Customised labels in watchlist


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2019 Donor

Hi, I am planning to create a customised watchlist that plots the positions of the moving average with the help of labels
Currently, i have to spilt this script into 6 different plots so that it can assign a label with color when the conditions are met as show in the pic
I tried to insert the entire script in the custom code formula, but ONLY 1 plot will be shown

Can i request assistance to help me edit the script so that it will automatically assign each box with the right label whenever the conditions are met

Plot Trend1 = MovAvgExponential(close, 13);
Trend1.AssignValueColor(if close > Trend1 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
Plot Trend2 = MovAvgExponential(close, 34);
Trend2.AssignValueColor(if close > Trend2 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

plot L1 = close >trend1 and trend1>trend2;
addlabel(yes, if L1 >=1.0 then "S1" else "",;
assignbackgroundcolor(if L1 >=1.0 then else;

plot L2 = close <trend1 and close>trend2 and trend1>trend2;
assignbackgroundcolor(if L2 >=1.0 then else;

plot L3 = close<trend2 and trend1>trend2;
addlabel(yes, if L3 >=1.0 then "S3" else "",;
assignbackgroundcolor(if L3 >=1.0 then else;

plot L4= close < Trend1 and Trend1< trend2;
addlabel(yes, if l4 >=1.0 then "S4" else "",;
assignbackgroundcolor(if l4 >=1.0 then else;

plot L5 = close > Trend1 and close<trend2 and Trend2 > Trend1;
addlabel(yes, if L5 >=1.0 then "S5" else "",;
assignbackgroundcolor(if L5 >=1.0 then else;

plot L6 = close > Trend1 and close > trend2 and trend2> trend1;
addlabel(yes, if L6 >=1.0 then "S6" else "",;
assignbackgroundcolor(if L6 >=1.0 then else;

Thank you


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column study


this combines several average comparing conditions into 1 plot and 1 backcolor
a column study can have only (1 plot or 1 addlabel) and only 1 assignbackgroundcolor().

i started with your code and copied 1 line at a time and rewrote it or added it into another code line.
changed all the plots to be def.
copied the text condition logic and added them to the addlabel().
copied the color condition logic and added them to the assignbackgroundcolor()

this checks the green color conditions first, then the red. if it is possible for more than 1 condition to be true, you will have to decide which condition is more important and rearrange the sequence of the conditions in the addlabel() and the assignbackgroundcolor(), to display the desired output.

# zcompare_avg
def trend1 = MovAvgExponential(close, 13);
def trend2 = MovAvgExponential(close, 34);

#def up = (close > trend1 or close > trend2);

def L1 = close > trend1 and trend1 > trend2;
def L2 = close < trend1 and close > trend2 and trend1 > trend2;

def L3 = close < trend2 and trend1 > trend2;
def L4 = close < trend1 and trend1 < trend2;

def L5 = close > trend1 and close < trend2 and trend2 > trend1;
def L6 = close > trend1 and close > trend2 and trend2 > trend1;

# -------------------------------------

      if L1 then "S1"
 else if L3 then "S3"
 else if L4 then "S4"
 else if L5 then "S5"
 else if L6 then "S6"
 else ""

# -----------------------------------
# color
 if ((close > trend1) or (close > trend2) or L1 or L2 or L4 or L5 or L6) then Color.GREEN
 else if ((close < trend1) or (close < trend2) or L3) then
 else Color.current);

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column study


this combines several average comparing conditions into 1 plot and 1 backcolor
a column study can have only (1 plot or 1 addlabel) and only 1 assignbackgroundcolor().

i started with your code and copied 1 line at a time and rewrote it or added it into another code line.
changed all the plots to be def.
copied the text condition logic and added them to the addlabel().
copied the color condition logic and added them to the assignbackgroundcolor()

this checks the green color conditions first, then the red. if it is possible for more than 1 condition to be true, you will have to decide which condition is more important and rearrange the sequence of the conditions in the addlabel() and the assignbackgroundcolor(), to display the desired output.

