Heikin-Ashi Candles Lower Chart For ThinkorSwim (assorted versions)

The same lower study with additional price levels.
#Heiken_Ashi based on Sylvan Verboort's Trading with HA Candlestick Oscillator
#Bon Bon
#Mono Bollinger Bands Created by Peter Luis

declare lower;
input period = 1;
input hideCandles = no;
input candleSmoothing = {default Valcu, Vervoort};
input show_bubble_labels = yes;
input bubbles = yes;
input arrows = yes;
input price_a = FundamentalType.CLOSE;
input aggregationPeriod = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
input averageType_a = AverageType.exponential;
input averageType1 = AverageType.SIMPLE;
input movingAverageType = {default  TEMA, Exponential, Hull };
input timeFrame = {DAY, default WEEK, MONTH};
input showOnlyToday = no;

def H = high(period = timeFrame)[1];
def L = low(period = timeFrame)[1];
def C_1 = close(period = timeFrame)[1];

def calc_PP = (H + L + C_1) / 3;
def calc_R1 =  (2 * calc_PP) - L;
def calc_R2 = calc_PP + H - L;
def calc_R3 = H + 2 * (calc_PP - L);

def calc_S1 = (2 * calc_PP) - H;
def calc_S2 = calc_PP - H + L;
def calc_S3 = L - 2 * (H - calc_PP);
def openMA;
def closeMA;
def highMA;
def lowMA;

switch (movingAverageType) {
case Exponential:
    openMA = CompoundValue(1, ExpAverage(open, period), open);
    closeMA = CompoundValue(1, ExpAverage(close, period), close);
    highMA = CompoundValue(1, ExpAverage(high, period), high);
    lowMA = CompoundValue(1, ExpAverage(low, period), low);
case Hull:
    openMA = CompoundValue(1, HullMovingAvg(open, period), open);
    closeMA = CompoundValue(1,  HullMovingAvg(close, period), close);
    highMA = CompoundValue(1,  HullMovingAvg(high, period), high);
    lowMA = CompoundValue(1,  HullMovingAvg(low, period), low);
case TEMA:
    openMA = CompoundValue(1, TEMA(open, period), open);
    closeMA = CompoundValue(1, TEMA(close, period), close);
    highMA = CompoundValue(1, TEMA(high, period), high);
    lowMA = CompoundValue(1, TEMA(low, period), low);



def haOpen;
def haClose;

switch (candleSmoothing){
case Valcu:
    haOpen = CompoundValue(1, ( (haOpen[1] + (openMA[1] + highMA[1] + lowMA[1] + closeMA[1]) / 4.0) / 2.0), open);
    haClose = ((((openMA + highMA + lowMA + closeMA) / 4.0) + haOpen + Max(highMA, haOpen) + Min(lowMA, haOpen)) / 4.0);
case Vervoort:
    haOpen = CompoundValue(1, ( (haOpen[1] + (openMA[1] + highMA[1] + lowMA[1] + closeMA[1]) / 4.0 ) / 2.0), open);
    haClose = ((((openMA + highMA + lowMA + closeMA) / 4.0) + haOpen + Max(highMA, haOpen) + Min(lowMA, haOpen)) / 4.0);


plot o = haOpen;
o.AssignValueColor(if o > o[1] then Color.cyan else if o < o[1] then Color.magenta else color.gray);
o.SetLineWeight (5);

def haLow =  Min(lowMA, haOpen);
def haHigh = Max(highMA, haOpen);

def avg = 34;
def TMA1 = reference TEMA(haClose, avg); # triple exponential moving average (TEMA) of 34 bars
def TMA2 =  reference TEMA(TMA1, avg);
def Diff = TMA1 - TMA2;
def ZlHa = TMA1 + Diff; #Zero-lagging TEMA average on closing prices - medium term uptrend;

def TMA1_ = reference TEMA((high + low) / 2, avg);
def Diff2 = TMA1_ - TMA2;
def ZlCl = TMA1_ + Diff2; #Zero-lagging TEMA average on closing prices - medium term doenwardtrend;

def ZlDif = ZlCl - ZlHa; # Zero-Lag close - Zero-Lag HA(green candle) Uptrend when ZlDif is equal to or greater than zero

