Heikin Ashi For ThinkOrSwim


2019 Donor
I want to play around with pairs trading and using Heikin Ashi on a lower chart with a second symbol. Turns out Heikin Ashi code doesn't seem to work with code not in the upper chart. There seems to be problems with the simple arrays being created. Anybody have some ideas or is this a limitation of thinkscript?
Hi, I understand the need to use heikin ashi candles for the averages and to smooth out the chart. but, is there a way to run normal candlestick bars like a shadow/overlay? I like to watch the exact price point. (Yes I know I can watch the bid/ask, but i like to watch the candle forming). Thanks
@Drgrcrpilot You can use this code below to display Heikin Ashi as a lower study:

# (c) 2009
#Copyright Authorship: ThinkSwimIndicators.com

# >>>                H E I K I N - A S H I   B A R S                  <<< [
#                                                                         [
#                         -----=== O ===-----                             [
#                                                                         [
#****COPYRIGHT NOTICE:  "Heikin-Ashi Bars" is free to use by the general  [
# public. Distribution or modification is prohibited. All content, form,  [
# and style, likewise, is protected by copyright.                         [
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#                         -----=== x ===-----                             [
#                                                                         [
# ThinkSwimIndicators.com  will  CONTINUE  to release FREE indicators--of [
# the  highest quality and caliber--for the Thinkorswim Trading platform, [
# for use by all.  Many of our free indicators surpass the Quality & Use- [
# fulness of indicators offered for "purchase" by other sites. We suggest [
# that  you  visit the free "Learning Center"  at our website for further [
# information on the use of this indicator. "GO: Master the Markets!" (TM)[

declare lower;

def haclose = (open + high + low + close) / 4;
rec haopen = compoundValue(1, (haopen[1] + haclose[1]) / 2, (open[1] +
close[1]) / 2);
def diff = haclose - haopen;

plot HA_Down = if  diff > 0 and diff[1] >= 0 then 0 else 1;
plot HA_Up = if diff < 0 and diff[1] <= 0 then 0 else 1;


This will show you the exact price point on Heikin Ashi

# sdi_closeLevel
plot cl = close;
#hint: plot the close level as a horizontal line with the color determined by its relationship to the heiken-ashi body.
cl.defineColor("above h-a body", color.GREEN);
cl.defineColor("inside h-a body", color.dark_gray);
# author: allen everhart
# date: 7jun2015
cl.defineColor("below h-a body", color.RED);
# copylefts reserved. This is free software. That means you are free
# to use or modify it for your own usage but not for resale.
# Help me get the word out about my blog by keeping this header
# in place.
    if close>ohlc4 && heikinAshiDiff()>0 then cl.color("above h-a body")
    else if close<ohlc4 && heikinAshiDiff()<0 then cl.color("below h-a body")
# copylefts reserved. This is free software. That means you are free
# to use or modify it for your own usage but not for resale.
    else if heikinAshiDiff()<0 and close>ohlc4-heikinAshiDiff() then  cl.color("above h-a body")
    else if heikinAshiDiff()>0 and close<ohlc4-heikinAshiDiff() then cl.color("below h-a body")
    else cl.color("inside h-a body"));
Can’t believe no one has done this but can someone create the “heikin ashi” indicator into the candles? I’m trying to see if it does a better job than the TTM trend. Or if theirs a code out their can someone link it?
What do you mean create the heikin ashi indicator into the candles? Are you trying to display heikin ashi candlesticks on your chart? Or do you want to overlay heikin ashi candles on top of the default candles?
What do you mean create the heikin ashi indicator into the candles? Are you trying to display heikin ashi candlesticks on your chart? Or do you want to overlay heikin ashi candles on top of the default candles?
I’m just looking for the indicator. The coding for it. I’ve looked everywhere. I just want it displayed on my chart, not overlap current candles
@Parker427 Maybe this is what you're looking for? Full credit goes to MTS1 of the TSL.

