Flag Pattern based strategy

Hi, pictured in the image is a rising wedge on a daily chart and the blue arrow is the strong bearish candle body (x) times larger than the previous bearish candle. The Rising wedge than breaks down. There are specific parameters to locating this criterion of rising wedge. I would like to add this rising wedge in a strategy so I can back test it to occur along with the bearish candle. AKA "When Strong Bearish candle is (x) times larger than previous candle and is breaking downward from rising wedge enter trade".

I can't seem to find any information on incorporating a Rising wedge pattern or any of the classic patterns. Is this even possible or would I need to use a third party to back test something like this?

Main@thinkorswim [build 1982] 8_28_2024 9_13_07 AM.png
Hi, pictured in the image is a rising wedge on a daily chart and the blue arrow is the strong bearish candle body (x) times larger than the previous bearish candle. The Rising wedge than breaks down. There are specific parameters to locating this criterion of rising wedge. I would like to add this rising wedge in a strategy so I can back test it to occur along with the bearish candle. AKA "When Strong Bearish candle is (x) times larger than previous candle and is breaking downward from rising wedge enter trade".

I can't seem to find any information on incorporating a Rising wedge pattern or any of the classic patterns. Is this even possible or would I need to use a third party to back test something like this?

Hi, pictured in the image is a rising wedge on a daily chart and the blue arrow is the strong bearish candle body (x) times larger than the previous bearish candle. The Rising wedge than breaks down. There are specific parameters to locating this criterion of rising wedge. I would like to add this rising wedge in a strategy so I can back test it to occur along with the bearish candle. AKA "When Strong Bearish candle is (x) times larger than previous candle and is breaking downward from rising wedge enter trade".

I can't seem to find any information on incorporating a Rising wedge pattern or any of the classic patterns. Is this even possible or would I need to use a third party to back test something like this?


to add lines to the chart,
at top right, click on patterns
select patterns
double click on rising wedge
click on ok.
it will attempt to draw lines for wedges, but it does a horrible job.

to try to program something,
look at your image, what has to happen for a wedge?
..find peaks and valleys
..draw lines that connect peaks, draw lines that connect valleys
..draw lines that extend from last peak and valley. check if a bar crosses one of these extended lines

this finds peaks and draws lines

this post is asking for the same thing, with different words,

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