Repaints MTF Force Index Binary for ThinkorSwim



Here is a Binary indicator that shows 5 different lengths of the Force Index" bullish or Bearish " over 3 different Time frames

Here is the code

Declare Lower;
DefineGlobalColor("TrendUp", CreateColor(0, 254, 30));
DefineGlobalColor("TrendDown", CreateColor(255, 3, 2));

input agg = AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN;
input agg2 = AggregationPeriod.THIRTY_MIN;
input agg3 = AggregationPeriod.HOUR;
input DotSize = 5;
input n = 17;
def n1  = n + 1;
input F2length = 2;
input F5length = 5;
input F8length = 8;
input F13length = 13;
input F21length = 21;

def CP = close(Period = AGG);
def VP = Volume(Period = AGG);
def CP2 = close(Period = AGG2);
def VP2 = Volume(Period = AGG2);
def CP3 = close(Period = AGG3);
def VP3 = Volume(Period = AGG3);

#Aggregation 1
Def FI2 = ExpAverage(data = (CP - CP[1]) * VP,F2length);
def Bullish2 = FI2 >=0;
def Bearish2 = FI2 < 0;
plot FI2_Dot = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 1;
FI2_Dot.AssignValueColor(if Bearish2 > Bullish2 then GlobalColor("TrendDown") else GlobalColor("TrendUp"));
AddChartBubble(!IsNaN(close [n1]) and IsNaN(Close [n]), 1, (agg/1000/60) + " min", Color.Yellow, yes);

Def FI5 = ExpAverage(data = (CP - CP[1]) * VP,F5length);
def Bullish5 = FI5 >=0;
def Bearish5 = FI5 < 0;
plot FI5_Dot = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 2;
FI5_Dot.AssignValueColor(if Bearish5 > Bullish5 then GlobalColor("TrendDown") else GlobalColor("TrendUp"));
AddChartBubble(!IsNaN(close [n1]) and IsNaN(Close [n]), 2, (agg/1000/60) + " min", Color.Yellow, yes);

Def FI8 = ExpAverage(data = (CP - CP[1]) * VP,F8length);
def Bullish8 = FI8 >=0;
def Bearish8 = FI8 < 0;
plot FI8_Dot = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 3;
FI8_Dot.AssignValueColor(if Bearish8 > Bullish8 then GlobalColor("TrendDown") else GlobalColor("TrendUp"));
AddChartBubble(!IsNaN(close [n1]) and IsNaN(Close [n]), 3, (agg/1000/60) + " min", Color.Yellow, yes);

Def FI13 = ExpAverage(data = (CP - CP[1]) * VP,F13length);
def Bullish13 = FI13 >=0;
def Bearish13 = FI13 < 0;
plot FI13_Dot = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 4;
FI13_Dot.AssignValueColor(if Bearish13 > Bullish13 then GlobalColor("TrendDown") else GlobalColor("TrendUp"));
AddChartBubble(!IsNaN(close [n1]) and IsNaN(Close [n]), 4, (agg/1000/60) + " min", Color.Yellow, yes);

Def FI21 = ExpAverage(data = (CP - CP[1]) * VP,F21length);
def Bullish21 = FI21 >=0;
def Bearish21 = FI21 < 0;
plot FI21_Dot = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 5;
FI21_Dot.AssignValueColor(if Bearish21 > Bullish21 then GlobalColor("TrendDown") else GlobalColor("TrendUp"));
AddChartBubble(!IsNaN(close [n1]) and IsNaN(Close [n]), 5, (agg/1000/60) + " min", Color.Yellow, yes);

#Aggregation 2
Def A2FI2 = ExpAverage(data = (CP2 – CP2[1]) * VP2,F2length);
def A2Bullish2 = A2FI2 >=0;
def A2Bearish2 = A2FI2 < 0;
plot A2FI2_Dot = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 7;
A2FI2_Dot.AssignValueColor(if A2Bearish2 > A2Bullish2 then GlobalColor("TrendDown") else GlobalColor("TrendUp"));
AddChartBubble(!IsNaN(close [n1]) and IsNaN(Close [n]), 7, (agg2/1000/60) + " min", Color.Yellow, yes);

Def A2FI5 = ExpAverage(data = (CP2 – CP2[1]) * VP2,F5length);
def A2Bullish5 = A2FI5 >=0;
def A2Bearish5 = A2FI5 < 0;
plot A2FI5_Dot = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 8;
A2FI5_Dot.AssignValueColor(if A2Bearish5 > A2Bullish5 then GlobalColor("TrendDown") else GlobalColor("TrendUp"));
AddChartBubble(!IsNaN(close [n1]) and IsNaN(Close [n]),8, (agg2/1000/60) + " min", Color.Yellow, yes);

Def A2FI8 = ExpAverage(data = (CP2 – CP2[1]) * VP2,F8length);
def A2Bullish8 = A2FI8 >=0;
def A2Bearish8 = A2FI8 < 0;
plot A2FI8_Dot = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 9;
A2FI8_Dot.AssignValueColor(if A2Bearish8 > A2Bullish8 then GlobalColor("TrendDown") else GlobalColor("TrendUp"));
AddChartBubble(!IsNaN(close [n1]) and IsNaN(Close [n]),9, (agg2/1000/60) + " min", Color.Yellow, yes);