# zcompare_avg
def trend1 = MovAvgExponential(close, 13);
def trend2 = MovAvgExponential(close, 34);

#def up = (close > trend1 or close > trend2);

def L1 = close > trend1 and trend1 > trend2;
def L2 = close < trend1 and close > trend2 and trend1 > trend2;

def L3 = close < trend2 and trend1 > trend2;
def L4 = close < trend1 and trend1 < trend2;

def L5 = close > trend1 and close < trend2 and trend2 > trend1;
def L6 = close > trend1 and close > trend2 and trend2 > trend1;

# -------------------------------------

      if L1 then "S1"
 else if L3 then "S3"
 else if L4 then "S4"
 else if L5 then "S5"
 else if L6 then "S6"
 else ""

# -----------------------------------
# color
 if ((close > trend1) or (close > trend2) or L1 or L2 or L4 or L5 or L6) then Color.GREEN
 else if ((close < trend1) or (close < trend2) or L3) then
 else Color.current);
@halcyonguy thank u very much for the detailed explanation. Greatly appreciated. I added one new condition, highlighted in BOLD L4x to assign the box to be white and label as S4x. I also tried to rearrange the sequence of the color but the display still appear in Green n S4. There is no error msg, can i request your assistance to take a look what did i not do correctly. Thank u

# zcompare_avg
def trend1 = MovAvgExponential(close, 13);
def trend2 = MovAvgExponential(close, 34);
def trend3 = MovAvgExponential(close, 5);

#def up = (close > trend1 or close > trend2);

def L1 = close > trend1 and trend1 > trend2;
def L2 = close < trend1 and close > trend2 and trend1 > trend2;

def L3 = close < trend2 and trend1 > trend2;
def L4 = close < trend1 and trend1 < trend2;
def L4x= close < Trend1 and Trend1< trend2 and close > trend3;# if this is true, assign background to be white color with S4x

def L5 = close > trend1 and close < trend2 and trend2 > trend1;
def L6 = close > trend1 and close > trend2 and trend2 > trend1;

# -------------------------------------

if L1 then "S1"
else if L2 then "S2"# this was missing in the plot, so i added in
else if L3 then "S3"
else if L4 then "S4"
else if L4x then S4x"
else if L5 then "S5"
else if L6 then "S6"
else ""

# -----------------------------------
# color
if ((close > trend1) or (close > trend2) or L1 or L2 or L4 or L5 or L6) then Color.GREEN
else if ((close < trend1) or (close < trend2) or L3) then
else if ((close < trend1) or (close < trend2) or (close > trend3) or L4x) then color. white
else Color.current);
@halcyonguy thank u very much for the detailed explanation. Greatly appreciated. I added one new condition, highlighted in BOLD L4x to assign the box to be white and label as S4x. I also tried to rearrange the sequence of the color but the display still appear in Green n S4. There is no error msg, can i request your assistance to take a look what did i not do correctly. Thank u

# zcompare_avg
def trend1 = MovAvgExponential(close, 13);
def trend2 = MovAvgExponential(close, 34);
def trend3 = MovAvgExponential(close, 5);

#def up = (close > trend1 or close > trend2);

def L1 = close > trend1 and trend1 > trend2;
def L2 = close < trend1 and close > trend2 and trend1 > trend2;

def L3 = close < trend2 and trend1 > trend2;
def L4 = close < trend1 and trend1 < trend2;
def L4x= close < Trend1 and Trend1< trend2 and close > trend3;# if this is true, assign background to be white color with S4x

def L5 = close > trend1 and close < trend2 and trend2 > trend1;
def L6 = close > trend1 and close > trend2 and trend2 > trend1;

# -------------------------------------

if L1 then "S1"
else if L2 then "S2"# this was missing in the plot, so i added in
else if L3 then "S3"
else if L4 then "S4"
else if L4x then S4x"
else if L5 then "S5"
else if L6 then "S6"
else ""

# -----------------------------------
# color
if ((close > trend1) or (close > trend2) or L1 or L2 or L4 or L5 or L6) then Color.GREEN
else if ((close < trend1) or (close < trend2) or L3) then
else if ((close < trend1) or (close < trend2) or (close > trend3) or L4x) then color. white
else Color.current);
i made a lower study for debugging.

looking at a couple stocks,
when ever L4x is true, L4 is also true, so the L4 in green color is acted on first, and the logic never gets to L4x.
you will have to rearrange and rethink your conditions to come up with a unique rule for L4x.

sometimes i make a lower study, to display variable values, to help me debug an issue. it can be frustrating to try to fix code in a column.

i copied your code from post #3 and made it a lower study, and added some bubbles to display values.
with this, you can look at one stock , at various times and verify valid data is shown.

