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Ehler's MAMA Buy and Sell Signals Indicator for ThinkorSwim


Staff member
This is the MAMA and FAMA indicator by John Ehlers. Testing on SPY and few other stocks and it is highly accurate on the certain timeframes and works best with SPY.

It will show MAMA: BEAR as an indication to sell and MAMA: BULL to indicate Bullish move. It was originally made to trade /ES.

The indicator performs worst in times of CHOP. So I would use a choppy indicator to indicate choppiness in the market and avoid taking any trades during that time.

Good Stuff: Overall if you trade(On sell trades) SPY on 2D 5M chart with will end up making roughly ~ $200. Lets not forget its simulation and not real trades


thinkScript Code

Rich (BB code):
# Here is Ehler's MAMA:
# hint: <b>Ehler's Mesa Adaptive Moving Average</b> using Ray's clean version
# of the homodyne discriminator.

# MIT License
# Copyright (c) <2010> <Radford Juang>
#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
#of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
#in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
#to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
#copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
#furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
#all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

script WMA_Smooth {
    input price = hl2;
    plot smooth = (4 * price
+ 3 * price[1]
+ 2 * price[2]
+ price[3]) / 10;

script Phase_Accumulation {
# This is Ehler's Phase Accumulation code. It has a full cycle delay.
# However, it computes the correction factor to a very high degree.
    input price = hl2;

    rec Smooth;
    rec Detrender;
    rec Period;
    rec Q1;
    rec I1;
    rec I1p;
    rec Q1p;
    rec Phase1;
    rec Phase;
    rec DeltaPhase;
    rec DeltaPhase1;
    rec InstPeriod1;
    rec InstPeriod;
    def CorrectionFactor;

    if barNumber() <= 5
    then {
        Period = 0;
        Smooth = 0;
        Detrender = 0;
        CorrectionFactor = 0;
        Q1 = 0;
        I1 = 0;
        Q1p = 0;
        I1p = 0;
        Phase = 0;
        Phase1 = 0;
        DeltaPhase1 = 0;
        DeltaPhase = 0;
        InstPeriod = 0;
        InstPeriod1 = 0;
    } else {
        CorrectionFactor = 0.075 * Period[1] + 0.54;

# Smooth and detrend my smoothed signal:
        Smooth = WMA_Smooth(price);
        Detrender = ( 0.0962 * Smooth
+ 0.5769 * Smooth[2]
- 0.5769 * Smooth[4]
- 0.0962 * Smooth[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

# Compute Quadrature and Phase of Detrended signal:
        Q1p = ( 0.0962 * Detrender
+ 0.5769 * Detrender[2]
- 0.5769 * Detrender[4]
- 0.0962 * Detrender[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;
        I1p = Detrender[3];

# Smooth out Quadrature and Phase:
        I1 = 0.15 * I1p + 0.85 * I1p[1];
        Q1 = 0.15 * Q1p + 0.85 * Q1p[1];

# Determine Phase
        if I1 != 0
        then {
# Normally, ATAN gives results from -pi/2 to pi/2.
# We need to map this to circular coordinates 0 to 2pi

            if Q1 >= 0 and I1 > 0
            then { # Quarant 1
                Phase1 = ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
            } else if Q1 >= 0 and I1 < 0
            then { # Quadrant 2
                Phase1 = Double.Pi - ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
            } else if Q1 < 0 and I1 < 0
            then { # Quadrant 3
                Phase1 = Double.Pi + ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
            } else { # Quadrant 4
                Phase1 = 2 * Double.Pi - ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
        } else if Q1 > 0
        then { # I1 == 0, Q1 is positive
            Phase1 = Double.Pi / 2;
        } else if Q1 < 0
        then { # I1 == 0, Q1 is negative
            Phase1 = 3 * Double.Pi / 2;
        } else { # I1 and Q1 == 0
            Phase1 = 0;

# Convert phase to degrees
        Phase = Phase1 * 180 / Double.Pi;

        if Phase[1] < 90 and Phase > 270
        then {
# This occurs when there is a big jump from 360-0
            DeltaPhase1 = 360 + Phase[1] - Phase;
        } else {
            DeltaPhase1 = Phase[1] - Phase;

# Limit our delta phases between 7 and 60
        if DeltaPhase1 < 7
        then {
            DeltaPhase = 7;
        } else if DeltaPhase1 > 60
        then {
            DeltaPhase = 60;
        } else {
            DeltaPhase = DeltaPhase1;

