffs15, diffs16, diffs17, diffs18, diffs19);
def sort06 = rank(diffs05, diffs00, diffs01, diffs02, diffs03, diffs04, diffs05, diffs06, diffs07, diffs08, diffs09,
                           diffs10, diffs11, diffs12, diffs13, diffs14, diffs15, diffs16, diffs17, diffs18, diffs19);
def sort07 = rank(diffs06, diffs00, diffs01, diffs02, diffs03, diffs04, diffs05, diffs06, diffs07, diffs08, diffs09,
                           diffs10, diffs11, diffs12, diffs13, diffs14, diffs15, diffs16, diffs17, diffs18, diffs19);
def sort08 = rank(diffs07, diffs00, diffs01, diffs02, diffs03, diffs04, diffs05, diffs06, diffs07, diffs08, diffs09,
                           diffs10, diffs11, diffs12, diffs13, diffs14, diffs15, diffs16, diffs17, diffs18, diffs19);
def sort09 = rank(diffs08, diffs00, diffs01, diffs02, diffs03, diffs04, diffs05, diffs06, diffs07, diffs08, diffs09,
                           diffs10, diffs11, diffs12, diffs13, diffs14, diffs15, diffs16, diffs17, diffs18, diffs19);
def sort10 = rank(diffs09, diffs00, diffs01, diffs02, diffs03, diffs04, diffs05, diffs06, diffs07, diffs08, diffs09,
                           diffs10, diffs11, diffs12, diffs13, diffs14, diffs15, diffs16, diffs17, diffs18, diffs19);
def sort11 = rank(diffs10, diffs00, diffs01, diffs02, diffs03, diffs04, diffs05, diffs06, diffs07, diffs08, diffs09,
                           diffs10, diffs11, diffs12, diffs13, diffs14, diffs15, diffs16, diffs17, diffs18, diffs19);
def sort12 = rank(diffs11, diffs00, diffs01, diffs02, diffs03, diffs04, diffs05, diffs06, diffs07, diffs08, diffs09,
                           diffs10, diffs11, diffs12, diffs13, diffs14, diffs15, diffs16, diffs17, diffs18, diffs19);
def sort13 = rank(diffs12, diffs00, diffs01, diffs02, diffs03, diffs04, diffs05, diffs06, diffs07, diffs08, diffs09,
                           diffs10, diffs11, diffs12, diffs13, diffs14, diffs15, diffs16, diffs17, diffs18, diffs19);
def sort14 = rank(diffs13, diffs00, diffs01, diffs02, diffs03, diffs04, diffs05, diffs06, diffs07, diffs08, diffs09,
                           diffs10, diffs11, diffs12, diffs13, diffs14, diffs15, diffs16, diffs17, diffs18, diffs19);
def sort15 = rank(diffs14, diffs00, diffs01, diffs02, diffs03, diffs04, diffs05, diffs06, diffs07, diffs08, diffs09,
                           diffs10, diffs11, diffs12, diffs13, diffs14, diffs15, diffs16, diffs17, diffs18, diffs19);
def sort16 = rank(diffs15, diffs00, diffs01, diffs02, diffs03, diffs04, diffs05, diffs06, diffs07, diffs08, diffs09,
                           diffs10, diffs11, diffs12, diffs13, diffs14, diffs15, diffs16, diffs17, diffs18, diffs19);
def sort17 = rank(diffs16, diffs00, diffs01, diffs02, diffs03, diffs04, diffs05, diffs06, diffs07, diffs08, diffs09,
                           diffs10, diffs11, diffs12, diffs13, diffs14, diffs15, diffs16, diffs17, diffs18, diffs19);
def sort18 = rank(diffs17, diffs00, diffs01, diffs02, diffs03, diffs04, diffs05, diffs06, diffs07, diffs08, diffs09,
                           diffs10, diffs11, diffs12, diffs13, diffs14, diffs15, diffs16, diffs17, diffs18, diffs19);
def sort19 = rank(diffs18, diffs00, diffs01, diffs02, diffs03, diffs04, diffs05, diffs06, diffs07, diffs08, diffs09,
                           diffs10, diffs11, diffs12, diffs13, diffs14, diffs15, diffs16, diffs17, diffs18, diffs19);
def sort20 = rank(diffs19, diffs00, diffs01, diffs02, diffs03, diffs04, diffs05, diffs06, diffs07, diffs08, diffs09,
                           diffs10, diffs11, diffs12, diffs13, diffs14, diffs15, diffs16, diffs17, diffs18, diffs19);

