I'm reading "How to Day Trade for a Living: A Beginner’s Guide to Tools and Tactics, Money Management, Discipline and Trading Psychology" by Andrew Aziz. He mentions "Marketable Limit Orders", which are orders at ask price + an offset, and bid - offset, for example:
buy at Ask + $.05 (buy at Ask price, up to $.05 more)
sell at Bid - $.05 (sell at Bid price down to $.05 below)
in case ask price moves up before buy order gets filled, or bid price moves down before sell order gets filled.
He uses DAS Trader. I tried to emulate this up in ToS, and also called support. We got close by going to Active Trader and got "Buy the Ask" and "Join the Bid" buttons to appear from clicking the gear icon.
If there is no way to do it in the GUI, wondering if I can do it with a script and assign them to hotkeys, like he also mentions in the book:
Buy 400 shares at limit Ask+0.05
Buy 200 shares at limit Ask+0.05
Buy 200 shares at limit Ask+0.05
Sell 1/2 position at limit Bid-0.05
Sell full position at limit Bid-0.05
anyone know if that is available, or if it can be created with a script?
buy at Ask + $.05 (buy at Ask price, up to $.05 more)
sell at Bid - $.05 (sell at Bid price down to $.05 below)
in case ask price moves up before buy order gets filled, or bid price moves down before sell order gets filled.
He uses DAS Trader. I tried to emulate this up in ToS, and also called support. We got close by going to Active Trader and got "Buy the Ask" and "Join the Bid" buttons to appear from clicking the gear icon.
If there is no way to do it in the GUI, wondering if I can do it with a script and assign them to hotkeys, like he also mentions in the book:
Buy 400 shares at limit Ask+0.05
Buy 200 shares at limit Ask+0.05
Buy 200 shares at limit Ask+0.05
Sell 1/2 position at limit Bid-0.05
Sell full position at limit Bid-0.05
anyone know if that is available, or if it can be created with a script?