#Example_Prior Day_POC_Extended_until_Crossed_v1
#20171027 - BLT... chat request by Tb8... using parts of TOS VolumeProfile study to define POC
#Black lines are extended until POC crossed
#20210407 - BLT... usethinkscript request ... modified original c crosses criteria to high/low crosses/touches criteria... maybe easier to change criteria in the future by replacing parts of the 'or' statement to by what is desired (used notepad to find and replace criteria)
# VolumeProfile
# TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. (c) 2010-2017
def height = PricePerRow.TICKSIZE;
input timePerProfile = {CHART, MINUTE, HOUR, default DAY, WEEK, MONTH, "OPT EXP", BAR};
input multiplier = 1;
input profiles = 1000;
input valueAreaPercent = 70;
def period;
def yyyymmdd = GetYYYYMMDD();
def seconds = SecondsFromTime(0);
def month = GetYear() * 12 + GetMonth();
def day_number = DaysFromDate(First(yyyymmdd)) + GetDayOfWeek(First(yyyymmdd));
def dom = GetDayOfMonth(yyyymmdd);
def dow = GetDayOfWeek(yyyymmdd - dom + 1);
def expthismonth = (if dow > 5 then 27 else 20) - dow;
def exp_opt = month + (dom > expthismonth);
switch (timePerProfile) {
case CHART:
period = 0;
case MINUTE:
period = Floor(seconds / 60 + day_number * 24 * 60);
case HOUR:
period = Floor(seconds / 3600 + day_number * 24);
case DAY:
period = CountTradingDays(Min(First(yyyymmdd), yyyymmdd), yyyymmdd) - 1;
case WEEK:
period = Floor(day_number / 7);
case MONTH:
period = Floor(month - First(month));
case "OPT EXP":
period = exp_opt - First(exp_opt);
case BAR:
period = BarNumber() - 1;
def count = CompoundValue(1, if period != period[1] then (count[1] + period - period[1]) % multiplier else count[1], 0);
def cond = count < count[1] + period - period[1];
profile vol = VolumeProfile("startNewProfile" = cond, "numberOfProfiles" = profiles, "pricePerRow" = height, "value area percent" = valueAreaPercent, onExpansion = no);
def HVA = if IsNaN(vol.GetHighestValueArea()) then HVA[1] else vol.GetHighestValueArea();
def pHVA = CompoundValue(1, if cond then HVA[1] else pHVA[1], Double.NaN);
def LVA = if IsNaN(vol.GetLowestValueArea()) then LVA[1] else vol.GetLowestValueArea();
def pLVA = CompoundValue(1, if cond then LVA[1] else pLVA[1], Double.NaN);
#Define Prior POC Calc.
def POC = if IsNaN(vol.GetPointOfControl()) and cond then POC[1] else vol.GetPointOfControl();
def pPOC = CompoundValue (1, if cond then POC[1] else pPOC[1], Double.NaN);
def CurHVA = HVA;
def CurLVA = LVA;
def PrevHVA = pHVA;
def PrevLVA = pLVA;
#Plot Prior POC
def xppoc = if period != period[1] then 1 else if xppoc[1] == 1 and high + TickSize() crosses pPOC or low - TickSize() crosses pPOC then 0 else xppoc[1];
plot PrevPOC = pPOC;
#20171027 - Additional Code for Limited Extended POC plot request by Tb8
input debug = no;
plot xx = if !debug then Double.NaN else period;
input c = close;#change this to some other price if desired
input h = high;
input l = low;
#Extends Plot of pPOC (Point of Control) for each day to the right
def p1a = if period == 90 then pPOC else p1a[1];
def p2a = if period == 89 then pPOC else p2a[1];
def p3a = if period == 88 then pPOC else p3a[1];
def p4a = if period == 87 then pPOC else p4a[1];
def p5a = if period == 86 then pPOC else p5a[1];
def p6a = if period == 85 then pPOC else p6a[1];
def p7a = if period == 84 then pPOC else p7a[1];
def p8a = if period == 83 then pPOC else p8a[1];
def p9a = if period == 82 then pPOC else p9a[1];
def p10a = if period == 81 then pPOC else p10a[1];
def p11a = if period == 80 then pPOC else p11a[1];
def p12a = if period == 79 then pPOC else p12a[1];
def p13a = if period == 78 then pPOC else p13a[1];
def p14a = if period == 77 then pPOC else p14a[1];
def p15a = if period == 76 then pPOC else p15a[1];