# Determine Instantaneous period:
        InstPeriod1 =
-1 * (fold i = 0 to 40 with v=0 do
if v < 0 then
else if v > 360 then
v + GetValue(DeltaPhase, i, 41)

        if InstPeriod1 <= 0
        then {
            InstPeriod = InstPeriod[1];
        } else {
            InstPeriod = InstPeriod1;

        Period = 0.25 * InstPeriod + 0.75 * Period[1];
    plot DC = Period;

script Ehler_MAMA {
    input price = hl2;
    input FastLimit = 0.5;
    input SlowLimit = 0.05;

    rec Period;
    rec Period_raw;
    rec Period_cap;
    rec Period_lim;

    rec Smooth;
    rec Detrender;
    rec I1;
    rec Q1;
    rec jI;
    rec jQ;
    rec I2;
    rec Q2;
    rec I2_raw;
    rec Q2_raw;

    rec Phase;
    rec DeltaPhase;
    rec DeltaPhase_raw;
    rec alpha;
    rec alpha_raw;

    rec Re;
    rec Im;
    rec Re_raw;
    rec Im_raw;

    rec SmoothPeriod;
    rec vmama;
    rec vfama;

    def CorrectionFactor = Phase_Accumulation(price).CorrectionFactor;

    if barNumber() <= 5
    then {
        Smooth = 0;
        Detrender = 0;

        Period = 0;
        Period_raw = 0;
        Period_cap = 0;
        Period_lim = 0;
        I1 = 0;
        Q1 = 0;
        I2 = 0;
        Q2 = 0;
        jI = 0;
        jQ = 0;
        I2_raw = 0;
        Q2_raw = 0;
        Re = 0;
        Im = 0;
        Re_raw = 0;
        Im_raw = 0;
        SmoothPeriod = 0;
        Phase = 0;
        DeltaPhase = 0;
        DeltaPhase_raw = 0;
        alpha = 0;
        alpha_raw = 0;
        vmama = 0;
        vfama = 0;
    } else {
# Smooth and detrend my smoothed signal:
        Smooth = WMA_Smooth(price);
        Detrender = ( 0.0962 * Smooth
+ 0.5769 * Smooth[2]
- 0.5769 * Smooth[4]
- 0.0962 * Smooth[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

        Q1 = ( 0.0962 * Detrender
+ 0.5769 * Detrender[2]
- 0.5769 * Detrender[4]
- 0.0962 * Detrender[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;
        I1 = Detrender[3];

        jI = ( 0.0962 * I1
+ 0.5769 * I1[2]
- 0.5769 * I1[4]
- 0.0962 * I1[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

        jQ = ( 0.0962 * Q1
+ 0.5769 * Q1[2]
- 0.5769 * Q1[4]
- 0.0962 * Q1[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

# This is the complex conjugate
        I2_raw = I1 - jQ;
        Q2_raw = Q1 + jI;

        I2 = 0.2 * I2_raw + 0.8 * I2_raw[1];
        Q2 = 0.2 * Q2_raw + 0.8 * Q2_raw[1];

        Re_raw = I2 * I2[1] + Q2 * Q2[1];
        Im_raw = I2 * Q2[1] - Q2 * I2[1];

        Re = 0.2 * Re_raw + 0.8 * Re_raw[1];
        Im = 0.2 * Im_raw + 0.8 * Im_raw[1];

# Compute the phase
        if Re != 0 and Im != 0
        then {
            Period_raw = 2 * Double.Pi / ATan(Im / Re);
        } else {
            Period_raw = 0;

        if Period_raw > 1.5 * Period_raw[1]
        then {
            Period_cap = 1.5 * Period_raw[1];
        } else if Period_raw < 0.67 * Period_raw[1] {
            Period_cap = 0.67 * Period_raw[1];
        } else {
            Period_cap = Period_raw;

        if Period_cap < 6
        then {
            Period_lim = 6;
        } else if Period_cap > 50
        then {
            Period_lim = 50;
        } else {
            Period_lim = Period_cap;

        Period = 0.2 * Period_lim + 0.8 * Period_lim[1];
        SmoothPeriod = 0.33 * Period + 0.67 * SmoothPeriod[1];

        if I1 != 0
        then {
            Phase = ATan(Q1 / I1);
        } else if Q1 > 0
        then { # Quadrant 1:
            Phase = Double.Pi / 2;
        } else if Q1 < 0
        then { # Quadrant 4:
            Phase = -Double.Pi / 2;
        } else { # Both numerator and denominator are 0.
            Phase = 0;

