Deviation Scaled Moving Average w/ DSL For ThinkOrSwim


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The author states:
Deviation Scaled Moving Average w/ DSL [Loxx] as described in the “The Deviation-Scaled Moving Average.” article of July 2018 TASC . This is an adaptive moving average average that has the ability to rapidly adapt to volatility in price movement. This version adds Discontinued Signal Lines create the buy/sell signals.

What are DSL Discontinued Signal Line?

A lot of indicators are using signal lines in order to determine the trend (or some desired state of the indicator) easier. The idea of the signal line is easy : comparing the value to it's smoothed (slightly lagging) state, the idea of current momentum/state is made.

Discontinued signal line is inheriting that simple signal line idea and it is extending it : instead of having one signal line, more lines depending on the current value of the indicator.


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Looking for DSL Oscillator like Deviation Scaled Moving Average w/ DSL
check the below:

#// Indicator for TOS
#// © loxx
#indicator("Deviation Scaled Moving Average w/ DSL [Loxx]", shorttitle='DSMAWDSL [Loxx]',
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 11/2024

input timeframe = AggregationPeriod.MIN;
input BetterSmoothingType = {"AMA", "T3", "Kaufman",default "No Smoothing"}; # "Heiken-Ashi Better Smoothing"
input useBetterHeikenAshiSource = {"Yes", Default "No"};
input Source = FundamentalType.CLOSE;     # "Source"
input Period = 25;                        # "Period"
input SignalPeriod = 9;                   # "Signal Period"
input SignalSmoothingType = {default "EMA", "FEMA", "HULL"};    # "Signal/DSL Smoothing"
input SignalType = {"Slope", default "Levels Crosses"};         # "Signal type"
input colorBars = yes;             # "Color bars?"
input showSignals = yes;           # "Show signals?"
input KaufmanFastEnd = 0.666;      # "* Kaufman's Adaptive MA (KAMA) Only - Fast End"
input KaufmanSlowEnd = 0.0645;     # "* Kaufman's Adaptive MA (KAMA) Only - Slow End"
input amaFastLength = 2;           # "* Adaptive Moving Average (AMA) Only - Fast"
input amaSlowLength = 30;          # "* Adaptive Moving Average (AMA) Only - Slow"

def na = Double.NaN;
def cap = GetAggregationPeriod();
def tf = Max(cap, timeframe);
def habingest = (open(Period = tf) + close(Period = tf))/2 + (((close(Period = tf) - open(Period = tf))/(high(Period = tf) - low(Period = tf))) * AbsValue((close(Period = tf) - open(Period = tf))/2));

def srcoption;
Switch (useBetterHeikenAshiSource) {
Case "Yes" : srcoption = if (isNaN(habingest) or !habingest) then Fundamental(Source, Period = tf) else habingest;;
Default : srcoption = Fundamental(Source, Period = tf);
script _ama {
    input src = close;
    input len = 2;
    input fl = 2;
    input sl = 30;
    def flout = 2 / (fl + 1);
    def slout = 2 / (sl + 1);
    def hh = Highest(len + 1);
    def ll = Lowest(len + 1);
    def mltp = if hh - ll != 0 then AbsValue(2 * src - ll - hh) / (hh - ll) else 0;
    def ssc = mltp * (flout - slout) + slout;
    def ama = ama[1] + Sqr(ssc) * (src - ama[1]);
    plot out = ama;
script _t3 {
    input src = close;
    input len = 3;
    def xe1_1 = ExpAverage(src, len);
    def xe2_1 = ExpAverage(xe1_1, len);
    def xe3_1 = ExpAverage(xe2_1, len);
    def xe4_1 = ExpAverage(xe3_1, len);
    def xe5_1 = ExpAverage(xe4_1, len);
    def xe6_1 = ExpAverage(xe5_1, len);
    def b_1 = 0.7;
    def c1_1 = -b_1 * b_1 * b_1;
    def c2_1 = 3 * b_1 * b_1 + 3 * b_1 * b_1 * b_1;
    def c3_1 = -6 * b_1 * b_1 - 3 * b_1 - 3 * b_1 * b_1 * b_1;
    def c4_1 = 1 + 3 * b_1 + b_1 * b_1 * b_1 + 3 * b_1 * b_1;
    def nT3Average = c1_1 * xe6_1 + c2_1 * xe5_1 + c3_1 * xe4_1 + c4_1 * xe3_1;
    plot out = nT3Average;
script _kama {
    input src = close;
    input len = 2;
    input kama_fastend = 0.666;
    input kama_slowend = 0.0645;
    def xvnoise = AbsValue(src - src[1]);
    def nfastend = kama_fastend;
    def nslowend = kama_slowend;
    def nsignal = AbsValue(src - src[len]);
    def nnoise = Sum(xvnoise, len);
    def nefratio = if nnoise != 0 then nsignal / nnoise else 0;
    def nsmooth = Power(nefratio * (nfastend - nslowend) + nslowend, 2);
    def nAMA = nAMA[1] + nsmooth * (src - nAMA[1]);
    plot out = nAMA;
script fema {
    input src = close;
    input len = 9;
    def ema = ExpAverage(src, len);
    def alpha = (2.0 / (2.0 + (len - 1.0) / 2.0));
    def fema = CompoundValue(1, fema[1] + alpha * (src - fema[1]), ema);
    plot out = fema;
Script super {
input src = close;
input len = 25;
    def pi = Double.Pi;
    def f = (Sqrt(2) * pi) / len;
    def a = exp(-f);
    def coeff2 = 2 * a * cos(f);
    def coeff3 = - Sqr(a);
    def coeff1 = 1 - coeff2 - coeff3;
    def addSrc = src + src[1];
    def smooth = CompoundValue(1, coeff1 * addSrc * 0.5 + coeff2 * smooth[1] + coeff3 * smooth[2],
                                  coeff1 * addSrc * 0.5 + coeff2 * close[1] + coeff3 * close[2]);
    plot out = if !IsNaN(src) then smooth else Double.NaN;;
def src;
switch (BetterSmoothingType) {
case "AMA" :
    src = _ama(srcoption, 2, amaFastLength, amaSlowLength);
case "T3"  :
    src = _t3(srcoption, 3);
Case"Kaufman" :
    src = _kama(srcoption, 2, KaufmanFastEnd, KaufmanSlowEnd);
Default :
    src = srcoption;

