Logistic RSI STOCH ROC AO [DGT] For ThinkOrSwim

Author states: Experimental attempt of applying Logistic Map Equation for some of widely used indicators.
With this study "Awesome Oscillator (AO)", "Rate of Change (ROC)", "Relative Strength Index (RSI)", "Stochastic (STOCH)" and a custom interpretation of Logistic Map Equation is presented

Calculations with Logistic Map Equation makes sense when the calculated results are iterated many times within the same equation.

Here is the Logistic Map Equation : Xn+1 = r * Xn * (1 - Xn)

Where, the value of r is the key for this equation which changes amazingly the behaviour of the Logistic Map.

The value we have assigned for r is less then 1 and greater than 0 ( 0 < r < 1) with many iterations.

Complete explanation and the original Tradingview code:
The new ToS code can be found in the next post.

Last edited by a moderator:

Would love it if someone could port this lovely indicator into Thinkorswim.


Thank you!
check the below:

# Indicator for TOS
#//# * Reference   : https://www.tradingview.com/script/jUuBT0bO-Logistic-EMA-w-Signals-by-DGT/
#study("Logistic RSI, STOCH, ROC, AO, ... by DGT", "LOGISTIC ?? DGT ??", max_labels_count = 500)//, resolution="")
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 09/2024

declare lower;
input showPlot   = {"Standart Deviation Line Alone",Default "Indicator Alone", "Indicator & Std Dev."};
input SelectIndicator = {"Awesome Oscillator (AO)", default "Logistic Dominance", "Rate of Change (ROC)", "Relative Strength Index (RSI)", "Stochastic (STOCH)"};    # "Select Indicator"
input source     = close;                        # "Source"
input LogisticMapLength = 13;                    # "Logistic Map Length"
input LogisticDominanceLength = 5;               # "Length : Logistic Dominance"
input RateOfChangeLength      = 9;               # "Length : Rate of Change (ROC)"
input rsiLength        = 14;# "Length : Relative Strength Index (RSI)"
input StochasticLength = 14;# "Length : Stochastic (STOCH)"

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
def lenLD = LogisticDominanceLength;
def lenROC = RateOfChangeLength;
#-- Colode
DefineGlobalColor("up", Color.DARK_GREEN); #CreateColor(76, 175,80));
DefineGlobalColor("dn", Color.DARK_RED); #CreateColor(255, 82,82));
# stoch(source, high, low, length) =>
script stoch {
    input src = close;
    input h = high;
    input l = low;
    input len = 14;
    def hh = Highest(h, len);
    def ll = Lowest(l, len);
    def c1 = src - ll;
    def c2 = hh - ll;
    def stoch = if c2 != 0 then c1 / c2 * 100 else 0;
    plot return = stoch;
#f_logmap(_s, _r, _l)
script f_logmap {
    input _s = close;
    input _r = 1;
    input _l = 14;
    def hh = Highest(high, _l);
    def f_logmap = _r * _s / hh * (1 - _s / hh);
    plot out = f_logmap;
Script f_map {
input mapeq = close;
input _r = close;
input i = 1;
    def lmap = _r * AbsValue(mapeq[i]) * (1 - mapeq[i]);
    plot out = if isNaN(lmap) then 0 else lmap * 100000000;
def r;
Switch (SelectIndicator) {
Case "Awesome Oscillator (AO)": r = Average(hl2, 5) / Average(hl2, 34) - 1;
Case "Logistic Dominance":      r = -f_logmap(-source, (source - source[lenLD]) / source[lenLD], lenLD)
                                    -f_logmap(source, (source - source[lenLD]) / source[lenLD], lenLD);
Case "Rate of Change (ROC)":    r = (source - source[lenROC]) / source[lenROC];
Case "Relative Strength Index (RSI)": r = rsi(Price = source,Length = rsiLength) / 100 - .5;
Case "Stochastic (STOCH)":     r = stoch(source, high, low, StochasticLength) / 100 - .5;