# HeikinAshiPaintBars_MTSmod180412
# MTS1 1804 based on JQ shared script TSL
# http://tos.mx/jKArTG##
# Updated formula based on http://stockcharts.com/school/doku.php?id=chart_school:chart_analysis:heikin_ashi which seems to match ToS HA Chart

def o = open;
def h = high;
def l = low;
def c = close;
def HAopen;
def HAhigh;
def HAlow;
def HAclose;
HAopen = CompoundValue(1, (haopen[1] + haclose[1]) / 2, (o[1] + c[1]) / 2);
HAhigh = Max(Max(h, haopen), haclose[1]);
HAlow = Min(Min(l, haopen), haclose[1]);
HAclose = (open + high + low + close) / 4;
AssignPricecolor(if haclose > haopen
                 then Color.Green
                 else Color.Red);

and here is a MTF version -

# HeikinAshiPaintBars_MTSmod180412
# MTS1 1804 based on JQ shared script TSL
# http://tos.mx/jKArTG##
# Updated formula based on http://stockcharts.com/school/doku.php?id=chart_school:chart_analysis:heikin_ashi which seems to match ToS HA Chart
# Pensar - added MTF 7/30/2020

input agg = aggregationPeriod.TEN_MIN;

def o = open(period = agg);
def h = high(period = agg);
def l = low(period = agg);
def c = close(period = agg);
def HAopen;
def HAhigh;
def HAlow;
def HAclose;
HAopen = CompoundValue(1, (haopen[1] + haclose[1]) / 2, (o[1] + c[1]) / 2);
HAhigh = Max(Max(h, haopen), haclose[1]);
HAlow = Min(Min(l, haopen), haclose[1]);
HAclose = (o + h + l + c) / 4;
AssignPricecolor(if haclose > haopen
                 then Color.Green
                 else Color.Red);
Does anyone know of a way to combine Heikin Ashi and Japanese candlesticks together in one chart? I'd like a way to see the true price of the bar, which usually isn't shown with HA.
Here is a stupid version to test performance. I didn't spend more than a few minutes on this and I am not familiar with how to use it. Excuse the poor coding and interpretation if I am wrong. You need to add it as a strategy.


#study(title = "Smoothed Heiken Ashi Candles", shorttitle="Smoothed Ha Candles", overlay=true)
#translated and modified by BLT 20170804
#v1 - added HACO (HACOLT by S Vervoot) and HACO_Mod (by D Valcu) smoothing options
#version whatever - added orders for strategy testing by Barbaros

input onlyTradeTime = yes;
input startTime = 930;
input stopTime = 1500;
def tradeTime = if onlyTradeTime then SecondsFromTime(startTime) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(stopTime) >= 0 else yes;

input candleSmoothing = {default HACO, HACO_Mod};

input avg = averageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input len = 8;#=input(10)
def o = movingAverage(avg,open, len);
def c = movingAverage(avg,close, len);
def h = movingAverage(avg,high, len);
def l = movingAverage(avg,low, len);

def HAopen;
def HAclose;
switch(candleSmoothing) {
case HACO:
    haOpen = CompoundValue(1, ( (haOpen[1] + (o[1] + h[1] + l[1] + c[1]) /4)/2), open);
    haClose = ((((O + H + L + C)/4) + haOpen + Max(H, haOpen) + Min(L, haOpen))/4);

case HACO_Mod:

    haOpen = CompoundValue(1, ( (haOpen[1] + (o[1] + h[1] + l[1] + c[1]) /4)/2), open);
    haClose = ((o + h + l + c)/4) ;
def HAhigh    = Max( h, Max( HAopen, HAclose ) );
def HAlow     = Min( l, Min( HAopen, HAclose ) );

input len2 = 17;#input(10)
def o2 = movingAverage(avg,HAopen, len2);
def c2 = movingAverage(avg,HAclose, len2);
def h2 = movingAverage(avg,HAhigh, len2);
def l2 = movingAverage(avg,HAlow, len2);

input charttype=chartType.CANDLE;
def o3 = o2;
def h3 = h2;
def l3 = l2;
def c3 = c2;

input nowicks = yes;

def o4 = if o3<c3 then if nowicks then l3 else o3 else double.nan;
def c4 = if o3<c3 then if nowicks then h3 else c3 else double.nan;
def h4 = if o3<c3 then h3 else double.nan;
def l4 = if o3<c3 then l3 else double.nan;

def o5 = if o3 >=c3 then if nowicks then h3 else o3 else double.nan;
def h5 = h3;
def l5 = l3;
def c5 = if o3 >=c3 then if nowicks then l3 else  c3 else double.nan;