def p16a = if period == 75 then pPOC else p16a[1];
def p17a = if period == 74 then pPOC else p17a[1];
def p18a = if period == 73 then pPOC else p18a[1];
def p19a = if period == 72 then pPOC else p19a[1];
def p20a = if period == 71 then pPOC else p20a[1];
def p1b = if period == 70 then pPOC else p1b[1];
def p2b = if period == 69 then pPOC else p2b[1];
def p3b = if period == 68 then pPOC else p3b[1];
def p4b = if period == 67 then pPOC else p4b[1];
def p5b = if period == 66 then pPOC else p5b[1];
def p6b = if period == 65 then pPOC else p6b[1];
def p7b = if period == 64 then pPOC else p7b[1];
def p8b = if period == 63 then pPOC else p8b[1];
def p9b = if period == 62 then pPOC else p9b[1];
def p10b = if period == 61 then pPOC else p10b[1];
def p11b = if period == 60 then pPOC else p11b[1];
def p12b = if period == 59 then pPOC else p12b[1];
def p13b = if period == 58 then pPOC else p13b[1];
def p14b = if period == 57 then pPOC else p14b[1];
def p15b = if period == 56 then pPOC else p15b[1];
def p16b = if period == 55 then pPOC else p16b[1];
def p17b = if period == 54 then pPOC else p17b[1];
def p18b = if period == 53 then pPOC else p18b[1];
def p19b = if period == 52 then pPOC else p19b[1];
def p20b = if period == 51 then pPOC else p20b[1];
def p1c = if period == 50 then pPOC else p1c[1];
def p2c = if period == 49 then pPOC else p2c[1];
def p3c = if period == 48 then pPOC else p3c[1];
def p4c = if period == 47 then pPOC else p4c[1];
def p5c = if period == 46 then pPOC else p5c[1];
def p6c = if period == 45 then pPOC else p6c[1];
def p7c = if period == 44 then pPOC else p7c[1];
def p8c = if period == 43 then pPOC else p8c[1];
def p9c = if period == 42 then pPOC else p9c[1];
def p10c = if period == 41 then pPOC else p10c[1];
def p11c = if period == 40 then pPOC else p11c[1];
def p12c = if period == 39 then pPOC else p12c[1];
def p13c = if period == 38 then pPOC else p13c[1];
def p14c = if period == 37 then pPOC else p14c[1];
def p15c = if period == 36 then pPOC else p15c[1];
def p16c = if period == 35 then pPOC else p16c[1];
def p17c = if period == 34 then pPOC else p17c[1];
def p18c = if period == 33 then pPOC else p18c[1];
def p19c = if period == 32 then pPOC else p19c[1];
def p20c = if period == 31 then pPOC else p20c[1];
def p1d = if period == 30 then pPOC else p1d[1];
def p2d = if period == 29 then pPOC else p2d[1];
def p3d = if period == 28 then pPOC else p3d[1];
def p4d = if period == 27 then pPOC else p4d[1];
def p5d = if period == 26 then pPOC else p5d[1];
def p6d = if period == 25 then pPOC else p6d[1];
def p7d = if period == 24 then pPOC else p7d[1];
def p8d = if period == 23 then pPOC else p8d[1];
def p9d = if period == 22 then pPOC else p9d[1];
def p10d = if period == 21 then pPOC else p10d[1];
def p1 = if period == 20 then pPOC else p1[1];
def p2 = if period == 19 then pPOC else p2[1];
def p3 = if period == 18 then pPOC else p3[1];
def p4 = if period == 17 then pPOC else p4[1];
def p5 = if period == 16 then pPOC else p5[1];
def p6 = if period == 15 then pPOC else p6[1];
def p7 = if period == 14 then pPOC else p7[1];
def p8 = if period == 13 then pPOC else p8[1];
def p9 = if period == 12 then pPOC else p9[1];
def p10 = if period == 11 then pPOC else p10[1];
def p11 = if period == 10 then pPOC else p11[1];
def p12 = if period == 9 then pPOC else p12[1];
def p13 = if period == 8 then pPOC else p13[1];
def p14 = if period == 7 then pPOC else p14[1];
def p15 = if period == 6 then pPOC else p15[1];
def p16 = if period == 5 then pPOC else p16[1];
def p17 = if period == 4 then pPOC else p17[1];
def p18 = if period == 3 then pPOC else p18[1];
def p19 = if period == 2 then pPOC else p19[1];
def p20 = if period == 1 then pPOC else p20[1];
