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The FVG Instantaneous Mitigation Signals indicator detects and highlights "instantaneously" mitigated fair value gaps (FVG), that is FVGs that get mitigated one bar after their creation, returning signals upon mitigation.
Take profit/stop loss areas, as well as a trailing stop loss are also included to complement the signals.
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#// Indicator for TOS
#// © LuxAlgo
#indicator("FVG Instantaneous Mitigation Signals [LuxAlgo]", "LuxAlgo - FVG Instantaneous Mitigation Signals",
# converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 08/2024
input colorInTradeBars = yes;
input FvgWidthFilter = 0.0; # 'FVG Width Filter'
input showTpArea = no; # 'TP Area'
input tpMultiplier = 4.0; # 'Multiplier'
input showSlArea = no; # 'SL Area'
input slMultiplier = 2.0; # 'Multiplier'
#//Trailing Stop
input ResetTrailingStop = {default "Every Signals", "Inverse Signals"}; # 'Reset Trailing Stop'
input TrailingStopMultiplier = 3.0; #, 'Multiplier'
input showBullishImfvg = yes; #(true, 'Bullish IMFVG', inline = 'bull', group = 'Style')
input showBullishAverage = yes; #(true, 'Average', inline = 'bull', group = 'Style')
input showBearishImfvg = yes; # 'Bearish IMFVG', inline = 'bear', group = 'Style')
input showBearishAverage = yes; # 'Average', inline = 'bear', group = 'Style')
def na = Double.NaN;
def all = ResetTrailingStop==ResetTrailingStop."Every Signals";
DefineGlobalColor("up", Color.LIGHT_GREEN); #CreateColor(0, 137, 123));
DefineGlobalColor("dn", Color.DOWNTICK); #CreateColor(242, 54, 69));
script tpsl {
input condition = close;
input opposite_condition = no;
input level = close;
input islong = yes;
input tpMult = 4;
input slMult = 2;
input showTp = yes;
input showSl = yes;
def na = Double.NaN;
def atr = ATR(Length = 200);
def tp_area;
def sl_area;
def entry;
def reached1;
def reached;
if condition {
if islong {
entry = level;
tp_area = if showTp then level + atr * tpMult else na;
sl_area = if showSl then level - atr * slMult else na;
} else {
entry = level;
tp_area = if showTp then level - atr * tpMult else na;
sl_area = if showSl then level + atr * slMult else na;
reached1 = no;
} else {
reached1 = if opposite_condition then yes else reached[1];
entry = if (showTp or showSl) then entry[1] else na;
tp_area = if showTp then tp_area[1] else na;
sl_area = if showSl then sl_area[1] else na;
if islong {
reached = if high > tp_area or low < sl_area then yes else reached1;
} else {
reached = if low < tp_area or high > sl_area then yes else reached1;
plot enter = if !reached then entry else na;
plot tp = if !reached then tp_area else na;
plot sl = if !reached then sl_area else na;
plot reach = reached;
script trailing_stop {
input trigger = 0;
input trend = 0;
input mult = 3.0;
def atr = ATR(Length = 200);
def nATR = atr * mult;
def up = close - nATR;
def dn = close + nATR;
def ts;
def reached;
if trigger {
ts = if trend == 1 then up else dn;
# if trend == 0 then dn else ts[1];
reached = no;
} else {
ts = if trend == 1 then
if close - ts[1] > nATR then up else ts[1] else
# if trend == 0 then
if ts[1] - close > nATR then dn else ts[1]; # else ts[1];
reached = if close < ts and trend == 1 then yes else
if close > ts and trend == 0 then yes else reached[1];
plot trailing = if ts then ts else Double.NaN;
plot reach = if !isNaN(reached) then reached else no;
script filter {
input a = high;
input b = low;
input filterWidth = 0;
def nATR = ATR(Length = 200) * filterWidth;
def filter = (a - b) > nATR ;
plot out = filter;
def l = low;
def l1 = low[1];
def l2 = low[2];
def l3 = low[3];
def h = high;
def h1 = high[1];
def h2 = high[2];
def h3 = high[3];
def c = close;
def c2 = close[2];
def filterBull = filter(l3, h1, FvgWidthFilter);
def filterBear = filter(l1, h3, FvgWidthFilter);
def bull = l3 > h1 and c2 < l3 and c > l3 and filterBull and showBullishImfvg;