        DeltaPhase_raw = Phase[1] - Phase;
        if DeltaPhase_raw < 1
        then {
            DeltaPhase = 1;
        } else {
            DeltaPhase = DeltaPhase_raw;

        alpha_raw = FastLimit / DeltaPhase;
        if alpha_raw < SlowLimit
        then {
            alpha = SlowLimit;
        } else {
            alpha = alpha_raw;
        vmama = alpha * price + (1 - alpha) * vmama[1];
        vfama = 0.5 * alpha * vmama + (1 - 0.5 * alpha) * vfama[1];

    plot MAMA = vmama;
    plot FAMA = vfama;

declare upper;
input price = hl2;
input FastLimit = 0.5;
input SlowLimit = 0.05;

plot MAMA = Ehler_MAMA(price, FastLimit, SlowLimit).MAMA;
plot FAMA = Ehler_MAMA(price, FastLimit, SlowLimit).FAMA;

plot Crossing = Crosses((MAMA < FAMA), yes);

plot Crossing1 = Crosses((MAMA > FAMA), yes);

AddLabel(yes, Concat("MAMA: ", Concat("",
if MAMA > FAMA then "Bull" else "Bear")),

if MAMA > FAMA then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

Shareable Link




@jerrydinvestor contributed to this post.
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Did anyone come up with a TOS scan for stocks that have an alert signal (buy or sell) from this indy? I'm just looking for stocks where the FAMA has crossed the MAMA in either direction. When I try and build it custom in the TOS scanner custom filter, I get a "Too complex exception" and that the scan is too complex for reliable real time data. All Im asking for is a 2 lines cross, not that complex. Any help?
Did anyone come up with a TOS scan for stocks that have an alert signal (buy or sell) from this indy? I'm just looking for stocks where the FAMA has crossed the MAMA in either direction. When I try and build it custom in the TOS scanner custom filter, I get a "Too complex exception" and that the scan is too complex for reliable real time data. All Im asking for is a 2 lines cross, not that complex. Any help?

My assumption is that you're referring to Ben's posted study in post#1 of this thread. Tere are two basic plots therein - FAMA and MAMA. This works very well on a chart study. However because the manner in which the underlying study is derived and written, it is too complex to be used on the scanner. That is why you see the message that the scan is too complex for real time data. That said, there is a workaround alternative.

Stepping back for a moment you'll note that this study parallels a very fast moving average and appears to resemble two fast moving averages. The suggestion that @horserider gave above is a good one. It not only gives you a similar look and feel to the FAMA/MAMA study, but is very simple that it can be scanned with no problems. Hence do try the suggestion made in post # 16
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I didn't put TTM, but someone else could add.

# Name: MTF Mama
# source:  http://tos.mx/J8iZ0JA
# Author: mcdon030
# added switch as for some reason it's stabilizes MTFs

