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MACD Strategy For ThinkOrSwim


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#MACD Study with Fractals
input TargetRatio = 1.5;
input DF_MultxATR = 1.0;
input price = close;
input EMA_Length = 200 ;
def displace = 0;
def showBreakoutSignals = no;
input MaxDrawdown = .50;
def EMA1 = ExpAverage(price[-displace], EMA_Length);
def EMA2 = ExpAverage(price[-displace], 250);
#Directional Strength Code: ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def UD = close[15] > EMA1[15] and close[20] > EMA1[20] and close[30] > EMA1[30] and close[40] > EMA1[40] and close[50] > EMA1[50] and close > EMA1;

#Fractal Code: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def sequenceCount = 1;
def maxSideLength = sequenceCount + 10;
def upRightSide = fold i1 = 1 to maxSideLength + 1
with count1
while count1 != sequenceCount and
count1 != -1
do if GetValue(high, -i1) > high or
(GetValue(high, -i1) == high and
count1 == 0)
then -1
else if GetValue(high, -i1) < high
then count1 + 1
else count1;
def upLeftSide = fold i2 = 1 to maxSideLength + 1
with count2
while count2 != sequenceCount and
count2 != -1
do if GetValue(high, i2) > high or
(GetValue(high, i2) == high and
count2 >= 1)
then -1
else if GetValue(high, i2) < high
then count2 + 1
else count2;
def downRightSide = fold i3 = 1 to maxSideLength + 1
with count3
while count3 != sequenceCount and
count3 != -1
do if GetValue(low, -i3) < low or
(GetValue(low, -i3) == low and
count3 == 0)
then -1
else if GetValue(high, -i3) > low
then count3 + 1
else count3;
def downLeftSide = fold i4 = 1 to maxSideLength + 1
with count4
while count4 != sequenceCount and
count4 != -1
do if GetValue(low, i4) < low or
(GetValue(low, i4) == low and
count4 >= 1)
then -1
else if GetValue(low, i4) > low
then count4 + 1
else count4;

def UF = if upRightSide == sequenceCount and
upLeftSide == sequenceCount
then high
else UF[1];
def pUF = if UF != UF[1]
then UF[1]
else pUF[1];
def DF = if downRightSide == sequenceCount and
downLeftSide == sequenceCount
then low
else DF[1];
def pDF = if DF != DF[1]
then DF[1]
else pDF[1];
def UpFractal = UF;
def DownFractal = DF;
def trend = if UF > pUF and DF > pDF
then 1
else if UF < pUF and DF < pDF
then -1
else 0;

#Slow MACD Code: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def MacdAverageType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
def ZeroLine = 0;
#def fastLength = 12;
#def slowLength = 26;
#def MacdLength = 9;
#def Value = MovingAverage(MacdAverageType, close, fastLength) - MovingAverage(MacdAverageType, close, slowLength); # Blue MACD Line is 12 - 26 period moving average
#def Avg = MovingAverage(MacdAverageType, Value, MacdLength); # Red Signal Line is 9 period EMA of the MACD value

#def ExpPrice = close;
#def AvgExp200 = ExpAverage(close(), 200);

#Fast MACD Code: -----------------------------------------------------------------
def fastLength2 = 12;
def slowLength2 = 26;
def MacdLength2 = 9;
def Value2 = MovingAverage(MacdAverageType, close, fastLength2) - MovingAverage(MacdAverageType, close, slowLength2); # Blue line -
def Avg2 = MovingAverage(MacdAverageType, Value2, MacdLength2); # Red
#def SellScanFast = DD and Value2 crosses below Avg2 and Value2 > ZeroLine ; # blue crosses under red above the zero line

#Long Code: --------------------------------------------------------------------
def BuyLONGScanTrending = UD and Value2 crosses above Avg2 and Value2 < ZeroLine ; #

def GetLONGEntryPrice = if BuyLONGScanTrending # the entry price
then price
else GetLONGEntryPrice[1];

plot LONGENTRYPRICE = if BuyLONGScanTrending and !BuyLONGScanTrending[1] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[2] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[3] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[4] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[5] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[6] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[7] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[8] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[9] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[10] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[11] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[12] then GetLONGEntryPrice else Double.NaN;
#plot LongEntryValues = LongEntryPrice;

def getLONGStopPrice = if BuyLONGScanTrending # sell if the price goes up to the last swing high - stop loss
then (DownFractal - DF_MultxATR* ATR())
else getLONGStopPrice[1];

plot LONGStopTarget = if BuyLONGScanTrending and !BuyLONGScanTrending[1] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[2] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[3] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[4] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[5] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[6] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[7] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[8] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[9] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[10] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[11] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[12] then getLONGStopPrice else Double.NaN;

def UPLONGTarget = if BuyLONGScanTrending then Round((price +
TargetRatio * AbsValue(( price - getLONGStopPrice)) ), 2) else Double.NaN;;

def getLONGTargetPrice = if BuyLONGScanTrending # sell if the price drops below the target price - target for the short position
then UPLONGTarget
else getLONGTargetPrice[5];

plot LONGUpTargetPrice =if BuyLONGScanTrending and !BuyLONGScanTrending[1] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[2] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[3] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[4] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[5] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[6] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[7] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[8] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[9] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[10] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[11] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[12] then getLONGTargetPrice else Double.NaN;

def partialLONGUpTarget = if BuyLONGScanTrending then Round((close + (price - getLONGStopPrice) ), 2) else Double.NaN;;

def getPartLONGTargetPrice = if BuyLONGScanTrending # partial target for the short position
then partialLONGUpTarget
else getPartLONGTargetPrice[1];

plot PartLONGUptargetPrice =if BuyLONGScanTrending and !BuyLONGScanTrending[1] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[2] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[3] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[4] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[5] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[6] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[7] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[8] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[9] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[10] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[11] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[12] then getPartLONGTargetPrice else Double.NaN;

