Label to show next support or resistance closest to last price


New member
Good day. I am trying to create a label showing the closest support price in relation to the last price of the stock. The support prices are based in several studies like Moving Averages 20, 50 periods and lows of 20, 50 periods etc. However, once I have defined the bunch of values, my knowledge doesnt reach the part where I can write the code for Thinkscript to show the closest price to the downside (of the list of studies) related to the last price of the stock. Here the code I have up until now:

def x = Min(close, lowest (close, 20));
def y = Min(close, lowest (close, 63));
def a = Min(close,highest (close, 20));
def b = Min(close,highest (close, 63));
def c = Min(close, MovingAverage(averageType.simPLE, aggregationPeriod.week, 200));
def d = Min(close, MovingAverage(averageType.expoNENTIAL, aggregationPeriod.week, 21));
def e = Min(close, MovingAverage(averageType.expoNENTIAL, aggregationPeriod.week, 5));
def f = Min(close, MovingAverage(averageType.simPLE,, 200));
def g = Min(close, MovingAverage(averageType.expoNENTIAL,, 21));
def h = Min(close, MovingAverage(averageType.expoNENTIAL,, 5));

I understand that there is a MAX and MIN function in thinkscript that could help achieve the goal, but I dont really understand how to do it. In MS Excel there is a function that handles the issue (MAX and IF) but I havent been able to do it in thinkscript. Any help is appreciated.
Good day. I am trying to create a label showing the closest support price in relation to the last price of the stock. The support prices are based in several studies like Moving Averages 20, 50 periods and lows of 20, 50 periods etc. However, once I have defined the bunch of values, my knowledge doesnt reach the part where I can write the code for Thinkscript to show the closest price to the downside (of the list of studies) related to the last price of the stock. Here the code I have up until now:

def x = Min(close, lowest (close, 20));
def y = Min(close, lowest (close, 63));
def a = Min(close,highest (close, 20));
def b = Min(close,highest (close, 63));
def c = Min(close, MovingAverage(averageType.simPLE...
Good day. I am trying to create a label showing the closest support price in relation to the last price of the stock. The support prices are based in several studies like Moving Averages 20, 50 periods and lows of 20, 50 periods etc. However, once I have defined the bunch of values, my knowledge doesnt reach the part where I can write the code for Thinkscript to show the closest price to the downside (of the list of studies) related to the last price of the stock. Here the code I have up until now:

def x = Min(close, lowest (close, 20));
def y = Min(close, lowest (close, 63));
def a = Min(close,highest (close, 20));
def b = Min(close,highest (close, 63));
def c = Min(close, MovingAverage(averageType.simPLE, aggregationPeriod.week, 200));
def d = Min(close, MovingAverage(averageType.expoNENTIAL, aggregationPeriod.week, 21));
def e = Min(close, MovingAverage(averageType.expoNENTIAL, aggregationPeriod.week, 5));
def f = Min(close, MovingAverage(averageType.simPLE,, 200));
def g = Min(close, MovingAverage(averageType.expoNENTIAL,, 21));
def h = Min(close, MovingAverage(averageType.expoNENTIAL,, 5));

I understand that there is a MAX and MIN function in thinkscript that could help achieve the goal, but I dont really understand how to do it. In MS Excel there is a function that handles the issue (MAX and IF) but I havent been able to do it in thinkscript. Any help is appreciated.

see if this is close to what you want

it finds the signal closest to close and above it,
and finds the signal closest to close and below it.

# find_closest_value_to_close_00

#Label to show next support or resistance closest to last price

#def x = Min(close, Lowest (close, 20));
#def y = Min(close, Lowest (close, 63));
#def a = Min(close, Highest (close, 20));
#def b = Min(close, Highest (close, 63));
#def c = Min(close, MovingAverage(AverageType.SIMPLE, AggregationPeriod.WEEK, 200));
#def d = Min(close, MovingAverage(AverageType.EXPONENTIAL, AggregationPeriod.WEEK, 21));
#def e = Min(close, MovingAverage(AverageType.EXPONENTIAL, AggregationPeriod.WEEK, 5));
#def f = Min(close, MovingAverage(AverageType.SIMPLE, AggregationPeriod.DAY, 200));
#def g = Min(close, MovingAverage(AverageType.EXPONENTIAL, AggregationPeriod.DAY, 21));
#def h = Min(close, MovingAverage(AverageType.EXPONENTIAL, AggregationPeriod.DAY, 5));


def na = double.nan;
def cls = close;
def aggw = AggregationPeriod.WEEK;
def aggd = AggregationPeriod.DAY;

def a = Lowest(close, 20);
def b = Lowest(close, 63);
def c = Highest(close, 20);
def d = Highest(close, 63);
def e = MovingAverage(AverageType.SIMPLE, close(period = aggw), 200);
def f = MovingAverage(AverageType.EXPONENTIAL, close(period = aggw), 21);
def g = MovingAverage(AverageType.EXPONENTIAL, close(period = aggw), 5);
def h = MovingAverage(AverageType.SIMPLE, close(period = aggd), 200);
def i = MovingAverage(AverageType.EXPONENTIAL, close(period = aggd), 21);
def j = MovingAverage(AverageType.EXPONENTIAL, close(period = aggd), 5);