# OC order http://tos.mx/SHQhQ19

script mama {
    input price = close;
    rec Smooth;
    rec Detrender;
    rec Period;
    rec Q1;
    rec I1;
    rec I1p;
    rec Q1p;
    rec Phase1;
    rec Phase;
    rec DeltaPhase;
    rec DeltaPhase1;
    rec InstPeriod1;
    rec InstPeriod;
    def CorrectionFactor;
    if BarNumber() <= 5
    then {
        Period = 0;
        Smooth = 0;
        Detrender = 0;
        CorrectionFactor = 0;
        Q1 = 0;
        I1 = 0;
        Q1p = 0;
        I1p = 0;
        Phase = 0;
        Phase1 = 0;
        DeltaPhase1 = 0;
        DeltaPhase = 0;
        InstPeriod = 0;
        InstPeriod1 = 0;
    } else {
        CorrectionFactor = 0.075 * Period[1] + 0.54;
        Smooth =   (4 * price + 3 * price[1] + 2 * price[2] + price[3]) / 10;
        Detrender = ( 0.0962 * Smooth + 0.5769 * Smooth[2] - 0.5769 * Smooth[4] - 0.0962 * Smooth[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;
        Q1p = ( 0.0962 * Detrender + 0.5769 * Detrender[2] - 0.5769 * Detrender[4] - 0.0962 * Detrender[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;
        I1p = Detrender[3];
        I1 = 0.15 * I1p + 0.85 * I1p[1];
        Q1 = 0.15 * Q1p + 0.85 * Q1p[1];
        if I1 != 0
        then {
            if Q1 >= 0 and I1 > 0
            then {
                Phase1 = ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
            } else if Q1 >= 0 and I1 < 0
            then {
                Phase1 = Double.Pi - ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
            } else if Q1 < 0 and I1 < 0
            then {
                Phase1 = Double.Pi + ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
            } else {
                Phase1 = 2 * Double.Pi - ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
        } else if Q1 > 0
        then {
            Phase1 = Double.Pi / 2;
        } else if Q1 < 0
        then {
            Phase1 = 3 * Double.Pi / 2;
        } else {
            Phase1 = 0;
        Phase = Phase1 * 180 / Double.Pi;
        if Phase[1] < 90 and Phase > 270
        then {
            DeltaPhase1 = 360 + Phase[1] - Phase;
        } else {
            DeltaPhase1 = Phase[1] - Phase;
        if DeltaPhase1 < 7
        then {
            DeltaPhase = 7;
        } else if DeltaPhase1 > 60
        then {
            DeltaPhase = 60;
        } else {
            DeltaPhase = DeltaPhase1;
        InstPeriod1 = -1 * (fold i = 0 to 40 with v=0 do if v < 0 then v else if v > 360 then
        -i else v + GetValue(DeltaPhase, i, 41));
        if InstPeriod1 <= 0
        then {
            InstPeriod = InstPeriod[1];
        } else {
            InstPeriod = InstPeriod1;
        Period = 0.25 * InstPeriod + 0.75 * Period[1];
    def DC = Period;
    input FastLimit = 0.5;
    input SlowLimit = 0.05;
    rec Periodx;
    rec Periodx_raw;
    rec Periodx_cap;
    rec Periodx_lim;
    rec smoothx;
    rec Detrenderx;
    rec I1x;
    rec Q1x;
    rec j1x;
    rec jQx;
    rec I2x;
    rec Q2x;
    rec I2x_raw;
    rec Q2x_raw;
    rec Phasex;
    rec DeltaPhasex;
    rec DeltaPhasex_raw;
    rec alphax;
    rec alphax_raw;
    rec Re;
    rec Im;
    rec Re_raw;
    rec Im_raw;
    rec smoothxPeriodx;
    rec vmama;
    rec vfama;
    if BarNumber() <= 5
    then {
        smoothx = 0;
        Detrenderx = 0;
        Periodx = 0;
        Periodx_raw = 0;
        Periodx_cap = 0;
        Periodx_lim = 0;
        I1x = 0;
        Q1x = 0;
        I2x = 0;
        Q2x = 0;
        j1x = 0;
        jQx = 0;
        I2x_raw = 0;
        Q2x_raw = 0;
        Re = 0;
        Im = 0;
        Re_raw = 0;
        Im_raw = 0;
        smoothxPeriodx = 0;
        Phasex = 0;
        DeltaPhasex = 0;
        DeltaPhasex_raw = 0;
        alphax = 0;
        alphax_raw = 0;
        vmama = 0;
        vfama = 0;
    } else {
        smoothx = (4 * price + 3 * price[1] + 2 * price[2] + price[3]) / 10;
        Detrenderx = ( 0.0962 * smoothx + 0.5769 * smoothx[2] - 0.5769 * smoothx[4] - 0.0962 * smoothx[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;
        Q1x = ( 0.0962 * Detrenderx + 0.5769 * Detrenderx[2] - 0.5769 * Detrenderx[4] - 0.0962 * Detrenderx[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;
        I1x = Detrenderx[3];
        j1x = ( 0.0962 * I1x + 0.5769 * I1x[2] - 0.5769 * I1x[4] - 0.0962 * I1x[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;
        jQx = ( 0.0962 * Q1x + 0.5769 * Q1x[2] - 0.5769 * Q1x[4] - 0.0962 * Q1x[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;
        I2x_raw = I1x - jQx;
        Q2x_raw = Q1x + j1x;
        I2x = 0.2 * I2x_raw + 0.8 * I2x_raw[1];
        Q2x = 0.2 * Q2x_raw + 0.8 * Q2x_raw[1];
        Re_raw = I2x * I2x[1] + Q2x * Q2x[1];
        Im_raw = I2x * Q2x[1] - Q2x * I2x[1];
        Re = 0.2 * Re_raw + 0.8 * Re_raw[1];
        Im = 0.2 * Im_raw + 0.8 * Im_raw[1];
        if Re != 0 and Im != 0
        then {
            Periodx_raw = 2 * Double.Pi / ATan(Im / Re);
        } else {
            Periodx_raw = 0;
        if Periodx_raw > 1.5 * Periodx_raw[1]
        then {
            Periodx_cap = 1.5 * Periodx_raw[1];
        } else if Periodx_raw < 0.67 * Periodx_raw[1] {
            Periodx_cap = 0.67 * Periodx_raw[1];
        } else {
            Periodx_cap = Periodx_raw;
        if Periodx_cap < 6
        then {
            Periodx_lim = 6;
        } else if Periodx_cap > 50
        then {
            Periodx_lim = 50;
        } else {
            Periodx_lim = Periodx_cap;
        Periodx = 0.2 * Periodx_lim + 0.8 * Periodx_lim[1];
        smoothxPeriodx = 0.33 * Periodx + 0.67 * smoothxPeriodx[1];
        if I1x != 0
        then {
            Phasex = ATan(Q1x / I1x);
        } else if Q1x > 0
        then {
            Phasex = Double.Pi / 2;
        } else if Q1x < 0
        then {
            Phasex = -Double.Pi / 2;
        } else {
            Phasex = 0;
        DeltaPhasex_raw = Phasex[1] - Phasex;
        if DeltaPhasex_raw < 1
        then {
            DeltaPhasex = 1;
        } else {
            DeltaPhasex = DeltaPhasex_raw;
        alphax_raw = FastLimit / DeltaPhasex;
        if alphax_raw < SlowLimit
        then {
            alphax = SlowLimit;
        } else {
            alphax = alphax_raw;
        vmama = alphax * price + (1 - alphax) * vmama[1];
        vfama = 0.5 * alphax * vmama + (1 - 0.5 * alphax) * vfama[1];
    plot mama = vmama;
    plot fama = vfama;