#Defines Crossing of 'c'(can be defined to be other prices) and a POC at any point after the extended POC line is plotted... initially this is defined as a one.. once crossed it becomes zero
def xp1a = if period[1] == 89 and period == 90 then 1 else if xp1a[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p1a or l - TickSize() crosses p1a then 0 else xp1a[1];
def xp2a = if period[1] == 88 and period == 89 then 1 else if xp2a[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p2a or l - TickSize() crosses p2a then 0 else xp2a[1];
def xp3a = if period[1] == 87 and period == 88 then 1 else if xp3a[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p3a or l - TickSize() crosses p3a then 0 else xp3a[1];
def xp4a = if period[1] == 86 and period == 87 then 1 else if xp4a[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p4a or l - TickSize() crosses p4a then 0 else xp4a[1];
def xp5a = if period[1] == 85 and period == 86 then 1 else if xp5a[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p5a or l - TickSize() crosses p5a then 0 else xp5a[1];
def xp6a = if period[1] == 84 and period == 85 then 1 else if xp6a[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p6a or l - TickSize() crosses p6a then 0 else xp6a[1];
def xp7a = if period[1] == 83 and period == 84 then 1 else if xp7a[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p7a or l - TickSize() crosses p7a then 0 else xp7a[1];
def xp8a = if period[1] == 82 and period == 83 then 1 else if xp8a[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p8a or l - TickSize() crosses p8a then 0 else xp8a[1];
def xp9a = if period[1] == 81 and period == 82 then 1 else if xp9a[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p9a or l - TickSize() crosses p9a then 0 else xp9a[1];
def xp10a = if period[1] == 80 and period == 81 then 1 else if xp10a[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p10a or l - TickSize() crosses p10a then 0 else xp10a[1];
def xp11a = if period[1] == 79 and period == 80 then 1 else if xp11a[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p11a or l - TickSize() crosses p11a then 0 else xp11a[1];
def xp12a = if period[1] == 78 and period == 79 then 1 else if xp12a[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p12a or l - TickSize() crosses p12a then 0 else xp12a[1];
def xp13a = if period[1] == 77 and period == 78 then 1 else if xp13a[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p13a or l - TickSize() crosses p13a then 0 else xp13a[1];
def xp14a = if period[1] == 76 and period == 77 then 1 else if xp14a[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p14a or l - TickSize() crosses p14a then 0 else xp14a[1];
def xp15a = if period[1] == 75 and period == 76 then 1 else if xp15a[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p15a or l - TickSize() crosses p15a then 0 else xp15a[1];
def xp16a = if period[1] == 74 and period == 75 then 1 else if xp16a[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p16a or l - TickSize() crosses p16a then 0 else xp16a[1];
def xp17a = if period[1] == 73 and period == 74 then 1 else if xp17a[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p17a or l - TickSize() crosses p17a then 0 else xp17a[1];
def xp18a = if period[1] == 72 and period == 73 then 1 else if xp18a[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p18a or l - TickSize() crosses p18a then 0 else xp18a[1];
def xp19a = if period[1] == 71 and period == 72 then 1 else if xp19a[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p19a or l - TickSize() crosses p19a then 0 else xp19a[1];
def xp20a = if period[1] == 70 and period == 71 then 1 else if xp20a[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p20a or l - TickSize() crosses p20a then 0 else xp20a[1];
