#Hint: Draws a line between to points defined by dates, times and price type
#Developed by RCG3 and StanL on the ThinkScript Lounge 1/2/14
input time1 = 1000; #hint time1:Time of first point using the 24-hour clock
input date1 = 20210302; #hint date1:Date of the first point in YYYYMMDD format
input time2 = 1300; #hint time2: Time of second point using the 24-hour clock
input date2 = 20210618; #hint date2: Date of the...
#Hint: Draws a line between to points defined by dates, times and price type
#Developed by RCG3 and StanL on the ThinkScript Lounge 1/2/14
input time1 = 1000; #hint time1:Time of first point using the 24-hour clock
input date1 = 20210302; #hint date1:Date of the first point in YYYYMMDD format
input time2 = 1300; #hint time2: Time of second point using the 24-hour clock
input date2 = 20210618; #hint date2: Date of the first point in YYYYMMDD format
input price = high; #hint price: Select the price type desired
#====== To see dots on the inputted dates/times change the def below for
# ===== 'asdf' and 'asdf2' to plot and uncomment the setpaintingstrategy =====
def asdf= secondsfromtime(time1) == 0;
def asdf2= secondsfromtime(time2) == 0;
def date= getyyyymmdd();
rec x1= if secondsfromtime(time1) == 0 and date1==date then barnumber() else x1[1];
rec x2= if secondsfromtime(time2) == 0 and date2==date then barnumber() else x2[1];
rec y1= if secondsfromtime(time1) == 0 and date1==date then price else y1[1];
rec y2= if secondsfromtime(time2) == 0 and date2==date then price else y2[1];
def x22= highestall(x2);
def y22= highestall(y2);
def slope= (y22-y1)/(x22-x1);
#plot line= if x1!=0 then y1+((barnumber()-x1)*slope) else double.nan;
plot line= if x1!=0 and x2[1]==0 then y1+((barnumber()-x1)*slope) else double.nan;
def Angle_deg = ATan(slope) * 180 / Double.Pi;
#addLabel(yes, "Slope = " + Angle_deg + "degrees", color.CYAN);#Angle printout has no consistency at various aggs
#alert(price crosses line, "Price crossed trendline", alert.once,sound.chimes);# uncomment this line if used as a trendline
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here is 1 way. you specify 2 dates and times and a price stat ( high, low, close, open) and it draws a lines between the 2 points
Ruby:#https://jshingler.github.io/TOS-and-Thinkscript-Snippet-Collection/TOS%20&%20Thinkscript%20Collection.html#c-draw-a-line-between-two-price-points #C-DRAW A LINE BETWEEN TWO PRICE POINTS #Hint: Draws a line between to points defined by dates, times and price type #Developed by RCG3 and StanL on the ThinkScript Lounge 1/2/14 input time1 = 1000; #hint time1:Time of first point using the 24-hour clock input date1 = 20210302; #hint date1:Date of the first point in YYYYMMDD format input time2 = 1300; #hint time2: Time of second point using the 24-hour clock input date2 = 20210618; #hint date2: Date of the first point in YYYYMMDD format input price = high; #hint price: Select the price type desired #====== To see dots on the inputted dates/times change the def below for # ===== 'asdf' and 'asdf2' to plot and uncomment the setpaintingstrategy ===== def asdf= secondsfromtime(time1) == 0; #asdf.setpaintingstrategy(paintingstrategy.boolean_points); def asdf2= secondsfromtime(time2) == 0; #asdf2.setpaintingstrategy(paintingstrategy.boolean_points); def date= getyyyymmdd(); rec x1= if secondsfromtime(time1) == 0 and date1==date then barnumber() else x1[1]; rec x2= if secondsfromtime(time2) == 0 and date2==date then barnumber() else x2[1]; rec y1= if secondsfromtime(time1) == 0 and date1==date then price else y1[1]; rec y2= if secondsfromtime(time2) == 0 and date2==date then price else y2[1]; def x22= highestall(x2); def y22= highestall(y2); def slope= (y22-y1)/(x22-x1); #plot line= if x1!=0 then y1+((barnumber()-x1)*slope) else double.nan; plot line= if x1!=0 and x2[1]==0 then y1+((barnumber()-x1)*slope) else double.nan; def Angle_deg = ATan(slope) * 180 / Double.Pi; #addLabel(yes, "Slope = " + Angle_deg + "degrees", color.CYAN);#Angle printout has no consistency at various aggs #alert(price crosses line, "Price crossed trendline", alert.once,sound.chimes);# uncomment this line if used as a trendline
https://jshingler.github.io/TOS-and-Thinkscript-Snippet-Collection/TOS & Thinkscript Collection.html#c-draw-a-line-between-two-price-points
this site is an amazing resource with many explained examples
Thank you for your reply.Ruby:declare upper; plot Line = if getYYYYMMDD() == 20210618 then 69.95 else if getYYYYMMDD() == 20210716 then 73 else double.nan; Line.enableApproximation();
Josuha's script was just a great way to use what had been posted previously using dates. As you are now looking for intraday timing, see if this helps.Thank you for your reply.
