When you scan just click on the change column to sort by largest gainers and losers.
I remembered your question and I think I just stumbled across the answer, does this work?Just searched but haven't been able to find exactly what I'm looking for
# sdi_pctChgFromOpen: plots the percentage change from the opening price in a way that is appropriate for a watchlist custom column.
#hint: plots the percentage change from the opening price in a way that is appropriate for a watchlist custom column. rev: 1.0 http://www.smallDogInvestor.com
# author: allen everhart
# date: 22june2013
# copylefts reserved. This is free software. That means you are free
# to use or modify it for your own usage but not for resale.
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# in place.
plot x=round(100*((close/open)-1),1);
x.assignValueColor( if x < 0 then color.RED else color.Dark_GREEN);
sure if you can define leading moversIs it possible to scan for the leading movers over the past 3-6 months?
Biggest % gainerssure if you can define leading movers
Biggest % gainers
post #12Do we have a standard scan to find top losers in x hours or minutes in TOS platform? or is it possible to get that information in any other means?
Thank you.
Is it possible to see the percentage gainers based on time … lets say from 11am not from open? @XeoNoX @YungTraderFromMontanathat can be done with the built in TOS stock hacker
change it or filter it to your liking.
11:00 am to current time .... it’s like at 12 pm want to see percentage gainers from 11 am . Isn’t it same like checking from open only change is time is variable?from when to when? example: 11:00am to when?
Yes that’s correct. Inputted XYZ time to the current timeyou'll have to be more specific... if your comparing time you will need 2 times to compare to or else there will be no second time to compare to. so i assume you mean starting at the inputted XYZ time to the time of the last CLOSE?
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