#def BuyLONGScanFast = UD and Value2 crosses above Avg2 and Value2 < ZeroLine ; # blue crosses under red above the zero

#def qty = GetQuantity();
#def netLiq = qty * close;
def MaxLongPriceChange = GetLONGEntryPrice - getLONGStopPrice;
#def NumShortShares = MaxDrawdown / MaxLongPriceChange;
#def ShortLoss = (qty * GetLONGEntryPrice) - (qty *LONGStopTarget);

#AddVerticalLine ( BuyLONGScanFast and !BuyLONGScanTrending, "", Color.GREEN, Curve.SHORT_DASH);

def NumLongShares = AbsValue(MaxDrawdown / MaxLongPriceChange);

#AddLabel(yes,"Longs: " +floor(NumLongShares) ,color.green);

#AddLabel(yes,"Long: " +AsDollars(LongEntryPrice),color.green);

AddLabel(yes,"LS: " + AsDollars( getLONGStopPrice),color.green);
AddLabel(yes,"LT1: " + AsDollars(getPartLONGTargetPrice),color.green);
AddLabel(yes,"LT2: " + AsDollars(getLONGTargetPrice),color.green);
#AddChartBubble(BuyLONGScanTrending and !BuyLONGScanTrending[1] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[2] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[3] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[4] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[5] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[6] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[7] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[8] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[9] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[10] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[11] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[12],LONGUpTargetPrice, AsDollars(LONGUpTargetPrice) , Color.gray, no);

#AddChartBubble(BuyLONGScanTrending and !BuyLONGScanTrending[1] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[2] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[3] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[4] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[5] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[6] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[7] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[8] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[9] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[10] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[11] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[12],PartLONGUptargetPrice, AsDollars(PartLONGUptargetPrice) , Color.gray, no);

AddChartBubble(BuyLONGScanTrending and !BuyLONGScanTrending[1] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[2] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[3] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[4] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[5] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[6] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[7] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[8] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[9] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[10] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[11] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[12],EMA2, Floor(NumLongShares) , Color.GREEN, no);

AddChartBubble(BuyLONGScanTrending and !BuyLONGScanTrending[1] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[2] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[3] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[4] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[5] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[6] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[7] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[8] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[9] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[10] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[11] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[12],EMA2, AsDollars(LONGENTRYPRICE), Color.GREEN, no);

#AddChartBubble(BuyLONGScanTrending and !BuyLONGScanTrending[1] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[2] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[3] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[4] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[5] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[6] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[7] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[8] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[9] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[10] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[11] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[12],getLONGStopPrice, AsDollars(LONGStopTarget) , Color.gray, no);

#AddChartBubble(BuyLONGScanTrending and !BuyLONGScanTrending[1] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[2] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[3] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[4] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[5] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[6] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[7] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[8] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[9] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[10] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[11] and !BuyLONGScanTrending[12], high, "" , Color.GREEN, no);

Alert(BuyLONGScanTrending , "MACD - " + GetSymbol(), Alert.BAR, Sound.Bell);

#Long Loss Calculation Code: ----------------------------------------------------------
def LongLoss = (NumLongShares* LONGENTRYPRICE) - (NumLongShares* LONGStopTarget);
AddLabel(LongLoss > MaxDrawdown, "LongLoss: " + LongLoss, Color.GRAY);

# Auto Order Code: -----------------------------------------------------------------
def TotalLONGSell = close crosses above LONGUpTargetPrice or open crosses above LONGUpTargetPrice or low > LONGUpTargetPrice or high > LONGUpTargetPrice ;
def StopLONGSell = close crosses below getLONGStopPrice or open crosses below getLONGStopPrice or low < getLONGStopPrice or high < getLONGStopPrice;

#AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_AUTO, BuyLONGScanTrending, open, 1, Color.MAGENTA, Color.ORANGE,name = "");

#AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, TotalLONGSell or StopLONGSell, open, 1, Color.ORANGE, Color.MAGENTA,name = "");

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_AUTO, BuyLONGScanTrending, open[-1], 1, Color.ORANGE, Color.ORANGE,name = "");

AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, TotalLONGSell or StopLONGSell, tickcolor = GetColor(1), arrowcolor = GetColor(1), name = "");

#Spread Check Code: ------------------------------------------------------------------
#def bid = close(priceType = "Bid");
#def ask = close(priceType = "Ask");
#def spread = ask - bid;
#input ATRspreadMult = .5;
#AddLabel(spread > ATRspreadMult*atr(), " SpATRs: " + ROUND(SPREAD/ATR(),2) + " SPmag: " + spread + " ATRmag " + ATR(), Color.RED);
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