Double calendar question


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I am interested in trading double calendars
I want to exit the double calendar when a 10% profit is achieved.
I have to manually calculate this several times a day.
I have searched the forums and have not found anything discussing the above.

What I would like to achieve:
After entering the double calendar order I would like to have a script which could run 5 or 6 times a day. Or may be it can run continuously? Perhaps someone could share their ideas on the best way for the script to check profit.

I would like it to give the script the purchase price for each calendar spread. May be a Thinkscript can be attached to a particular trade?

Then the script would wake up and check the current prices of the calendar spreads and compare these prices to the purchase prices. Then, when the calculated profit has reached 10% then the script should somehow tell me the profit goal has been reached. I don’t know the best way for a script to send a message, may be send an email? Or send an alert message?

Or may be the script could submit a limit order when the profit goal is achieved?

I am willing to work on creating the Thinkscript code. I don’t know where to start.

May be someone has some scripts they are willing to share?

You may have a better way of accomplishing the above. I hope you can share some ideas. Thank you for your help.

Sadly no. There is no script that that can scan the current prices of the calendar spreads and compare these prices to the purchase prices.
The ToS app does not provide the ability to create custom scripts to scan options.
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mod note for members interested in learning more about double calendar spread

A double calendar spread is an options trading strategy that involves selling near-expiry calls and puts while buying further expiry calls and puts with the same strike price and underlying:
A double calendar spread is created by combining two calendar spreads. A calendar spread is a strategy where an...

Sadly no. There is no script that that can scan the current prices of the calendar spreads and compare these prices to the purchase prices.
The ToS app does not provide the ability to create custom scripts to scan options.
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mod note for members interested in learning more about double calendar spread

A double calendar spread is an options trading strategy that involves selling near-expiry calls and puts while buying further expiry calls and puts with the same strike price and underlying:
A double calendar spread is created by combining two calendar spreads. A calendar spread is a strategy where an investor simultaneously buys and sells options on the same underlying asset but with different expiration dates.
An example of a double calendar spread is selling 10 XYZ June 40 strike calls and selling 10 XYZ June 30 strike puts.
A double calendar spread can be used in a low-volatility environment and offers a wide range for breakeven.
Other types of calendar spreads
A diagonal spread is a calendar spread where two different strike prices are used for each month. A calendar straddle is a strategy that consists of a short straddle with a close expiration date and a long straddle with a later expiration date.

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