I'm, not a programmer, but I don't understand why there's any if condition statement based on the date.
I'm looking for a script that draws a line from the close of the bar at a specified time to a time and price. For example, on a one-minute chart draw a line from the close at 9:45 to 4442.70 at 4:00.
Ruby:declare upper; input priceto = 4442.70; plot Line = if getday()==getlastday() then if secondsFromTime(0945)==0 then close else if secondsfromTime(1600)==0 then priceto else double.nan else double.nan; Line.enableApproximation();
Thank you for your reply.
I'm, not a programmer, but I don't understand why there's any if condition statement based on the date.
I'm looking for a script that draws a line from the close of the bar at a specified time to a time and price. For example, on a one-minute chart draw a line from the close at 9:45 to 4442.70 at 4:00.
Here is one way. Choose extendline and it will plot to the extension to the right edge of the chart.Hi,
Thanks for the code.
May I know how to expand the line to right? I mean once I draw a line between two points, how that can be automatically update as time progress?
Best regards
Ruby:declare upper; input from = 0945; input end = 1315; def linefrom = SecondsFromTime(from) == 0; def lineto = SecondsFromTime(end) == 0; input pricefrom = close; input priceto = close; def line = if GetDay() == GetLastDay() then if linefrom then priceto else if lineto then pricefrom else Double.NaN else Double.NaN; plot LL = line; LL.EnableApproximation(); LL.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.LINE); LL.SetDefaultColor(Color.WHITE); # Line Extended input extendline = yes; def cond1bn = if linefrom then BarNumber() else cond1bn[1]; def cond2bn = if lineto then BarNumber() else cond2bn[1]; def y1 = if BarNumber() == HighestAll(cond1bn) then pricefrom else y1[1]; def y2 = if BarNumber() == HighestAll(cond2bn) then priceto else y2[1]; def slope = if cond2bn > cond1bn then (( y2 - y1) / (cond2bn - cond1bn)) else (( y1 - y2) / (cond1bn - cond2bn)); def lext = if cond2bn > cond1bn then y1 + ((BarNumber() - cond1bn) * slope) else y2 + ((BarNumber() - cond2bn) * slope); plot lextplot = if extendline and BarNumber() >= HighestAll(cond2bn) then lext else Double.NaN; lextplot.SetStyle(Curve.MEDIUM_DASH); lextplot.SetDefaultColor(Color.WHITE); lextplot.SetLineWeight(1);
Here is one way. Choose extendline and it will plot to the extension to the right edge of the chart
Thanks again. How can I assign with given two specific dates and prices (let say the first point is 10/01/2021 with price of $100 and the second point is 10/13/2021 and the price is $110) including the line extension.Here is one way. Choose extendline and it will plot to the extension to the right edge of the chart.
Try this modification to the original script above to have a date option added to the time option to plot the line. The pricefrom and priceto can be values or price fundamentals.Thanks again. How can I assign with given two specific dates and prices (let say the first point is 10/01/2021 with price of $100 and the second point is 10/13/2021 and the price is $110) including the line extension.
