How to separate plot function from addlabel function?


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Working with this custom watchlist column as a "confirmation stack"

I'm trying to keep my x plot to be able to sort the column numerically.

I can't figure out how to to add a color-coded "U" or "D" in front of the x plot without
disabling numerical sorting. What am I missing here?

How can I use AddLabel without affecting Plot X?

plot x = Round(100 * ((close/ open) - 1), 1);

addLabel(yes, if open>close[1] then x + "U" else x + "D");

x.AssignValueColor( if x < 0 then Color.ORANGE else Color.cyan);

AssignBackgroundColor(if close>open and close[1]>open[1] then else if close<open and close[1]<open[1] then else;

Thanks all
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Working with this custom watchlist column as a "confirmation stack"

I'm trying to keep my x plot to be able to sort the column numerically.

I can't figure out how to to add a color-coded "U" or "D" in front of the x plot without
disabling numerical sorting. What am I missing here?

How can I use AddLabel without affecting Plot X?

you can't.

watchlist column study

i have always thought only one output function should be used in a column. i see your study does work, but by adding a label, the combined outputs are treated like text and sorted like it.

disabled the plot and put everything in 1 label.
added color to a label, which is the font color. i...
Working with this custom watchlist column as a "confirmation stack"

I'm trying to keep my x plot to be able to sort the column numerically.

I can't figure out how to to add a color-coded "U" or "D" in front of the x plot without
disabling numerical sorting. What am I missing here?

How can I use AddLabel without affecting Plot X?

you can't.

watchlist column study

i have always thought only one output function should be used in a column. i see your study does work, but by adding a label, the combined outputs are treated like text and sorted like it.

disabled the plot and put everything in 1 label.
added color to a label, which is the font color. i changed orange to white, to be easy to read.

when you use a label in a column, it changes the data to text.
numbers are sorted right to left.
text is sorted left to right.

with text , all the values have to have the desired characters in the correct location.
if a decimal point, or a + is missing, or a trailing 0 is gone, it won't sort correctly.

added several if thens to fill in the missing characters.

i looked up ascii codes and found that a comma is between a + and a -.
using a comma for 0.0 keeps them sorted correctly.

used absolute value of data and added a sign separately, because some numbers needed a leading 0 added.
added a trailing 0 as needed.

this is based off of rounding to 0.0.
if the rounding number is changed from 1 to 2, another trailing 0 if-then formula will have to be added.
if the rounding number is changed from 1 to 0, the existing if-then formula will have to be removed.

# zzsort1

#plot x = Round(100 * ((close/ open) - 1), 1);
#x.AssignValueColor( if x < 0 then Color.ORANGE else Color.cyan);

def x = Round(100 * ((close/ open) - 1), 1);

def int = ( x % 1 == 0);

#addLabel(yes, if open>close[1] then x + "U" else x + "D", if x < 0 then Color.ORANGE else Color.cyan);

# color is the font color
 (if open>close[1] then "U " else "D ") +
 (if x > 0 then "+" else if x < 0 then "-" else ",") +
 (if absvalue(x) < 10 then "0" else "") +
 absvalue(x) +
 (if int then ".0" else "")
, if x < 0 then Color.white else Color.cyan);

AssignBackgroundColor(if close>open and close[1]>open[1] then else if close<open and close[1]<open[1] then else;



for sorting 0.0 in columns, find a character between + and - . comma is between them.

+ 43
, 44 comma
- 45

ascii codes
hal_col hal_sort
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Anyone have a work around code for when sorting % changes in watchlists to be correct alphanumeric
I have found some info about this issue but can't seem to make it happen for me, thanks ahead

when I do AsPercent(PctChg) it sorts something like this

When I do absvalue(PctChg it will sort correct but wrong format

What do I need to do for the % format and correct sorting?
Anyone have a work around code for when sorting % changes in watchlists to be correct alphanumeric
I have found some info about this issue but can't seem to make it happen for me, thanks ahead

when I do AsPercent(PctChg) it sorts something like this

When I do absvalue(PctChg it will sort correct but wrong format

What do I need to do for the % format and correct sorting?

when sorting text, you need all data to have the same quantity of characters. if some are missing then add them in.

this uses several if thens to add characters as needed, so text data sorts like a number, in a column.
Thanks for your reply, not sure what you have applies to me here is my code what should I change?
#HINT: This study plots a chart label for Net Change and Percent Change from prior close (regardless of time period of the chart.

input period_Type = AggregationPeriod.DAY;

def begin = close(period = period_Type)[1];
def end = close(period = period_Type);
def NetChg = end - begin;
def PctChg = (end/begin)-1;

AddLabel(yes, "" + AsPercent(PctChg) +  "  " + AsDollars(NetChg), if NetChg > 0 then CreateColor(100,200,100) else if NetChg < 0 then Color.Dark_Orange else color.LIGHT_GRAY);
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Thanks for your reply, not sure what you have applies to me here is my code what should I change?
#HINT: This study plots a chart label for Net Change and Percent Change from prior close (regardless of time period of the chart.

input period_Type = AggregationPeriod.DAY;

def begin = close(period = period_Type)[1];
def end = close(period = period_Type);
def NetChg = end - begin;
def PctChg = (end/begin)-1;

AddLabel(yes, "" + AsPercent(PctChg) +  "  " + AsDollars(NetChg), if NetChg > 0 then CreateColor(100,200,100) else if NetChg < 0 then Color.Dark_Orange else color.LIGHT_GRAY);

look at my post#2.
this converts a number to text.
so instead of using aspercent , do like i did above and use several if-thens to fill in the required characters and the %
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