def keep1 = if (haClose >= haOpen and haClose[1] >= haOpen[1]) then 1 else 0;
def keep2 = if ZlDif >= 0 then 1 else 0;
def keep3 = if (AbsValue(close - open) < ((high - low) * 0.35)) and high >= low[1] then 1 else 0;
def keeping = if (keep1 or keep2) then 1 else 0;
def keepall = if keeping or (keeping[1]) and close >= open or close >= (close[1]) then 1 else 0;

def utr = if keepall or (keepall[1]) and keep3 then 1 else 0;

def keep1_ = if (haClose < haOpen and haClose[1] < haOpen[1]) then 1 else 0;
def keep2_ = if ZlDif < 0 then 1 else 0;
def keep3_ = if (AbsValue(close - open) < ((high - low) * 0.35)) and low <= high[1] then 1 else 0;
def keeping_ = if (keep1_ or keep2_) then 1 else 0;
def dkeepall_ = if keeping_ or (keeping_[1]) and close < open or close < (close[1]) then 1 else 0;

def dtr = if dkeepall_ or (dkeepall_[1] - 1) and keep3_ == 1 then 1 else 0;  #downtrend
def upw = if dtr and (dtr[1]) and utr then 1 else 0;
def dnw = if !utr and (utr[1] ) and dtr then 1 else 0;

def results = if upw then 1 else if dnw then 0 else results[1];

input charttype = ChartType.CANDLE;

def haopen_ = if haClose <= haOpen
              then haOpen + 0
             else Double.NaN;

def HAhi   = if haClose <= haOpen
              then haHigh
              else Double.NaN;

def HAlo =   if haClose <= haOpen
              then haLow
              else Double.NaN;

AddChart(growColor = Color.red, neutralColor = Color.CURRENT, high = HAhi, low = HAlo, open = haopen_, close = haClose, type = ChartType.CANDLE);

def HAclose1 = ohlc4;
def HAopen1  = if haClose >= haOpen
               then CompoundValue(1, (haOpen[1] + haClose[1]) / 2, (open[1] + close[1]) / 2)
               else Double.NaN;

def haopen_1 = if haOpen <= haClose
               then HAopen1 + 0  else Double.NaN;

def HAhigh1  = haHigh;
def HAlow1   = haLow;

AddChart(growColor = Color.green, neutralColor = Color.CURRENT,  high = HAhigh1, low = HAlow1, open = haopen_1, close = haClose, type = ChartType.CANDLE);

input price = close;

input displace = 0;

input length = 10;

input Num_Dev_Dn = -1.0;

input Num_Dev_up = 1.0;

def nan  =  Double.NaN;

input averageType = AverageType.SIMPLE;

input fill = yes;

def sDev = StDev(data = price[-displace], length = length);

def MidLine = MovingAverage(averageType, data = price[-displace], length = length);

plot LowerBand = MidLine + Num_Dev_Dn * sDev;

plot UpperBand = MidLine + Num_Dev_up * sDev;

UpperBand.AssignValueColor(if UpperBand > UpperBand[1] then Color.UPTICK else Color.RED);

LowerBand.AssignValueColor(if LowerBand > LowerBand[1] then Color.UPTICK else Color.RED);

AddCloud(UpperBand, LowerBand, Color.GREEN, Color.RED);

def a = (UpperBand > UpperBand[1] and Midline > Midline[1]);
def b = (UpperBand < UpperBand[1] and LowerBand < LowerBand[1]);
def c = (UpperBand > UpperBand[1] and Midline > Midline[1]);
def d = (UpperBand < UpperBand[1] and midline < midline[1]);
def e = average(close)>midline;
def f = midline<average(close);

def Chg      =   If(a, 1, If(b, -1, 0));
def Hold     =   CompoundValue(1, If(Hold[1] == Chg or Chg == 0, Hold[1], If(Chg == 1, 1, -1)), 0);
def Chg_a      =   If((c or e), 1, If((d or f), -1, 0));
def Hold_a     =   CompoundValue(1, If(Hold[1] == Chg or Chg == 0, Hold[1], If(Chg == 1, 1, -1)), 0);
def LBUp     =   if fill and Hold[0] == 1 then lowerBand else nan;
def UBUp     =   if fill and Hold[0] == 1 then upperband else nan;
def LBDn     =   if fill and Hold[0] == -1 then lowerband else nan;
def UBDn     =   if fill and Hold[0] == -1 then upperband else nan;
def MBUP     =   if fill and Hold[0] == 1 then midline else nan;
def MBDn     =   if fill and Hold[0] == -1 then Midline else nan;

