Periodic Linear Regressions [LuxAlgo] for ThinkOrSwim


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Author Message:

The Periodic Linear Regressions (PLR) indicator calculates linear regressions periodically (similar to the VWAP indicator) based on a user-set period (anchor).

This allows for estimating underlying trends in the price, as well as providing potential supports/resistances.


#// Indicator for TOS
#// © LuxAlgo
#indicator('Periodic Linear Regressions [LuxAlgo]' , shorttitle='LuxAlgo - Periodic Linear Regressions'
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 11/2024

input showLabel = yes;
input Method = {"Static", default "Rolling", "Static & Rolling"}; # 'Method'
input AnchorPeriod = AggregationPeriod.WEEK;
input Source    = close; # 'Source'
input Multiple   = 1.0; #  'Multiple'
input ShowExtremities  = yes; #  ,   'Show Extremities'
input extendStaticLinesToRight = no;

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = IsNaN(close);
def extend = extendStaticLinesToRight;
def current = GetAggregationPeriod();
def tf = Max(current, AnchorPeriod);
def bar = if !last then bar[1] + 1 else bar[1]; #if !last then BarNumber() else bar[1];
def n = if bar <=0 then 1 else bar;
def tgChage = if !last then close(Period = tf) else tgChage[1];
def ch = CompoundValue(1, tgChage!=tgChage[1], yes);

#-- Color
DefineGlobalColor("up", CreateColor(0, 52, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("dn", CreateColor(62, 0, 0));

script StDevTS {
    input data = close;
    input len = 12;
    def length = Max(len , 1);
    def avgData = (fold j = 0 to length with p do
                  p + GetValue(data, j)) / length;
    def StDevTS = Sqrt((fold i = 0 to length with SD do
                        SD + Sqr(GetValue(data, i) - avgData)) / length);
    plot out = StDevTS;
script covarianceTS {
    input data1 = close;
    input data2 = close;
    input len = 12;
    def length = Max(len , 1);
    def avgData = (fold j = 0 to length with p do
                  p + GetValue(data1, j) * GetValue(data2, j)) / length;
    def avgData1 = (fold j1 = 0 to length with p1 do
                  p1 + GetValue(data1, j1)) / length;
    def avgData2 = (fold j2 = 0 to length with p2 do
                  p2 + GetValue(data2, j2)) / length;
    plot CovarianceTS = avgData - avgData1 * avgData2;
#//add x & y values to array
def x1;
def Ex1;
def Ey1;
def Ex21;
def Exy1;
def aX1;
def aY1;
def Ex  = Ex1[1] + n;
def Ey  = Ey1[1] + Source;
def Ex2 = Ex21[1] + Power(n, 2);
def Exy = Exy1[1] + n * Source;
def x = Max(x1[1] + 1, 1);
def m = (x * Exy - Ex * Ey) / (x * Ex2 - power(Ex, 2));
def b = (Ey - m * Ex) / x;
def yMx = m * n + b;

def cov = covarianceTS(Source, n, x);
def x_var = Sqr(StDevTS(Source, x));
def a_  = cov / x_var;
def avgSrc = (fold j = 0 to x with q do
              q + GetValue(Source, j)) / x;
def avgN = (fold i = 0 to x with p do
            p + GetValue(n, i)) / x;
def b_    = avgSrc - a_ * avgN;
def r2    = power(cov / (StDevTS(Source, x) *  StDevTS(n, x)), 2);
def rss   = x_var - r2 * x_var;         
def dist = sqrt(rss) * Multiple;

if ch {
    Ex1 = 0;
    Ey1 = 0;
    Ex21 = 0;
    Exy1 = 0;
    x1 = 0;
    aX1 = 0;
    aY1 = 0;
    } else {
    Ex1 = Ex;
    Ey1 = Ey;
    Ex21 = Ex2;
    Exy1 = Exy;
    x1 = x;
    aX1 = n;
    aY1 = Source;
def R1 = cov / (StDevTS(Source, x) * StDevTS(n, x));
def R = if isNaN(R1) then 0 else R1;
def startBar = if ch then n else startBar[1];
def startSrc = if ch then Source else startSrc[1] ;
def lastDis = highestAll(inertiaAll(dist, 2, extendToRight = yes));
def cond = n > highestAll(inertiaAll(startBar, 2, extendToRight = yes));
def ln = if cond then Source  else ln[1];
def lnU = if cond then Source + lastDis else lnU[1];
def lnD = if cond then Source - lastDis else lnD[1];
def endSrc = highestAll(inertiaAll(ln, 2, extendToRight = yes));