def minDiff = if sort01 == 1 then diffs00 else if sort02 == 1 then diffs01 else if sort03 == 1 then diffs02 else
            if sort04 == 1 then diffs03 else if sort05 == 1 then diffs04 else if sort06 == 1 then diffs05 else
            if sort07 == 1 then diffs06 else if sort08 == 1 then diffs07 else if sort09 == 1 then diffs08 else
            if sort10 == 1 then diffs09 else if sort11 == 1 then diffs10 else if sort12 == 1 then diffs11 else
            if sort13 == 1 then diffs12 else if sort14 == 1 then diffs13 else if sort15 == 1 then diffs14 else
            if sort16 == 1 then diffs15 else if sort17 == 1 then diffs16 else if sort18 == 1 then diffs17 else
            if sort19 == 1 then diffs18 else diffs19;
def maxDiff = if sort01 == 20 then diffs00 else if sort02 == 20 then diffs01 else if sort03 == 20 then diffs02 else
            if sort04 == 20 then diffs03 else if sort05 == 20 then diffs04 else if sort06 == 20 then diffs05 else
            if sort07 == 20 then diffs06 else if sort08 == 20 then diffs07 else if sort09 == 20 then diffs08 else
            if sort10 == 20 then diffs09 else if sort11 == 20 then diffs10 else if sort12 == 20 then diffs11 else
            if sort13 == 20 then diffs12 else if sort14 == 20 then diffs13 else if sort15 == 20 then diffs14 else
            if sort16 == 20 then diffs15 else if sort17 == 20 then diffs16 else if sort18 == 20 then diffs17 else
            if sort19 == 20 then diffs18 else diffs19;
def med10 = if sort01 == 10 then diffs00 else if sort02 == 10 then diffs01 else if sort03 == 10 then diffs02 else
            if sort04 == 10 then diffs03 else if sort05 == 10 then diffs04 else if sort06 == 10 then diffs05 else
            if sort07 == 10 then diffs06 else if sort08 == 10 then diffs07 else if sort09 == 10 then diffs08 else
            if sort10 == 10 then diffs09 else if sort11 == 10 then diffs10 else if sort12 == 10 then diffs11 else
            if sort13 == 10 then diffs12 else if sort14 == 10 then diffs13 else if sort15 == 10 then diffs14 else
            if sort16 == 10 then diffs15 else if sort17 == 10 then diffs16 else if sort18 == 10 then diffs17 else
            if sort19 == 10 then diffs18 else diffs19;
def med11 = if sort01 == 11 then diffs00 else if sort02 == 11 then diffs01 else if sort03 == 11 then diffs02 else
            if sort04 == 11 then diffs03 else if sort05 == 11 then diffs04 else if sort06 == 11 then diffs05 else
            if sort07 == 11 then diffs06 else if sort08 == 11 then diffs07 else if sort09 == 11 then diffs08 else
            if sort10 == 11 then diffs09 else if sort11 == 11 then diffs10 else if sort12 == 11 then diffs11 else
            if sort13 == 11 then diffs12 else if sort14 == 11 then diffs13 else if sort15 == 11 then diffs14 else
            if sort16 == 11 then diffs15 else if sort17 == 11 then diffs16 else if sort18 == 11 then diffs17 else
            if sort19 == 11 then diffs18 else diffs19;
def median = (med10 + med11) / 2;

#-- median
def medianValue = norm(median, minDiff, maxDiff, den, NormalizationMethod);

# -- Stdv
def sumDiff = diffs00 + diffs01 + diffs02 + diffs03 + diffs04 + diffs05 + diffs06 + diffs07 + diffs08 + diffs09
            + diffs10 + diffs11 + diffs12 + diffs13 + diffs14 + diffs15 + diffs16 + diffs17 + diffs18 + diffs19;
def avgDiff = sumDiff / 20;
def sqrDiff = Sqr(AbsValue(avgDiff - diffs00)) + Sqr(AbsValue(avgDiff - diffs01)) + Sqr(AbsValue(avgDiff - diffs02)) +
              Sqr(AbsValue(avgDiff - diffs03)) + Sqr(AbsValue(avgDiff - diffs04)) + Sqr(AbsValue(avgDiff - diffs05)) +   
              Sqr(AbsValue(avgDiff - diffs06)) + Sqr(AbsValue(avgDiff - diffs07)) + Sqr(AbsValue(avgDiff - diffs08)) +
              Sqr(AbsValue(avgDiff - diffs09)) + Sqr(AbsValue(avgDiff - diffs10)) + Sqr(AbsValue(avgDiff - diffs11)) +
              Sqr(AbsValue(avgDiff - diffs12)) + Sqr(AbsValue(avgDiff - diffs13)) + Sqr(AbsValue(avgDiff - diffs14)) +
              Sqr(AbsValue(avgDiff - diffs15)) + Sqr(AbsValue(avgDiff - diffs16)) + Sqr(AbsValue(avgDiff - diffs17)) +
              Sqr(AbsValue(avgDiff - diffs18)) + Sqr(AbsValue(avgDiff - diffs19));
def Variance = sqrDiff / 20;
def stdev = Sqrt(Variance);
def normStdv = norm(stdev,  minDiff, maxDiff, den, NormalizationMethod);
def stdevValue = if !maxmin then normStdv else na;