DefineGlobalColor("Cloud Up", Color.red);
DefineGlobalColor("Cloud_Up", Color.downtick);
DefineGlobalColor("Cloud_Dn", Color.light_green);
DefineGlobalColor("Cloud Dn", Color.light_green);
AddCloud(LBUp, UBUp, GlobalColor("Cloud Up"), GlobalColor("Cloud Dn"));
AddCloud(LBDn, UBDn, GlobalColor("Cloud Dn"), GlobalColor("Cloud Up"));
AddCloud(MBUp, UBUp, GlobalColor("Cloud_Up"), GlobalColor("Cloud_Dn"));
AddCloud(MBDn, UBDn, GlobalColor("Cloud_Dn"), GlobalColor("Cloud_Up"));

plot Ema5 = MovingAverage(averageType_a, Fundamental(price_a, period = aggregationPeriod), 5);
plot Ema10 = MovingAverage(averageType_a, Fundamental(price_a, period = aggregationPeriod), 10);
plot Ema20 = MovingAverage(averageType_a, Fundamental(price_a, period = aggregationPeriod), 20);
plot Ema50 = MovingAverage(averageType_a, Fundamental(price_a, period = aggregationPeriod), 50);
plot Ema100 = MovingAverage(averageType_a, Fundamental(price_a, period = aggregationPeriod),100);
plot sma200 = MovingAverage(averageType1, Fundamental(price_a, period = aggregationPeriod),200);
ema5.AssignValueColor(if ema5 > ema5[1] then Color.cyan else Color.RED);
ema10.AssignValueColor(if ema10 > ema10[1] then Color.green else Color.light_red);
ema20.AssignValueColor(if ema20 > ema20[1] then Color.white else Color.pink);
ema50.AssignValueColor(if ema50 > ema50[1] then Color.light_green else Color.plum);
ema100.AssignValueColor(if ema100 >ema100[1] then Color.UPTICK else Color.magenta);
sma200.AssignValueColor(if sma200 > sma200[1] then Color.lime else Color.dark_red);

plot R3;
plot R2;
plot R1;
plot PP;
plot S1;
plot S2;
plot S3;

if (showOnlyToday and !IsNaN(close(period = timeFrame)[-1])) or
(getAggregationPeriod() > if timeframe == timeframe.DAY
                          then AggregationPeriod.DAY
                          else if timeframe == timeframe.WEEK
                               then AggregationPeriod.WEEK
                               else AggregationPeriod.MONTH)

then {

    R1 = Double.NaN;
    R2 = Double.NaN;
    R3 = Double.NaN;
    PP = Double.NaN;
    S1 = Double.NaN;
    S2 = Double.NaN;
    S3 = Double.NaN;
else {
 R1 = calc_R1;
    R2 = calc_R2;
    R3 = calc_R3;
    PP = calc_PP;
    S1 = calc_S1;
    S2 = calc_S2;
    S3 = calc_S3;




PP.DefineColor("Color", CreateColor(0, 102, 204));

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I combined regular candles with smoothed Heiken Ashi in a lower study. You can use smoothed the HeiKen Ashi as a moving average to see uptrends or downtrends.
# addchart_peter_redgreen
#Smoothed Heiken Ashi and ATR studies
# https://usethinkscript.com/threads/could-i-have-heikin-ashi-candles-in-lower-section-in-thinkorswim.10428/#post-92406

declare lower;
def o = open;
def h = high;
def l = low;
def c = close;
input period = 10;
input hideCandles = no;
input candleSmoothing = {default Valcu, Vervoort};

input movingAverageType = {Simple, default Exponential, Weighted, Hull, Variable, TEMA};

def openMA;
def closeMA;
def highMA;
def lowMA;

# solid or hollow bars  ( swap open and close)
input solid = yes;

# OHLC UP candle
def UpO;
def UpH;
def UpL;
def UpC;
if o < c
then {
#    UpO = o;
    UpO = if solid then o else c;
    UpH = h;
    UpL = l;
#    UpC = c;
    UpC = if solid then c else o;

} else {
    UpO = Double.NaN;
    UpH = Double.NaN;
    UpL = Double.NaN;
    UpC = Double.NaN;