# signal diff to close
def a2 = (a - cls);
def b2 = (b - cls);
def c2 = (c - cls);
def d2 = (d - cls);
def e2 = (e - cls);
def f2 = (f - cls);
def g2 = (g - cls);
def h2 = (h - cls);
def i2 = (i - cls);
def j2 = (j - cls);

def y = 1000;

# find signal closest and above close
# above , up
def au = if a >= cls then a2 else y;
def bu = if b >= cls then b2 else y;
def cu = if c >= cls then c2 else y;
def du = if d >= cls then d2 else y;
def eu = if e >= cls then e2 else y;
def fu = if f >= cls then f2 else y;
def gu = if g >= cls then g2 else y;
def hu = if h >= cls then h2 else y;
def iu = if i >= cls then i2 else y;
def ju = if j >= cls then j2 else y;

def abovemin = Min(au, Min(bu, Min(cu, Min(du, Min(eu, Min(fu, Min(gu, Min(hu, Min(iu, ju)))))))));

def minup;
if au == abovemin then {
  minup = 1;
} else if bu == abovemin then {
  minup = 2;
} else if cu == abovemin then {
  minup = 3;
} else if du == abovemin then {
  minup = 4;
} else if eu == abovemin then {
  minup = 5;
} else if fu == abovemin then {
  minup = 6;
} else if gu == abovemin then {
  minup = 7;
} else if hu == abovemin then {
  minup = 8;
} else if iu == abovemin then {
  minup = 9;
} else if ju == abovemin then {
  minup = 10;
} else {
  minup = 99;


# find signal closest and below
# below , down
def ad = if a <= cls then absvalue(a2) else y;
def bd = if b <= cls then absvalue(b2) else y;
def cd = if c <= cls then absvalue(c2) else y;
def dd = if d <= cls then absvalue(d2) else y;
def ed = if e <= cls then absvalue(e2) else y;
def fd = if f <= cls then absvalue(f2) else y;
def gd = if g <= cls then absvalue(g2) else y;
def hd = if h <= cls then absvalue(h2) else y;
def id = if i <= cls then absvalue(i2) else y;
def jd = if j <= cls then absvalue(j2) else y;

def belowmin = Min(ad, Min(bd, Min(cd, Min(dd, Min(ed, Min(fd, Min(gd, Min(hd, Min(id, jd))))))))); 


def mindwn;
if ad == belowmin then {
  mindwn = 1;
} else if bd == belowmin then {
  mindwn = 2;
} else if cd == belowmin then {
  mindwn = 3;
} else if dd == belowmin then {
  mindwn = 4;
} else if ed == belowmin then {
  mindwn = 5;
} else if fd == belowmin then {
  mindwn = 6;
} else if gd == belowmin then {
  mindwn = 7;
} else if hd == belowmin then {
  mindwn = 8;
} else if id == belowmin then {
  mindwn = 9;
} else if jd == belowmin then {
  mindwn = 10;
} else {
  mindwn = 99;


addlabel(1, " ",;
addlabel(1, abovemin + " closest above, signal # " + minup,;
addlabel(1, belowmin + " closest below, signal # " + mindwn,;



addlabel(1, " ",;
input test_values = yes;
addlabel(test_values, " price differences ", color.cyan);
addlabel(test_values, a2, color.cyan);
addlabel(test_values, b2, color.cyan);
addlabel(test_values, c2, color.cyan);
addlabel(test_values, d2, color.cyan);
addlabel(test_values, e2, color.cyan);
addlabel(test_values, f2, color.cyan);
addlabel(test_values, g2, color.cyan);
addlabel(test_values, h2, color.cyan);
addlabel(test_values, i2, color.cyan);
addlabel(test_values, j2, color.cyan);

addlabel(1, " ",;
input test_adj_values = yes;
addlabel(test_adj_values, "values above close", color.lime);
addlabel(test_adj_values, au, color.lime);
addlabel(test_adj_values, bu, color.lime);
addlabel(test_adj_values, cu, color.lime);
addlabel(test_adj_values, du, color.lime);
addlabel(test_adj_values, eu, color.lime);
addlabel(test_adj_values, fu, color.lime);
addlabel(test_adj_values, gu, color.lime);
addlabel(test_adj_values, hu, color.lime);
addlabel(test_adj_values, iu, color.lime);
addlabel(test_adj_values, ju, color.lime);
addlabel(1, " ",;

