Expected Move, Probability Cone For ThinkOrSwim

I have added this picture in hope it gives some scripting ideas on the probability cone/envelope. i will play with the scripts already listed above though. Would it be possible for user to input volatility to use in the calculation?

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cone, ver2
can choose the start of cone, a start date or lastbar
can choose a target date

# expected_move_cone_02_date

# expected move parabola , ver2
# cone starts on last bar or a date
# halcyonguy
# 22-05-19

# http://www.nishatrades.com/blog/mathematically-calculating-expected-move-using-a-probability-analysis-chart
# nisha trades , described std dev
# expected move = price * iv * ( sqrt( days to expire / 365))
def price = close;
def iv2 = imp_volatility();
def iv = round(iv2,2);

def na = double.nan;
def bn = barnumber();
def lastbn = HighestAll(If(IsNaN(price), 0, bn));
def endbn = highestall(bn);
def lastbar = if lastbn == bn then 1 else 0;
# def lastbar = !isnan(close[0]) and isnan(close[-1]);

# expansion area, bars after last bar to right edge of chart
def expan_bars = (endbn - lastbn );
def expan_area = if (bn >= lastbn and bn <= endbn) then 1 else 0;

def lastcls = if bn < lastbn then na else if bn == lastbn then price else lastcls[1];
# replace lastiv with siv
#def lastiv = if bn < lastbn then na else if bn == lastbn then iv else lastiv[1];
def newday = if getday() != getday()[1] then 1 else 0;

def chartagg = GetAggregationPeriod();
def chartmin = (chartagg / 1000) / 60;
def daybarqty = roundup(390 / chartmin, 0);
def daysperbar = 1/daybarqty;

# --------------------------------------------
input start_bar = { default last_bar, date };

# pick a start date
# cone starts on first bar of a day
#input start_date_yyyymmdd = 20220504;
input start_date_yyyymmdd = 20211123;
def sdat = start_date_yyyymmdd;
def is_start_date = if (GetYYYYMMDD() == sdat and newday) then 1 else 0;

def start_date_price = if is_start_date then close else start_date_price[1];

def syear = Round(sdat/10000, 0);
def smonth = Round((sdat % 10000) / 100, 0);
def sday = (sdat % 100);

# --------------------------
def big = 99999;

# cone start bar, price
def sbar;
def sprice;
def sbn;
switch(start_bar) {
case last_bar:
 sbar = lastbar;
 sprice = lastcls;
 sbn = if bn == 1 then big else if lastbar then bn else sbn[1];
case date:
 sbar = is_start_date;
 sprice = start_date_price;
 sbn = if bn == 1 then big else if is_start_date then bn else sbn[1];

def siv = if bn == 1 then na else if bn == sbn then iv else siv[1];

# --------------------------------------------
# date of a trading day
input target_date_yyyymmdd = 20220622;
def tdat = target_date_yyyymmdd;
def is_target_date = if (GetYYYYMMDD() == tdat and newday) then 1 else 0;

# mobius
def tyear = Round(tdat/10000, 0);
def tmonth = Round((tdat % 10000) / 100, 0);
def tday = (tdat % 100);

#  this fixes the  CountTradingDays() error , when it was in a normal if-then
def dayz5;
if GetYYYYMMDD() > tdat then {
 dayz5 = 0;
#} else if lastbn == bn then {
# dayz5 = CountTradingDays(GetYYYYMMDD(), dat );
} else if sbar then {
 dayz5 = CountTradingDays(GetYYYYMMDD(), tdat );
}  else {
 dayz5 = dayz5[1];

# -------------------------------------

input vertical_line_target_date = yes;
addverticalline(vertical_line_target_date and is_target_date, "  " + (tmonth + " / " + tday), color.yellow);

# for EM formula, need a qty of days that starts at 0 and counts up to the qty of days to target date
#def cone_days_cnt_up = if bn == 1 then na else if lastbar then 0 else cone_days_cnt_up[1] + daysperbar;
def cone_days_cnt_up = if bn == 1 then na else if sbar then 0 else cone_days_cnt_up[1] + daysperbar;

input em_factor = 1.0;
#def em = round(em_factor * lastcls * lastiv * ( sqrt(cone_days_cnt_up/365)), 2);
#def em_per = round((em/lastcls)*100, 1);
#def em = round(em_factor * sprice * lastiv * ( sqrt(cone_days_cnt_up/365)), 2);
def em = round(em_factor * sprice * siv * ( sqrt(cone_days_cnt_up/365)), 2);
def em_per = round((em/sprice)*100, 1);

# get EM value on lastbar, so it will be displayed in a label
def em2b = if bn == 1 then 0 else if is_target_date then em else em2b[1];
def em2 = if isNaN(close[-1000]) then em2b[-1000] else Double.NaN;

# top half parabola
#plot ztop = if expan_area then (lastcls + em) else na;
#plot ztop = if expan_area then (sprice + em) else na;
plot ztop = if bn >= sbn then (sprice + em) else na;

# bottom half parabola
#plot zbot = if expan_area then (lastcls - em) else na;
#plot zbot = if expan_area then (sprice - em) else na;
plot zbot = if bn >= sbn then (sprice - em) else na;

input cone_horz_line = yes;
#plot z2 = if (cone_horz_line and expan_area) then lastcls else na;
#plot z2 = if (cone_horz_line and expan_area) then sprice else na;
plot z2 = if (cone_horz_line and bn > sbn) then sprice else na;

# -------------------------------------
# target date price bubbles
input show_price_bubbles = yes;
def vert = 0.99;
addchartbubble(show_price_bubbles and is_target_date, ztop, ztop , color.yellow, yes);
#addchartbubble(show_price_bubbles and is_target_date, lastcls * vert, "$" + em + "\n" + em_per + "%" , color.yellow, yes);
addchartbubble(show_price_bubbles and is_target_date, sprice * vert, "$" + em + "\n" + em_per + "%" , color.yellow, yes);
addchartbubble(show_price_bubbles and is_target_date, zbot, zbot, color.yellow, no);

input show_date_bubble = yes;
addchartbubble(show_date_bubble and is_target_date, ztop*0.99, (tmonth + "/" + tday) , color.yellow, no);

# ===========================================
# labels
addlabel(1, "IV  " + iv, color.orange);

input iv_label = yes;
AddLabel(iv_label, " " , Color.black);

input chart_stats_labels = no;
AddLabel(chart_stats_labels, "chartmin " + chartmin, Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(chart_stats_labels, "bars per day " + daybarqty, Color.MAGENTA);

input show_labels = yes;
addLabel(show_labels, "start date: " + smonth + "/" + sday + "/" + AsPrice(syear), color.yellow);

addLabel(show_labels, "target date: " + tmonth + "/" + tday + "/" + AsPrice(tyear), color.yellow);
addlabel(show_labels, "trading days to target date  " + dayz5, color.yellow);

addlabel(show_labels, "EM  " + "$" + em2 , color.orange);

intc day
View attachment 14606
long story short... when going from the "beginning" of the day when you go by date, to have the last candle of the day "last minute" candle? Since the EOD on the option chain is figured by the last of the day, that would be helpful... I use them for weekly and monthly expected moves also... so on Friday I do a weekly cone that would start and the EOD Friday (259 candle central time)


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