Repaints ZigZag High Low with Supply & Demand Zones for ThinkorSwim



Staff member
Here is the ZigZag High Low indicator with Supply and Demand Zones. In addition to that, we also have Fibonacci extension, alerts, reversal signals, and price change shown in bubbles style. You can adjust these features to your liking after adding the indicator.


thinkScript Code

Rich (BB code):
# Archive Name: ZigZag High Low with Supply DemandIndex and Fibs_Linus_Lar
# Archive Section: Scripts
# Suggested Tos Name: ZigZagHighLow_SupplyDemand_FibExtensions_LinusLar
# Archive Date:
# Archive Notes:

#TOS version ZigZagHighLow modified in part by Linus' and Lar's code
input bubbleoffset = .0005;
input percentamount = .01;
input revAmount = .15;
input atrreversal = 1.0;
input atrlength = 5;
def zz = ZigZagHighLow("price h" = high, "price l" = low, "percentage reversal" = percentAmount, "absolute reversal" = revAmount, "atr length" =atrlength, "atr reversal" = atrreversal);
def reversalAmount        = if (close * percentamount / 100) > Max(revAmount < atrreversal * atrlength, revAmount) then (close * percentamount / 100) else if revAmount < atrreversal * atrlength then atrreversal * atrlength else revAmount;
rec zzSave = if !IsNaN(zz) then zz else GetValue(zzSave, 1);
def chg = (if zzSave == high then high else low) - GetValue(zzSave, 1);
def isUp = chg >= 0;
rec isConf = AbsValue(chg) >= reversalAmount or (IsNaN(GetValue(zz, 1)) and GetValue(isConf, 1));
def zzd = if isUp then 1 else 0;
plot zzp = if zzd <= 1 then zz else Double.NaN;
zzp.AssignValueColor(if zzd == 1 then Color.GREEN else if zzd == 0 then Color.RED else Color.DARK_ORANGE);

#Price Change between zigzags
def xxhigh = if zzSave == high then  high else xxhigh[1];
def chghigh = high - xxhigh[1];
def xxlow = if zzSave == low then low else xxlow[1];
def chglow = low - xxlow[1];
input showBubbleschange = yes;
AddChartBubble(showBubbleschange and !IsNaN(zz) and BarNumber() != 1, if isUp then high * (1 + bubbleoffset)  else low * (1 - bubbleoffset)   , "$" + chg , if isUp and chghigh > 0 then Color.GREEN else if isUp and chghigh < 0 then Color.RED else if isUp then Color.YELLOW else if !isUp and chglow > 0 then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow < 0 then Color.RED else Color.YELLOW, isUp);

#Price at High/Low
input showBubblesprice = no;
AddChartBubble(showBubblesprice and !IsNaN(zz) and BarNumber() != 1, if isUp then high * (1 + bubbleoffset)  else low * (1 - bubbleoffset)   , if isUp then "$" + high else "$" + low , if isUp and chghigh > 0 then Color.GREEN else if isUp and chghigh < 0 then Color.RED else if isUp then Color.YELLOW else if !isUp and chglow > 0 then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow < 0 then Color.RED else Color.YELLOW, isUp);

#Label for Confirmed/Unconfirmed Status of Current Zigzag
AddLabel(BarNumber() != 1, (if isConf then "Confirmed " else "Unconfirmed ") + "ZigZag: " + chg, if !isConf then Color.DARK_ORANGE else if isUp then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

#Bar Count between zigzags
rec zzcount = if zzSave[1] != zzSave then 1 else if zzSave[1] == zzSave then zzcount[1] + 1 else 0;
def zzcounthilo   =  if zzcounthilo[1] == 0 and (zzSave == high or zzSave == low) then 1 else if zzSave == high or zzSave == low then zzcounthilo[1] + 1 else zzcounthilo[1];
def zzhilo = if zzSave == high or zzSave == low then zzcounthilo else zzcounthilo + 1;
def zzcounthigh = if zzSave == high then zzcount[1] else Double.NaN;
def zzcountlow =  if zzSave == low then zzcount[1] else Double.NaN;
input showBubblesbarcount = no;
AddChartBubble(showBubblesbarcount and !IsNaN(zz) and BarNumber() != 1, if isUp then high * (1 + bubbleoffset)  else low * (1 - bubbleoffset)  , if zzSave == high then zzcounthigh else zzcountlow, if isUp and chghigh > 0 then Color.GREEN else if isUp and chghigh < 0 then Color.RED else if isUp then Color.YELLOW else if !isUp and chglow > 0 then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow < 0 then Color.RED else Color.YELLOW, if isUp then yes else no );