AddOrder(type = OrderType.BUY_AUTO, tradeSize = 1, condition = !isNaN(c4) and tradeTime);
AddOrder(type = OrderType.SELL_AUTO, tradeSize = 1, condition = !isNaN(c5) and tradeTime);

AddOrder(type = OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, tradeSize = 1, condition = !tradeTime);
AddOrder(type = OrderType.BUY_TO_CLOSE, tradeSize = 1, condition = !tradeTime);
I am new here.
Can Someone help build a script to display Heikin Ashi chart as Regular (OHLC) bars? (meaning to use OHLC of Heinkin Ashi bars and dispaly it in regular bars, not candles)?
I found what I was looking for in this post. Some of the questions here was asking for displaying Heinkin Ashi candle on the same chart of the standard candle. I didn't see any code posted, so here it is:

#Draw the Heinkin Ashi candle
def HAhigh;
def HAlow;
def HAclose;
rec HAopen = CompoundValue(1, (HAopen[1] + HAclose[1]) / 2, (open[1] + close[1]) / 2);
HAclose = (open + high + low + close) / 4;
HAhigh = Max(Max(high, HAopen), HAclose[1]);
HAlow = Min(Min(low, HAopen), HAclose[1]);
def HA_open = round(HAopen, 2);
def diff = HAclose - HAopen;

AddChart(HAhigh, HAlow, HA_open, HAclose, type = ChartType.candle, growcolor = color.light_orange);

#Edit the plot for these as boolean type and use up/down arrow to show on your chart if you want to add Heinkin Ashi Signal for trend changing
plot HA_Down = if diff > 0 and diff[1] <= 0 then 1 else 0;
plot HA_Up = if diff < 0 and diff[1] >= 0 then 1 else 0;
Here is a stupid version to test performance. I didn't spend more than a few minutes on this and I am not familiar with how to use it. Excuse the poor coding and interpretation if I am wrong. You need to add it as a strategy.


#study(title = "Smoothed Heiken Ashi Candles", shorttitle="Smoothed Ha Candles", overlay=true)
#translated and modified by BLT 20170804
#v1 - added HACO (HACOLT by S Vervoot) and HACO_Mod (by D Valcu) smoothing options
#version whatever - added orders for strategy testing by Barbaros

input onlyTradeTime = yes;
input startTime = 930;
input stopTime = 1500;
def tradeTime = if onlyTradeTime then SecondsFromTime(startTime) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(stopTime) >= 0 else yes;

input candleSmoothing = {default HACO, HACO_Mod};

input avg = averageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input len = 8;#=input(10)
def o = movingAverage(avg,open, len);
def c = movingAverage(avg,close, len);
def h = movingAverage(avg,high, len);
def l = movingAverage(avg,low, len);

def HAopen;
def HAclose;
switch(candleSmoothing) {
case HACO:
    haOpen = CompoundValue(1, ( (haOpen[1] + (o[1] + h[1] + l[1] + c[1]) /4)/2), open);
    haClose = ((((O + H + L + C)/4) + haOpen + Max(H, haOpen) + Min(L, haOpen))/4);

case HACO_Mod:

    haOpen = CompoundValue(1, ( (haOpen[1] + (o[1] + h[1] + l[1] + c[1]) /4)/2), open);
    haClose = ((o + h + l + c)/4) ;
def HAhigh    = Max( h, Max( HAopen, HAclose ) );
def HAlow     = Min( l, Min( HAopen, HAclose ) );

input len2 = 17;#input(10)
def o2 = movingAverage(avg,HAopen, len2);
def c2 = movingAverage(avg,HAclose, len2);
def h2 = movingAverage(avg,HAhigh, len2);
def l2 = movingAverage(avg,HAlow, len2);

