Digital Root Equals Time and Price


New member
Hello. I wanted to know if anyone could write a code that marks when time and price digital roots are equal. Not sure if it is possible or if it is of any value. Thank you.

mod note:
The Digital Root is calculated by summing the digits of the current time and then current price.
OP is inquiring how to detect when the digital roots for time and price are equal
Last edited by a moderator:

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i made a excel file to verify the math, based on wiki page
will try to make a study from it

in excel
go to a blank sheet
CNTRL-TILDE (formula mode)
paste in this code
CNTRL-TILDE (go back to normal mode)

    digital root                                                            
num                                                                digital root
12345    =C4+1    0    =MOD($A$4,$A$7^B4)    =MOD($A$4,$A$7^C4)    =$A$7^C4    =(D4-E4)/F4        =G4+G5+G6+G7+G8+G9+G10+G11    =B4    =C4    =MOD($I$4,$A$7^J4)    =MOD($I$4,$A$7^K4)    =$A$7^K4    =(L4-M4)/N4        =O4+O5+O6+O7+O8+O9+O10+O11
    =B4+1    =C4+1    =MOD($A$4,$A$7^B5)    =MOD($A$4,$A$7^C5)    =$A$7^C5    =(D5-E5)/F5            =B5    =C5    =MOD($I$4,$A$7^J5)    =MOD($I$4,$A$7^K5)    =$A$7^K5    =(L5-M5)/N5        
base    =B5+1    =C5+1    =MOD($A$4,$A$7^B6)    =MOD($A$4,$A$7^C6)    =$A$7^C6    =(D6-E6)/F6            =B6    =C6    =MOD($I$4,$A$7^J6)    =MOD($I$4,$A$7^K6)    =$A$7^K6    =(L6-M6)/N6        
10    =B6+1    =C6+1    =MOD($A$4,$A$7^B7)    =MOD($A$4,$A$7^C7)    =$A$7^C7    =(D7-E7)/F7            =B7    =C7    =MOD($I$4,$A$7^J7)    =MOD($I$4,$A$7^K7)    =$A$7^K7    =(L7-M7)/N7        
    =B7+1    =C7+1    =MOD($A$4,$A$7^B8)    =MOD($A$4,$A$7^C8)    =$A$7^C8    =(D8-E8)/F8            =B8    =C8    =MOD($I$4,$A$7^J8)    =MOD($I$4,$A$7^K8)    =$A$7^K8    =(L8-M8)/N8        
    =B8+1    =C8+1    =MOD($A$4,$A$7^B9)    =MOD($A$4,$A$7^C9)    =$A$7^C9    =(D9-E9)/F9            =B9    =C9    =MOD($I$4,$A$7^J9)    =MOD($I$4,$A$7^K9)    =$A$7^K9    =(L9-M9)/N9        
    =B9+1    =C9+1    =MOD($A$4,$A$7^B10)    =MOD($A$4,$A$7^C10)    =$A$7^C10    =(D10-E10)/F10            =B10    =C10    =MOD($I$4,$A$7^J10)    =MOD($I$4,$A$7^K10)    =$A$7^K10    =(L10-M10)/N10        
    =B10+1    =C10+1    =MOD($A$4,$A$7^B11)    =MOD($A$4,$A$7^C11)    =$A$7^C11    =(D11-E11)/F11            =B11    =C11    =MOD($I$4,$A$7^J11)    =MOD($I$4,$A$7^K11)    =$A$7^K11    =(L11-M11)/N11        
num    3110                                                            
base    12                                                            
dig1    19                                                            
dig2    8


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    60 KB · Views: 38
Hello. I wanted to know if anyone could write a code that marks when time and price digital roots are equal. Not sure if it is possible or if it is of any value. Thank you.

mod note:

i think this works. i was just finishing up and i changed the ticker and realized tos stopped loading ticker data......
fricken maintenence.... just a swirling logo

a lower study

find digital roots of,
. time, ( can choose time data of HHMM or minutes)
. and price (close)
draw 2 lines, for the 2 roots
if the roots match, draw an up arrow

i used the math on wiki site. link at end of code digital root (also repeated,to compute a digit sum.