def plrRoll; def plrUpRoll; def plrDnRoll;
def plrStat; def plrUpStat; def plrDnStat;
Switch (Method) {
Case "Static & Rolling" :
    plrRoll   = if yMx then yMx else na;
    plrUpRoll = if yMx and ShowExtremities then yMx + dist else na;
    plrDnRoll = if yMx and ShowExtremities then yMx - dist else na;
    plrStat   = if cond then inertiaAll(ln, extendToRight = extend) else na;
    plrUpStat = if cond and ShowExtremities then inertiaAll(lnU, extendToRight = extend) else na;
    plrDnStat = if cond and ShowExtremities then inertiaAll(lnD, extendToRight = extend) else na;
Case "Static" :
    plrRoll   = na;
    plrUpRoll = na;
    plrDnRoll = na;
    plrStat   = if cond then inertiaAll(ln, extendToRight = extend) else na;
    plrUpStat = if cond and ShowExtremities then inertiaAll(lnU, extendToRight = extend) else na;
    plrDnStat = if cond and ShowExtremities then inertiaAll(lnD, extendToRight = extend) else na;
Default :
    plrRoll   = if yMx then yMx else na;
    plrUpRoll = if yMx and ShowExtremities then yMx + dist else na;
    plrDnRoll = if yMx and ShowExtremities then yMx - dist else na;
    plrStat   = na;
    plrUpStat = na;
    plrDnStat = na;
def endStat = if !isNaN(plrStat) then plrStat else endStat[1];
def staStat = if cond and !cond[1] then plrStat else staStat[1];
def colStatic1 = if (endStat > staStat) then 1 else 0;
def colStatic = if !isNaN(colStatic1) then colStatic1 else if isNaN(colStatic[1]) then 0 else colStatic[1];
def colRolling = if R > 1 then 4 else if R < -1 then 0 else (R + 1) * 2;
def upRolling  = if plrUpRoll then plrUpRoll else na;
def dnRolling  = if plrDnRoll then plrDnRoll else na;

plot midRolling = if plrRoll   then plrRoll else na;
plot midStatic  = if plrStat   then plrStat else na;
plot upStatic   = if plrUpStat then plrUpStat else na;
plot dnStatic   = if plrDnStat then plrDnStat else na;

midRolling.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(255 - colRolling * 63, colRolling * 63, 0));
midStatic.AssignValueColor(if colStatic>0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
upStatic.AssignValueColor(if colStatic>0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
dnStatic.AssignValueColor(if colStatic>0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

AddCloud(if r >=0.65 then upRolling else na, dnRolling, GlobalColor("up"));
AddCloud(if r >=0 then upRolling else na, dnRolling, GlobalColor("up"));

AddCloud(if r <=-0.65 then upRolling else na, dnRolling, GlobalColor("dn"));
AddCloud(if r <=0 then upRolling else na, dnRolling, GlobalColor("dn"));

AddLabel(showLabel, "R (" + AsText(R) + ")", if R>0 then color.GREEN else Color.RED);

#-- END of CODE

Author Message:

The Periodic Linear Regressions (PLR) indicator calculates linear regressions periodically (similar to the VWAP indicator) based on a user-set period (anchor).

This allows for estimating underlying trends in the price, as well as providing potential supports/resistances.