input aggOne = AggregationPeriod.HOUR;
input AggTwo = AggregationPeriod.FIFTEEN_MIN;
input price = close;
input FastLimit = 0.5;
input SlowLimit = 0.05;
def c = close;
def nan = double.nan;

def mamaone;
def famaone;
def mamatwo;
def famatwo;
def mamathree;
def famathree;
input isMTF = {naMTF, default MTF};
switch (isMTF){
Case naMTF:
 mamaone = Mama(price = price, FastLimit = FastLimit, SlowLimit = SlowLimit).fama;
famaone = Mama(price = price, FastLimit = FastLimit, SlowLimit = SlowLimit).fama;
mamatwo = Mama(price = close(period = aggOne )[1], FastLimit = FastLimit, SlowLimit = SlowLimit).mama;
famatwo = Mama(price = close(period = aggOne )[1], FastLimit = FastLimit, SlowLimit = SlowLimit).fama;
mamathree = Mama(price = close(period = AggTwo )[1], FastLimit = FastLimit, SlowLimit = SlowLimit).mama;
famathree = Mama(price = close(period = AggTwo )[1], FastLimit = FastLimit, SlowLimit = SlowLimit).fama;

Case MTF:
 mamaone = Mama(price=close,FastLimit=FastLimit,SlowLimit=SlowLimit).mama;
famaone = Mama(price = close, FastLimit = FastLimit, SlowLimit = SlowLimit).fama;
mamatwo = Mama(price = close(period = aggOne )[1], FastLimit = FastLimit, SlowLimit = SlowLimit).mama;
famatwo = Mama(price = close(period = aggOne )[1], FastLimit = FastLimit, SlowLimit = SlowLimit).fama;
mamathree = Mama(price = close(period = AggTwo )[1], FastLimit = FastLimit, SlowLimit = SlowLimit).mama;
famathree = Mama(price = close(period = AggTwo )[1], FastLimit = FastLimit, SlowLimit = SlowLimit).fama;

def stateOne = if mamaone > famaone then 100 else -100;
def statetwo = if mamatwo > famatwo then 100 else -100;
def statethree = if mamathree > famathree then 100 else -100;

plot isMama = if !IsNaN(c) then 1 else nan;
if stateOne == 100  then Color.GREEN
else Color.RED);

plot MamaMTF1 = if !IsNaN(c) then 1.001 else nan;
if statetwo == 100  then Color.GREEN
else Color.RED);
plot MamaMTF2 = if !IsNaN(c) then 1.002 else nan;
if statethree == 100  then Color.GREEN
else Color.RED);
do you have shareable link
script is not working for me . Tried on all time frames
can you provide the same
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could someone explain why does this looks different than John ehler's MAMA? His version looks like two ratchet lines while this TOS version are two smooth lines

Here is the original code using easy language
The ratcheting in Ehler's study is due to the phase cycles. The the script in the 1st post in this thread eliminated the phase math, Making it smoother and triggers earlier which many members prefer.

I found a version here: https://sharpvisiontraders.com/down...mdownloads/mama-fama-adaptive-moving-average/
that seems to be more true to Ehler's process.
FYI: Ehlers recommends this indicator be used on a daily timeframe

While this version is free. Sharp Vision Traders ask that you to create a free account on their site to download their zip file.
We can not post their script here.