def xp1b = if period[1] == 69 and period == 70 then 1 else if xp1b[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p1b or l - TickSize() crosses p1b then 0 else xp1b[1];
def xp2b = if period[1] == 68 and period == 69 then 1 else if xp2b[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p2b or l - TickSize() crosses p2b then 0 else xp2b[1];
def xp3b = if period[1] == 67 and period == 68 then 1 else if xp3b[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p3b or l - TickSize() crosses p3b then 0 else xp3b[1];
def xp4b = if period[1] == 66 and period == 67 then 1 else if xp4b[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p4b or l - TickSize() crosses p4b then 0 else xp4b[1];
def xp5b = if period[1] == 65 and period == 66 then 1 else if xp5b[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p5b or l - TickSize() crosses p5b then 0 else xp5b[1];
def xp6b = if period[1] == 64 and period == 65 then 1 else if xp6b[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p6b or l - TickSize() crosses p6b then 0 else xp6b[1];
def xp7b = if period[1] == 63 and period == 64 then 1 else if xp7b[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p7b or l - TickSize() crosses p7b then 0 else xp7b[1];
def xp8b = if period[1] == 62 and period == 63 then 1 else if xp8b[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p8b or l - TickSize() crosses p8b then 0 else xp8b[1];
def xp9b = if period[1] == 61 and period == 62 then 1 else if xp9b[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p9b or l - TickSize() crosses p9b then 0 else xp9b[1];
def xp10b = if period[1] == 60 and period == 61 then 1 else if xp10b[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p10b or l - TickSize() crosses p10b then 0 else xp10b[1];
def xp11b = if period[1] == 59 and period == 60 then 1 else if xp11b[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p11b or l - TickSize() crosses p11b then 0 else xp11b[1];
def xp12b = if period[1] == 58 and period == 59 then 1 else if xp12b[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p12b or l - TickSize() crosses p12b then 0 else xp12b[1];
def xp13b = if period[1] == 57 and period == 58 then 1 else if xp13b[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p13b or l - TickSize() crosses p13b then 0 else xp13b[1];
def xp14b = if period[1] == 56 and period == 57 then 1 else if xp14b[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p14b or l - TickSize() crosses p14b then 0 else xp14b[1];
def xp15b = if period[1] == 55 and period == 56 then 1 else if xp15b[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p15b or l - TickSize() crosses p15b then 0 else xp15b[1];
def xp16b = if period[1] == 54 and period == 55 then 1 else if xp16b[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p16b or l - TickSize() crosses p16b then 0 else xp16b[1];
def xp17b = if period[1] == 53 and period == 54 then 1 else if xp17b[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p17b or l - TickSize() crosses p17b then 0 else xp17b[1];
def xp18b = if period[1] == 52 and period == 53 then 1 else if xp18b[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p18b or l - TickSize() crosses p18b then 0 else xp18b[1];
def xp19b = if period[1] == 51 and period == 52 then 1 else if xp19b[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p19b or l - TickSize() crosses p19b then 0 else xp19b[1];
def xp20b = if period[1] == 50 and period == 51 then 1 else if xp20b[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p20b or l - TickSize() crosses p20b then 0 else xp20b[1];
def xp1c = if period[1] == 49 and period == 50 then 1 else if xp1c[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p1c or l - TickSize() crosses p1c then 0 else xp1c[1];
