Hello, I am looking for some help with the above script. Specifically, I am attempting to do two things.
First, I am trying to modify the above script to use as a scanner when there are 3 green boxes in a row. Essentially, I want to find stocks that have increased, or accelerating, earnings over the previous 3 quarters.
I believe it would be with this line:
earnings_date.AssignValueColor(if EPS > EPS[1] then color.dark_green else color.red);
Would I have to use the "and" function? If EPS > EPS [1] and EPS[1] > EPs [2] and EPS[2] > EPS [3]
My second attempt is to look for stocks that have increased from the same quarter of the previous year. I think I worked that out with this:
earnings_date.AssignValueColor(if EPS > EPS[4] then color.dark_green else color.red);
By changing the EPS[1] to EPS[4], would it look at 4 quarters ago? Again, how would I turn this into a scan?