How would I create an arrow plot on the current bar if a statement has been true over the last x number of bars. For example If I wanted to plot a signal only when lows have been lower than their respective sma values over the past 5 bars. I can plot something like...
input x = 5;
plot signal = low is less than sma and low[x] is less than sma[x];
but this will only check to see if the current bar and the bar from x bars ago have lows lower than their respective sma values and will not check the bars in between. My current work around is to code for each individual bar until I get the desired number but I was hoping there is a better way to code for a range of bars all at once. If I currently wanted to plot a signal if the lows for the past 5 bars have been lower than their sma value it would look something like this...
plot signal = low is less than sma
and low[1] is less than sma[1]
and low[2] is less than sma[2]
and low[3] is less than sma[3]
and low[4] is less than sma[4];
input x = 5;
plot signal = low is less than sma and low[x] is less than sma[x];
but this will only check to see if the current bar and the bar from x bars ago have lows lower than their respective sma values and will not check the bars in between. My current work around is to code for each individual bar until I get the desired number but I was hoping there is a better way to code for a range of bars all at once. If I currently wanted to plot a signal if the lows for the past 5 bars have been lower than their sma value it would look something like this...
plot signal = low is less than sma
and low[1] is less than sma[1]
and low[2] is less than sma[2]
and low[3] is less than sma[3]
and low[4] is less than sma[4];
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