def zzL = if !IsNaN(zz) and !isUp then low else GetValue(zzL, 1);
def zzH = if !IsNaN(zz) and isUp then high else GetValue(zzH, 1);
def dir = CompoundValue(1, if zzL != zzL[1] or low==zzl[1] and low==zzsave then 1 else if zzH != zzH[1] or high==zzh[1] and high==zzsave then -1 else dir[1], 0);
def signal = CompoundValue(1, if dir > 0 and low > zzL then if signal[1] <= 0 then 1 else signal[1] else if dir < 0 and high < zzH then if signal[1] >= 0 then -1 else signal[1]    else signal[1], 0);
input showarrows = no;
plot U1 = showarrows and signal > 0 and signal[1] <= 0;
plot D1 = showarrows and signal < 0 and signal[1] >= 0;

input usealerts = no;
Alert(usealerts and U1, "ZIG-UP", Alert.BAR, Sound.Bell);
Alert(usealerts and D1, "ZAG-DOWN", Alert.BAR, Sound.Chimes);

#Supply Demand Areas
rec data1 = CompoundValue(1, if (zzSave == high or zzSave == low) then data1[1] + 1 else data1[1], 0);
def datacount1 = (HighestAll(data1) - data1[1]);
input numbersuppdemandtoshow = 2;
input showSupplyDemand = {default Pivot, Arrow, None};
def idx = if showSupplyDemand == showSupplyDemand.Pivot then 1 else 0;
def rLow;
def rHigh;
if signal crosses 0 {
    rLow = low[idx];
    rHigh = high[idx];
} else {
    rLow = rLow[1];
    rHigh = rHigh[1];
plot HighLine = if datacount1 <= numbersuppdemandtoshow and showSupplyDemand != showSupplyDemand.None and !isNaN(close) and rHigh != 0 then rHigh else Double.NaN;
HighLine.AssignValueColor(if signal > 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

plot LowLine = if datacount1 <= numbersuppdemandtoshow and  showSupplyDemand != showSupplyDemand.None and !isNaN(close) and rLow != 0 then rLow else Double.NaN;
LowLine.AssignValueColor(if signal > 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

def hlUp = if signal > 0 then HighLine else Double.NaN;
def hlDn = if signal < 0 then HighLine else Double.NaN;

input showsupplydemandcloud = yes;
AddCloud(if showsupplydemandcloud then hlUp else double.nan, LowLine, Color.LIGHT_GREEN, Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
AddCloud(if showsupplydemandcloud then hlDn else double.nan, LowLine, Color.LIGHT_RED, Color.LIGHT_RED);

#Store Previous Data
def zzsave1 = if !IsNaN(zzSave) then zzSave else zzsave1[1];
def zzsave2 = zzsave1;
rec priorzz1 = if zzsave2  != zzsave2[1]  then zzsave2[1]  else priorzz1[1];
rec priorzz2 = if priorzz1 != priorzz1[1] then priorzz1[1] else priorzz2[1];
rec priorzz3 = if priorzz2 != priorzz2[1] then priorzz2[1] else priorzz3[1];