#-- norm
def Dev01 = norm(diffs00, minDiff, maxDiff, den, NormalizationMethod);
def Dev02 = norm(diffs01, minDiff, maxDiff, den, NormalizationMethod);
def Dev03 = norm(diffs02, minDiff, maxDiff, den, NormalizationMethod);
def Dev04 = norm(diffs03, minDiff, maxDiff, den, NormalizationMethod);
def Dev05 = norm(diffs04, minDiff, maxDiff, den, NormalizationMethod);
def Dev06 = norm(diffs05, minDiff, maxDiff, den, NormalizationMethod);
def Dev07 = norm(diffs06, minDiff, maxDiff, den, NormalizationMethod);
def Dev08 = norm(diffs07, minDiff, maxDiff, den, NormalizationMethod);
def Dev09 = norm(diffs08, minDiff, maxDiff, den, NormalizationMethod);
def Dev10 = norm(diffs09, minDiff, maxDiff, den, NormalizationMethod);
def Dev11 = norm(diffs10, minDiff, maxDiff, den, NormalizationMethod);
def Dev12 = norm(diffs11, minDiff, maxDiff, den, NormalizationMethod);
def Dev13 = norm(diffs12, minDiff, maxDiff, den, NormalizationMethod);
def Dev14 = norm(diffs13, minDiff, maxDiff, den, NormalizationMethod);
def Dev15 = norm(diffs14, minDiff, maxDiff, den, NormalizationMethod);
def Dev16 = norm(diffs15, minDiff, maxDiff, den, NormalizationMethod);
def Dev17 = norm(diffs16, minDiff, maxDiff, den, NormalizationMethod);
def Dev18 = norm(diffs17, minDiff, maxDiff, den, NormalizationMethod);
def Dev19 = norm(diffs18, minDiff, maxDiff, den, NormalizationMethod);

#-- Supertrend Cals

input supertrendLength  = 10; #, "Length", inline = '1', group = g1)
input supertrendFactor  = 15.0; #, "Factor", 1, 20, 0.5, inline = '1', group = g1)
input showBubbles = yes; #(true, "Contrarian Signals", group = gu)

script st {
    input hl = hl2;
    input bc = close;
    input nATR = close;
    def up = hl + nATR;
    def dn = hl - nATR;
    def loBand;
    def upBand;
    def dn1 = CompoundValue(1, loBand[1], 0);
    def up1 = CompoundValue(1, upBand[1], 0);
    loBand = CompoundValue(1, if dn > dn1 or bc[1] < dn1 then dn else dn1, dn);
    upBand = CompoundValue(1, if up < up1 or bc[1] > up1 then up else up1, up);
    def superTrend;
    def superTrend1 = CompoundValue(1, superTrend[1], 0);
    def direction = if IsNaN(nATR[1]) then 1 else
                    if superTrend1 == up1 then if bc > upBand then -1 else 1 else
                    if bc < loBand then 1 else -1;
    superTrend = if direction == -1 then loBand else upBand;
    plot ST  = if IsNaN(superTrend) then 0 else superTrend;
    plot dir = if IsNaN(direction) then 1 else direction;
def src  = medianValue;
def bo  = if IsNaN(src[1]) then 0 else src[1];
def bh  = Max(bo, src);
def bl  = Min(bo, src);
def bc  = src;
def hl = (bh + bl) / 2;
def tr1 = TrueRange(bh, bc, bl);
def tr = WildersAverage(tr1, supertrendLength);
def bATR = tr * supertrendFactor;
def sts  = st(hl, bc, bATR).st;
def std  = st(hl, bc, bATR).dir;
def scon = !last and Sign(std - std[1]) ==  1;
def bcon = !last and Sign(std - std[1]) == -1;

#-- PLot ST
plot ptDn = if !maxmin and scon then sts else na;
plot ptUp = if !maxmin and bcon then sts else na;
plot trendDn = if !last and !maxmin and std > 0 then sts else na; #, 'Bear ST'
plot trendUp = if !last and !maxmin and std < 0 then sts else na; #, 'Bull ST'