input charttype=chartType.CANDLE;
def o3 = o2;
def h3 = h2;
def l3 = l2;
def c3 = c2;

input nowicks = yes;

def o4 = if o3<c3 then if nowicks then l3 else o3 else double.nan;
def c4 = if o3<c3 then if nowicks then h3 else c3 else double.nan;
def h4 = if o3<c3 then h3 else double.nan;
def l4 = if o3<c3 then l3 else double.nan;

def o5 = if o3 >=c3 then if nowicks then h3 else o3 else double.nan;
def h5 = h3;
def l5 = l3;
def c5 = if o3 >=c3 then if nowicks then l3 else  c3 else double.nan;

AddOrder(type = OrderType.BUY_AUTO, tradeSize = 1, condition = !isNaN(c4) and tradeTime);
AddOrder(type = OrderType.SELL_AUTO, tradeSize = 1, condition = !isNaN(c5) and tradeTime);

AddOrder(type = OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, tradeSize = 1, condition = !tradeTime);
AddOrder(type = OrderType.BUY_TO_CLOSE, tradeSize = 1, condition = !tradeTime);
I was on tradingview and really have been testing this SSS indicator, going to copy paste the code below. I am **** at coding but this was very close to what you posted.
I was not able to use your code above in TOS not sure why or if i need to change some chart settings etc.....
anyways here is a code if anyone can help translate this to thinkscript or update your code with parts of this code.

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © Sultan_shaya

strategy("SSS", overlay=true, initial_capital=1000,currency=currency.USD,default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity,default_qty_value=100,pyramiding=0)
//SSS = Sultan+Saud Strategy

//The original idea of the code belonges to saudALThaidy
//The strategy code is basically made out of two other indicators, edited and combined by me.
// 1- NSDT HAMA Candles => https://www.tradingview.com/script/k7nrF2oI-NSDT-HAMA-Candles/
// 2- SSL Channel => https://www.tradingview.com/script/6y9SkpnV-SSL-Channel/

WickColor = input.color(color.rgb(80, 80, 80, 100), title='Wick Color', tooltip='Suggest Full Transparency.')
LengthMA = input.int(100, minval=1, title='MA Line Length', inline='MA Info')
TakeProfit = input.float(1, minval=0, title='Take Profit Percentage', step=1)
UseStopLose = input.bool(false, title='Use Stop Percentage')
StopLose = input.float(1, minval=0, title='StopLose Percentage', step=1)

MASource = close

ma(source, length, type) =>
    type == "SMA" ? ta.sma(source, length) :
     type == "EMA" ? ta.ema(source, length) :
     type == "SMMA (RMA)" ? ta.rma(source, length) :
     type == "WMA" ? ta.wma(source, length) :
     type == "VWMA" ? ta.vwma(source, length) :

ma1_color  = color.green
ma1 = ma(high, 200, "SMA")

ma2_color  = color.red
ma2 = ma(low, 200, "SMA")

Hlv1 = float(na)
Hlv1 := close > ma1 ? 1 : close < ma2 ? -1 : Hlv1[1]
sslUp1   = Hlv1 < 0 ? ma2 : ma1
sslDown1 = Hlv1 < 0 ? ma1 : ma2

Color1 = Hlv1 == 1 ? ma1_color : ma2_color
fillColor1 = color.new(Color1, 90)

highLine1 = plot(sslUp1, title="UP", linewidth=2, color = Color1)
lowLine1 = plot(sslDown1, title="DOWN", linewidth=2, color = Color1)

OpenLength = 25
HighLength = 20
LowLength = 20
CloseLength = 20

SourceOpen = (open[1] + close[1]) / 2
SourceHigh = math.max(high, close)
SourceLow = math.min(low, close)
SourceClose = (open + high + low + close) / 4

funcCalcMA1(src1, len1) => ta.ema(src1, len1)
funcCalcOpen(SourceOpen, OpenLength) => ta.ema(SourceOpen, OpenLength)
funcCalcHigh(SourceHigh, HighLength) => ta.ema(SourceHigh, HighLength)
funcCalcLow(SourceLow, LowLength) => ta.ema(SourceLow, LowLength)
funcCalcClose(SourceClose, CloseLength) => ta.ema(SourceClose, CloseLength)