addlabel(1, " ",;
addlabel(test_adj_values, "values below close", color.magenta);
addlabel(test_adj_values, ad, color.magenta);
addlabel(test_adj_values, bd, color.magenta);
addlabel(test_adj_values, cd, color.magenta);
addlabel(test_adj_values, dd, color.magenta);
addlabel(test_adj_values, ed, color.magenta);
addlabel(test_adj_values, fd, color.magenta);
addlabel(test_adj_values, gd, color.magenta);
addlabel(test_adj_values, hd, color.magenta);
addlabel(test_adj_values, id, color.magenta);
addlabel(test_adj_values, jd, color.magenta);
addlabel(1, " ",;

# plot signals
input show_signals = no;
plot z1 = if show_signals then a else na;
plot z2 = if show_signals then b else na;
plot z3 = if show_signals then c else na;
plot z4 = if show_signals then d else na;
plot z5 = if show_signals then e else na;
plot z6 = if show_signals then f else na;
plot z7 = if show_signals then g else na;
plot z8 = if show_signals then h else na;
plot z9 = if show_signals then i else na;
plot z10 = if show_signals then j else na;



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see if this is close to what you want

it finds the signal closest to close and above it,
and finds the signal closest to close and below it.

# find_closest_value_to_close_00

#Label to show next support or resistance closest to last price

#def x = Min(close, Lowest (close, 20));
#def y = Min(close, Lowest (close, 63));
#def a = Min(close, Highest (close, 20));
#def b = Min(close, Highest (close, 63));
#def c = Min(close, MovingAverage(AverageType.SIMPLE, AggregationPeriod.WEEK, 200));
#def d = Min(close, MovingAverage(AverageType.EXPONENTIAL, AggregationPeriod.WEEK, 21));
#def e = Min(close, MovingAverage(AverageType.EXPONENTIAL, AggregationPeriod.WEEK, 5));
#def f = Min(close, MovingAverage(AverageType.SIMPLE, AggregationPeriod.DAY, 200));
#def g = Min(close, MovingAverage(AverageType.EXPONENTIAL, AggregationPeriod.DAY, 21));
#def h = Min(close, MovingAverage(AverageType.EXPONENTIAL, AggregationPeriod.DAY, 5));


def na = double.nan;
def cls = close;
def aggw = AggregationPeriod.WEEK;
def aggd = AggregationPeriod.DAY;

def a = Lowest(close, 20);
def b = Lowest(close, 63);
def c = Highest(close, 20);
def d = Highest(close, 63);
def e = MovingAverage(AverageType.SIMPLE, close(period = aggw), 200);
def f = MovingAverage(AverageType.EXPONENTIAL, close(period = aggw), 21);
def g = MovingAverage(AverageType.EXPONENTIAL, close(period = aggw), 5);
def h = MovingAverage(AverageType.SIMPLE, close(period = aggd), 200);
def i = MovingAverage(AverageType.EXPONENTIAL, close(period = aggd), 21);
def j = MovingAverage(AverageType.EXPONENTIAL, close(period = aggd), 5);

# signal diff to close
def a2 = (a - cls);
def b2 = (b - cls);
def c2 = (c - cls);
def d2 = (d - cls);
def e2 = (e - cls);
def f2 = (f - cls);
def g2 = (g - cls);
def h2 = (h - cls);
def i2 = (i - cls);
def j2 = (j - cls);

def y = 1000;

# find signal closest and above close
# above , up
def au = if a >= cls then a2 else y;
def bu = if b >= cls then b2 else y;
def cu = if c >= cls then c2 else y;
def du = if d >= cls then d2 else y;
def eu = if e >= cls then e2 else y;
def fu = if f >= cls then f2 else y;
def gu = if g >= cls then g2 else y;
def hu = if h >= cls then h2 else y;
def iu = if i >= cls then i2 else y;
def ju = if j >= cls then j2 else y;

def abovemin = Min(au, Min(bu, Min(cu, Min(du, Min(eu, Min(fu, Min(gu, Min(hu, Min(iu, ju)))))))));

def minup;
if au == abovemin then {
  minup = 1;
} else if bu == abovemin then {
  minup = 2;
} else if cu == abovemin then {
  minup = 3;
} else if du == abovemin then {
  minup = 4;
} else if eu == abovemin then {
  minup = 5;
} else if fu == abovemin then {
  minup = 6;
} else if gu == abovemin then {
  minup = 7;
} else if hu == abovemin then {
  minup = 8;
} else if iu == abovemin then {
  minup = 9;
} else if ju == abovemin then {
  minup = 10;
} else {
  minup = 99;


