Repaints MA Sabres [LuxAlgo] for ThinkOrSwim



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The "MA Sabres" indicator highlights potential trend reversals based on a moving average direction. Detected reversals are accompanied by an extrapolated "Sabre" looking shape that can be used as support/resistance and as a source of breakouts
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# //
# // This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
# // © LuxAlgo
#indicator('MA Sabres [LuxAlgo]', shorttitle='LuxAlgo - MA Sabres', max_polylines_count=100, overlay=true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 12/2023 - Not exact Conversion

input maTyp = {"SMA", "EMA", "SMMA (RMA)", "HullMA", "WMA", "VWMA", "DEMA", default "TEMA"}; # 'MA Type'
input source = close;
input lineTypes = {"Curved",Default "Straight"};
input Length   = 50;     # 'Length'
input count = 20;        # 'Previous Trend Duration'
input showMovAvg = yes;
input showBand = no;
input atrLength = 14;
input targetMulti = 2.0;
input stoplossMulti = 1.0;

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
def hLen = floor(Length / 2);
def curve = lineTypes==lineTypes."Curved";

DefineGlobalColor("colUp" , CreateColor(41,98,255));  # 'Bullish'
DefineGlobalColor("colDn" , CreateColor(242,54,69));  # 'Bearish'
DefineGlobalColor("dcolUp", CreateColor(0,58,220));   # 'Bullish'
DefineGlobalColor("dcolDn", CreateColor(206,13,29));  # 'Bearish'
DefineGlobalColor("colMa" , Color.GRAY);              # 'MA'

script rising {
    input src = close;
    input len = 20;
    def rising = fold i = 0 to len with p=yes while p do
                 src[i] > GetValue(src, i + 1);
    plot out = rising;
script falling {
    input src = close;
    input len = 20;
    def falling = fold i = 0 to len with p=1 while p do
                  src[i] < GetValue(src, i + 1);
    plot out = falling;
#vwma(source, length)
script VWMA {
input src = close;
input len = 14;
input vol = volume;
    def nom = Average(src * vol, len);
    def den = Average(vol, len);
    def VWMA = nom / den;
    Plot result = VWMA;
#//Method MA
script ma {
    input type = "TEMA";
    input source = close;
    input length = 50;
    def ma =
 if type == "SMA"        then Average(source, length) else
 if type == "EMA"        then ExpAverage(source, length) else
 if type == "SMMA (RMA)" then WildersAverage(source, length) else
 if type == "HullMA"     then HullMovingAvg(source, length) else
 if type == "WMA"        then WMA(source, length) else
 if type == "VWMA"       then vwma(source, length) else
 if type == "DEMA"       then DEMA(source, length) else
 if type == "TEMA"       then TEMA(source, length) else TEMA(source, length);
    plot out = ma;
def ma = ma(maTyp, source , Length);
def fl  = falling(ma , count);
def rs  = rising (ma , count);
def up  = fl[1] and  ma > ma[1];
def dn  = rs[1] and  ma < ma[1];
def nATR = ATR(Length = atrLength);

plot maLine = if showMovAvg then ma else na;

def atrDn; def dnVal; def dnL; def cntDn; def yDn0;def yDn1; def yDn2; def yDn3;
if dn {
    atrDn = nATR;
    dnVal = high[1];
    dnL   = dnVal;
    cntDn = 1;
    yDn0  = dnVal + atrDn / 15;
    yDn1  = dnVal - atrDn / 15;
    yDn2  = dnVal - atrDn / 2.5;
    yDn3  = dnVal - atrDn * targetMulti;
    } else {
    atrDn = atrDn[1];
    dnVal = dnVal[1];
    dnL   = na;
    cntDn = if cntDn[1] > Length then na else cntDn[1] + 1;
    yDn0  = yDn0[1];
    yDn1  = yDn1[1];
    yDn2  = yDn2[1];
    yDn3  = yDn3[1];

def atrUp; def upVal; def upL; def cntUp; def yUp0;def yUp1; def yUp2; def yUp3;
if up {
    atrUp = nATR;
    upVal = low[1];
    upL   = upVal;
    cntUp = 1;
    yUp0  = upVal - atrUp / 15;
    yUp1  = upVal + atrUp / 15;
    yUp2  = upVal + atrUp / 2.5;
    yUp3  = upVal + atrUp * targetMulti;
    } else {
    atrUp = atrUp[1];
    upVal = upVal[1];
    upL   = na;
    cntUp = if cntUp[1] > Length then na else cntUp[1] + 1;
    yUp0  = yUp0[1];
    yUp1  = yUp1[1];
    yUp2  = yUp2[1];
    yUp3  = yUp3[1];
#-- Line Slope
def slpDn1 = (yDn2 - yDn1) / hLen;
def slpDn2 = (yDn2 - yDn0) / hLen;
def slpDn3 = (yDn3 - yDn2) / hLen;

def slpUp1 = (yUp2 - yUp1) / hLen;
def slpUp2 = (yUp2 - yUp0) / hLen;
def slpUp3 = (yUp3 - yUp2) / hLen;

