Expected SPX Movement by timeframe For ThinkOrSwim


New member
Please convert this tradingview script into Thinkorswim script. However please edit so that only two trendlines are formed. Showing upper trend line for weekly expected move if price is going up and one lower trend line showing weekly expected move if price is going down. I am hoping this script will Auto draw 2 lines every week that represent weekly expected move on chart. Line needs to act like trendline. One line for expected price if it is going up and one for bottom expected move for the week. The indicator needs to only show lines for the current week. I would really appreciate if anyone could create this custom script for me. Thank you



This code will help you to measure the expected movement of SP:SPX in a previously selected timeframe based on the current value of VIX index

E.g. if the current value of VIX is 30 we calculate first the expected move of the next 12 months.
  • If you selected the Daily timeframe it will calculate the expected move of SPX in the next Day by dividing the current VIX Value by the squared root of 252
    (The 252 value corresponds to the approximate amount of trading sessions of the year)

    If you selected the Weekly timeframe it will calculate the expected move of SPX in the next Week by dividing the current VIX Value by the squared root of 52
    (The 52 value corresponds to the amount of weeks of the year)

    If you selected the Monthly timeframe it will calculate the expected move of SPX in the next Week by dividing the current VIX Value by the squared root of 12
    (The 12 value corresponds to the amount of months of the year)

    For lower timeframes you have to calculate the amount of ticks in each trading session of the year in order to get that specific range

Once you have that calculation it it'll provide the range expressed as percentage of the expected move for the following period.

This script will plot that information in a range of 2 lines which represents the expected move of the SPX for the next period

The red flag indicator tells if that period closed between the 2 previous values marked by the range
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Please convert this tradingview script into Thinkorswim script. However please edit so that only two trendlines are formed. Showing upper trend line for weekly expected move if price is going up and one lower trend line showing weekly expected move if price is going down. I am hoping this script will Auto draw 2 lines every week that represent weekly expected move on chart. Line needs to act like trendline. One line for expected price if it is going up and one for bottom expected move for the week. The indicator needs to only show lines for the current week. I would really appreciate if anyone could create this custom script for me. Thank you



This code will help you to measure the expected movement of SP:SPX in a previously selected timeframe based on the current value of VIX index

E.g. if the current value of VIX is 30 we calculate first the expected move of the next 12 months.
  • If you selected the Daily timeframe it will calculate the expected move of SPX in the next Day by dividing the current VIX Value by the squared root of 252
    (The 252 value corresponds to the approximate amount of trading sessions of the year)

    If you selected the Weekly timeframe it will calculate the expected move of SPX in the next Week by dividing the current VIX Value by the squared root of 52
    (The 52 value corresponds to the amount of weeks of the year)

    If you selected the Monthly timeframe it will calculate the expected move of SPX in the next Week by dividing the current VIX Value by the squared root of 12
    (The 12 value corresponds to the amount of months of the year)

    For lower timeframes you have to calculate the amount of ticks in each trading session of the year in order to get that specific range

Once you have that calculation it it'll provide the range expressed as percentage of the expected move for the following period.

This script will plot that information in a range of 2 lines which represents the expected move of the SPX for the next period

The red flag indicator tells if that period closed between the 2 previous values marked by the range

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © rhvarelav


//This code will help you to measure the expected movement of SPX in a previous selected timeframe based on the current value of VIX index

//E.g. if the current value of VIX is 30 we calculate first the expected move of the Fwd TM.
// If you selected the Daily timeframe it will calculate the expected move of SPX in the next Day by dividing the current VIX Value by the squared root of 252
// (THe 252 value corresponds to the approximate amount of trading sessions of the year)

// If you selected the Weekly timeframe it will calculate the expected move of SPX in the next Week by dividing the current VIX Value by the squared root of 52
// (THe 52 value corresponds to the amount of weeks of the year)

// If you selected the Monthly timeframe it will calculate the expected move of SPX in the next Week by dividing the current VIX Value by the squared root of 12
// (THe 12 value corresponds to the amount of months of the year)

//// For lower timeframes you have to calculate the amount of ticks in each trading session of the year in order to get that specific range

//Once you have that calculation it it'll provide the range expressed as percentage of the expected move for the following period.

//This script will plot that information in a range of 2 lines which represents the expected move of the SPX for the next period

//The red flag indicator tells if that period closed between the 2 previous values marked by the range


indicator(title="Expected SPX Movement by timeframe", overlay=true)

print(txt) =>
// Create label on the first bar.
var lbl = label.new(bar_index, na, txt, xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, color(na), label.style_none, color.gray, size.large, text.align_left)
// On next bars, update the label's x and y position, and the text it displays.
label.set_xy(lbl, bar_index, ta.highest(10)[1])
label.set_text(lbl, txt)

//print("Period per timeframe: " +timeframe.period)
//print("Hello world!\n\n\n\n")

vixData = request.security("CBOE:VIX", timeframe.period, close)

scaleFreq = if timeframe.period == "D"
else if timeframe.period == "W"
else if timeframe.period == "M"
else if timeframe.period == "15"
else if timeframe.period == "60"
else if timeframe.period == "120"
else if timeframe.period == "240"

probPercMove = vixData / scaleFreq

changeUpper = close + (close * (probPercMove/100))
changeLower = close - (close * (probPercMove/100))

p1 = plot(changeUpper,'Probable Upper Level',#ffffff)
p2 = plot(changeLower,'Probable Lower Level',#ffffff)

fill(p1, p2, color=color.new(#ffffff, 90))

plotshape(not(close<= changeUpper[1] and close >= changeLower[1]), style=shape.flag, location=location.belowbar, color=color.rgb(188, 76, 76), size=size.small)
check the below.

#// © rhvarelav
# indicator(title="Expected SPX Movement by timeframe", overlay=true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer - 01/2023

def vixData = Fundamental(FundamentalType.CLOSE, "VIX");
def agg = GetAggregationPeriod();

def na = Double.NaN;

def scaleFreq = if agg == AggregationPeriod.DAY then Sqrt(252) else
                if agg == AggregationPeriod.WEEK then Sqrt(52) else
                if agg == AggregationPeriod.MONTH then Sqrt(12) else
                if agg == AggregationPeriod.FIFTEEN_MIN then Sqrt(6552) else
                if agg == AggregationPeriod.HOUR then Sqrt(1638) else
                if agg == AggregationPeriod.TWO_HOURS then Sqrt(819) else
                if agg == AggregationPeriod.FOUR_HOURS then Sqrt(409) else Sqrt(252);

def probPercMove = vixData / scaleFreq;

def changeUpper = close + (close * (probPercMove/100));
def changeLower = close - (close * (probPercMove/100));

plot p1 = changeUpper;        # 'Probable Upper Level'
plot p2 = changeLower;        # 'Probable Lower Level'

#--- Cloud
AddCloud(p1, p2, Color.DARK_GRAY);

#--- Signals
def flag = close<= changeUpper[1] and close >= changeLower[1];
plot Sig = if !flag then changeLower else na;


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