def filt  = super((close(Period = tf) - close(Period = tf)[2]), Period);
def sQrms = Sum(Sqr(filt), Period);
def rms = Sqrt(sQrms / Period);
def scaledfit = filt / rms;
def alpha = AbsValue(scaledfit) * 5 / Period;
def dsEMA;
def dsEMA1 = if dsEMA[1] then dsEMA[1] else ExpAverage(src, Period);
    dsEMA  = dsEMA1 + alpha * (src - dsEMA1);
def sig = if dsEMA then dsEMA1 else sig[1];

def levelu; def leveld;
switch (SignalSmoothingType) {
case "FEMA" :
    levelu = if (DSEMA > sig) then fema(Max(dsEMA, sig), SignalPeriod) else levelu[1];
    leveld = if (DSEMA < sig) then fema(Min(dsEMA, sig) , SignalPeriod) else leveld[1];
case "HULL" :
    levelu = if (DSEMA > sig) then HullMovingAvg(Max(dsEMA, sig), SignalPeriod) else levelu[1];
    leveld = if (DSEMA < sig) then HullMovingAvg(Min(dsEMA, sig), SignalPeriod) else leveld[1];
default :
    levelu = if (dsEMA > sig) then ExpAverage(Max(dsEMA, sig), SignalPeriod) else levelu[1];
    leveld = if (dsEMA < sig) then ExpAverage(Min(dsEMA, sig), SignalPeriod) else leveld[1];

def state;
def goLong_pre; def goShort_pre;
Switch (SignalType) {
Case "Slope" :
    state       = if (dsEMA < sig) then -1 else if (dsEMA > sig) then 1 else 0;
    goLong_pre  = (dsEMA > sig) and (dsEMA[1] <= sig[1]);
    goShort_pre = (dsEMA < sig) and (dsEMA[1] >= sig[1]);
Default :
    state       = if (dsEMA < leveld) then -1 else if (dsEMA > levelu) then 1 else 0;
    goLong_pre  = (dsEMA > levelu) and (dsEMA[1] <= levelu[1]);
    goShort_pre = (dsEMA < leveld) and (dsEMA[1] >= leveld[1]);
def contSwitch = if goLong_pre then 1 else if goShort_pre then -1 else contSwitch[1];
def goLong     = goLong_pre and (contSwitch - contSwitch[1]);
def goShort    = goShort_pre and (contSwitch - contSwitch[1]);

def colorout;
Switch (SignalType) {
Case "Slope" :
    colorout = if contSwitch == -1 then -1 else 1;
Default :
    colorout = if state == 1 then 1 else if state == -1 then -1 else 0;
#-- Plots
plot Stepped = if dsEMA then dsEMA else na;   # "Pips-Stepped, Adaptive-ER DSEMA"
plot LevelUp = if levelu then levelu else na;  # "Level Up"
plot LevelDn = if leveld then leveld else na;  # "Level Down"

Stepped.AssignValueColor(if colorout>0 then Color.CYAN else
                         if colorout<0 then Color.MAGENTA else Color.GRAY);
#-- Signals
plot SigUp = if showSignals and goLong then low else na;
plot SigDn = if showSignals and goShort then high else na;


#-- Bar Color
AssignPriceColor(if !colorbars then Color.CURRENT else
                 if colorout>0 then Color.GREEN else
                 if colorout<0 then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

#-- END of CODE

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