def xp2c = if period[1] == 48 and period == 49 then 1 else if xp2c[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p2c or l - TickSize() crosses p2c then 0 else xp2c[1];
def xp3c = if period[1] == 47 and period == 48 then 1 else if xp3c[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p3c or l - TickSize() crosses p3c then 0 else xp3c[1];
def xp4c = if period[1] == 46 and period == 47 then 1 else if xp4c[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p4c or l - TickSize() crosses p4c then 0 else xp4c[1];
def xp5c = if period[1] == 45 and period == 46 then 1 else if xp5c[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p5c or l - TickSize() crosses p5c then 0 else xp5c[1];
def xp6c = if period[1] == 44 and period == 45 then 1 else if xp6c[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p6c or l - TickSize() crosses p6c then 0 else xp6c[1];
def xp7c = if period[1] == 43 and period == 44 then 1 else if xp7c[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p7c or l - TickSize() crosses p7c then 0 else xp7c[1];
def xp8c = if period[1] == 42 and period == 43 then 1 else if xp8c[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p8c or l - TickSize() crosses p8c then 0 else xp8c[1];
def xp9c = if period[1] == 41 and period == 42 then 1 else if xp9c[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p9c or l - TickSize() crosses p9c then 0 else xp9c[1];
def xp10c = if period[1] == 40 and period == 41 then 1 else if xp10c[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p10c or l - TickSize() crosses p10c then 0 else xp10c[1];
def xp11c = if period[1] == 39 and period == 40 then 1 else if xp11c[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p11c or l - TickSize() crosses p11c then 0 else xp11c[1];
def xp12c = if period[1] == 38 and period == 39 then 1 else if xp12c[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p12c or l - TickSize() crosses p12c then 0 else xp12c[1];
def xp13c = if period[1] == 37 and period == 38 then 1 else if xp13c[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p13c or l - TickSize() crosses p13c then 0 else xp13c[1];
def xp14c = if period[1] == 36 and period == 37 then 1 else if xp14c[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p14c or l - TickSize() crosses p14c then 0 else xp14c[1];
def xp15c = if period[1] == 35 and period == 36 then 1 else if xp15c[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p15c or l - TickSize() crosses p15c then 0 else xp15c[1];
def xp16c = if period[1] == 34 and period == 35 then 1 else if xp16c[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p16c or l - TickSize() crosses p16c then 0 else xp16c[1];
def xp17c = if period[1] == 33 and period == 34 then 1 else if xp17c[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p17c or l - TickSize() crosses p17c then 0 else xp17c[1];
def xp18c = if period[1] == 32 and period == 33 then 1 else if xp18c[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p18c or l - TickSize() crosses p18c then 0 else xp18c[1];
def xp19c = if period[1] == 31 and period == 32 then 1 else if xp19c[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p19c or l - TickSize() crosses p19c then 0 else xp19c[1];
def xp20c = if period[1] == 30 and period == 31 then 1 else if xp20c[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p20c or l - TickSize() crosses p20c then 0 else xp20c[1];
def xp1d = if period[1] == 29 and period == 30 then 1 else if xp1d[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p1d or l - TickSize() crosses p1d then 0 else xp1d[1];
def xp2d = if period[1] == 28 and period == 29 then 1 else if xp2d[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p2d or l - TickSize() crosses p2d then 0 else xp2d[1];
