Median Proximity Percentile For ThinkOrSwim


New member
I believe the design concept is interesting and the indicator visual is simplistic, yet timely and effective.

The "Median Proximity Percentile" by AlgoAlpha, a dynamic and sophisticated trading indicator designed to enhance your market analysis. This tool efficiently tracks median price proximity over a specified lookback period and finds it's percentile between 2 dynamic standard deviation bands, offering valuable insights for traders looking to make informed decisions.

If the dots are green then it means the general trend is up and vice versa for red. If the dots cross the main plot that could be another indication that the main plot is about to change directions too.
Perhaps @samer800 could have a look.
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Perhaps @samer800 could have a look. I believe the design concept is interesting and the indicator visual is simplistic, yet timely and effective.

The "Median Proximity Percentile" by AlgoAlpha, a dynamic and sophisticated trading indicator designed to enhance your market analysis. This tool efficiently tracks median price proximity over a specified lookback period and finds it's percentile between 2 dynamic standard deviation bands, offering valuable insights for traders looking to make informed decisions.

If the dots are green then it means the general trend is up and vice versa for red. If the dots cross the main plot that could be another indication that the main plot is about to change directions too.

// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © AlgoAlpha
indicator("Median Proximity Percentile [AlgoAlpha]", "AlgoAlpha - % Median Proximity Percentile", overlay = false, timeframe = "", timeframe_gaps = false)
// Inputs
priceSource = input.source(close, "Source")
lookbackLength =, minval = 1, title = "Lookback Length")
emaLookbackLength =, minval = 1, title = "HMA Lookback Length")
stdDevMultiplier = 1
noise = input.bool(true, "Noise Scatterplot")
colorUp = input.color(#00ffbb, title = "Up Color")
colorDown = input.color(#ff1100, title = "Down Color")
// Calculations
medianValue = ta.median(priceSource, lookbackLength)
priceDeviation = (priceSource - medianValue)
standardDeviation = ta.stdev(priceDeviation, 45)
normalizedValue = priceDeviation / (standardDeviation + standardDeviation)
positiveValues = normalizedValue > 0 ? normalizedValue : 0
negativeValues = normalizedValue < 0 ? normalizedValue : 0
upperBoundary = ta.ema(positiveValues, lookbackLength) + ta.stdev(positiveValues, lookbackLength) * stdDevMultiplier
lowerBoundary = ta.ema(negativeValues, lookbackLength) - ta.stdev(negativeValues, lookbackLength) * stdDevMultiplier
percentileValue = 100 * (normalizedValue - lowerBoundary)/(upperBoundary - lowerBoundary) - 50
emaValue = ta.hma(percentileValue, emaLookbackLength)
// Color Conditions
plotColor = percentileValue > 0 ? colorUp :
percentileValue < 0 ? colorDown : na
// Plots
plot(noise ? percentileValue : na, color =, 50), style = plot.style_circles)
hmaPlot = plot(emaValue, color = > emaValue[1] ? colorUp : colorDown, 40), title = "Hull MA")
hmaPlot1 = plot(emaValue[1], color = > emaValue[1] ? colorUp : colorDown, 40))
zeroLine = plot(0, color = color.gray, title = "Zero Line")
plotchar(ta.crossover(emaValue,emaValue[1]) ? emaValue : na, "Bullish Swing", char = "o", location = location.absolute, color = colorUp, size = size.tiny)
plotchar(ta.crossover(emaValue[1],emaValue) ? emaValue : na, "Bearish Swing", char = "o", location = location.absolute, color = colorDown, size = size.tiny)
plotchar(ta.crossunder(emaValue,emaValue[1]) and emaValue[1] > 90 ? 160 : na, "Bearish Reversal", char = "▼", location = location.absolute, color = colorDown, size = size.tiny)
plotchar(ta.crossunder(emaValue[1],emaValue) and emaValue[1] < -90 ? -160 : na, "Bullish Reversal", char = "▲", location = location.absolute, color = colorUp, size = size.tiny)
// Hidden Levels
maxLevelPlot = plot(150, display = display.none)
minLevelPlot = plot(-150, display = display.none)
upperMidLevelPlot = plot(90, display = display.none)
lowerMidLevelPlot = plot(-90, display = display.none)
// Fills
fill(maxLevelPlot, upperMidLevelPlot, top_value = 150, bottom_value = 90, top_color =, 50), bottom_color =, 90))
fill(minLevelPlot, lowerMidLevelPlot, top_value = -90, bottom_value = -150, top_color =, 90), bottom_color =, 50))
fill(hmaPlot, hmaPlot1, > emaValue[1] ? colorUp : colorDown, 40))
// Alerts
alertcondition(ta.crossover(emaValue, 0), "Bullish Trend Shift", "Median Proximity Percentile Crossover Zero Line")
alertcondition(ta.crossunder(emaValue, 0), "Bearish Trend Shift", "Median Proximity Percentile Crossunder Zero Line")
alertcondition(ta.crossover(emaValue,emaValue[1]), "Bullish Swing", "Median Proximity Percentile Swinging Upwards")
alertcondition(ta.crossover(emaValue[1],emaValue), "Bearish Swing", "Median Proximity Percentile Swinging Downwards")
alertcondition(ta.crossunder(emaValue,emaValue[1]) and emaValue[1] > 90, "Bearish Reversal", "Median Proximity Percentile Bearish Reversal")
alertcondition(ta.crossunder(emaValue[1],emaValue) and emaValue[1] < -90, "Bullish Reversal", "Median Proximity Percentile Bullish Reversal")
check the below:

#// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// © AlgoAlpha
#indicator("Median Proximity Percentile [AlgoAlpha]", "AlgoAlpha - % Median Proximity Percentile", overlay = f
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 03/2024
declare lower;

input timeframe = {Default "Chart TF", "Custom TF"};
input Source = FundamentalType.CLOSE; #, "Source")
input customTimeframe = AggregationPeriod.FIFTEEN_MIN;
input lookbackLength = 21; #, minval = 1, title = "Lookback Length")
input hmaLookbackLength = 20; #, minval = 1, title = "HMA Lookback Length")
input stdDevMultiplier = 1.0;
input stdDevLength = 45;
input noiseScatterplot = yes; #, "Noise Scatterplot")

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = IsNaN(close);
def priceSource;
Switch (timeframe) {
Case "Custom TF" :
    priceSource = Fundamental(FundamentalType = Source, Period = customTimeframe);
Default :
    priceSource = Fundamental(FundamentalType = Source);

DefineGlobalColor("Up", CreateColor(0, 255, 187)); # "Up Color"
DefineGlobalColor("Dn", CreateColor(255, 17, 0)); # "Down Color"

#// Calculations
def medianValue = Median(priceSource, lookbackLength);
def priceDeviation = (priceSource - medianValue);
def standardDeviation = StDev(priceDeviation, stdDevLength);
def normalizedValue = priceDeviation / (standardDeviation + standardDeviation);
def positiveValues = if normalizedValue > 0 then normalizedValue else 0;
def negativeValues = if normalizedValue < 0 then normalizedValue else 0;
def upperBoundary = ExpAverage(positiveValues, lookbackLength) + stdev(positiveValues, lookbackLength) * stdDevMultiplier;
def lowerBoundary = ExpAverage(negativeValues, lookbackLength) - stdev(negativeValues, lookbackLength) * stdDevMultiplier;
def percentileValue = 100 * (normalizedValue - lowerBoundary)/(upperBoundary - lowerBoundary) - 50;

def emaValue = HullMovingAvg(percentileValue, hmaLookbackLength);
#// Color Conditions
def Col = if percentileValue > 0 then  1 else
          if percentileValue < 0 then -1 else 0;

#// Plots
plot bear = if (emaValue Crosses Below emaValue[1]) and emaValue[1] > 90 then 155 else na; # "Bearish Reversal"
plot bull = if (emaValue[1] Crosses Below emaValue) and emaValue[1] < -90 then -155 else na; # "Bullish Reversal"

plot noiseLine = if noiseScatterplot and Col then percentileValue else na;
def hmaPlot = emaValue;     # "Hull MA")
def hmaPlot1 = emaValue[1];
plot zeroLine = if last then na else 0; # "Zero Line"

noiseLine.AssignValueColor(if col >0 then Color.DARK_GREEN else Color.DARK_RED);