Unsure of how to import a .ts file into the ToS app:
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Hey guys,
Is there a way to create a watchlist for this study: I cannot locate where I got it. Sorry.
I would like to create a custom watchlist that shows when the Mama and Fama crosses within 1 bar.Is it possible or is this script too difficult to do that with?

# hint: <b>Ehler's Mesa Adaptive Moving Average</b> using Ray's clean version
# of the homodyne discriminator.

# MIT License
# Copyright (c) <2010> <Radford Juang>
#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
#of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
#in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
#to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
#copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
#furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
#all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

script WMA_Smooth {
    input price = hl2;
    plot smooth = (4 * price
+ 3 * price[1]
+ 2 * price[2]
+ price[3]) / 10;

script Phase_Accumulation {
# This is Ehler's Phase Accumulation code. It has a full cycle delay.
# However, it computes the correction factor to a very high degree.
    input price = hl2;

    rec Smooth;
    rec Detrender;
    rec Period;
    rec Q1;
    rec I1;
    rec I1p;
    rec Q1p;
    rec Phase1;
    rec Phase;
    rec DeltaPhase;
    rec DeltaPhase1;
    rec InstPeriod1;
    rec InstPeriod;
    def CorrectionFactor;

    if BarNumber() <= 5
    then {
        Period = 0;
        Smooth = 0;
        Detrender = 0;
        CorrectionFactor = 0;
        Q1 = 0;
        I1 = 0;
        Q1p = 0;
        I1p = 0;
        Phase = 0;
        Phase1 = 0;
        DeltaPhase1 = 0;
        DeltaPhase = 0;
        InstPeriod = 0;
        InstPeriod1 = 0;
    } else {
        CorrectionFactor = 0.075 * Period[1] + 0.54;

# Smooth and detrend my smoothed signal:
        Smooth = WMA_Smooth(price);
        Detrender = ( 0.0962 * Smooth
+ 0.5769 * Smooth[2]
- 0.5769 * Smooth[4]
- 0.0962 * Smooth[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

# Compute Quadrature and Phase of Detrended signal:
        Q1p = ( 0.0962 * Detrender
+ 0.5769 * Detrender[2]
- 0.5769 * Detrender[4]
- 0.0962 * Detrender[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;
        I1p = Detrender[3];

# Smooth out Quadrature and Phase:
        I1 = 0.15 * I1p + 0.85 * I1p[1];
        Q1 = 0.15 * Q1p + 0.85 * Q1p[1];

# Determine Phase
        if I1 != 0
        then {
# Normally, ATAN gives results from -pi/2 to pi/2.
# We need to map this to circular coordinates 0 to 2pi

            if Q1 >= 0 and I1 > 0
            then { # Quarant 1
                Phase1 = ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
            } else if Q1 >= 0 and I1 < 0
            then { # Quadrant 2
                Phase1 = Double.Pi - ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
            } else if Q1 < 0 and I1 < 0
            then { # Quadrant 3
                Phase1 = Double.Pi + ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
            } else { # Quadrant 4
                Phase1 = 2 * Double.Pi - ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
        } else if Q1 > 0
        then { # I1 == 0, Q1 is positive
            Phase1 = Double.Pi / 2;
        } else if Q1 < 0
        then { # I1 == 0, Q1 is negative
            Phase1 = 3 * Double.Pi / 2;
        } else { # I1 and Q1 == 0
            Phase1 = 0;

# Convert phase to degrees
        Phase = Phase1 * 180 / Double.Pi;

        if Phase[1] < 90 and Phase > 270
        then {
# This occurs when there is a big jump from 360-0
            DeltaPhase1 = 360 + Phase[1] - Phase;
        } else {
            DeltaPhase1 = Phase[1] - Phase;

# Limit our delta phases between 7 and 60
        if DeltaPhase1 < 7
        then {
            DeltaPhase = 7;
        } else if DeltaPhase1 > 60
        then {
            DeltaPhase = 60;
        } else {
            DeltaPhase = DeltaPhase1;

# Determine Instantaneous period:
        InstPeriod1 =
-1 * (fold i = 0 to 40 with v=0 do
if v < 0 then
else if v > 360 then
v + GetValue(DeltaPhase, i, 41)

        if InstPeriod1 <= 0
        then {
            InstPeriod = InstPeriod[1];
        } else {
            InstPeriod = InstPeriod1;

