I am looking to create an alert with a specific sequential condition: The alert should trigger only when two events occur in order.
First, the DI- (Directional Indicator minus) and DI+ (Directional Indicator plus) lines must cross each other. Following this event, and only if it occurs first, the second condition that must be met is the crossing of the ADX (Average Directional Index) line above a predefined level known as the 'Level Trend'. The alert is designed to activate only when these two conditions are fulfilled in this exact sequence.
I tried with ChatGPT4 but the alert isn't triggering or sounding. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong and identify a solution?
The relevant part is here:
Here's the full script:
First, the DI- (Directional Indicator minus) and DI+ (Directional Indicator plus) lines must cross each other. Following this event, and only if it occurs first, the second condition that must be met is the crossing of the ADX (Average Directional Index) line above a predefined level known as the 'Level Trend'. The alert is designed to activate only when these two conditions are fulfilled in this exact sequence.
I tried with ChatGPT4 but the alert isn't triggering or sounding. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong and identify a solution?
The relevant part is here:
# Define a flag that turns on after DI- and DI+ cross and stays on for one bar
def crossFlag = if crossDi then 1 else if crossFlag[1] == 1 then 0 else crossFlag[1];
# Define the ADX crossing condition separately
def adxCrossingAboveTrend = adx crosses above Level_Trend;
# Now check if the ADX crossing happens after the DI cross
def alertCondition = crossFlag[1] == 1 and adxCrossingAboveTrend;
# The Alert function will then use this condition
Alert(alertCondition and alertOn, "Sequential Alert: DI- and DI+ crossed followed by ADX crossing above Level_Trend", Alert.Bar, Sound.Chimes);
Here's the full script:
# https://my.tradingview.com/script/RNcqYq6w-ADX-Di-Di-Gu5/
# This source code is subject to these terms:
#// You are free to:
#// Share, copy and redistribute this script
#// Adapt, transform and build on this script.
#// Under the following terms:
#// NonCommercial: You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
#// Attribution: You must give appropriate credit
#// https://www.safecreative.org/work/2302153511401-adx-di-di-gu5-
#// © gu5tavo71 (Gustavo Cardelle)
#indicator(title = 'ADX Di+ Di- [Gu5]', shorttitle = 'ADX', overlay = false,
#// Indicator to helps determine the strength of a trend
#// Average Directional movement indeX (ADX) Developed by J. Welles
#// This script reuses open source code from another authors:
#// @PineCoders, Built-in Library, and Community Scripts
#// Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor.
#// For purpose educate only. Use at your own risk.
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 03/2023
declare lower;
#// ——————————— <inputs> {
input adxSmoothing = 7;# 'ADX Smoothing'
input diLength = 7;# 'DI Length'
input Level_Range = 25;# 'Level Range'
input Level_Trend = 50;# 'Level Trend'
input Level_Upper = 75;# 'Level Upper'
input alertOn = yes;# "Alert On/Off"
input barColor = yes;# "Bar Color On/Off"
def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
def isconfirmed = !IsNaN(close);
#--- Color---
DefineGlobalColor("green" , CreateColor(0, 100, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("lgreen" , CreateColor(56,142,60));
DefineGlobalColor("red" , CreateColor(139,0,0));
DefineGlobalColor("lred" , CreateColor(183,28,28));
DefineGlobalColor("orange" , CreateColor(255,152,0));
DefineGlobalColor("cgreen" , CreateColor(0,61,0));
DefineGlobalColor("clgreen" , CreateColor(39,100,42));
DefineGlobalColor("cred" , CreateColor(61,0,0));
DefineGlobalColor("clred" , CreateColor(149,23,23));
DefineGlobalColor("corange" , CreateColor(118, 70, 0));
# function_declarations> {
script nz {
input data = close;
def ret_val = if !isNaN(data) then data else 0;
plot return = ret_val;
script fixnan {
input source = close;
def fix = if !IsNaN(source) then source else fix[1];
plot result = fix;
#f_dirMov(_len) =>
script f_dirMov {
input _len = 14;
def _up = (high - high[1]);
def _down = -(low - low[1]);
def _plusDM = if IsNaN(_up) then Double.NaN else if _up > _down and _up > 0 then _up else 0;
def _minusDM = if IsNaN(_down) then Double.NaN else if _down > _up and _down > 0 then _down else 0;
def tr = TrueRange(high, close, low);
def _trueRange = WildersAverage(tr, _len);
def _plus = (100 * WildersAverage(_plusDM, _len) / _trueRange);
def _minus = (100 * WildersAverage(_minusDM, _len) / _trueRange);
def plus_ = if isNaN(_plus) then plus_[1] else _plus;
def minus_ = if isNaN(_minus) then minus_[1] else _minus;
plot plus = plus_;
plot min = minus_;
#f_sig(_diLen, _sigLen) =>
script f_sig {
input _diLen = 14;
input _sigLen = 14;
def _plus = f_dirMov(_diLen).plus;
def _minus = f_dirMov(_diLen).min;
def _sum = _plus + _minus;
def _sig = 100 * WildersAverage(AbsValue(_plus - _minus) / (if _sum == 0 then 1 else _sum), _sigLen);
plot out = _sig;
#— <calculations> {
#//<set initial values>