AddCloud(hmaPlot, hmaPlot1, GlobalColor("Up"), GlobalColor("Dn"), yes);
AddCloud(hmaPlot, hmaPlot1, GlobalColor("Up"), GlobalColor("Dn"), yes);

AddCloud(if last[1] then na else 150, 120, Color.DARK_RED);
AddCloud(if last[1] then na else 150, 90, Color.DARK_RED);
AddCloud(if last[1] then na else -120,-150, Color.DARK_GREEN);
AddCloud(if last[1] then na else -90,-150, Color.DARK_GREEN);

#-- END of CODE
check the below:

#// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// © AlgoAlpha
#indicator("Median Proximity Percentile [AlgoAlpha]", "AlgoAlpha - % Median Proximity Percentile", overlay = f
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 03/2024
declare lower;

input timeframe = {Default "Chart TF", "Custom TF"};
input Source = FundamentalType.CLOSE; #, "Source")
input customTimeframe = AggregationPeriod.FIFTEEN_MIN;
input lookbackLength = 21; #, minval = 1, title = "Lookback Length")
input hmaLookbackLength = 20; #, minval = 1, title = "HMA Lookback Length")
input stdDevMultiplier = 1.0;
input stdDevLength = 45;
input noiseScatterplot = yes; #, "Noise Scatterplot")

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = IsNaN(close);
def priceSource;
Switch (timeframe) {
Case "Custom TF" :
    priceSource = Fundamental(FundamentalType = Source, Period = customTimeframe);
Default :
    priceSource = Fundamental(FundamentalType = Source);

DefineGlobalColor("Up", CreateColor(0, 255, 187)); # "Up Color"
DefineGlobalColor("Dn", CreateColor(255, 17, 0)); # "Down Color"

#// Calculations
def medianValue = Median(priceSource, lookbackLength);
def priceDeviation = (priceSource - medianValue);
def standardDeviation = StDev(priceDeviation, stdDevLength);
def normalizedValue = priceDeviation / (standardDeviation + standardDeviation);
def positiveValues = if normalizedValue > 0 then normalizedValue else 0;
def negativeValues = if normalizedValue < 0 then normalizedValue else 0;
def upperBoundary = ExpAverage(positiveValues, lookbackLength) + stdev(positiveValues, lookbackLength) * stdDevMultiplier;
def lowerBoundary = ExpAverage(negativeValues, lookbackLength) - stdev(negativeValues, lookbackLength) * stdDevMultiplier;
def percentileValue = 100 * (normalizedValue - lowerBoundary)/(upperBoundary - lowerBoundary) - 50;

def emaValue = HullMovingAvg(percentileValue, hmaLookbackLength);
#// Color Conditions
def Col = if percentileValue > 0 then  1 else
          if percentileValue < 0 then -1 else 0;

#// Plots
plot bear = if (emaValue Crosses Below emaValue[1]) and emaValue[1] > 90 then 155 else na; # "Bearish Reversal"
plot bull = if (emaValue[1] Crosses Below emaValue) and emaValue[1] < -90 then -155 else na; # "Bullish Reversal"

plot noiseLine = if noiseScatterplot and Col then percentileValue else na;
def hmaPlot = emaValue;     # "Hull MA")
def hmaPlot1 = emaValue[1];
plot zeroLine = if last then na else 0; # "Zero Line"

noiseLine.AssignValueColor(if col >0 then Color.DARK_GREEN else Color.DARK_RED);

AddCloud(hmaPlot, hmaPlot1, GlobalColor("Up"), GlobalColor("Dn"), yes);
AddCloud(hmaPlot, hmaPlot1, GlobalColor("Up"), GlobalColor("Dn"), yes);

AddCloud(if last[1] then na else 150, 120, Color.DARK_RED);
AddCloud(if last[1] then na else 150, 90, Color.DARK_RED);
AddCloud(if last[1] then na else -120,-150, Color.DARK_GREEN);
AddCloud(if last[1] then na else -90,-150, Color.DARK_GREEN);

#-- END of CODE
Thank you. Currently using on NQ trading on Simulator and compiling some trade stats. I notice this indicator helps to reduce commissions since it the visualization lends itself to waiting for the scatterplot color to align with trend. I appreciate you, thanks for coding.

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