# test_compareavg02
# col - zcompare2

declare lower;

# zcompare_avg
def trend1 = MovAvgExponential(close, 13);
def trend2 = MovAvgExponential(close, 34);
def trend3 = MovAvgExponential(close, 5);

#def up = (close > trend1 or close > trend2);

def L1 = close > trend1 and trend1 > trend2;
def L2 = close < trend1 and close > trend2 and trend1 > trend2;

def L3 = close < trend2 and trend1 > trend2;
def L4 = close < trend1 and trend1 < trend2;
def L4x = close < Trend1 and Trend1 < trend2 and close > trend3;
#  if L$x is true, assign background to be white color with S4x

def L5 = close > trend1 and close < trend2 and trend2 > trend1;
def L6 = close > trend1 and close > trend2 and trend2 > trend1;

#  s2  was missing in the plot, so i added in
if L1 then "S1"
else if L2 then "S2"
else if L3 then "S3"
else if L4 then "S4"
else if L4x then "S4x"
else if L5 then "S5"
else if L6 then "S6"
else ""

# -----------------------------------
# color
#if ((close > trend1) or (close > trend2) or L1 or L2 or L4 or L5 or L6) then Color.GREEN
#else if ((close < trend1) or (close < trend2) or L3) then
#else if ((close < trend1) or (close < trend2) or (close > trend3) or L4x) then color. white
#else Color.current);

# -------------------------------------

# display some values
plot t1 = 3.5;
plot z = 0;
plot t2= -3.5;
def draw = !isnan(close);

#  test L4 values
addlabel(1, " top bubbles are L4", color.yellow);
plot w = (L4 * 0.5 ) + 0.25;
#def L4 = close < trend1 and trend1 < trend2;
addchartbubble(draw, 1, L4 + "\n" + (close < trend1) + "\n" + (trend1 < trend2) , if l4 then color.yellow else color.cyan, yes);

#  test L4x values
addlabel(1, " bottom bubble are L4x", color.yellow);
plot x = (L4x * 0.5) - 0.75;
# def L4x = close < Trend1 and Trend1 < trend2 and close > trend3;
addchartbubble(draw, -1, L4x + "\n" + (close < trend1) + "\n" + (trend1 < trend2) + "\n" + (close > trend3), if l4x then color.white else color.dark_gray, no);


Last edited:
i made a lower study for debugging.

looking at a couple stocks,
when ever L4x is true, L4 is also true, so the L4 in green color is acted on first, and the logic never gets to L4x.
you will have to rearrange and rethink your conditions to come up with a unique rule for L4x.

sometimes i make a lower study, to display variable values, to help me debug an issue. it can be frustrating to try to fix code in a column.

i copied your code from post #3 and made it a lower study, and added some bubbles to display values.
with this, you can look at one stock , at various times and verify valid data is shown.

# test_compareavg02
# col - zcompare2

declare lower;

# zcompare_avg
def trend1 = MovAvgExponential(close, 13);
def trend2 = MovAvgExponential(close, 34);
def trend3 = MovAvgExponential(close, 5);

#def up = (close > trend1 or close > trend2);

def L1 = close > trend1 and trend1 > trend2;
def L2 = close < trend1 and close > trend2 and trend1 > trend2;

def L3 = close < trend2 and trend1 > trend2;
def L4 = close < trend1 and trend1 < trend2;
def L4x = close < Trend1 and Trend1 < trend2 and close > trend3;
#  if L$x is true, assign background to be white color with S4x

def L5 = close > trend1 and close < trend2 and trend2 > trend1;
def L6 = close > trend1 and close > trend2 and trend2 > trend1;

#  s2  was missing in the plot, so i added in
if L1 then "S1"
else if L2 then "S2"
else if L3 then "S3"
else if L4 then "S4"
else if L4x then "S4x"
else if L5 then "S5"
else if L6 then "S6"
else ""

# -----------------------------------
# color
#if ((close > trend1) or (close > trend2) or L1 or L2 or L4 or L5 or L6) then Color.GREEN
#else if ((close < trend1) or (close < trend2) or L3) then
#else if ((close < trend1) or (close < trend2) or (close > trend3) or L4x) then color. white
#else Color.current);

# -------------------------------------

# display some values
plot t1 = 3.5;
plot z = 0;
plot t2= -3.5;
def draw = !isnan(close);

#  test L4 values
addlabel(1, " top bubbles are L4", color.yellow);
plot w = (L4 * 0.5 ) + 0.25;
#def L4 = close < trend1 and trend1 < trend2;
addchartbubble(draw, 1, L4 + "\n" + (close < trend1) + "\n" + (trend1 < trend2) , if l4 then color.yellow else color.cyan, yes);

#  test L4x values
addlabel(1, " bottom bubble are L4x", color.yellow);
plot x = (L4x * 0.5) - 0.75;
# def L4x = close < Trend1 and Trend1 < trend2 and close > trend3;
addchartbubble(draw, -1, L4x + "\n" + (close < trend1) + "\n" + (trend1 < trend2) + "\n" + (close > trend3), if l4x then color.white else color.dark_gray, no);


@halcyonguy Thank u once again for your detailed explanation!! Learning everyday!!
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