def mapeq = f_logmap(source, r, LogisticMapLength);
def val0  = f_map(mapeq, r, 29);
def val1  = f_map(mapeq, r, 0);
def val2  = f_map(mapeq, r, 1);
def val3  = f_map(mapeq, r, 2);
def val4  = f_map(mapeq, r, 3);
def val5  = f_map(mapeq, r, 4);
def val6  = f_map(mapeq, r, 5);
def val7  = f_map(mapeq, r, 6);
def val8  = f_map(mapeq, r, 7);
def val9  = f_map(mapeq, r, 8);
def val10 = f_map(mapeq, r, 9);
def val11 = f_map(mapeq, r, 10);
def val12 = f_map(mapeq, r, 11);
def val13 = f_map(mapeq, r, 12);
def val14 = f_map(mapeq, r, 13);
def val15 = f_map(mapeq, r, 14);
def val16 = f_map(mapeq, r, 15);
def val17 = f_map(mapeq, r, 16);
def val18 = f_map(mapeq, r, 17);
def val19 = f_map(mapeq, r, 18);
def val20 = f_map(mapeq, r, 19);
def val21 = f_map(mapeq, r, 20);
def val22 = f_map(mapeq, r, 21);
def val23 = f_map(mapeq, r, 22);
def val24 = f_map(mapeq, r, 23);
def val25 = f_map(mapeq, r, 24);
def val26 = f_map(mapeq, r, 25);
def val27 = f_map(mapeq, r, 26);
def val28 = f_map(mapeq, r, 27);
def val29 = f_map(mapeq, r, 28);

def valSum = val1 + val2 + val3 + val4 + val5 + val6 + val7 + val8 + val9 + val10 +
             val11 + val12 + val13 + val14 + val15 + val16 + val17 + val18 + val19 + val20 +
             val21 + val22 + val23 + val24 + val25 + val26 + val27 + val28 + val29;
def valSqr = Sqr(val1) + Sqr(val2) + Sqr(val3) + Sqr(val4) + Sqr(val5) + Sqr(val6) + Sqr(val7) +
             Sqr(val8) + Sqr(val9) + Sqr(val10) + Sqr(val11) + Sqr(val12) + Sqr(val13) + Sqr(val14) +
             Sqr(val15) + Sqr(val16) + Sqr(val17) + Sqr(val18) + Sqr(val19) + Sqr(val20) + Sqr(val21) +
             Sqr(val22) + Sqr(val23) + Sqr(val24) + Sqr(val25) + Sqr(val26) + Sqr(val27) + Sqr(val28) + Sqr(val29);

def vAvg = valSum / 29;
def StDv1 = Sqrt((valSqr / 29) - Sqr(vAvg));
def aStDev = sign(vAvg) * StDv1;

def d;def d1;
Switch (showPlot) {
Case "Standart Deviation Line Alone" :
    d = if last then na else yes;
    d1 = if last then na else no;
Case "Indicator & Std Dev." :
    d = if last then na else no;
    d1 = if last then na else no;
Default :
    d = if last then na else no;
    d1 = if last then na else yes;

plot stdv = if d1 then na else aStDev;#, "Standard Deviation of Array's Elements"
stdv.AssignValueColor(if vAvg>=0 then Color.CYAN else Color.MAGENTA);

plot Iteration28 = if d then na else val28; 
plot Iteration26 = if d then na else val26; 
plot Iteration25 = if d then na else val25;
plot Iteration24 = if d then na else val24;
plot Iteration23 = if d then na else val23;
plot Iteration22 = if d then na else val22;
plot Iteration21 = if d then na else val21;
plot Iteration20 = if d then na else val20;
plot Iteration19 = if d then na else val19;
plot Iteration18 = if d then na else val18;
plot Iteration17 = if d then na else val17;
plot Iteration16 = if d then na else val16;
plot Iteration15 = if d then na else val15;
plot Iteration14 = if d then na else val14;
plot Iteration13 = if d then na else val13;
plot Iteration12 = if d then na else val12;
plot Iteration11 = if d then na else val11;
plot Iteration10 = if d then na else val10;
plot Iteration9 = if d then na else val9;
plot Iteration8 = if d then na else val8;
plot Iteration7 = if d then na else val7;
plot Iteration6 = if d then na else val6;
plot Iteration5 = if d then na else val5;
plot Iteration4 = if d then na else val4;
plot Iteration3 = if d then na else val3;
plot Iteration2 = if d then na else val2;
plot Iteration1 = if d then na else val1;
plot Iteration0 = if d then na else val0;

Iteration28.AssignValueColor(if val28 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration26.AssignValueColor(if val26 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration25.AssignValueColor(if val25 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration24.AssignValueColor(if val24 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration23.AssignValueColor(if val23 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration22.AssignValueColor(if val22 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration21.AssignValueColor(if val21 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration20.AssignValueColor(if val20 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration19.AssignValueColor(if val19 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration18.AssignValueColor(if val18 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration17.AssignValueColor(if val17 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration16.AssignValueColor(if val16 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration15.AssignValueColor(if val15 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration14.AssignValueColor(if val14 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration13.AssignValueColor(if val13 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration12.AssignValueColor(if val12 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration11.AssignValueColor(if val11 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration10.AssignValueColor(if val10 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration9.AssignValueColor(if val9 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration8.AssignValueColor(if val8 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration7.AssignValueColor(if val7 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration6.AssignValueColor(if val6 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration5.AssignValueColor(if val5 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration4.AssignValueColor(if val4 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration3.AssignValueColor(if val3 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration2.AssignValueColor(if val2 > 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration1.AssignValueColor(if val1 > 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration0.AssignValueColor(if val0 > 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));


check the below:

