Increasing the value of a variable


New member
I am new to ThinkScript and have looked at various forums and sample scripts for if / then / else and "counters" but am missing something.

I just wanted to try something simple to test for and plot values of certain test variables to get my feet ***.

1. How do you increase / decrease the value of a variable when certain criteria is met?
2. Is the "else" really required whether you have a condition to test or not?

Here is my simple / sample code:

def Test1_Value = 0;
def Diff_SlowK = SlowK - SlowK[1];

if (SlowK > SlowD) then { Test1_Value = Test1_Value + 1; } # The if/then/else works but it gives an error that Test1_Value already assigned
else { Test1_Value = Test1_Value - 1; }; # "Already assigned: Test1_Value at 20:27" for example

if (Diff_SlowK > 0) {Test1_Value = Test1_Value + 1;}; # This if statement does not work, gives the following error:
# Syntax error: An 'else' block expected at 23:1
# Syntax error: Semicolon expected at 23:1

if (Diff_SlowK > 0) then { Test1_Value = Test1_Value + 1; } # Requires the else command whether or not I use the "then"
else {}; # which seems odd that "else" is required but maybe I am missing something

plot Test1_Value;
plot Test2_Value;
plot Test3_Value;
plot Values = Test1_Value + Test2_Value + Test3_Value;
Last edited:
Def TestValue = if SlowK > SlowD then TestValue[1] + 1 else TestValue[1] - 1;


Def TestValue;
if SlowK > SlowD {
TestValue = TestValue[1] + 1
} else {
TestValue = TestValue[1] - 1

In the later segments, you would do Else TestValue = TestValue[1] which just carries on the prior value as storage basically.

Simple comparisons naturally resolve Boolean. ie A = X > Y; which requires no Else.

You do not need to, for example, do; A = If X > Y then yes else no;
Def TestValue = if SlowK > SlowD then TestValue[1] + 1 else TestValue[1] - 1;


Def TestValue;
if SlowK > SlowD {
TestValue = TestValue[1] + 1
} else {
TestValue = TestValue[1] - 1

In the later segments, you would do Else TestValue = TestValue[1] which just carries on the prior value as storage basically.

Simple comparisons naturally resolve Boolean. ie A = X > Y; which requires no Else.

You do not need to, for example, do; A = If X > Y then yes else no;
Thank you Joshua. The quick feedback is much appreciated.

To keep adding criteria and increasing / decreasing the Test Value, how are the following lines formatted?

This line worked and I like the way you consolidated / condensed it:
def Test1_Value = if SlowK > SlowD then Test1_Value[1] + 1 else Test1_Value[1] - 1;

As expected, I cannot define a variable again:
def Test1_Value = if Diff_SlowK > 0 then Test1_Value[1] + 1 else Test1_Value[1] - 1;

And these did not work:
if Diff_SlowK > 0 then Test1_Value[1] + 1 else Test1_Value[1] - 1;
if (Diff_SlowK > 0) then {Test1_Value[1] + 1;} else {Test1_Value[1] - 1;};
if Diff_SlowK > 0 then {Test1_Value[1] + 1;}
else {Test1_Value[1] - 1;};
if Diff_SlowK > 0 then Test1_Value[1] + 1
else Test1_Value[1] - 1;
if (Diff_SlowK > 0) then {Test1_Value[1] + 1;}
else {Test1_Value[1] - 1;};
if (Diff_SlowK > 0) then Test1_Value[1] + 1
else Test1_Value[1] - 1;
Thank you Joshua. The quick feedback is much appreciated.

To keep adding criteria and increasing / decreasing the Test Value, how are the following lines formatted?

This line worked and I like the way you consolidated / condensed it:
def Test1_Value = if SlowK > SlowD then Test1_Value[1] + 1 else Test1_Value[1] - 1;

As expected, I cannot define a variable again:
def Test1_Value = if Diff_SlowK > 0 then Test1_Value[1] + 1 else Test1_Value[1] - 1;

And these did not work:
if Diff_SlowK > 0 then Test1_Value[1] + 1 else Test1_Value[1] - 1;
if (Diff_SlowK > 0) then {Test1_Value[1] + 1;} else {Test1_Value[1] - 1;};
if Diff_SlowK > 0 then {Test1_Value[1] + 1;}
else {Test1_Value[1] - 1;};
if Diff_SlowK > 0 then Test1_Value[1] + 1
else Test1_Value[1] - 1;
if (Diff_SlowK > 0) then {Test1_Value[1] + 1;}
else {Test1_Value[1] - 1;};
if (Diff_SlowK > 0) then Test1_Value[1] + 1
else Test1_Value[1] - 1;

correct, you can not have 2 code lines that define the same variable name.
this will cause an error.
def var1 = 1 + close;
def var1 = 5 + close;

if a variable value Is to be determined by multiple conditions, then you could use if then or switch case. But it has to be all in one formula, or what i'll call a formula block. each instance of 'def var' , has to be unique, it can only appear once in the program.
you would define variables for all the possible conditions.
then after those code lines, use those variables in an if then to determine the value of Test1_Value.

here is one way. i'm keeping it simple, by using just numbers for possible values. but any variable/formula could be used.
def var1 = if cond1 then 1 else if cond2 then 2 else 3;

i tend to put each 'else' at the start of a new line, to make it easier to read. i didn't above because sometimes a carriage return is incorrectly interpretted by the program, when copying/pasting text, into the script editor, causing some code to be highlighted in red.

another way. define the variable first, then check conditions and assign a value.
def var1;
if cond1 then {
var1 = 1;
} else if con2 then {
var1 = 2;
} else {
var1 = 3;

another way, define multiple variables from 1 condition.
def var1;
def var2;
if cond1 then {
var1 = 1;
var2 = 66;
} else if con2 then {
var1 = 2;
var2 = 5;
} else {
var1 = 3;
var2 = 9;

ver1 of your code
def SlowK = ... Add your formula for this
def SlowD = .. Add your formula for this
def Diff_SlowK = ... Add your formula for this

def Test1_Value;
if SlowK > SlowD then {
Test1_Value = Test1_Value[1] + 1;
} else if SlowK < SlowD then {
Test1_Value = Test1_Value[1] - 1;
} else if Diff_SlowK > 0 then {
Test1_Value = Test1_Value[1] + 1;
} else if Diff_SlowK < 0 then {
Test1_Value = Test1_Value[1] - 1;
} else {
Test1_Value = Test1_Value[1];

ver2 of your code
def SlowK = ... Add your formula for this
def SlowD = .. Add your formula for this
def Diff_SlowK = ... Add your formula for this

def Test1_Value;
if (SlowK > SlowD or Diff_SlowK > 0) then {
Test1_Value = Test1_Value[1] + 1;
} else if (SlowK < SlowD or Diff_SlowK < 0) then {
Test1_Value = Test1_Value[1] - 1;
} else {
# if none of the conditions were triggered, then assign the value from previous bar
Test1_Value = Test1_Value[1];

some reference links & Thinkscript Collection.html
def Test1_Value; if SlowK > SlowD then { Test1_Value = Test1_Value[1] + 1; } else if SlowK < SlowD then { Test1_Value = Test1_Value[1] - 1; } else if Diff_SlowK > 0 then { Test1_Value = Test1_Value[1] + 1; } else if Diff_SlowK < 0 then { Test1_Value = Test1_Value[1] - 1; } else { Test1_Value = Test1_Value[1]; }
Thank you halconguy. I appreciate the quick feedback as well!

I am on my way using a conditional test value for each step instead of incrementing by test. Took me a couple of hours to think through the changes to my script but it looks like it is now working as expected.

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