#Fibonacci Extensions
rec data = CompoundValue(1, if (zzSave == high or zzSave == low) then data[1] + 1 else data[1], 0);
def datacount = (HighestAll(data) - data[1]);
input numberextfibstoshow = 2;
rec cpo = if dir[1] != dir then 0 else 1;
input showFibExtLines = yes;
input showtodayonly = no;
def today = if showtodayonly == yes then GetDay() == GetLastDay() else GetDay();
def extfib1 = if zzSave == high then high - AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) * 1
else extfib1[1];
plot extfib100 = if datacount <= numberextfibstoshow and today and showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(extfib1) and dir < 0 and cpo != 0 then extfib1[1] else Double.NaN;
def extfib1a = if zzSave == high then high - AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) * 0.382
else extfib1a[1];
plot extfib382 = if datacount <= numberextfibstoshow and today and showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(extfib1a) and dir < 0 and cpo != 0 then extfib1a[1] else Double.NaN;
def extfib2 = if zzSave == high then high - AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) *
0.618 else extfib2[1];
plot extfib618 = if datacount <= numberextfibstoshow and today and showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(extfib2) and dir < 0 and cpo != 0  then extfib2[1] else Double.NaN;
def extfib3 = if zzSave == high then high - AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) *
1.618 else extfib3[1];
plot extfib1618 = if datacount <= numberextfibstoshow and today and showFibExtLines and  !IsNaN(extfib3) and dir < 0  and cpo != 0  then extfib3[1] else Double.NaN;
def extfib3a = if zzSave == high then high - AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) *
2.000 else extfib3a[1];
plot extfib2000 = if datacount <= numberextfibstoshow and today and showFibExtLines and  !IsNaN(extfib3a) and dir < 0  and cpo != 0  then extfib3a[1] else Double.NaN;
def extfib4 = if zzSave == high then high - AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) *
2.618 else extfib4[1];
plot extfib2618 = if  datacount <= numberextfibstoshow and today and showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(extfib4) and dir < 0  and cpo != 0  then extfib4[1] else Double.NaN;
def extfib5 = if zzSave == high then high - AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) *
3.618 else extfib5[1];
plot extfib3618 = if  datacount <= numberextfibstoshow and today and showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(extfib5) and dir < 0  and cpo != 0  then extfib5[1] else Double.NaN;
def extfib1_ = if zzSave == low then low + AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) * 1
else extfib1_[1];
plot extfib100_ = if datacount <= numberextfibstoshow and today and showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(extfib1_) and dir > 0 and cpo != 0 then extfib1_[1] else Double.NaN;
def extfib1a_ = if zzSave == low then low + AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) * 0.382
else extfib1a_[1];
plot extfib382_ = if datacount <= numberextfibstoshow and today and showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(extfib1a_) and dir > 0 and cpo != 0 then extfib1a_[1] else Double.NaN;
def extfib2_ = if zzSave == low then low + AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) *
0.618 else extfib2_[1];
plot extfib618_ = if datacount <= numberextfibstoshow and today and showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(extfib2_) and dir > 0  and cpo != 0  then extfib2_[1] else Double.NaN;
def extfib3_ = if zzSave == low then low + AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) *
1.618 else extfib3_[1];
plot extfib1618_ = if datacount <= numberextfibstoshow and today and showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(extfib3_) and dir > 0  and cpo != 0  then extfib3_[1] else Double.NaN;
def extfib3a_ = if zzSave == low then low + AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) *
2.000 else extfib3a_[1];
plot extfib2000_ = if datacount <= numberextfibstoshow and today and showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(extfib3a_) and dir > 0  and cpo != 0  then extfib3a_[1] else Double.NaN;
def extfib4_ = if zzSave == low then low + AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) *
2.618 else extfib4_[1];
plot extfib2618_ = if datacount <= numberextfibstoshow and today and showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(extfib4_) and dir > 0  and cpo != 0  then extfib4_[1]  else Double.NaN;
def extfib5_ = if zzSave == low then low + AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) *
3.618 else extfib5_[1];
plot extfib3618_ = if datacount <= numberextfibstoshow and today and showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(extfib5_) and dir > 0  and cpo != 0  then extfib5_[1]  else Double.NaN;
input fibextbubblespacesinexpansion = 8;
def b = fibextbubblespacesinexpansion;
def direction = if !isUp then 1 else 0;
AddChartBubble( direction[b + 1] == 1 and showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(close[b + 1]) and IsNaN(close), extfib1[b + 2], "100%", Color.RED, no);
AddChartBubble( direction[b + 1] == 1 and showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(close[b + 1]) and IsNaN(close), extfib1a[b + 2], "38.2%", Color.RED, no);
AddChartBubble( direction[b + 1] == 1 and showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(close[b + 1]) and IsNaN(close), extfib2[b + 2], "61.8%", Color.RED, no);
AddChartBubble( direction[b + 1] == 1 and showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(close[b + 1]) and IsNaN(close), extfib3[b + 2], "161.8%", Color.RED, no);
AddChartBubble( direction[b + 1] == 1 and showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(close[b + 1]) and IsNaN(close), extfib3a[b + 2], "200%", Color.RED, no);
AddChartBubble( direction[b + 1] == 1 and showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(close[b + 1]) and IsNaN(close), extfib4[b + 2], "261.8%", Color.RED, no);
AddChartBubble( direction[b + 1] == 1 and showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(close[b + 1]) and IsNaN(close), extfib5[b + 2], "361.8%", Color.RED, no);
AddChartBubble( direction[b + 1] == 0 and showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(close[b + 1]) and IsNaN(close), extfib1_[b + 2], "100%", Color.GREEN, yes);
AddChartBubble( direction[b + 1] == 0 and showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(close[b + 1]) and IsNaN(close), extfib1a_[b + 2], "38.2%", Color.GREEN, yes);
AddChartBubble( direction[b + 1] == 0 and showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(close[b + 1]) and IsNaN(close), extfib2_[b + 2], "61.8%", Color.GREEN, yes);
AddChartBubble( direction[b + 1] == 0 and showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(close[b + 1]) and IsNaN(close), extfib3_[b + 2], "161.8%", Color.GREEN, yes);
AddChartBubble( direction[b + 1] == 0 and showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(close[b + 1]) and IsNaN(close), extfib3a_[b + 2], "200%", Color.GREEN, yes);
AddChartBubble( direction[b + 1] == 0 and showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(close[b + 1]) and IsNaN(close), extfib4_[b + 2], "261.8%", Color.GREEN, yes);
AddChartBubble( direction[b + 1] == 0 and showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(close[b + 1]) and IsNaN(close), extfib5_[b + 2], "361.8%", Color.GREEN, yes);