def bear = l1 > h3 and c2 > h3 and c < h3 and filterBear and showBearishImfvg;
def avgBull = (l3 + h1) / 2;
def avgBear = (l1 + h3) / 2;
#//Bullish Signals
def cntBull;
def bull_line;
def impBullTop;
def impBullBot;
def labelBull;
def bull_lvl_reached;
#//Set bullish tpsl zones
if bull {
cntBull = 0;
impBullTop = h1;
impBullBot = l3;
bull_line = if showBullishAverage then avgBull else na;
labelBull = l;
} else {
cntBull = cntBull[1] + 1;
impBullTop = if cntBull > 3 then na else impBullTop[1];
impBullBot = if cntBull > 3 then na else impBullBot[1];
bull_line = if bull_lvl_reached[1] then na else bull_line[1];
labelBull = no;
bull_lvl_reached = !showBullishAverage or close < bull_line;
#//Set bearish tpsl zones
def cntBear;
def bear_line;
def impBearTop;
def impBearBot;
def labelBear;
def bear_lvl_reached;
if bear {
cntBear = 0;
impBearTop = h3;
impBearBot = l1;
bear_line = if showBearishAverage then avgBear else na;
labelBear = h;
} else {
cntBear = cntBear[1] + 1;
impBearTop = if cntBear > 3 then na else impBearTop[1];
impBearBot = if cntBear > 3 then na else impBearBot[1];
bear_line = if bear_lvl_reached[1] then na else bear_line[1];
labelBear = no;
bear_lvl_reached = !showBearishAverage or close > bear_line;
#//Trailing Stop
def ImbalanceBullTop = impBullTop[-3];
def ImbalanceBullBot = impBullBot[-3];
def ImbalanceBearTop = impBearTop[-3];
def ImbalanceBearBot = impBearBot[-3];
def bull_Entry = tpsl(bull, bear, avgBull, yes, tpMultiplier, slMultiplier, showTpArea, showSlArea).enter;
def bull_TP = tpsl(bull, bear, avgBull, yes, tpMultiplier, slMultiplier, showTpArea, showSlArea).tp;
def bull_SL = tpsl(bull, bear, avgBull, yes, tpMultiplier, slMultiplier, showTpArea, showSlArea).sl;
def bull_reached = tpsl(bull, bear, avgBull, yes, tpMultiplier, slMultiplier, showTpArea, showSlArea).reach;
def bear_Entry = tpsl(bear, bull, avgBear, no, tpMultiplier, slMultiplier, showTpArea, showSlArea).enter;
def bear_TP = tpsl(bear, bull, avgBear, no, tpMultiplier, slMultiplier, showTpArea, showSlArea).tp;
def bear_SL = tpsl(bear, bull, avgBear, no, tpMultiplier, slMultiplier, showTpArea, showSlArea).sl;
def bear_reached = tpsl(bear, bull, avgBear, no, tpMultiplier, slMultiplier, showTpArea, showSlArea).reach;
def os = if bull then 1 else if bear then 0 else os[1];
def ts_reset = if all then (bull or bear) else (os != os[1]);
def ts = trailing_stop(ts_reset, os, TrailingStopMultiplier).trailing;
def ts_reached = trailing_stop(ts_reset, os, TrailingStopMultiplier).reach;
def tsCond = ts_reached or bull or bear;
plot TrailingStop = if tsCond then na else ts;
plot avgBullLine = if cntBull[-1]!=0 and bull_line then bull_line else na;
plot avgBearLine = if cntBear[-1]!=0 and bear_line then bear_line else na;
plot entryBull = if bull_Entry then bull_Entry else na;
plot tpBull = if bull_TP then bull_TP else na;
plot slBull = if bull_SL then bull_SL else na;
plot entryBear = if bear_Entry then bear_Entry else na;
plot tpBear = if bear_TP then bear_TP else na;
plot slBear = if bear_SL then bear_SL else na;
TrailingStop.AssignValueColor(if os then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
AddCloud(tpBull, entryBull, Color.DARK_GREEN);
AddCloud(entryBull, slBull, Color.DARK_RED);
AddCloud(entryBear, tpBear, Color.DARK_GREEN);
AddCloud(slBear, entryBear, Color.DARK_RED);
AddCloud(ImbalanceBullTop, ImbalanceBullBot, Color.CYAN, Color.CYAN, yes);
AddCloud(ImbalanceBearTop, ImbalanceBearBot, Color.MAGENTA, Color.MAGENTA, yes);
AddChartBubble(labelBull, labelBull, "B", Color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(labelBear, labelBear, "S", Color.RED);
def barCol = if ts_reached then 0 else
if os == 1 and !bull_reached then 1 else
if os == 0 and !bear_reached then -1 else 0;
AssignPriceColor(if !colorInTradeBars then Color.CURRENT else
if barCol > 0 then Color.CYAN else
if barCol < 0 then Color.MAGENTA else Color.CURRENT);
#-- END of CODE