I have found the MEJT system to be very valuable for intraday scalping.
There is actually a morning MEJT projection that develops from the three 5 min bars stating 7:05 ending 7:20 PST
The afternoon 5 min bars start 10:10 ending 10:25 PST
You can find a MEJT SYSTEM book on ebay to learn how price projections are generated.
Simple summary: When an SPX projected price point is generated at the end of Morning and Afternoon three 5 MIN! price bars. Using my trading system, if the market has moved in opposite direction of the projected price projection, not yet met. Then I can add confidence that any signal I receive to change direction back towards the projected price. I will have added confidence in.
This script with the 5 min bars and arrows shown in Yellow for AM and RED for PM are very helpful, especially once you have more knowledge of MEJT SYSTEM. I certainly appreciate the input
If trading the ES mini, you simply need to determine the current differential in price between ES and SPX. Use the projected price to determine what your ES target number is.
The original converted script shown is incorrect on the times for the AM and PM bars.
To give credit for MEJT SYSTEM you can follow Jeffrey Tennant here for a better general knowledge.
Here is the corrected version
def begin = 1005;
def beginNoon = 1310;
def arrowsize = 5;
def firstbar = secondsFromTime(begin)==0;
def firstbarN = secondsFromTime(beginNoon)==0;
def count = if gettime() crosses above regularTradingstart(getyyyYMMDD())
then 1
else if !firstbar
then count[1] + 1
DefineGlobalColor("Time", Color.CYAN);
DefineGlobalColor("TimeR", color.YELLOW);
plot changeBar = firstBar;
plot changeBarN = firstbarN;
assignpriceColor(if secondsFromTime(1005) == 0 then GlobalColor("Time") else Color.Current);
assignpriceColor(if secondsFromTime(1010) == 0 then GlobalColor("Time") else Color.Current);
assignpriceColor(if secondsFromTime(1015) == 0 then GlobalColor("Time") else Color.Current);
assignpriceColor(if secondsFromTime(1310) == 0 then GlobalColor("TimeR") else Color.Current);
assignpriceColor(if secondsFromTime(1315) == 0 then GlobalColor("TimeR") else Color.Current);
assignpriceColor(if secondsFromTime(1320) == 0 then GlobalColor("TimeR") else Color.Current);