        Period = 0.25 * InstPeriod + 0.75 * Period[1];
    plot DC = Period;

script Ehler_MAMA {
    input price = hl2;
    input FastLimit = 0.5;
    input SlowLimit = 0.05;

    rec Period;
    rec Period_raw;
    rec Period_cap;
    rec Period_lim;

    rec Smooth;
    rec Detrender;
    rec I1;
    rec Q1;
    rec jI;
    rec jQ;
    rec I2;
    rec Q2;
    rec I2_raw;
    rec Q2_raw;

    rec Phase;
    rec DeltaPhase;
    rec DeltaPhase_raw;
    rec alpha;
    rec alpha_raw;

    rec Re;
    rec Im;
    rec Re_raw;
    rec Im_raw;

    rec SmoothPeriod;
    rec vmama;
    rec vfama;

    def CorrectionFactor = Phase_Accumulation(price).CorrectionFactor;

    if BarNumber() <= 5
    then {
        Smooth = 0;
        Detrender = 0;

        Period = 0;
        Period_raw = 0;
        Period_cap = 0;
        Period_lim = 0;
        I1 = 0;
        Q1 = 0;
        I2 = 0;
        Q2 = 0;
        jI = 0;
        jQ = 0;
        I2_raw = 0;
        Q2_raw = 0;
        Re = 0;
        Im = 0;
        Re_raw = 0;
        Im_raw = 0;
        SmoothPeriod = 0;
        Phase = 0;
        DeltaPhase = 0;
        DeltaPhase_raw = 0;
        alpha = 0;
        alpha_raw = 0;
        vmama = 0;
        vfama = 0;
    } else {
# Smooth and detrend my smoothed signal:
        Smooth = WMA_Smooth(price);
        Detrender = ( 0.0962 * Smooth
+ 0.5769 * Smooth[2]
- 0.5769 * Smooth[4]
- 0.0962 * Smooth[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

        Q1 = ( 0.0962 * Detrender
+ 0.5769 * Detrender[2]
- 0.5769 * Detrender[4]
- 0.0962 * Detrender[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;
        I1 = Detrender[3];

        jI = ( 0.0962 * I1
+ 0.5769 * I1[2]
- 0.5769 * I1[4]
- 0.0962 * I1[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

        jQ = ( 0.0962 * Q1
+ 0.5769 * Q1[2]
- 0.5769 * Q1[4]
- 0.0962 * Q1[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

# This is the complex conjugate
        I2_raw = I1 - jQ;
        Q2_raw = Q1 + jI;

        I2 = 0.2 * I2_raw + 0.8 * I2_raw[1];
        Q2 = 0.2 * Q2_raw + 0.8 * Q2_raw[1];

        Re_raw = I2 * I2[1] + Q2 * Q2[1];
        Im_raw = I2 * Q2[1] - Q2 * I2[1];

        Re = 0.2 * Re_raw + 0.8 * Re_raw[1];
        Im = 0.2 * Im_raw + 0.8 * Im_raw[1];

# Compute the phase
        if Re != 0 and Im != 0
        then {
            Period_raw = 2 * Double.Pi / ATan(Im / Re);
        } else {
            Period_raw = 0;

        if Period_raw > 1.5 * Period_raw[1]
        then {
            Period_cap = 1.5 * Period_raw[1];
        } else if Period_raw < 0.67 * Period_raw[1] {
            Period_cap = 0.67 * Period_raw[1];
        } else {
            Period_cap = Period_raw;

        if Period_cap < 6
        then {
            Period_lim = 6;
        } else if Period_cap > 50
        then {
            Period_lim = 50;
        } else {
            Period_lim = Period_cap;

        Period = 0.2 * Period_lim + 0.8 * Period_lim[1];
        SmoothPeriod = 0.33 * Period + 0.67 * SmoothPeriod[1];

        if I1 != 0
        then {
            Phase = ATan(Q1 / I1);
        } else if Q1 > 0
        then { # Quadrant 1:
            Phase = Double.Pi / 2;
        } else if Q1 < 0
        then { # Quadrant 4:
            Phase = -Double.Pi / 2;
        } else { # Both numerator and denominator are 0.
            Phase = 0;