# OHLC DOWN candle
def DnO;
def DnH;
def DnL;
def DnC;
if o > c
then {
#    DnO = o;
    DnO = if solid then o else c;
    DnH = h;
    DnL = l;
#    DnC = c;
    DnC = if solid then c else o;
} else {
    DnO = Double.NaN;
    DnH = Double.NaN;
    DnL = Double.NaN;
    DnC = Double.NaN;

AddChart(high = UpH, low = UpL, open = UpC, close = UpO, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = Color.GREEN);
AddChart(high = DnH, low = DnL, open = DnO, close = DnC, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = Color.RED);

switch (movingAverageType) {
case Simple:
    openMA = CompoundValue(1, Average(open, period), open);
    closeMA = CompoundValue(1, Average(close, period), close);
    highMA = CompoundValue(1, Average(high, period), high);
    lowMA = CompoundValue(1, Average(low, period), low);
case Exponential:
    openMA = CompoundValue(1, ExpAverage(open, period), open);
    closeMA = CompoundValue(1, ExpAverage(close, period), close);
    highMA = CompoundValue(1, ExpAverage(high, period), high);
    lowMA = CompoundValue(1, ExpAverage(low, period), low);
case Weighted:
    openMA = CompoundValue(1, WMA(open, period), open);
    closeMA = CompoundValue(1, WMA(close, period), close);
    highMA = CompoundValue(1, WMA(high, period), high);
    lowMA = CompoundValue(1, WMA(low, period), low);
case Hull:
    openMA = CompoundValue(1, HullMovingAvg(open, period), open);
    closeMA = CompoundValue(1, HullMovingAvg(close, period), close);
    highMA = CompoundValue(1, HullMovingAvg(high, period), high);
    lowMA = CompoundValue(1, HullMovingAvg(low, period), low);
case Variable:
    openMA = CompoundValue(1, VariableMA(open, period), open);
    closeMA = CompoundValue(1, VariableMA(close, period), close);
    highMA = CompoundValue(1, VariableMA(high, period), high);
    lowMA = CompoundValue(1, VariableMA(low, period), low);
case TEMA:
    openMA = CompoundValue(1, TEMA(open, period), open);
    closeMA = CompoundValue(1, TEMA(close, period), close);
    highMA = CompoundValue(1, TEMA(high, period), high);
    lowMA = CompoundValue(1, TEMA(low, period), low);


def haOpen;
def haClose;

switch (candleSmoothing) {
case Valcu:
    haOpen = CompoundValue(1, ( (haOpen[1] + (openMA[1] + highMA[1] + lowMA[1] + closeMA[1]) / 4.0) / 2.0), open);
    haClose = ((openMA + highMA + lowMA + closeMA) / 4.0) ;
case Vervoort:
    haOpen = CompoundValue(1, ( (haOpen[1] + (openMA[1] + highMA[1] + lowMA[1] + closeMA[1]) / 4.0) / 2.0), open);
    haClose = ((((openMA + highMA + lowMA + closeMA) / 4.0) + haOpen + Max(highMA, haOpen) + Min(lowMA, haOpen)) / 4.0);

plot o1 = haOpen + 0;

def haLow = Min(lowMA, haOpen);
def haHigh = Max(highMA, haOpen);

def haOpen_fall = if haOpen > haClose
              then haOpen
              else Double.NaN;
def haHigh_fall   = if haOpen >= haClose
              then haHigh
              else Double.NaN;
def haLow_fall    = if haOpen >= haClose
              then haLow
              else Double.NaN;
def haClose_fall    = if haOpen >= haClose
              then haClose
              else Double.NaN;

AddChart(growColor = Color.PLUM, fallColor = Color.BLUE, neutralColor = Color.CURRENT, high = haHigh_fall, low = haLow_fall, open = haOpen_fall, close = haClose_fall , type = ChartType.CANDLE);

def haOpen_rise = if haOpen < haClose
                then haClose
                else Double.NaN;
def haHigh_rise  = if haOpen <= haClose
              then haHigh
              else Double.NaN;
def haLow_rise   = if haOpen <= haClose
              then haLow
              else Double.NaN;
def haClose_rise   = if haOpen <= haClose
              then haOpen
              else Double.NaN;