I appreciate for your help.
Best regards
Ruby:input method = {default time, date}; input from = 0945; input end = 1315; input fromdate = 20211001; input todate = 20211013; input pricefrom = 100; input priceto = 110; def linefrom = SecondsFromTime(from) == 0; def lineto = SecondsFromTime(end) == 0; def datefrom = getyyyyMMDD() == fromdate; def dateto = getyyyYMMDD() == todate; def linetime = if GetDay() == GetLastDay() then if linefrom then priceto else if lineto then pricefrom else Double.NaN else Double.NaN; def linedate = if datefrom then pricefrom else if dateto then priceto else Double.NaN; plot LL = if method==method.time then linetime else linedate; LL.EnableApproximation(); LL.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.LINE); LL.SetDefaultColor(Color.WHITE); # Line Extended input extendline = yes; def cond1bn = if if method==method.time then linefrom else datefrom then BarNumber() else cond1bn[1]; def cond2bn = if if method==method.time then lineto else dateto then BarNumber() else cond2bn[1]; def y1 = if BarNumber() == HighestAll(cond1bn) then pricefrom else y1[1]; def y2 = if BarNumber() == HighestAll(cond2bn) then priceto else y2[1]; def slope = if cond2bn > cond1bn then (( y2 - y1) / (cond2bn - cond1bn)) else (( y1 - y2) / (cond1bn - cond2bn)); def lext = if cond2bn > cond1bn then y1 + ((BarNumber() - cond1bn) * slope) else y2 + ((BarNumber() - cond2bn) * slope); plot lextplot = if extendline and BarNumber() >= HighestAll(cond2bn) then lext else Double.NaN; lextplot.SetStyle(Curve.MEDIUM_DASH); lextplot.SetDefaultColor(Color.WHITE); lextplot.SetLineWeight(1);
I have simplified the code so that it should work better on both intraday and daily charts. You will have to specify both date and time info to plot on intraday. Only should need dates for daily charts. The price to/from can be either price values or fundamentals.I copy and pasted the same code that you provided, and change the values for AAPL (141.8 and 144.6) but gave me a straight line all the way back to last year. I used daily timeframe as you had. Could not duplicate yours.
Ruby:# Plots a line between two points to form a trendline, in this case two lows # Added segment to extend/project the trend line to the right edge input datefrom = 20211001; input dateto = 20211007; input timefrom = 1000; input timeto = 1200; input pricefrom = 141.8;#low; input priceto = 144.60;#low; def linefrom = if GetYYYYMMDD() == datefrom and secondsfromTime(timefrom)==0 then 1 else 0; def lineto = if GetYYYYMMDD() == dateto and secondsfromTime(timeto)==0 then 1 else 0; plot line = if linefrom then pricefrom else if lineto then priceto else Double.NaN; line.EnableApproximation(); line.SetDefaultColor(Color.WHITE); line.SetLineWeight(3); # Line Extended def cond1bn = if linefrom then BarNumber() else cond1bn[1]; def cond2bn = if lineto then BarNumber() else cond2bn[1]; rec y1 = if BarNumber() == HighestAll(cond1bn) then pricefrom else y1[1]; rec y2 = if BarNumber() == HighestAll(cond2bn) then priceto else y2[1]; def slope = if cond2bn > cond1bn then (( y2 - y1) / (cond2bn - cond1bn)) else (( y1 - y2) / (cond1bn - cond2bn)); def lext = if cond2bn > cond1bn then y1 + ((BarNumber() - cond1bn) * slope) else y2 + ((BarNumber() - cond2bn) * slope); input showextendedline = yes; plot lextplot = if showextendedline and BarNumber() >= HighestAll(cond2bn) then lext else Double.NaN; lextplot.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.LINE); lextplot.SetDefaultColor(Color.cyan); lextplot.SetLineWeight(3); # END STUDY
yes, and you will find several examples in this threadHello, Is there a way to plot line with ext between, say... plot x and plot y
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