        DeltaPhase_raw = Phase[1] - Phase;
        if DeltaPhase_raw < 1
        then {
            DeltaPhase = 1;
        } else {
            DeltaPhase = DeltaPhase_raw;

        alpha_raw = FastLimit / DeltaPhase;
        if alpha_raw < SlowLimit
        then {
            alpha = SlowLimit;
        } else {
            alpha = alpha_raw;
        vmama = alpha * price + (1 - alpha) * vmama[1];
        vfama = 0.5 * alpha * vmama + (1 - 0.5 * alpha) * vfama[1];

    plot MAMA = vmama;
    plot FAMA = vfama;

declare upper;
input price = hl2;
input FastLimit = 0.5;
input SlowLimit = 0.05;

plot MAMA = Ehler_MAMA(price, FastLimit, SlowLimit).MAMA;
plot FAMA = Ehler_MAMA(price, FastLimit, SlowLimit).FAMA;

plot Crossing = Crosses((MAMA < FAMA), yes);

plot Crossing1 = Crosses((MAMA > FAMA), yes);

AddLabel(yes, Concat("MAMA: ", Concat("",
if MAMA > FAMA then "Bull" else "Bear")),

if MAMA > FAMA then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
alert( MAMA Crosses Above FAMA, "Bull", Alert.BAR, Sound.Bell );
alert( MAMA Crosses Below FAMA, "Bear", Alert.BAR, Sound.Bell );
Hey guys,
Is there a way to create a watchlist for this study: I cannot locate where I got it. Sorry.
I would like to create a custom watchlist that shows when the Mama and Fama crosses within 1 bar.Is it possible or is this script too difficult to do that with?
This script is too complex for scans, watchlists, chart alerts, and conditional orders.
Start reading from here
for scripting, something that might provide you with similar results.

Here is how to search the forum for your indicators:
Okay. thanks. That is what I thought.
Here is a version of MAMA that is a direct port of Ehler's original paper, and it should scan. The output of this version matches the MAMA indicator built into NT8. The SharpVisionTraders version is not an accurate port, nor are most on TradingView.

# https://www.mesasoftware.com/papers/MAMA.pdf
# by bigboss
# v20230121

input price = hl2;
input fastLimit = 0.5;
input slowLimit = 0.05;
input showCloud = yes;
input paintBars = no;

def Period;
def smooth = (4 * price + 3 * price[1] + 2 * price[2] + price[3]) / 10.0;
def detrender = (.0962 * smooth + .5769 * smooth[2] - .5769 * smooth[4]- .0962 * smooth[6])*(.075 * Period[1] + .54);

# Compute InPhase and Quadrature components
def Q1 = (.0962 * detrender + .5769 * detrender[2] - .5769 * detrender[4]- .0962 * detrender[6])*(.075 * Period[1] + .54);
def I1 = detrender[3];

# Advance the phase of I1 and Q1 by 90 degrees}
def jI = (.0962 * I1 + .5769 * I1[2] - .5769 * I1[4]- .0962 * I1[6]) * (.075 * Period[1] + .54);
def jQ = (.0962 * Q1 + .5769 * Q1[2] - .5769 * Q1[4]- .0962 * Q1[6]) * (.075 * Period[1] + .54);

# Phasor Addition for 3 bar averaging
# Smooth the I and Q components before applying the discriminator}
def I2 = .2 * (I1 - jQ) + .8 * I2[1];
def Q2 = .2 * (Q1 + jI) + .8 * Q2[1];

# Homodyne Discriminator
def Re = .2 * (I2 * I2[1] + Q2 * Q2[1]) + .8 * Re[1];
def Im = .2 * (I2 * Q2[1] - Q2 * I2[1]) + .8 * Im[1];

def p1 = if(Im <> 0 and Re <> 0, (2 * Double.Pi) / atan(Im / Re), Period[1]);
def p2 = if(p1 > 1.5 * Period[1], 1.5 * Period[1], p1);
def p3 = if(p2 < .67 * Period[1], .67 * Period[1], p2);
def p4 = if(p3 < 6, 6, p3);
def p5 = if(p4 > 50, 50, p4);
Period = .2 * p5 + .8 * Period[1];

def SmoothPeriod = .33 * Period + .67 * SmoothPeriod[1];
def Phase =  if(I1 <> 0, (180 / Double.Pi) * atan(Q1 / I1),Phase[1]);
def DeltaPhase = if((Phase[1] - Phase) < 1, 1, (Phase[1] - Phase));
def alpha = if(fastLimit / DeltaPhase < slowLimit, slowLimit, fastLimit / DeltaPhase);
def _mama = CompoundValue(5,alpha * price + (1 - alpha) * _mama[1],price);
def _fama = CompoundValue(5,.5 * alpha * _mama + (1 - .5 * alpha) * _fama[1],close);

plot MAMA = _mama;
plot FAMA = _fama;



AssignPriceColor(if !paintbars then Color.CURRENT else if mama > fama then color.green else color.red);

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