def xp3d = if period[1] == 27 and period == 28 then 1 else if xp3d[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p3d or l - TickSize() crosses p3d then 0 else xp3d[1];
def xp4d = if period[1] == 26 and period == 27 then 1 else if xp4d[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p4d or l - TickSize() crosses p4d then 0 else xp4d[1];
def xp5d = if period[1] == 25 and period == 26 then 1 else if xp5d[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p5d or l - TickSize() crosses p5d then 0 else xp5d[1];
def xp6d = if period[1] == 24 and period == 25 then 1 else if xp6d[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p6d or l - TickSize() crosses p6d then 0 else xp6d[1];
def xp7d = if period[1] == 23 and period == 24 then 1 else if xp7d[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p7d or l - TickSize() crosses p7d then 0 else xp7d[1];
def xp8d = if period[1] == 22 and period == 23 then 1 else if xp8d[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p8d or l - TickSize() crosses p8d then 0 else xp8d[1];
def xp9d = if period[1] == 21 and period == 22 then 1 else if xp9d[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p9d or l - TickSize() crosses p9d then 0 else xp9d[1];
def xp10d = if period[1] == 20 and period == 21 then 1 else if xp10d[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p10d or l - TickSize() crosses p10d then 0 else xp10d[1];
def xp1 = if period[1] == 19 and period == 20 then 1 else if xp1[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p1 or l - TickSize() crosses p1 then 0 else xp1[1];
def xp2 = if period[1] == 18 and period == 19 then 1 else if xp2[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p2 or l - TickSize() crosses p2 then 0 else xp2[1];
def xp3 = if period[1] == 17 and period == 18 then 1 else if xp3[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p3 or l - TickSize() crosses p3 then 0 else xp3[1];
def xp4 = if period[1] == 16 and period == 17 then 1 else if xp4[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p4 or l - TickSize() crosses p4 then 0 else xp4[1];
def xp5 = if period[1] == 15 and period == 16 then 1 else if xp5[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p5 or l - TickSize() crosses p5 then 0 else xp5[1];
def xp6 = if period[1] == 14 and period == 15 then 1 else if xp6[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p6 or l - TickSize() crosses p6 then 0 else xp6[1];
def xp7 = if period[1] == 13 and period == 14 then 1 else if xp7[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p7 or l - TickSize() crosses p7 then 0 else xp7[1];
def xp8 = if period[1] == 12 and period == 13 then 1 else if xp8[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p8 or l - TickSize() crosses p8 then 0 else xp8[1];
def xp9 = if period[1] == 11 and period == 12 then 1 else if xp9[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p9 or l - TickSize() crosses p9 then 0 else xp9[1];
def xp10 = if period[1] == 10 and period == 11 then 1 else if xp10[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p10 or l - TickSize() crosses p10 then 0 else xp10[1];
def xp11 = if period[1] == 9 and period == 10 then 1 else if xp11[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p11 or l - TickSize() crosses p11 then 0 else xp11[1];
def xp12 = if period[1] == 8 and period == 9 then 1 else if xp12[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p12 or l - TickSize() crosses p12 then 0 else xp12[1];
def xp13 = if period[1] == 7 and period == 8 then 1 else if xp13[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p13 or l - TickSize() crosses p13 then 0 else xp13[1];
def xp14 = if period[1] == 6 and period == 7 then 1 else if xp14[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p14 or l - TickSize() crosses p14 then 0 else xp14[1];