MA_1 = funcCalcMA1(MASource, LengthMA)

CandleOpen = funcCalcOpen(SourceOpen, OpenLength)
CandleHigh = funcCalcHigh(SourceHigh, HighLength)
CandleLow = funcCalcLow(SourceLow, LowLength)
CandleClose = funcCalcClose(SourceClose, CloseLength)

//-------------------------------NSDT HAMA Candels
BodyColor = CandleOpen > CandleOpen[1] ? color.green : color.red
plotcandle(CandleOpen, CandleHigh, CandleLow, CandleClose, color=BodyColor, title='HAMA Candles', wickcolor=WickColor, bordercolor=na)
plot(MA_1, title='MA Line', color=BodyColor, style=plot.style_line, linewidth=2)

//------------------------------SSL Channel

plot_buy = false
avg = ((high-low)/2)+low
LongCondition = (Hlv1 == 1 and Hlv1[1] == -1) and (BodyColor == color.green) and (MA_1 < avg) and (CandleHigh < avg) and (strategy.opentrades == 0)
if LongCondition
    strategy.entry("BUY HERE", strategy.long)
    plot_buy := true

base = strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0)
baseProfit = (base+((base/100)*TakeProfit))
baseLose = (base-((base/100)*StopLose))

strategy.exit("SELL HERE","BUY HERE",limit = baseProfit)
if UseStopLose and (close < MA_1)
    strategy.exit("SELL HERE","BUY HERE",stop = baseLose)
if not UseStopLose and (close < MA_1)
    strategy.exit("SELL HERE","BUY HERE", stop = close)
plotshape(plot_buy, title="Buy Label", text="Buy", location=location.belowbar, style=shape.labelup, size=size.tiny, color=Color1, textcolor=color.white)

fill(highLine1, lowLine1, color = fillColor1)
Median Renko Bars
#Chart Setting - Time Axis - Range - 4 Tick - Renko Bars

input period = 1;
input length = 1;
input hideCandles = yes;
input Points = 1.0;

def base = average(MidBodyVal(),length);
def CBB = if (base > high, base[1]+ Points, base - Points);
def CBT = if (base < low, base[1] + Points, base + Points);
def openMA = CompoundValue(1, ExpAverage(open, period), open);
def closeMA = CompoundValue(1, ExpAverage(close, period), close);
def highMA = CompoundValue(1, ExpAverage(high, period), high);
def lowMA = CompoundValue(1, ExpAverage(low, period), low);

def haOpen = CompoundValue(1,((haOpen[1] + (openMA[1] + highMA[1] + lowMA[1] + closeMA[1] + midBodyVal()) / 5.0) / 2.0), open);
def haClose = ((openMA + highMA + lowMA + closeMA) / 4.0) ;
def High_fall = if haOpen >= haClose
then high #then haHigh
else Double.NaN;
def Low_fall = if haOpen >= haClose
then low#then haLow
else Double.NaN;
AddChart(growColor = Color.plum,high = High_fall, low = Low_fall,open = cbt, close = cbb , type = ChartType.CANDLE);
def High_rise = if haOpen <= haClose
then high#then haHigh
else Double.NaN;
def Low_rise = if haOpen <= haClose
then low#then haLow
else Double.NaN;
AddChart(growColor = Color.white, high = High_rise, low = Low_rise, open = cbt, close = cbb, type = ChartType.CANDLE);
Last edited by a moderator:
Here is a Strategy Script using HeikenAshi . Take a look it may give you some ideas.