#// Indicator for TOS
#// © LuxAlgo
#indicator('Periodic Linear Regressions [LuxAlgo]' , shorttitle='LuxAlgo - Periodic Linear Regressions'
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 11/2024

input showLabel = yes;
input Method = {"Static", default "Rolling", "Static & Rolling"}; # 'Method'
input AnchorPeriod = AggregationPeriod.WEEK;
input Source    = close; # 'Source'
input Multiple   = 1.0; #  'Multiple'
input ShowExtremities  = yes; #  ,   'Show Extremities'
input extendStaticLinesToRight = no;

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = IsNaN(close);
def extend = extendStaticLinesToRight;
def current = GetAggregationPeriod();
def tf = Max(current, AnchorPeriod);
def bar = if !last then bar[1] + 1 else bar[1]; #if !last then BarNumber() else bar[1];
def n = if bar <=0 then 1 else bar;
def tgChage = if !last then close(Period = tf) else tgChage[1];
def ch = CompoundValue(1, tgChage!=tgChage[1], yes);

#-- Color
DefineGlobalColor("up", CreateColor(0, 52, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("dn", CreateColor(62, 0, 0));

script StDevTS {
    input data = close;
    input len = 12;
    def length = Max(len , 1);
    def avgData = (fold j = 0 to length with p do
                  p + GetValue(data, j)) / length;
    def StDevTS = Sqrt((fold i = 0 to length with SD do
                        SD + Sqr(GetValue(data, i) - avgData)) / length);
    plot out = StDevTS;
script covarianceTS {
    input data1 = close;
    input data2 = close;
    input len = 12;
    def length = Max(len , 1);
    def avgData = (fold j = 0 to length with p do
                  p + GetValue(data1, j) * GetValue(data2, j)) / length;
    def avgData1 = (fold j1 = 0 to length with p1 do
                  p1 + GetValue(data1, j1)) / length;
    def avgData2 = (fold j2 = 0 to length with p2 do
                  p2 + GetValue(data2, j2)) / length;
    plot CovarianceTS = avgData - avgData1 * avgData2;
#//add x & y values to array
def x1;
def Ex1;
def Ey1;
def Ex21;
def Exy1;
def aX1;
def aY1;
def Ex  = Ex1[1] + n;
def Ey  = Ey1[1] + Source;
def Ex2 = Ex21[1] + Power(n, 2);
def Exy = Exy1[1] + n * Source;
def x = Max(x1[1] + 1, 1);
def m = (x * Exy - Ex * Ey) / (x * Ex2 - power(Ex, 2));
def b = (Ey - m * Ex) / x;
def yMx = m * n + b;

def cov = covarianceTS(Source, n, x);
def x_var = Sqr(StDevTS(Source, x));
def a_  = cov / x_var;
def avgSrc = (fold j = 0 to x with q do
              q + GetValue(Source, j)) / x;
def avgN = (fold i = 0 to x with p do
            p + GetValue(n, i)) / x;
def b_    = avgSrc - a_ * avgN;
def r2    = power(cov / (StDevTS(Source, x) *  StDevTS(n, x)), 2);
def rss   = x_var - r2 * x_var;        
def dist = sqrt(rss) * Multiple;

if ch {
    Ex1 = 0;
    Ey1 = 0;
    Ex21 = 0;
    Exy1 = 0;
    x1 = 0;
    aX1 = 0;
    aY1 = 0;
    } else {
    Ex1 = Ex;
    Ey1 = Ey;
    Ex21 = Ex2;
    Exy1 = Exy;
    x1 = x;
    aX1 = n;
    aY1 = Source;
def R1 = cov / (StDevTS(Source, x) * StDevTS(n, x));
def R = if isNaN(R1) then 0 else R1;
def startBar = if ch then n else startBar[1];
def startSrc = if ch then Source else startSrc[1] ;
def lastDis = highestAll(inertiaAll(dist, 2, extendToRight = yes));
def cond = n > highestAll(inertiaAll(startBar, 2, extendToRight = yes));
def ln = if cond then Source  else ln[1];
def lnU = if cond then Source + lastDis else lnU[1];
def lnD = if cond then Source - lastDis else lnD[1];
def endSrc = highestAll(inertiaAll(ln, 2, extendToRight = yes));