# find signal closest and below
# below , down
def ad = if a <= cls then absvalue(a2) else y;
def bd = if b <= cls then absvalue(b2) else y;
def cd = if c <= cls then absvalue(c2) else y;
def dd = if d <= cls then absvalue(d2) else y;
def ed = if e <= cls then absvalue(e2) else y;
def fd = if f <= cls then absvalue(f2) else y;
def gd = if g <= cls then absvalue(g2) else y;
def hd = if h <= cls then absvalue(h2) else y;
def id = if i <= cls then absvalue(i2) else y;
def jd = if j <= cls then absvalue(j2) else y;

def belowmin = Min(ad, Min(bd, Min(cd, Min(dd, Min(ed, Min(fd, Min(gd, Min(hd, Min(id, jd)))))))));


def mindwn;
if ad == belowmin then {
  mindwn = 1;
} else if bd == belowmin then {
  mindwn = 2;
} else if cd == belowmin then {
  mindwn = 3;
} else if dd == belowmin then {
  mindwn = 4;
} else if ed == belowmin then {
  mindwn = 5;
} else if fd == belowmin then {
  mindwn = 6;
} else if gd == belowmin then {
  mindwn = 7;
} else if hd == belowmin then {
  mindwn = 8;
} else if id == belowmin then {
  mindwn = 9;
} else if jd == belowmin then {
  mindwn = 10;
} else {
  mindwn = 99;


addlabel(1, " ",;
addlabel(1, abovemin + " closest above, signal # " + minup,;
addlabel(1, belowmin + " closest below, signal # " + mindwn,;



addlabel(1, " ",;
input test_values = yes;
addlabel(test_values, " price differences ", color.cyan);
addlabel(test_values, a2, color.cyan);
addlabel(test_values, b2, color.cyan);
addlabel(test_values, c2, color.cyan);
addlabel(test_values, d2, color.cyan);
addlabel(test_values, e2, color.cyan);
addlabel(test_values, f2, color.cyan);
addlabel(test_values, g2, color.cyan);
addlabel(test_values, h2, color.cyan);
addlabel(test_values, i2, color.cyan);
addlabel(test_values, j2, color.cyan);

addlabel(1, " ",;
input test_adj_values = yes;
addlabel(test_adj_values, "values above close", color.lime);
addlabel(test_adj_values, au, color.lime);
addlabel(test_adj_values, bu, color.lime);
addlabel(test_adj_values, cu, color.lime);
addlabel(test_adj_values, du, color.lime);
addlabel(test_adj_values, eu, color.lime);
addlabel(test_adj_values, fu, color.lime);
addlabel(test_adj_values, gu, color.lime);
addlabel(test_adj_values, hu, color.lime);
addlabel(test_adj_values, iu, color.lime);
addlabel(test_adj_values, ju, color.lime);
addlabel(1, " ",;

addlabel(1, " ",;
addlabel(test_adj_values, "values below close", color.magenta);
addlabel(test_adj_values, ad, color.magenta);
addlabel(test_adj_values, bd, color.magenta);
addlabel(test_adj_values, cd, color.magenta);
addlabel(test_adj_values, dd, color.magenta);
addlabel(test_adj_values, ed, color.magenta);
addlabel(test_adj_values, fd, color.magenta);
addlabel(test_adj_values, gd, color.magenta);
addlabel(test_adj_values, hd, color.magenta);
addlabel(test_adj_values, id, color.magenta);
addlabel(test_adj_values, jd, color.magenta);
addlabel(1, " ",;

# plot signals
input show_signals = no;
plot z1 = if show_signals then a else na;
plot z2 = if show_signals then b else na;
plot z3 = if show_signals then c else na;
plot z4 = if show_signals then d else na;
plot z5 = if show_signals then e else na;
plot z6 = if show_signals then f else na;
plot z7 = if show_signals then g else na;
plot z8 = if show_signals then h else na;
plot z9 = if show_signals then i else na;
plot z10 = if show_signals then j else na;


Thank you very much. It is very close to what I was looking for. The truth is that the sintaxsys of the MIN/MAX function is quite complicated with all those parenthesis. I also found here in the forum a similar thread which can be also be useful in the matter:
Thank you very much. It is very close to what I was looking for. The truth is that the sintaxsys of the MIN/MAX function is quite complicated with all those parenthesis. I also found here in the forum a similar thread which can be also be useful in the matter:

the code from that link uses the same functions, min() max(). they just used many formulas , where i used 1.
def abovemin = Min(au, Min(bu, Min(cu, Min(du, Min(eu, Min(fu, Min(gu, Min(hu, Min(iu, ju)))))))));

min and max can only have 2 parameters. so you could create about 9 formulas to find a minimum, or put them together in 1 formula.

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