AddChartBubble(showBubbles and scon, sts + tr / 3, "S", GlobalColor("dn"));
AddChartBubble(showBubbles and bcon, sts - tr / 3, "B", GlobalColor("up"), no);

#// Median
def th = if maxmin then 0.5 else 0;
def colM = if medianValue > th then 1 else 0;

plot meanLine = if med then medianValue else na; #, 'Median'
plot midLine = if last or super then na else if maxmin then 0.5 else 0;
meanLine.AssignValueColor(if colM then CreateColor(0, 140, 255) else GetColor(4));

#// Stdev Area
plot up = if stdevValue then stdevValue else na;
plot dn = if stdevValue then -stdevValue else na;

# plot

plot Deviation01 = if super then Dev01 else na;
plot Deviation02 = if super then Dev02 else na;
plot Deviation03 = if super then Dev03 else na;
plot Deviation04 = if super then Dev04 else na;
plot Deviation05 = if super then Dev05 else na;
plot Deviation06 = if super then Dev06 else na;
plot Deviation07 = if super then Dev07 else na;
plot Deviation08 = if super then Dev08 else na;
plot Deviation09 = if super then Dev09 else na;
plot Deviation10 = if super then Dev10 else na;
plot Deviation11 = if super then Dev11 else na;
plot Deviation12 = if super then Dev12 else na;
plot Deviation13 = if super then Dev13 else na;
plot Deviation14 = if super then Dev14 else na;
plot Deviation15 = if super then Dev15 else na;
plot Deviation16 = if super then Dev16 else na;
plot Deviation17 = if super then Dev17 else na;
plot Deviation18 = if super then Dev18 else na;
plot Deviation19 = if super then Dev19 else na;


Deviation01.AssignValueColor(if diffs00 > 0 then GlobalColor("up1") else GlobalColor("dn1"));
Deviation02.AssignValueColor(if diffs01 > 0 then GlobalColor("up2") else GlobalColor("dn2"));
Deviation03.AssignValueColor(if diffs02 > 0 then GlobalColor("up3") else GlobalColor("dn3"));
Deviation04.AssignValueColor(if diffs03 > 0 then GlobalColor("up4") else GlobalColor("dn4"));
Deviation05.AssignValueColor(if diffs04 > 0 then GlobalColor("up5") else GlobalColor("dn5"));
Deviation06.AssignValueColor(if diffs05 > 0 then GlobalColor("up6") else GlobalColor("dn6"));
Deviation07.AssignValueColor(if diffs06 > 0 then GlobalColor("up7") else GlobalColor("dn7"));
Deviation08.AssignValueColor(if diffs07 > 0 then GlobalColor("up8") else GlobalColor("dn8"));
Deviation09.AssignValueColor(if diffs08 > 0 then GlobalColor("up9") else GlobalColor("dn9"));
Deviation10.AssignValueColor(if diffs09 > 0 then GlobalColor("up10") else GlobalColor("dn10"));
Deviation11.AssignValueColor(if diffs10 > 0 then GlobalColor("up11") else GlobalColor("dn11"));
Deviation12.AssignValueColor(if diffs11 > 0 then GlobalColor("up12") else GlobalColor("dn12"));
Deviation13.AssignValueColor(if diffs12 > 0 then GlobalColor("up13") else GlobalColor("dn13"));
Deviation14.AssignValueColor(if diffs13 > 0 then GlobalColor("up14") else GlobalColor("dn14"));
Deviation15.AssignValueColor(if diffs14 > 0 then GlobalColor("up15") else GlobalColor("dn15"));
Deviation16.AssignValueColor(if diffs15 > 0 then GlobalColor("up16") else GlobalColor("dn16"));
Deviation17.AssignValueColor(if diffs16 > 0 then GlobalColor("up17") else GlobalColor("dn17"));
Deviation18.AssignValueColor(if diffs17 > 0 then GlobalColor("up18") else GlobalColor("dn18"));
Deviation19.AssignValueColor(if diffs18 > 0 then GlobalColor("up19") else GlobalColor("dn19"));

AddCloud(stdevValue, -stdevValue, GlobalColor("bg"));

#-- BackTest
input labelOptions = {Default "Summary", "Detailed", "Don't Show"};
input entryExitOptions = {"Show Entry", "Show Exit",default "Show Entry/Exit", "Don't Show Signals"};
input TakeProfiPercent = 2.25; # "Take Profit %"
input StopLossPercent = 1.75;  # "Stop Loss %"
input lotSize = 1;

def full = labelOptions == labelOptions."Detailed";
def summ = labelOptions == labelOptions."Summary" or full;

def ent = entryExitOptions==entryExitOptions."Show Entry" or entryExitOptions==entryExitOptions."Show Entry/Exit";
def ext = entryExitOptions==entryExitOptions."Show Exit" or entryExitOptions==entryExitOptions."Show Entry/Exit";
def long  = tradeDirection == tradeDirection."Long" or tradeDirection == tradeDirection."Both";
def short = tradeDirection == tradeDirection."Short" or tradeDirection == tradeDirection."Both";