def plrRoll; def plrUpRoll; def plrDnRoll;
def plrStat; def plrUpStat; def plrDnStat;
Switch (Method) {
Case "Static & Rolling" :
    plrRoll   = if yMx then yMx else na;
    plrUpRoll = if yMx and ShowExtremities then yMx + dist else na;
    plrDnRoll = if yMx and ShowExtremities then yMx - dist else na;
    plrStat   = if cond then inertiaAll(ln, extendToRight = extend) else na;
    plrUpStat = if cond and ShowExtremities then inertiaAll(lnU, extendToRight = extend) else na;
    plrDnStat = if cond and ShowExtremities then inertiaAll(lnD, extendToRight = extend) else na;
Case "Static" :
    plrRoll   = na;
    plrUpRoll = na;
    plrDnRoll = na;
    plrStat   = if cond then inertiaAll(ln, extendToRight = extend) else na;
    plrUpStat = if cond and ShowExtremities then inertiaAll(lnU, extendToRight = extend) else na;
    plrDnStat = if cond and ShowExtremities then inertiaAll(lnD, extendToRight = extend) else na;
Default :
    plrRoll   = if yMx then yMx else na;
    plrUpRoll = if yMx and ShowExtremities then yMx + dist else na;
    plrDnRoll = if yMx and ShowExtremities then yMx - dist else na;
    plrStat   = na;
    plrUpStat = na;
    plrDnStat = na;
def endStat = if !isNaN(plrStat) then plrStat else endStat[1];
def staStat = if cond and !cond[1] then plrStat else staStat[1];
def colStatic1 = if (endStat > staStat) then 1 else 0;
def colStatic = if !isNaN(colStatic1) then colStatic1 else if isNaN(colStatic[1]) then 0 else colStatic[1];
def colRolling = if R > 1 then 4 else if R < -1 then 0 else (R + 1) * 2;
def upRolling  = if plrUpRoll then plrUpRoll else na;
def dnRolling  = if plrDnRoll then plrDnRoll else na;

plot midRolling = if plrRoll   then plrRoll else na;
plot midStatic  = if plrStat   then plrStat else na;
plot upStatic   = if plrUpStat then plrUpStat else na;
plot dnStatic   = if plrDnStat then plrDnStat else na;

midRolling.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(255 - colRolling * 63, colRolling * 63, 0));
midStatic.AssignValueColor(if colStatic>0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
upStatic.AssignValueColor(if colStatic>0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
dnStatic.AssignValueColor(if colStatic>0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

AddCloud(if r >=0.65 then upRolling else na, dnRolling, GlobalColor("up"));
AddCloud(if r >=0 then upRolling else na, dnRolling, GlobalColor("up"));

AddCloud(if r <=-0.65 then upRolling else na, dnRolling, GlobalColor("dn"));
AddCloud(if r <=0 then upRolling else na, dnRolling, GlobalColor("dn"));

AddLabel(showLabel, "R (" + AsText(R) + ")", if R>0 then color.GREEN else Color.RED);

#-- END of CODE

samer, thanks so much for this. I have a request that might be difficult but figured I should ask in case it's easier than I think. Maybe @SleepyZ or @halcyonguy is the best person to ask about what I have in mind:

1) Option for the periodic anchor to be a user definable time (such as "secondsfromtime(0930)==0").

2) Option for the periodic anchor to have a user definable end time (such as "secondsfromtime(1600)==0").

3) The key: ability to calculate, and then display as a label or chart bubble, what the current slope's endpoint value will be if a line of the slope was extended until the user defined end time, even if the expansion area is not set far enough to plot that point as a line extension.

For example: if the anchor start is 9:30am, the end is defined as 16:00, and the current time on a 1min chart is 11:13am, then 113 bars have elapsed out of the 390 bars between the start and end points, and there are 287 bars left. Without relying on a line extension plot that goes 287 bars into the expansion area, I would like for the study to calculate what the endpoint value of the slope will be at 16:00 and display that as a label or bubble.

4) I'd like for the linear regression slope calculation and endpoint value projected from the current slope to still work even if the source data is changed to anything (so I could edit the code from "input source = close" to instead be "def source = reference RSI()" etc. and the study won't break). This fourth point might already be fulfilled from the current design of the study, but I specify it just in case it's important to note.

I think it may not be very hard to modify the script to work as described in 1-4 but the part I'm not sure about is getting the slope endpoint value to calculate without having the corresponding amount of bars loaded in the expansion area. Is this fairly simple or is a difficult request?

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