# Test script Strategy with HeikenAshi  MACD SMA

def buy =
HeikinAshiDiff()."HADiff" from 1 bars ago is less than 0 
and HeikinAshiDiff()."HADiff" is greater than 0 
and close is greater than open 
and low is less than SimpleMovingAvg()."SMA" from 1 bars ago 
and SimpleMovingAvg()."SMA" is greater than or equal to SimpleMovingAvg()."SMA" from 1 bars ago 
and MACDHistogram()."Diff" is greater than or equal to MACDHistogram()."Diff" from 1 bars ago 
HeikinAshiDiff()."HADiff" from 1 bars ago is less than 0 
and HeikinAshiDiff()."HADiff" is greater than 0
and close is greater than open 
and MACDHistogram()."Diff" is greater than MACDHistogram()."Diff" from 1 bars ago

def sell =
HeikinAshiDiff()."HADiff" from 1 bars ago is greater than 0 
and HeikinAshiDiff()."HADiff" is less than 0 
and close is less than open 
and MACDHistogram()."Diff" is less than or equal to MACDHistogram()."Diff" from 1 bars ago
HeikinAshiDiff()."HADiff" from 1 bars ago is greater than 0 
and HeikinAshiDiff()."HADiff" is less than 0 
and close is less than open 
and SimpleMovingAvg()."SMA" is less than or equal to SimpleMovingAvg()."SMA" from 1 bars ago  

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_To_open, buy, name = "CrossoverBUY", tickColor = Color.DARK_RED, arrowColor = Color.DARK_RED);
AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, sell, name = "CrossoverSell", tickColor = Color.DARK_GREEN, arrowColor = Color.DARK_GREEN);
@Parker427 Maybe this is what you're looking for? Full credit goes to MTS1 of the TSL.

# HeikinAshiPaintBars_MTSmod180412
# MTS1 1804 based on JQ shared script TSL
# http://tos.mx/jKArTG##
# Updated formula based on http://stockcharts.com/school/doku.php?id=chart_school:chart_analysis:heikin_ashi which seems to match ToS HA Chart

def o = open;
def h = high;
def l = low;
def c = close;
def HAopen;
def HAhigh;
def HAlow;
def HAclose;
HAopen = CompoundValue(1, (haopen[1] + haclose[1]) / 2, (o[1] + c[1]) / 2);
HAhigh = Max(Max(h, haopen), haclose[1]);
HAlow = Min(Min(l, haopen), haclose[1]);
HAclose = (open + high + low + close) / 4;
AssignPricecolor(if haclose > haopen
                 then Color.Green
                 else Color.Red);

and here is a MTF version -

# HeikinAshiPaintBars_MTSmod180412
# MTS1 1804 based on JQ shared script TSL
# http://tos.mx/jKArTG##
# Updated formula based on http://stockcharts.com/school/doku.php?id=chart_school:chart_analysis:heikin_ashi which seems to match ToS HA Chart
# Pensar - added MTF 7/30/2020

input agg = aggregationPeriod.TEN_MIN;

def o = open(period = agg);
def h = high(period = agg);
def l = low(period = agg);
def c = close(period = agg);
def HAopen;
def HAhigh;
def HAlow;
def HAclose;
HAopen = CompoundValue(1, (haopen[1] + haclose[1]) / 2, (o[1] + c[1]) / 2);
HAhigh = Max(Max(h, haopen), haclose[1]);
HAlow = Min(Min(l, haopen), haclose[1]);
HAclose = (o + h + l + c) / 4;
AssignPricecolor(if haclose > haopen
                 then Color.Green
                 else Color.Red);
this is great anyway to assign the candle sticks different colors??
Here ya go:

At the bottom of the study. Change this:
AssignPricecolor(if haclose > haopen
then Color.Green
else Color.Red);
To this:
DefineGlobalColor("Green", color.green) ;
DefineGlobalColor("Red", color.red) ;
AssignPricecolor(if haclose > haopen
then GlobalColor("Green")
else GlobalColor("Red"));

Creating Global Colors, will allow you to modify the colors to anything you want.
After changing the code:
1. go to the Studies Setup
2. scroll down and click on Global Colors
3. click on the color, then more, then RGB
4. change the color to your preference
5. when saving, make sure to click on Save as Default at the top of Chart Settings. This will save your preferences and apply them to all future charts.

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