#Volume at Reversals
def vol = if BarNumber() == 0 then 0 else volume + vol[1];
def vol1 = if BarNumber() == 1 then volume else vol1[1];
def xxvol = if zzSave == high or zzSave == low then TotalSum(volume) else xxvol[1];
def chgvol =  if xxvol - xxvol[1] + vol1 == vol then vol else xxvol - xxvol[1];
input showBubblesVolume = no;
AddChartBubble(showBubblesVolume and !IsNaN(zz) and BarNumber() != 1, if isUp then high * (1 + bubbleoffset)  else low * (1 - bubbleoffset), chgvol,if isUp and chghigh > 0 then Color.GREEN else if isUp and chghigh < 0 then Color.RED else if isUp then Color.YELLOW else if !isUp and chglow > 0 then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow < 0 then Color.RED else Color.YELLOW, if isUp then yes else no );

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Join useThinkScript to post your question to a community of 21,000+ developers and traders.

Is there a way to use this on the daily chart and make it plot daily levels for the pivots automatically?
I added this indicator to my ThinkOrSwim but nothing is displaying. Any thoughts as to why it wouldn't be functioning?
@jjclay If you're seeing part of the indicator then it's working. You just have to go to the indicator's settings page and enable the option for supply and demand zones.
Yes I think I have it configured to show the supply and demand but I don't seem to be able to paste an image here. I'll keep looking. Thanks for all of your help.
Hi Robert,

I'm using the zig zag indicator posted by @BenTen here:

I would like to plot a line at the zig zag highs and lows and have the line extended indefinitely to the right.

I have tried two options, neither of them work:

Option 1 extends the lines, but not indefinitely. The high line extends until the next high starts, and the low line extends until the next low line starts.

Option 2 extends the lines, but it creates an extended line only the length of the original line and if the length of the extension is greater than the length of the original line, it puts in spaces between the original line and the new line.

Any suggestions on what I need to do to have the high and low lines extend indefinitely to the right?

Here is the code that I've tried (inserting it just below the Price Change between zigzags section:

#Extend S&R Lines indefinitely to the right (WIP)
#Option 1
plot xxxhigh = xxhigh;

plot xxxlow = xxlow;

#Option 2
input pp = 1;
plot xxxhigh4 = fold index = 1 to pp + 1 with p = 1 do xxhigh[200];

The code that @netarchitech linked is quite old. I have since developed better methods.

I'll give an example below.

For this example, we will be projecting the low point of the last few 10 bar swing low points. We will start with this code to identify those points.

# define swing low points
input length = 10;
def bn = BarNumber();
def lastBar = HighestAll(if IsNaN(close) then 0 else bn);
def offset = Min(length - 1, lastBar - bn);
def swingLow = low < Lowest(low[1], length - 1) and low == GetValue(Lowest(low, length), -offset);
# change candle colors just to make it easier to see what we are working with
AssignPriceColor(if swingLow then Color.LIME else Color.DARK_GRAY);


# identify the very last swing low point
def lowPointOneBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingLow then bn else 0);
def lowPointOneValue = if bn == lowPointOneBarNumber then low else lowPointOneValue[1];
plot low1 = if bn < lowPointOneBarNumber then Double.NaN else lowPointOneValue;