#/ Apply Take Profit and Stop Loss conditions
#/ Entry/Exit conditions
def LongEntry  = std < 0 and medianValue > th;
def ShortEntry = std > 0 and medianValue < th;
def exitLong   = std > 0;
def exitShort  = std < 0;
def state = {Default "ini", "long", "short"};
def takeProfit;
def stoploss;
def entryPrice;
def closePrice;
def win;
def tradingHours = atr(1) < atr(100);
def longCond  = barNumber()> 0 and long and LongEntry and tradingHours;
def shortCond = barNumber()> 0 and short and ShortEntry and tradingHours;

Switch (state[1]) {
Case "long" :
if (exitLong or (high >= takeProfit[1]) or (close < stoploss[1])) {
    state = state."ini";
    closePrice = close - entryPrice[1];
    entryPrice = na;
    takeProfit = na;
    stoploss = na;
    win = if closePrice > 0 then 1 else 0;
    } else {
    state = state[1];
    closePrice = 0;
    entryPrice = entryPrice[1];
    takeProfit = takeProfit[1];
    stoploss = stoploss[1];
    win = 0;
Case "short" :
if (exitShort or (low <= takeProfit[1]) or (close > stoploss[1])) {
    state = state."ini";
    closePrice = entryPrice[1] - close;
    entryPrice = na;
    takeProfit = na;
    stoploss = na;
    win = if closePrice > 0 then -1 else 0;
    } else {
    state = state[1];
    closePrice = 0;
    entryPrice = entryPrice[1];
    takeProfit = takeProfit[1];
    stoploss = stoploss[1];
    win = 0;
Default :
    state     = if longCond then state."long" else if shortCond then state."short" else state[1];
    entryPrice = open[-1];
    takeProfit = entryPrice * (1 + (if longCond then 1 else -1) * TakeProfiPercent / 100);
    stoploss   = entryPrice * (1 + (if longCond then -1 else 1) * StopLossPercent / 100);
    closePrice = 0;
    win = 0;
def longSig  = state==state."long"  and state!=state[1];
def shortSig = state==state."short" and state!=state[1];
def exitL = state[1]==state."long"  and state!=state."long";
def exitS = state[1]==state."short" and state!=state."short";

AddVerticalLine(ent and longSig, "B", Color.CYAN, Curve.FIRM);
AddVerticalLine(ent and shortSig,"S", Color.MAGENTA, Curve.FIRM);
AddVerticalLine(ext and exitL, "E", Color.DARK_GREEN);
AddVerticalLine(ext and exitS, "E", Color.DARK_RED);

def totLong  = TotalSum(if exitL then 1 else 0);
def totShort = TotalSum(if exitS then 1 else 0);
def tottrd =  totLong + totShort;
def WinL = TotalSum(if win>0 then 1 else 0);
def WinS = TotalSum(if win<0 then 1 else 0);
def totWin = (WinL + WinS);
def winRt = if !tottrd then 0 else Round(totWin / tottrd * 100, 1);
def winRtL = if !totLong then 0 else Round(WinL / totLong * 100, 1);
def winRtS = if !totShort then 0 else Round(WinS / totShort * 100, 1);
def amtL = TotalSum(if exitL then closePrice else 0) * lotSize;
def amtS = TotalSum(if exitS then closePrice else 0) * lotSize;
def pl = RoundDown(amtL + amtS, 2);
def plL = if isNaN(amtL) then 0 else RoundDown(amtL, 2);
def plS = if isNaN(amtS) then 0 else RoundDown(amtS, 2);

AddLabel(summ, "WinRate(" + winRt + "%, " + tottrd + ")", if winRt >= 50 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

AddLabel(full, "Long(" + winRtL + "%, " + totLong + ")", if winRtL >= 50 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
AddLabel(full, "Short(" + winRtS + "%, " + totShort + ")", if winRtS >= 50 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

AddLabel(full, "AmtLong($" + plL + ")", if amtL > 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
AddLabel(full, "AmtShort($" + plS + ")", if amtS > 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

AddLabel(summ, "P/L($" + pl + ")", if pl > 0 then Color.GREEN else if pl < 0 then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

#-- END of CODE

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