AddChart(growColor = Color.BLUE, fallColor = Color.PLUM, neutralColor = Color.CURRENT, high = haHigh_rise, low = haLow_rise, open = haOpen_rise, close = haClose_rise, type = ChartType.CANDLE);

input TradeInFlatRange = Yes;
input BarsForFlatRange = 4;
input BarsReqToStayInRange = 8;

def HH = Highest(high[1], BarsForFlatRange);
def LL = Lowest(low[1], BarsForFlatRange);
def maxH = Highest(HH, BarsReqToStayInRange);
def maxL = Lowest(LL, BarsReqToStayInRange);
def HHn = if maxH == maxH[1] or maxL == maxL then maxH else HHn[1];
def LLn = if maxH == maxH[1] or maxL == maxL then maxL else LLn[1];
def Bh = if high <= HHn and HHn == HHn[1] then HHn else Double.NaN;
def Bl = if low >= LLn and LLn == LLn[1] then LLn else Double.NaN;
def CountH = if IsNaN(Bh) or IsNaN(Bl) then 2 else CountH[1] + 1;
def CountL = if IsNaN(Bh) or IsNaN(Bl) then 2 else CountL[1] + 1;
def ExpH = if BarNumber() == 1 then Double.NaN else
            if CountH[-BarsReqToStayInRange] >= BarsReqToStayInRange then HHn[-BarsReqToStayInRange] else
            if high <= ExpH[1] then ExpH[1] else Double.NaN;
def ExpL = if BarNumber() == 1 then Double.NaN else
            if CountL[-BarsReqToStayInRange] >= BarsReqToStayInRange then LLn[-BarsReqToStayInRange] else
            if low >= ExpL[1] then ExpL[1] else Double.NaN;

def BoxHigh = if !IsNaN(ExpL) and !IsNaN(ExpH) then ExpH else Double.NaN;
def BoxLow = if !IsNaN(ExpL) and !IsNaN(ExpH) then ExpL else Double.NaN;

AddCloud( BoxHigh, BoxLow, Color.GRAY, Color.GRAY);

def Flat = if (!IsNaN(BoxHigh[1]) and !IsNaN(BoxLow[1])) and !TradeInFlatRange then 1 else 0;

input trailType = {default modified, unmodified};
input ATRPeriod = 7;
input ATRFactor = 2.5;
input firstTrade = {default long, short};
input averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;

Assert(ATRFactor > 0, "'atr factor' must be positive: " + ATRFactor);

def HiLo = Min(high - low, 1.5 * Average(high - low, ATRPeriod));
def HRef = if low <= high[1]
    then high - close[1]
    else (high - close[1]) - 0.5 * (low - high[1]);
def LRef = if high >= low[1]
    then close[1] - low
    else (close[1] - low) - 0.5 * (low[1] - high);

def trueRange;
switch (trailType) {
case modified:
    trueRange = Max(HiLo, Max(HRef, LRef));
case unmodified:
    trueRange = TrueRange(high, close, low);
def loss = ATRFactor * MovingAverage(averageType, trueRange, ATRPeriod);

def state = {default init, long, short};
def trail;
switch (state[1]) {
case init:
    if (!IsNaN(loss)) {
        switch (firstTrade) {
        case long:
            state = state.long;
            trail =  close - loss;
        case short:
            state = state.short;
            trail = close + loss;
    } else {
        state = state.init;
        trail = Double.NaN;
case long:
    if (close > trail[1]) {
        state = state.long;
        trail = Max(trail[1], close - loss);
    } else {
        state = state.short;
        trail = close + loss;
case short:
    if (close < trail[1]) {
        state = state.short;
        trail = Min(trail[1], close + loss);
    } else {
        state = state.long;
        trail =  close - loss;

What does the gray box that appears at times indicate?

I have been testing this version of SHA and like it
I figure it out to show normal candles in a lower study. I would like to know how to add borders to down and up candles.

declare lower;
def o = open;
def h = high;
def l = low;
def c = close;
def UpO;
def UpH;
def UpL;
def UpC;
if o < c
then {
    UpO = o;
    UpH = h;
    UpL = l;
    UpC = c;
} else {
    UpO = Double.NaN;
    UpH = Double.NaN;
    UpL = Double.NaN;
    UpC = Double.NaN;