Def A2FI13 = ExpAverage(data = (CP2 – CP2[1]) * VP2,F13length);
def A2Bullish13 = A2FI13 >=0;
def A2Bearish13 = A2FI13 < 0;
plot A2FI13_Dot = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 10;
A2FI13_Dot.AssignValueColor(if A2Bearish13 > A2Bullish13 then GlobalColor("TrendDown") else GlobalColor("TrendUp"));
AddChartBubble(!IsNaN(close [n1]) and IsNaN(Close [n]), 10, (agg2/1000/60) + " min", Color.Yellow, yes);

Def A2FI21 = ExpAverage(data = (CP2 – CP2[1]) * VP2,F21length);
def A2Bullish21 = A2FI21 >=0;
def A2Bearish21 = A2FI21 < 0;
plot A2FI21_Dot = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 11;
A2FI21_Dot.AssignValueColor(if A2Bearish21 > A2Bullish21 then GlobalColor("TrendDown") else GlobalColor("TrendUp"));
AddChartBubble(!IsNaN(close [n1]) and IsNaN(Close [n]), 11, (agg2/1000/60) + " min", Color.Yellow, yes);

#Aggregation 3

Def A3FI2 = ExpAverage(data = (CP3 – CP3[1]) * VP3,F2length);
def A3Bullish2 = A3FI2 >=0;
def A3Bearish2 = A3FI2 < 0;
plot A3FI2_Dot = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 13;
A3FI2_Dot.AssignValueColor(if A3Bearish2 > A3Bullish2 then GlobalColor("TrendDown") else GlobalColor("TrendUp"));
AddChartBubble(!IsNaN(close [n1]) and IsNaN(Close [n]), 13, (agg3/1000/60) + " min", Color.Yellow, yes);

Def A3FI5 = ExpAverage(data = (CP3 – CP3[1]) * VP3,F5length);
def A3Bullish5 = A3FI5 >=0;
def A3Bearish5 = A3FI5 < 0;
plot A3FI5_Dot = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 14;
A3FI5_Dot.AssignValueColor(if A3Bearish5 > A3Bullish5 then GlobalColor("TrendDown") else GlobalColor("TrendUp"));
AddChartBubble(!IsNaN(close [n1]) and IsNaN(Close [n]), 14, (agg3/1000/60) + " min", Color.Yellow, yes);

Def A3FI8 = ExpAverage(data = (CP3 – CP3[1]) * VP3,F8length);
def A3Bullish8 = A3FI8 >=0;
def A3Bearish8 = A3FI8 < 0;
plot A3FI8_Dot = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 15;
A3FI8_Dot.AssignValueColor(if A3Bearish8 > A3Bullish8 then GlobalColor("TrendDown") else GlobalColor("TrendUp"));
AddChartBubble(!IsNaN(close [n1]) and IsNaN(Close [n]), 15, (agg3/1000/60) + " min", Color.Yellow, yes);

Def A3FI13 = ExpAverage(data = (CP3 – CP3[1]) * VP3,F13length);
def A3Bullish13 = A3FI13 >=0;
def A3Bearish13 = A3FI13 < 0;
plot A3FI13_Dot = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 16;
A3FI13_Dot.AssignValueColor(if A3Bearish13 > A3Bullish13 then GlobalColor("TrendDown") else GlobalColor("TrendUp"));
AddChartBubble(!IsNaN(close [n1]) and IsNaN(Close [n]), 16, (agg3/1000/60) + " min", Color.Yellow, yes);

Def A3FI21 = ExpAverage(data = (CP3 – CP3[1]) * VP3,F21length);
def A3Bullish21 = A3FI21 >=0;
def A3Bearish21 = A3FI21 < 0;
plot A3FI21_Dot = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 17;
A3FI21_Dot.AssignValueColor(if A3Bearish21 > A3Bullish21 then GlobalColor("TrendDown") else GlobalColor("TrendUp"));
AddChartBubble(!IsNaN(close [n1]) and IsNaN(Close [n]), 17, (agg3/1000/60) + " min", Color.Yellow, yes);

Here you go
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MTF Force Index Binary WatchList Column
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input agg = AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN ;
input agg2 = AggregationPeriod.THIRTY_MIN ;
input agg3 = AggregationPeriod.HOUR ;
input DotSize = 5;
input n = 17;
def n1  = n + 1;
input F2length = 2;
input F5length = 5;
input F8length = 8;
input F13length = 13;
input F21length = 21;

def CP = close(Period = AGG);
def VP = Volume(Period = AGG);
def CP2 = close(Period = AGG2);
def VP2 = Volume(Period = AGG2);
def CP3 = close(Period = AGG3);
def VP3 = Volume(Period = AGG3);

#Aggregation 1
Def FI2 = ExpAverage(data = (CP - CP[1]) * VP,F2length);
def Bullish2 = FI2 >=0;
def Bearish2 = FI2 < 0;