def condition;# = 0.0
def sig = f_sig(diLength, adxSmoothing);
def diPlus = f_dirMov(diLength).plus;
def diMinus = f_dirMov(diLength).min;
def hlRange = sig <= Level_Range;
def diUp = diPlus >= diMinus;
def diUpUp = diPlus >= Level_Trend;
def diDn = diMinus > diPlus;
def diDnDn = diMinus > Level_Trend;
def crossDi = (diPlus>diMinus and diPlus[1]<=diMinus[1]) or (diPlus<diMinus and diPlus[1]>=diMinus[1]);
def sigUp = sig > sig[1];
def sigDir = if sig > sig[1] and diUp and !hlRange then 1 else
if sig > sig[1] and diDn and !hlRange then -1 else 0;
def entryLong = !hlRange and diUp and sigUp and !diUp[1] or
!hlRange and diUp and sigUp and sig > Level_Range and hlRange[1];
def entryShort = !hlRange and diDn and sigUp and !diDn[1] or
!hlRange and diDn and sigUp and sig > Level_Range and hlRange[1];
def entryLongStr = !hlRange and diUp and sigUp and diUpUp;
def entryShortSt = !hlRange and diDn and sigUp and diDnDn;
def exitLong = crossDi and diUp[1] or hlRange and !hlRange[1];
def exitShort = crossDi and diDn[1] or hlRange and !hlRange[1];
condition = if condition[1] != 1 and entryLongStr then 1 else
if condition[1] != -1 and entryShortSt then -1 else
if condition[1] != 0.5 and entryLong then 0.5 else
if condition[1] != -0.5 and entryShort then -0.5 else
if condition[1] != 0 and exitLong then 0 else
if condition[1] != 0 and exitShort then 0 else nz(condition[1]);
def longE = isconfirmed and
condition[1] != 0.5 and condition == 0.5;
def shortE = isconfirmed and
condition[1] != -0.5 and condition == -0.5;
def longEStr = isconfirmed and
condition[1] != 1 and condition == 1;
def shortEStr = isconfirmed and
condition[1] != -1 and condition == -1;
def longX = isconfirmed and
((condition[1] == 0.5 and condition == 0) or
(condition[1] == 1 and condition == 0));
def shortX = isconfirmed and
((condition[1] == -0.5 and condition == 0) or
(condition[1] == -1 and condition == 0));
def c_sig = if hlRange then 0 else
if sigUp and diUp then 2 else
if !sigUp and diUp then 1 else
if sigUp and diDn then -2 else
if !sigUp and diDn then -1 else na;
def c_Adx = if hlRange then 0 else
if !hlRange and diUp and diUpUp then 2 else
if !hlRange and diUp and !diUpUp then 1 else
if !hlRange and diDn and diDnDn then -2 else
if !hlRange and diDn and !diDnDn then -1 else na;
#// ——————————— <plots> {
plot adx = if last or isNaN(c_sig) then na else sig;
adx.AssignValueColor(if c_sig==0 then GlobalColor("orange") else
if c_sig==2 then GlobalColor("green") else
if c_sig==1 then GlobalColor("lgreen") else
if c_sig==-2 then GlobalColor("red") else GlobalColor("lred"));
plot p_diPlus = if last then na else diPlus;
plot p_diMinus = if last then na else diMinus;
AddCloud(if isNaN(c_Adx) then na else if c_Adx==0 then p_diPlus else na, p_diMinus, GlobalColor("corange"),GlobalColor("corange"));
AddCloud(if isNaN(c_Adx) then na else if c_Adx==2 then p_diPlus else na, p_diMinus, GlobalColor("cgreen"),GlobalColor("cgreen"));
AddCloud(if isNaN(c_Adx) then na else if c_Adx==1 then p_diPlus else na, p_diMinus, GlobalColor("clgreen"),GlobalColor("clgreen"));
AddCloud(if isNaN(c_Adx) then na else if c_Adx==-2 then p_diPlus else na, p_diMinus, GlobalColor("cred"),GlobalColor("cred"));
AddCloud(if isNaN(c_Adx) then na else if c_Adx==-1 then p_diPlus else na, p_diMinus, GlobalColor("clred"),GlobalColor("clred"));
plot LevelRange = if last then na else Level_Range;
plot LevelTrend = if last then na else Level_Trend;
plot LevelUpper = if last then na else Level_Upper;
AssignPriceColor(if !barColor or isNaN(c_sig) then Color.CURRENT else
if c_sig==0 then GlobalColor("orange") else
if c_sig==2 then GlobalColor("green") else
if c_sig==1 then GlobalColor("lgreen") else
if c_sig==-2 then GlobalColor("red") else GlobalColor("lred"));
#// ——————————— <alerts> {
plot Bullish = if alertOn and longE then Level_Trend + 10 else na;
# style = shape.triangleup,
# size = size.tiny,
# location = location.absolute)
plot Bearish = if alertOn and shortE then Level_Trend + 10 else na;
# style = shape.triangledown,
# size = size.tiny,
# location = location.absolute)
plot StrongBull = if alertOn and longEStr then Level_Trend + 10 else na;
# style = shape.triangleup,
# size = size.small,
# location = location.absolute)
plot StrongBear = if alertOn and shortEStr then Level_Trend + 10 else na;
# style = shape.triangledown,
# size = size.small,
# location = location.absolute)
plot EndTrend = if alertOn and (longX or shortX) then Level_Trend + 10 else na;
# style = shape.xcross,
# size = size.small,
# location = location.absolute)
# Define a flag that turns on after DI- and DI+ cross and stays on for one bar
def crossFlag = if crossDi then 1 else if crossFlag[1] == 1 then 0 else crossFlag[1];
# Define the ADX crossing condition separately
def adxCrossingAboveTrend = adx crosses above Level_Trend;
# Now check if the ADX crossing happens after the DI cross
def alertCondition = crossFlag[1] == 1 and adxCrossingAboveTrend;
# The Alert function will then use this condition
Alert(alertCondition and alertOn, "Sequential Alert: DI- and DI+ crossed followed by ADX crossing above Level_Trend", Alert.Bar, Sound.Chimes);
#-- END of Code