# OHLC DOWN candle
def DnO;
def DnH;
def DnL;
def DnC;
if o > c
then {
    DnO = o;
    DnH = h;
    DnL = l;
    DnC = c;
} else {
    DnO = Double.NaN;
    DnH = Double.NaN;
    DnL = Double.NaN;
    DnC = Double.NaN;
AddChart(high = UpH, low = UpL, open = UpC, close = UpO, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = Color.GREEN);
AddChart(high = DnH, low = DnL, open = DnO, close = DnC, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = Color.RED);
If o = c I end up with a blank space on the chart. How do I fix this?
Last edited:
I'm trying to create Heiken Ashi bars in a lower window. I created the following code, but I keep getting an error message referring to the HAOpen, "recs are not used inside FunctionClass{scriptMethodName='addchart'} call at 9:45." Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

declare lower;

def haClose = ohlc4;
def haOpen = (haOpen[1] + haClose[1]) / 2;
def haHigh = Max(high, Max(haClose, haOpen));
def haLow = Min(low, Min(haClose, haOpen));

AddChart(high = HAhigh, low = HAlow, open = HAOpen, close = HAClose, growColor = Color.LIGHT_GREEN, fallColor = Color.RED, neutralColor = Color.GRAY, type = ChartType.CANDLE);

# End
keep on experimenting and trying things, that's how i learned.
search the site for addchart( and look at examples.

don't know what you mean by, borders?
if you mean hollow candles, then you swap the open and close numbers

# addchart_peter_redgreen

# https://usethinkscript.com/threads/could-i-have-heikin-ashi-candles-in-lower-section-in-thinkorswim.10428/#post-92406

declare lower;
def o = open;
def h = high;
def l = low;
def c = close;

# solid or hollow bars  ( swap open and close)
input solid = yes;

# OHLC UP candle
def UpO;
def UpH;
def UpL;
def UpC;
if o < c
then {
#    UpO = o;
    UpO = if solid then o else c;
    UpH = h;
    UpL = l;
#    UpC = c;
    UpC = if solid then c else o;

} else {
    UpO = Double.NaN;
    UpH = Double.NaN;
    UpL = Double.NaN;
    UpC = Double.NaN;

# OHLC DOWN candle
def DnO;
def DnH;
def DnL;
def DnC;
if o > c
then {
#    DnO = o;
    DnO = if solid then o else c;
    DnH = h;
    DnL = l;
#    DnC = c;
    DnC = if solid then c else o;
} else {
    DnO = Double.NaN;
    DnH = Double.NaN;
    DnL = Double.NaN;
    DnC = Double.NaN;

AddChart(high = UpH, low = UpL, open = UpC, close = UpO, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = Color.GREEN);
AddChart(high = DnH, low = DnL, open = DnO, close = DnC, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = Color.RED);
I don't believe I've made a mistake on this. Pasting this code gives me regular candles in the lower study, not heikin-ashi. Did I do something wrong, and if not, would you know how I can make them heikin-ashi? Thanks!
I don't believe I've made a mistake on this. Pasting this code gives me regular candles in the lower study, not heikin-ashi. Did I do something wrong, and if not, would you know how I can make them heikin-ashi? Thanks!
After a lot experimentation, I came up with this. It seems to work.

declare lower;

def c = ohlc4;
def o = CompoundValue(1, (o[1] + c[1]) / 2, c[0]);
def h = Max(high, Max(close, open));
def l = Min(low, Min(close, open));

# OHLC UP candle
def UpO;
def UpH;
def UpL;
def UpC;
if o < c
then {
    UpO = o;
    UpH = h;
    UpL = l;
    UpC = c;
} else {
    UpO = Double.NaN;
    UpH = Double.NaN;
    UpL = Double.NaN;
    UpC = Double.NaN;

# OHLC DOWN candle
def DnO;
def DnH;
def DnL;
def DnC;
if o > c
then {
    DnO = o;
    DnH = h;
    DnL = l;
    DnC = c;
} else {
    DnO = Double.NaN;
    DnH = Double.NaN;
    DnL = Double.NaN;
    DnC = Double.NaN;

AddChart(high = UpH, low = UpL, open = UpC, close = UpO, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = Color.GREEN);
AddChart(high = DnH, low = DnL, open = DnO, close = DnC, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = Color.RED);
# end
I combined regular candles with smoothed Heiken Ashi in a lower study. You can use smoothed the HeiKen Ashi as a moving average to see uptrends or downtrends.
# addchart_peter_redgreen
#Smoothed Heiken Ashi and ATR studies
# https://usethinkscript.com/threads/could-i-have-heikin-ashi-candles-in-lower-section-in-thinkorswim.10428/#post-92406

declare lower;
def o = open;
def h = high;
def l = low;
def c = close;
input period = 10;
input hideCandles = no;
input candleSmoothing = {default Valcu, Vervoort};

input movingAverageType = {Simple, default Exponential, Weighted, Hull, Variable, TEMA};

def openMA;
def closeMA;
def highMA;
def lowMA;