Def FI5 = ExpAverage(data = (CP - CP[1]) * VP,F5length);
def Bullish5 = FI5 >=0;
def Bearish5 = FI5 < 0;

Def FI8 = ExpAverage(data = (CP - CP[1]) * VP,F8length);
def Bullish8 = FI8 >=0;
def Bearish8 = FI8 < 0;

Def FI13 = ExpAverage(data = (CP - CP[1]) * VP,F13length);
def Bullish13 = FI13 >=0;
def Bearish13 = FI13 < 0;

Def FI21 = ExpAverage(data = (CP - CP[1]) * VP,F21length);
def Bullish21 = FI21 >=0;
def Bearish21 = FI21 < 0;

#Aggregation 2
Def A2FI2 = ExpAverage(data = (CP2 – CP2[1]) * VP2,F2length);
def A2Bullish2 = A2FI2 >=0;
def A2Bearish2 = A2FI2 < 0;

Def A2FI5 = ExpAverage(data = (CP2 – CP2[1]) * VP2,F5length);
def A2Bullish5 = A2FI5 >=0;
def A2Bearish5 = A2FI5 < 0;

Def A2FI8 = ExpAverage(data = (CP2 – CP2[1]) * VP2,F8length);
def A2Bullish8 = A2FI8 >=0;
def A2Bearish8 = A2FI8 < 0;

Def A2FI13 = ExpAverage(data = (CP2 – CP2[1]) * VP2,F13length);
def A2Bullish13 = A2FI13 >=0;
def A2Bearish13 = A2FI13 < 0;

Def A2FI21 = ExpAverage(data = (CP2 – CP2[1]) * VP2,F21length);
def A2Bullish21 = A2FI21 >=0;
def A2Bearish21 = A2FI21 < 0;

#Aggregation 3
Def A3FI2 = ExpAverage(data = (CP3 – CP3[1]) * VP3,F2length);
def A3Bullish2 = A3FI2 >=0;
def A3Bearish2 = A3FI2 < 0;

Def A3FI5 = ExpAverage(data = (CP3 – CP3[1]) * VP3,F5length);
def A3Bullish5 = A3FI5 >=0;
def A3Bearish5 = A3FI5 < 0;

Def A3FI8 = ExpAverage(data = (CP3 – CP3[1]) * VP3,F8length);
def A3Bullish8 = A3FI8 >=0;
def A3Bearish8 = A3FI8 < 0;

Def A3FI13 = ExpAverage(data = (CP3 – CP3[1]) * VP3,F13length);
def A3Bullish13 = A3FI13 >=0;
def A3Bearish13 = A3FI13 < 0;

Def A3FI21 = ExpAverage(data = (CP3 – CP3[1]) * VP3,F21length);
def A3Bullish21 = A3FI21 >=0;
def A3Bearish21 = A3FI21 < 0;

def stacked =
#Aggregation 1
Bearish2  < Bullish2  and
Bearish5  < Bullish5  and
Bearish8  < Bullish8  and
Bearish13 < Bullish13 and
Bearish21 < Bullish21 and
#Aggregation 2
A2Bearish2  < A2Bullish2  and
A2Bearish5  < A2Bullish5  and
A2Bearish8  < A2Bullish8  and
A2Bearish13 < A2Bullish13 and
A2Bearish21 < A2Bullish21 and
#Aggregation 3
A3Bearish2  < A3Bullish2  and
A3Bearish5  < A3Bullish5  and
A3Bearish8  < A3Bullish8  and
A3Bearish13 < A3Bullish13 and
A3Bearish21 < A3Bullish21  ;

AddLabel(yes, " ") ;
if stacked then else
if !stacked then else
 color.gray) ;
The Trend Reversal Indicator repaints. A lot on the lower aggregations and still some on the higher aggregations.
@henry1224 Thanks for providing this great indicator. I use the Force Index indicator, and this allows me the freedom to not have to have multiple timeframe charts open at the same time. It repaints, but is still useful for identifying trend.
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@henry1224 Thanks for providing this great indicator. I use the Force Index indicator, and this allows me the freedom to not have to have multiple timeframe charts open at the same time. It repaints, but is still useful for identifying trend.
Just for your peace of mind , All indicators that use a MTF function will repaint except for the current Time frame.

That means that the lower third of the indicator will not repaint if set to the current time frame!
A great indicator. I use the Force Index with a 20 EMA in the script. If the FI goes below that EMA, I know the price is going down. Works great on Low Floats and keeps you for chasing. You can see the Volume momentum decreasing with FI. Works on Tick charts also
A great indicator. I use the Force Index with a 20 EMA in the script. If the FI goes below that EMA, I know the price is going down. Works great on Low Floats and keeps you for chasing. You can see the Volume momentum decreasing with FI. Works on Tick charts also
Can you share how you worked the 20MA into the script?
Let's get one thing straight about MTF and repainting: ALL MTF indicators repaint on higher time frames!
The Lower section of this indicator DOES NOT REPAINT! The Second and Third section does, But after the time frame completes it's calculation, it stays and does not repaint after that!
The Fifth line of the lower section is set for 21 periods!

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