def xp15 = if period[1] == 5 and period == 6 then 1 else if xp15[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p15 or l - TickSize() crosses p15 then 0 else xp15[1];
def xp16 = if period[1] == 4 and period == 5 then 1 else if xp16[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p16 or l - TickSize() crosses p16 then 0 else xp16[1];
def xp17 = if period[1] == 3 and period == 4 then 1 else if xp17[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p17 or l - TickSize() crosses p17 then 0 else xp17[1];
def xp18 = if period[1] == 2 and period == 3 then 1 else if xp18[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p18 or l - TickSize() crosses p18 then 0 else xp18[1];
def xp19 = if period[1] == 1 and period == 2 then 1 else if xp19[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p19 or l - TickSize() crosses p19 then 0 else xp19[1];
def xp20 = if period[1] == 0 and period == 1 then 1 else if xp20[1] == 1 and h + TickSize() crosses p20 or l - TickSize() crosses p20 then 0 else xp20[1];
#Plots of Extended POC for each day until a crossing of it occurs... the 'period < 90' prohibits the plot of the POC for periods prior to the day each POC is generated ... the 'xp1a == 0' stops the plot of each POC from the point the crossing has occurred
plot poc1a = if period < 90 or xp1a == 0 then Double.NaN else p1a;
plot poc2a = if period < 89 or xp2a == 0 then Double.NaN else p2a;
plot poc3a = if period < 88 or xp3a == 0 then Double.NaN else p3a;
plot poc4a = if period < 87 or xp4a == 0 then Double.NaN else p4a;
plot poc5a = if period < 86 or xp5a == 0 then Double.NaN else p5a;
plot poc6a = if period < 85 or xp6a == 0 then Double.NaN else p6a;
plot poc7a = if period < 84 or xp7a == 0 then Double.NaN else p7a;
plot poc8a = if period < 83 or xp8a == 0 then Double.NaN else p8a;
plot poc9a = if period < 82 or xp9a == 0 then Double.NaN else p9a;
plot poc10a = if period < 81 or xp10a == 0 then Double.NaN else p10a;
plot poc11a = if period < 80 or xp11a == 0 then Double.NaN else p11a;
plot poc12a = if period < 79 or xp12a == 0 then Double.NaN else p12a;
plot poc13a = if period < 78 or xp13a == 0 then Double.NaN else p13a;
plot poc14a = if period < 77 or xp14a == 0 then Double.NaN else p14a;
plot poc15a = if period < 76 or xp15a == 0 then Double.NaN else p15a;
plot poc16a = if period < 75 or xp16a == 0 then Double.NaN else p16a;
plot poc17a = if period < 74 or xp17a == 0 then Double.NaN else p17a;
plot poc18a = if period < 73 or xp18a == 0 then Double.NaN else p18a;
plot poc19a = if period < 72 or xp19a == 0 then Double.NaN else p19a;
plot poc20a = if period < 71 or xp20a == 0 then Double.NaN else p20a;
plot poc1b = if period < 70 or xp1b == 0 then Double.NaN else p1b;
plot poc2b = if period < 69 or xp2b == 0 then Double.NaN else p2b;
plot poc3b = if period < 68 or xp3b == 0 then Double.NaN else p3b;
plot poc4b = if period < 67 or xp4b == 0 then Double.NaN else p4b;
plot poc5b = if period < 66 or xp5b == 0 then Double.NaN else p5b;
plot poc6b = if period < 65 or xp6b == 0 then Double.NaN else p6b;
plot poc7b = if period < 64 or xp7b == 0 then Double.NaN else p7b;
plot poc8b = if period < 63 or xp8b == 0 then Double.NaN else p8b;
plot poc9b = if period < 62 or xp9b == 0 then Double.NaN else p9b;
plot poc10b = if period < 61 or xp10b == 0 then Double.NaN else p10b;
plot poc11b = if period < 60 or xp11b == 0 then Double.NaN else p11b;
plot poc12b = if period < 59 or xp12b == 0 then Double.NaN else p12b;
plot poc13b = if period < 58 or xp13b == 0 then Double.NaN else p13b;
plot poc14b = if period < 57 or xp14b == 0 then Double.NaN else p14b;
plot poc15b = if period < 56 or xp15b == 0 then Double.NaN else p15b;
plot poc16b = if period < 55 or xp16b == 0 then Double.NaN else p16b;