# Indicator for TOS
#//# * Reference   : https://www.tradingview.com/script/jUuBT0bO-Logistic-EMA-w-Signals-by-DGT/
#study("Logistic RSI, STOCH, ROC, AO, ... by DGT", "LOGISTIC ?? DGT ??", max_labels_count = 500)//, resolution="")
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 09/2024

declare lower;
input showPlot   = {"Standart Deviation Line Alone",Default "Indicator Alone", "Indicator & Std Dev."};
input SelectIndicator = {"Awesome Oscillator (AO)", default "Logistic Dominance", "Rate of Change (ROC)", "Relative Strength Index (RSI)", "Stochastic (STOCH)"};    # "Select Indicator"
input source     = close;                        # "Source"
input LogisticMapLength = 13;                    # "Logistic Map Length"
input LogisticDominanceLength = 5;               # "Length : Logistic Dominance"
input RateOfChangeLength      = 9;               # "Length : Rate of Change (ROC)"
input rsiLength        = 14;# "Length : Relative Strength Index (RSI)"
input StochasticLength = 14;# "Length : Stochastic (STOCH)"

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
def lenLD = LogisticDominanceLength;
def lenROC = RateOfChangeLength;
#-- Colode
DefineGlobalColor("up", Color.DARK_GREEN); #CreateColor(76, 175,80));
DefineGlobalColor("dn", Color.DARK_RED); #CreateColor(255, 82,82));
# stoch(source, high, low, length) =>
script stoch {
    input src = close;
    input h = high;
    input l = low;
    input len = 14;
    def hh = Highest(h, len);
    def ll = Lowest(l, len);
    def c1 = src - ll;
    def c2 = hh - ll;
    def stoch = if c2 != 0 then c1 / c2 * 100 else 0;
    plot return = stoch;
#f_logmap(_s, _r, _l)
script f_logmap {
    input _s = close;
    input _r = 1;
    input _l = 14;
    def hh = Highest(high, _l);
    def f_logmap = _r * _s / hh * (1 - _s / hh);
    plot out = f_logmap;
Script f_map {
input mapeq = close;
input _r = close;
input i = 1;
    def lmap = _r * AbsValue(mapeq[i]) * (1 - mapeq[i]);
    plot out = if isNaN(lmap) then 0 else lmap * 100000000;
def r;
Switch (SelectIndicator) {
Case "Awesome Oscillator (AO)": r = Average(hl2, 5) / Average(hl2, 34) - 1;
Case "Logistic Dominance":      r = -f_logmap(-source, (source - source[lenLD]) / source[lenLD], lenLD)
                                    -f_logmap(source, (source - source[lenLD]) / source[lenLD], lenLD);
Case "Rate of Change (ROC)":    r = (source - source[lenROC]) / source[lenROC];
Case "Relative Strength Index (RSI)": r = rsi(Price = source,Length = rsiLength) / 100 - .5;
Case "Stochastic (STOCH)":     r = stoch(source, high, low, StochasticLength) / 100 - .5;

def mapeq = f_logmap(source, r, LogisticMapLength);
def val0  = f_map(mapeq, r, 29);
def val1  = f_map(mapeq, r, 0);
def val2  = f_map(mapeq, r, 1);
def val3  = f_map(mapeq, r, 2);
def val4  = f_map(mapeq, r, 3);
def val5  = f_map(mapeq, r, 4);
def val6  = f_map(mapeq, r, 5);
def val7  = f_map(mapeq, r, 6);
def val8  = f_map(mapeq, r, 7);
def val9  = f_map(mapeq, r, 8);
def val10 = f_map(mapeq, r, 9);
def val11 = f_map(mapeq, r, 10);
def val12 = f_map(mapeq, r, 11);
def val13 = f_map(mapeq, r, 12);
def val14 = f_map(mapeq, r, 13);
def val15 = f_map(mapeq, r, 14);
def val16 = f_map(mapeq, r, 15);
def val17 = f_map(mapeq, r, 16);
def val18 = f_map(mapeq, r, 17);
def val19 = f_map(mapeq, r, 18);
def val20 = f_map(mapeq, r, 19);
def val21 = f_map(mapeq, r, 20);
def val22 = f_map(mapeq, r, 21);
def val23 = f_map(mapeq, r, 22);
def val24 = f_map(mapeq, r, 23);
def val25 = f_map(mapeq, r, 24);
def val26 = f_map(mapeq, r, 25);
def val27 = f_map(mapeq, r, 26);
def val28 = f_map(mapeq, r, 27);
def val29 = f_map(mapeq, r, 28);