i made a script with the math. i run numbers through script twice, to get a single digit number


# halcyonguy
# 24-01-10
#Digital Root Equals Time and Price
#abundant1  1/10
# write a code that,
# marks when time and price digital roots are equal.

declare lower;

def na = double.nan;
def bn = barnumber();
def base = 10;
# restrict price data to dollars
def cls_n = Round(close, 0);

# input a number and base, calc digital root
script digroot{
 input n = 0;
 input base = 10;
 def r1 = ((n % power(base,1)) - (n % power(base,0)))/power(base,0);
 def r2 = ((n % power(base,2)) - (n % power(base,1)))/power(base,1);
 def r3 = ((n % power(base,3)) - (n % power(base,2)))/power(base,2);
 def r4 = ((n % power(base,4)) - (n % power(base,3)))/power(base,3);
 def r5 = ((n % power(base,5)) - (n % power(base,4)))/power(base,4);
 def r6 = ((n % power(base,6)) - (n % power(base,5)))/power(base,5);
 def r7 = ((n % power(base,7)) - (n % power(base,6)))/power(base,6);
 def r8 = ((n % power(base,8)) - (n % power(base,7)))/power(base,7);
 def rttl = r1+r2+r3+r4+r5+r6+r7+r8;
 plot z = rttl;

# price root

def price_root1 =  digroot(cls_n);
#plot z1 = price_root1;
def price_root2 = if price_root1 < 10 then price_root1 else digroot(price_root1);
plot z2 = price_root2;

# time root

# hours_minutes  HHMM
# calc HHMM from elapsed minutes
# adjust for time zone
input timezone = {default "ET", "CT", "MT", "PT"};
def hour_offset = (if timezone == timezone."ET" then 0
      else if timezone == timezone."CT" then -1
      else if timezone == timezone."MT" then -2
      else -3);

input time_data = { default hours_minutes , minutes };

def start = 0000;

def tmin1 = SecondsFromTime(start)/60;
def thour1 = tmin1/60;
def thour2 = floor(thour1);
def tmin2 = (thour1 - thour2)*60;
def thour3 = (thour2 + hour_offset);
def thour4 = if thour3 > 0 then thour3 else thour3 + 11;
def time_hhmm = (thour4*100)+tmin2;

# time - HHMM
def time_hhmm_root1 =  digroot(time_hhmm);
def time_hhmm_root2 = if time_hhmm_root1 < 10 then time_hhmm_root1 else digroot(time_hhmm_root1);

# time - minutes
def time_min_root1 = digroot(tmin1);
def time_min_root2 = if time_min_root1 < 10 then time_min_root1 else digroot(time_min_root1);


def time_rootx;
def t;
switch(time_data) {
case hours_minutes:
 time_rootx = time_hhmm_root2;
 t = 1;
case minutes:
 time_rootx = time_min_root2;
 t = 2;

plot z3 = time_rootx;


def root_match = (price_root2 == time_rootx);

plot zm = if root_match then price_root2*0.92 else na;

addlabel(1, "price root " + price_root2 + " ", z2.takevaluecolor());
addlabel(1, "time root " + time_rootx + " ", z3.takevaluecolor());
addlabel(1, (if t == 2 then "minutes" else "HHMM"), z3.takevaluecolor());


input test_bubbles1 = no;
addchartbubble(test_bubbles1, 0,
 "price\n" +
 cls_n + "\n" +
, z2.takevaluecolor(), no);

addchartbubble(test_bubbles1 and t == 1, 0,
 "time HHMM\n" +
thour4 + ":" + tmin2 + "\n" +
 time_hhmm + " hm\n" +
 time_hhmm_root1 + " r1\n" +
 time_hhmm_root2 + " r2"
, z3.takevaluecolor(), no);

addchartbubble(test_bubbles1 and t == 2, 0,
 "time minutes\n" +
 tmin1 + " min\n" +
 time_min_root1 + " r1\n" +
 time_min_root2 + " r2\n"
, z3.takevaluecolor(), no);

# ref


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