# curve & Line

# Bearish
def slpDn = if !isNaN(cntDn) then atrDn / (length * 17.5 / 50) else slpDn[1];
def slopeDn = if cntDn < Length / 10 then -(Length * Sqr(slpDn)) else (cntDn * Sqr(slpDn));
def factorDn = ma(maTyp, slopeDn, Length / 10);
def legDn1 = yDn0 + cntDn * slpDn2;
def legDn0 = yDn2 + ((cntDn- hLen)  * slpDn3);
def legDn2 = yDn1 + cntDn * slpDn1;
def curDn11 = if cntDn then
              if cntDn < hLen then
              if up then yDn0   else legDn1 else
              if cntDn == hLen then yDn2 else legDn0 else na;
def curDn22 = if cntDn < hLen  then
              if up then yDn1   else legDn2 else na;
def curDn1; def curDn2; def curDn3; def curDn4; def linDn1; def linDn2;
if dn {
    curDn1 = dnVal + atrDn / 15;
    curDn2 = dnVal - atrDn / 15;
    curDn3 = dnVal + atrDn * stoplossMulti;
    curDn4 = dnVal - atrDn * targetMulti;
    linDn1 = dnVal + atrDn * stoplossMulti;
    linDn2 = dnVal - atrDn * targetMulti;
    } else {
    curDn1 = curDn1[1] - factorDn;
    curDn2 = curDn2[1] - factorDn;
    curDn3 = curDn3[1] - factorDn;
    curDn4 = curDn4[1] - factorDn;
    linDn1 = linDn1[1];
    linDn2 = linDn2[1];
def saberLDn1 = curDn11;
def saberLDn2 = curDn22;
def sabresDn1 = curDn1;
def sabresDn2 = curDn2;
def sabresDn3 = curDn3;
def sabresDn4 = curDn4;
def sabresDn5 = linDn1;
def sabresDn6 = linDn2;

def dnCondCurve =  curve and !dn[-1] and cntDn;
def dnCondLine  = !curve and !dn[-1] and cntDn;

plot PointDn = dnL[-1];

plot CurveDn1 = if dnCondCurve then sabresDn1 else na ;
plot CurveDn2 = if dnCondCurve then sabresDn2 else na;
plot CurveDn3 = if showBand and dnCondCurve then sabresDn3 else na;
plot CurveDn4 = if showBand and dnCondCurve then sabresDn4 else na;

plot LineDn1 = if dnCondLine then saberLDn1 else na;
plot LineDn2 = if dnCondLine then saberLDn2 else na;
plot stDn = if showBand and dnCondLine then sabresDn5 else na;
plot tgDn = if showBand and dnCondLine then sabresDn6 else na;



AddCloud(CurveDn1, CurveDn2, GlobalColor("colDn"));
AddCloud(LineDn2, LineDn1, GlobalColor("colDn"));

#-- Bulish

def slpUp = if !isNaN(cntUp) then atrUp / (length * 15 / 50) else slpUp[1];
def slopeUp = if cntUp < Length / 10 then -(Length * Sqr(slpUp)) else (cntUp * Sqr(slpUp));
def factorUp = ma(maTyp, slopeUp, Length / 10);
def legUp1 = yUp0 + cntUp * slpUp2;
def legUp0 = yUp2 + ((cntUp - hLen) * slpUp3);
def legUp2 = yUp1 + cntUp * slpUp1;
def curUp11 = if cntUp then
              if cntUp < hLen then
              if up then yUp0  else legUp1 else
              if cntUp == hLen then yUp2 else legUp0 else na;
def curUp22 = if cntUp < hLen then
              if up then yUp1  else legUp2 else na;

def curUp1; def curUp2; def curUp3; def curUp4; def linUp1; def linUp2;
if up {
    curUp1 = upVal + atrUp / 15;
    curUp2 = upVal - atrUp / 15;
    curUp3 = upVal + atrUp * targetMulti;
    curUp4 = upVal - atrUp * stoplossMulti;
    linUp1 = upVal - atrUp * stoplossMulti;
    linUp2 = upVal + atrUp * targetMulti;
    } else {
    curUp1 = curUp1[1] + factorUp;
    curUp2 = curUp2[1] + factorUp;
    curUp3 = curUp3[1] + factorUp;
    curUp4 = curUp4[1] + factorUp;
    linUp1 = linUp1[1];
    linUp2 = linUp2[1];

def saberLUp1 = curUp11;
def saberLUp2 = curUp22;
def sabresUp1 = curUp1;
def sabresUp2 = curUp2;
def sabresUp3 = curUp3;
def sabresUp4 = curUp4;
def sabresUp5 = linUp1;
def sabresUp6 = linUp2;

def upCondCurve =  curve and !up[-1] and cntUp;
def upCondLine  = !curve and !up[-1] and cntUp;

plot PointUp = upL[-1];

plot CurveUp1 = if upCondCurve then sabresUp1[-1] else na;
plot CurveUp2 = if upCondCurve then sabresUp2[-1] else na;
plot CurveUp3 = if showBand and upCondCurve then sabresUp3 else na;
plot CurveUp4 = if showBand and upCondCurve then sabresUp4 else na;

plot LineUp1 = if upCondLine then saberLUp1 else na;
plot LineUp2 = if upCondLine then saberLUp2 else na;
plot stUp = if showBand and upCondLine then sabresUp5 else na;
plot tgUp = if showBand and upCondLine then sabresUp6 else na;



AddCloud(CurveUp1, CurveUp2, GlobalColor("colUp"));
AddCloud(LineUp2, LineUp1, GlobalColor("colUp"));

#-- END of CODE
This is a really cool indicator. I was testing it for a few days previously on TV and pretty good correlation on reversals but due to the delay, it's good to use with something else for confirmation. Got distracted testing some other indicators but going to test it again now that it's on TOS. And just like in your picture, the sabres can be very helpful for future reversals. Good work!

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