def valSum = val1 + val2 + val3 + val4 + val5 + val6 + val7 + val8 + val9 + val10 +
             val11 + val12 + val13 + val14 + val15 + val16 + val17 + val18 + val19 + val20 +
             val21 + val22 + val23 + val24 + val25 + val26 + val27 + val28 + val29;
def valSqr = Sqr(val1) + Sqr(val2) + Sqr(val3) + Sqr(val4) + Sqr(val5) + Sqr(val6) + Sqr(val7) +
             Sqr(val8) + Sqr(val9) + Sqr(val10) + Sqr(val11) + Sqr(val12) + Sqr(val13) + Sqr(val14) +
             Sqr(val15) + Sqr(val16) + Sqr(val17) + Sqr(val18) + Sqr(val19) + Sqr(val20) + Sqr(val21) +
             Sqr(val22) + Sqr(val23) + Sqr(val24) + Sqr(val25) + Sqr(val26) + Sqr(val27) + Sqr(val28) + Sqr(val29);

def vAvg = valSum / 29;
def StDv1 = Sqrt((valSqr / 29) - Sqr(vAvg));
def aStDev = sign(vAvg) * StDv1;

def d;def d1;
Switch (showPlot) {
Case "Standart Deviation Line Alone" :
    d = if last then na else yes;
    d1 = if last then na else no;
Case "Indicator & Std Dev." :
    d = if last then na else no;
    d1 = if last then na else no;
Default :
    d = if last then na else no;
    d1 = if last then na else yes;

plot stdv = if d1 then na else aStDev;#, "Standard Deviation of Array's Elements"
stdv.AssignValueColor(if vAvg>=0 then Color.CYAN else Color.MAGENTA);

plot Iteration28 = if d then na else val28;
plot Iteration26 = if d then na else val26;
plot Iteration25 = if d then na else val25;
plot Iteration24 = if d then na else val24;
plot Iteration23 = if d then na else val23;
plot Iteration22 = if d then na else val22;
plot Iteration21 = if d then na else val21;
plot Iteration20 = if d then na else val20;
plot Iteration19 = if d then na else val19;
plot Iteration18 = if d then na else val18;
plot Iteration17 = if d then na else val17;
plot Iteration16 = if d then na else val16;
plot Iteration15 = if d then na else val15;
plot Iteration14 = if d then na else val14;
plot Iteration13 = if d then na else val13;
plot Iteration12 = if d then na else val12;
plot Iteration11 = if d then na else val11;
plot Iteration10 = if d then na else val10;
plot Iteration9 = if d then na else val9;
plot Iteration8 = if d then na else val8;
plot Iteration7 = if d then na else val7;
plot Iteration6 = if d then na else val6;
plot Iteration5 = if d then na else val5;
plot Iteration4 = if d then na else val4;
plot Iteration3 = if d then na else val3;
plot Iteration2 = if d then na else val2;
plot Iteration1 = if d then na else val1;
plot Iteration0 = if d then na else val0;

Iteration28.AssignValueColor(if val28 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration26.AssignValueColor(if val26 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration25.AssignValueColor(if val25 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration24.AssignValueColor(if val24 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration23.AssignValueColor(if val23 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration22.AssignValueColor(if val22 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration21.AssignValueColor(if val21 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration20.AssignValueColor(if val20 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration19.AssignValueColor(if val19 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration18.AssignValueColor(if val18 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration17.AssignValueColor(if val17 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration16.AssignValueColor(if val16 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration15.AssignValueColor(if val15 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration14.AssignValueColor(if val14 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration13.AssignValueColor(if val13 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration12.AssignValueColor(if val12 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration11.AssignValueColor(if val11 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration10.AssignValueColor(if val10 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration9.AssignValueColor(if val9 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration8.AssignValueColor(if val8 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration7.AssignValueColor(if val7 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration6.AssignValueColor(if val6 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration5.AssignValueColor(if val5 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration4.AssignValueColor(if val4 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration3.AssignValueColor(if val3 >= 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration2.AssignValueColor(if val2 > 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration1.AssignValueColor(if val1 > 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
Iteration0.AssignValueColor(if val0 > 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));


Very nice! Thank you.

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