# solid or hollow bars  ( swap open and close)
input solid = yes;

# OHLC UP candle
def UpO;
def UpH;
def UpL;
def UpC;
if o < c
then {
#    UpO = o;
    UpO = if solid then o else c;
    UpH = h;
    UpL = l;
#    UpC = c;
    UpC = if solid then c else o;

} else {
    UpO = Double.NaN;
    UpH = Double.NaN;
    UpL = Double.NaN;
    UpC = Double.NaN;

# OHLC DOWN candle
def DnO;
def DnH;
def DnL;
def DnC;
if o > c
then {
#    DnO = o;
    DnO = if solid then o else c;
    DnH = h;
    DnL = l;
#    DnC = c;
    DnC = if solid then c else o;
} else {
    DnO = Double.NaN;
    DnH = Double.NaN;
    DnL = Double.NaN;
    DnC = Double.NaN;

AddChart(high = UpH, low = UpL, open = UpC, close = UpO, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = Color.GREEN);
AddChart(high = DnH, low = DnL, open = DnO, close = DnC, type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = Color.RED);

switch (movingAverageType) {
case Simple:
    openMA = CompoundValue(1, Average(open, period), open);
    closeMA = CompoundValue(1, Average(close, period), close);
    highMA = CompoundValue(1, Average(high, period), high);
    lowMA = CompoundValue(1, Average(low, period), low);
case Exponential:
    openMA = CompoundValue(1, ExpAverage(open, period), open);
    closeMA = CompoundValue(1, ExpAverage(close, period), close);
    highMA = CompoundValue(1, ExpAverage(high, period), high);
    lowMA = CompoundValue(1, ExpAverage(low, period), low);
case Weighted:
    openMA = CompoundValue(1, WMA(open, period), open);
    closeMA = CompoundValue(1, WMA(close, period), close);
    highMA = CompoundValue(1, WMA(high, period), high);
    lowMA = CompoundValue(1, WMA(low, period), low);
case Hull:
    openMA = CompoundValue(1, HullMovingAvg(open, period), open);
    closeMA = CompoundValue(1, HullMovingAvg(close, period), close);
    highMA = CompoundValue(1, HullMovingAvg(high, period), high);
    lowMA = CompoundValue(1, HullMovingAvg(low, period), low);
case Variable:
    openMA = CompoundValue(1, VariableMA(open, period), open);
    closeMA = CompoundValue(1, VariableMA(close, period), close);
    highMA = CompoundValue(1, VariableMA(high, period), high);
    lowMA = CompoundValue(1, VariableMA(low, period), low);
case TEMA:
    openMA = CompoundValue(1, TEMA(open, period), open);
    closeMA = CompoundValue(1, TEMA(close, period), close);
    highMA = CompoundValue(1, TEMA(high, period), high);
    lowMA = CompoundValue(1, TEMA(low, period), low);


def haOpen;
def haClose;

switch (candleSmoothing) {
case Valcu:
    haOpen = CompoundValue(1, ( (haOpen[1] + (openMA[1] + highMA[1] + lowMA[1] + closeMA[1]) / 4.0) / 2.0), open);
    haClose = ((openMA + highMA + lowMA + closeMA) / 4.0) ;
case Vervoort:
    haOpen = CompoundValue(1, ( (haOpen[1] + (openMA[1] + highMA[1] + lowMA[1] + closeMA[1]) / 4.0) / 2.0), open);
    haClose = ((((openMA + highMA + lowMA + closeMA) / 4.0) + haOpen + Max(highMA, haOpen) + Min(lowMA, haOpen)) / 4.0);

plot o1 = haOpen + 0;

def haLow = Min(lowMA, haOpen);
def haHigh = Max(highMA, haOpen);

def haOpen_fall = if haOpen > haClose
              then haOpen
              else Double.NaN;
def haHigh_fall   = if haOpen >= haClose
              then haHigh
              else Double.NaN;
def haLow_fall    = if haOpen >= haClose
              then haLow
              else Double.NaN;
def haClose_fall    = if haOpen >= haClose
              then haClose
              else Double.NaN;