# identify the 2nd to last swing low point
def lowPointTwoBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingLow and bn < lowPointOneBarNumber then bn else 0);
def lowPointTwoValue = if bn == lowPointTwoBarNumber then low else lowPointTwoValue[1];
plot low2 = if bn < lowPointTwoBarNumber then Double.NaN else lowPointTwoValue;


#  +------------------------------------------------------------+
#  |  Example: How to extend levels to the right of the chart   |
#  |                        Robert Payne                        |
#  |                    |
#  +------------------------------------------------------------+
# define swing low points
input length = 10;
def bn = BarNumber();
def lastBar = HighestAll(if IsNaN(close) then 0 else bn);
def offset = Min(length - 1, lastBar - bn);
def swingLow = low < Lowest(low[1], length - 1) and low == GetValue(Lowest(low, length), -offset);

# change candle colors just to make it easier to see what we are working with
AssignPriceColor(if swingLow then Color.LIME else Color.DARK_GRAY);

# identify the very last swing low point
def lowPointOneBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingLow then bn else 0);
def lowPointOneValue = if bn == lowPointOneBarNumber then low else lowPointOneValue[1];
plot low1 = if bn < lowPointOneBarNumber then Double.NaN else lowPointOneValue;

# identify the 2nd to last swing low point
def lowPointTwoBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingLow and bn < lowPointOneBarNumber then bn else 0);
def lowPointTwoValue = if bn == lowPointTwoBarNumber then low else lowPointTwoValue[1];
plot low2 = if bn < lowPointTwoBarNumber then Double.NaN else lowPointTwoValue;

# just keep doing ths for as many lines as you want to add to the chart
def lowPointThreeBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingLow and bn < lowPointTwoBarNumber then bn else 0);
def lowPointThreeValue = if bn == lowPointThreeBarNumber then low else lowPointThreeValue[1];
plot low3 = if bn < lowPointThreeBarNumber then Double.NaN else lowPointThreeValue;



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ty @RobertPayne, very helpful.

# just keep doing ths for as many lines as you want to add to the chart

So is it correct to conclude that it's not possible with thinkScript to setup a loop where the script will draw lines on all swing h/l points and extend them to the right of the chart?

Ideally, I was looking at including an input variable that would allow me to change the number of lines drawn per chart and not hard code the number of lines to be drawn.
Correct. A plot is just a variable that displays its value on the screen. A variable can only hold ONE value at a time. That's why when you try to do it with a single plot, the line stops when a new swing point is identified. That is, you can have the variable remember the old swing point's value, but when a new swing point is encountered, the old value is discarded and the new value is remembered.

# define swing low points
input length = 10;
def bn = BarNumber();
def lastBar = HighestAll(if IsNaN(close) then 0 else bn);
def offset = Min(length - 1, lastBar - bn);
def swingLow = low < Lowest(low[1], length - 1) and low == GetValue(Lowest(low, length), -offset);
# change candle colors just to make it easier to see what we are working with
AssignPriceColor(if swingLow then Color.LIME else Color.DARK_GRAY);

# using a single plot to show the swing low points
def l1 = if swingLow then low else l1[1];
plot low1 = l1;


In order to have two lines overlapping (both lines extending to the right of the chart) requires TWO plot lines because two different values must be displayed simultaneously---the new swing point and the old swing point.


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Ben, do you or anyone know how to get the code for ThinkorSwim function
ZigZagHighLow? I really like the arrows but cannot seem to find a way to see the code behind the function???

Also, I'm new to this forum so not sure how to get a reply if anyone does respond :) I guess I'll check back...

And THANK YOU in advance for any help!!!
@Rick8026 There are a couple ZigZag indicators built into ThinkorSwim. You should be able to find them in your Studies.
Thanks for the VERY quick response.

I was wondering how I could get the CODE behind the functions? Is this possible? I'm new to ThinkOrSwim and can't seem to find this...
@Rick8026 Once you add one of the ZigZag indicators into your Studies, you can left click on it and select View sources.
@BenTen, I noticed that Fibonacci Extensions % bubble shows multiple time, Please guide me how to fix and please let me know how to add the price next to Fib %.
Quick question what does the number after confirmed zigzag mean in the label, thank you

The number in the label after a confirmed Zig Zag is the difference in price between the Zig Zag High and the Zig Zag Low.
For example if the Zig Zag High = $76.28 and the Zig Zag Low = $73.68, that number that is being reported is the difference of those 2 numbers

Hope this helps

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