plot poc17b = if period < 54 or xp17b == 0 then Double.NaN else p17b;
plot poc18b = if period < 53 or xp18b == 0 then Double.NaN else p18b;
plot poc19b = if period < 52 or xp19b == 0 then Double.NaN else p19b;
plot poc20b = if period < 51 or xp20b == 0 then Double.NaN else p20b;
plot poc1c = if period < 50 or xp1c == 0 then Double.NaN else p1c;
plot poc2c = if period < 49 or xp2c == 0 then Double.NaN else p2c;
plot poc3c = if period < 48 or xp3c == 0 then Double.NaN else p3c;
plot poc4c = if period < 47 or xp4c == 0 then Double.NaN else p4c;
plot poc5c = if period < 46 or xp5c == 0 then Double.NaN else p5c;
plot poc6c = if period < 45 or xp6c == 0 then Double.NaN else p6c;
plot poc7c = if period < 44 or xp7c == 0 then Double.NaN else p7c;
plot poc8c = if period < 43 or xp8c == 0 then Double.NaN else p8c;
plot poc9c = if period < 42 or xp9c == 0 then Double.NaN else p9c;
plot poc10c = if period < 41 or xp10c == 0 then Double.NaN else p10c;
plot poc11c = if period < 40 or xp11c == 0 then Double.NaN else p11c;
plot poc12c = if period < 39 or xp12c == 0 then Double.NaN else p12c;
plot poc13c = if period < 38 or xp13c == 0 then Double.NaN else p13c;
plot poc14c = if period < 37 or xp14c == 0 then Double.NaN else p14c;
plot poc15c = if period < 36 or xp15c == 0 then Double.NaN else p15c;
plot poc16c = if period < 35 or xp16c == 0 then Double.NaN else p16c;
plot poc17c = if period < 34 or xp17c == 0 then Double.NaN else p17c;
plot poc18c = if period < 33 or xp18c == 0 then Double.NaN else p18c;
plot poc19c = if period < 32 or xp19c == 0 then Double.NaN else p19c;
plot poc20c = if period < 31 or xp20c == 0 then Double.NaN else p20c;
plot poc1d = if period < 30 or xp1d == 0 then Double.NaN else p1d;
plot poc2d = if period < 29 or xp2d == 0 then Double.NaN else p2d;
plot poc3d = if period < 28 or xp3d == 0 then Double.NaN else p3d;
plot poc4d = if period < 27 or xp4d == 0 then Double.NaN else p4d;
plot poc5d = if period < 26 or xp5d == 0 then Double.NaN else p5d;
plot poc6d = if period < 25 or xp6d == 0 then Double.NaN else p6d;
plot poc7d = if period < 24 or xp7d == 0 then Double.NaN else p7d;
plot poc8d = if period < 23 or xp8d == 0 then Double.NaN else p8d;
plot poc9d = if period < 22 or xp9d == 0 then Double.NaN else p9d;
plot poc10d = if period < 21 or xp10d == 0 then Double.NaN else p10d;
plot poc1 = if period < 20 or xp1 == 0 then Double.NaN else p1;
plot poc2 = if period < 19 or xp2 == 0 then Double.NaN else p2;
plot poc3 = if period < 18 or xp3 == 0 then Double.NaN else p3;
plot poc4 = if period < 17 or xp4 == 0 then Double.NaN else p4;
plot poc5 = if period < 16 or xp5 == 0 then Double.NaN else p5;
plot poc6 = if period < 15 or xp6 == 0 then Double.NaN else p6;
plot poc7 = if period < 14 or xp7 == 0 then Double.NaN else p7;
plot poc8 = if period < 13 or xp8 == 0 then Double.NaN else p8;
plot poc9 = if period < 12 or xp9 == 0 then Double.NaN else p9;
plot poc10 = if period < 11 or xp10 == 0 then Double.NaN else p10;
plot poc11 = if period < 10 or xp11 == 0 then Double.NaN else p11;
plot poc12 = if period < 9 or xp12 == 0 then Double.NaN else p12;
plot poc13 = if period < 8 or xp13 == 0 then Double.NaN else p13;
plot poc14 = if period < 7 or xp14 == 0 then Double.NaN else p14;
plot poc15 = if period < 6 or xp15 == 0 then Double.NaN else p15;
plot poc16 = if period < 5 or xp16 == 0 then Double.NaN else p16;
plot poc17 = if period < 4 or xp17 == 0 then Double.NaN else p17;
plot poc18 = if period < 3 or xp18 == 0 then Double.NaN else p18;
plot poc19 = if period < 2 or xp19 == 0 then Double.NaN else p19;
plot poc20 = if period < 1 or xp20 == 0 then Double.NaN else p20;
#Color and Line Weight
DefineGlobalColor("POC", Color.BLACK);
DefineGlobalColor("POC1", Color.white);
input lineweight = 2;