AddChart(growColor = Color.PLUM, fallColor = Color.BLUE, neutralColor = Color.CURRENT, high = haHigh_fall, low = haLow_fall, open = haOpen_fall, close = haClose_fall , type = ChartType.CANDLE);

def haOpen_rise = if haOpen < haClose
                then haClose
                else Double.NaN;
def haHigh_rise  = if haOpen <= haClose
              then haHigh
              else Double.NaN;
def haLow_rise   = if haOpen <= haClose
              then haLow
              else Double.NaN;
def haClose_rise   = if haOpen <= haClose
              then haOpen
              else Double.NaN;

AddChart(growColor = Color.BLUE, fallColor = Color.PLUM, neutralColor = Color.CURRENT, high = haHigh_rise, low = haLow_rise, open = haOpen_rise, close = haClose_rise, type = ChartType.CANDLE);

input TradeInFlatRange = Yes;
input BarsForFlatRange = 4;
input BarsReqToStayInRange = 8;

def HH = Highest(high[1], BarsForFlatRange);
def LL = Lowest(low[1], BarsForFlatRange);
def maxH = Highest(HH, BarsReqToStayInRange);
def maxL = Lowest(LL, BarsReqToStayInRange);
def HHn = if maxH == maxH[1] or maxL == maxL then maxH else HHn[1];
def LLn = if maxH == maxH[1] or maxL == maxL then maxL else LLn[1];
def Bh = if high <= HHn and HHn == HHn[1] then HHn else Double.NaN;
def Bl = if low >= LLn and LLn == LLn[1] then LLn else Double.NaN;
def CountH = if IsNaN(Bh) or IsNaN(Bl) then 2 else CountH[1] + 1;
def CountL = if IsNaN(Bh) or IsNaN(Bl) then 2 else CountL[1] + 1;
def ExpH = if BarNumber() == 1 then Double.NaN else
            if CountH[-BarsReqToStayInRange] >= BarsReqToStayInRange then HHn[-BarsReqToStayInRange] else
            if high <= ExpH[1] then ExpH[1] else Double.NaN;
def ExpL = if BarNumber() == 1 then Double.NaN else
            if CountL[-BarsReqToStayInRange] >= BarsReqToStayInRange then LLn[-BarsReqToStayInRange] else
            if low >= ExpL[1] then ExpL[1] else Double.NaN;

def BoxHigh = if !IsNaN(ExpL) and !IsNaN(ExpH) then ExpH else Double.NaN;
def BoxLow = if !IsNaN(ExpL) and !IsNaN(ExpH) then ExpL else Double.NaN;

AddCloud( BoxHigh, BoxLow, Color.GRAY, Color.GRAY);

def Flat = if (!IsNaN(BoxHigh[1]) and !IsNaN(BoxLow[1])) and !TradeInFlatRange then 1 else 0;

input trailType = {default modified, unmodified};
input ATRPeriod = 7;
input ATRFactor = 2.5;
input firstTrade = {default long, short};
input averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;

Assert(ATRFactor > 0, "'atr factor' must be positive: " + ATRFactor);

def HiLo = Min(high - low, 1.5 * Average(high - low, ATRPeriod));
def HRef = if low <= high[1]
    then high - close[1]
    else (high - close[1]) - 0.5 * (low - high[1]);
def LRef = if high >= low[1]
    then close[1] - low
    else (close[1] - low) - 0.5 * (low[1] - high);

def trueRange;
switch (trailType) {
case modified:
    trueRange = Max(HiLo, Max(HRef, LRef));
case unmodified:
    trueRange = TrueRange(high, close, low);
def loss = ATRFactor * MovingAverage(averageType, trueRange, ATRPeriod);

def state = {default init, long, short};
def trail;
switch (state[1]) {
case init:
    if (!IsNaN(loss)) {
        switch (firstTrade) {
        case long:
            state = state.long;
            trail =  close - loss;
        case short:
            state = state.short;
            trail = close + loss;
    } else {
        state = state.init;
        trail = Double.NaN;
case long:
    if (close > trail[1]) {
        state = state.long;
        trail = Max(trail[1], close - loss);
    } else {
        state = state.short;
        trail = close + loss;
case short:
    if (close < trail[1]) {
        state = state.short;
        trail = Min(trail[1], close + loss);
    } else {
        state = state.long;
        trail =  close - loss;

Can u add to change color of the candle. i want normal candle darker than the smoothed Heiken Ashi candle. Thanks

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