So here is my custom Impulse strategy that is a tweaked version of Elders Impulse System. I was inspired after seeing DistributionTesting by @mcdon030 and his strategy stats he/she posted with his Distribution testing indicator, you should definily check out its very interesting. I believe the stats from his strategy are from, extending P/L. I wanted to make a simple momentum short term strategy. It uses the ToS built in Impulse indicator but with a 10 EMA instead of 13 and the 50 period HullMovingAvg.
Using HMA of 20 for weekly charts.
Impulse(10) turns green and close > HMA(50)
Impulse(10) turns red and close < HMA(50)
Strategy Below. Some issues with expectancy it displays a negative number.
Using HMA of 20 for weekly charts.
Impulse(10) turns green and close > HMA(50)
Impulse(10) turns red and close < HMA(50)
Strategy Below. Some issues with expectancy it displays a negative number.
input length = 10;
def EMA = expAverage(close, length);
input flength = 12;
input slength = 26;
input amacd = 9;
def Value = ExpAverage(close, flength) - ExpAverage(close, slength);
def Avg = ExpAverage(Value, amacd);
def MACDHist = Value - Avg;
def GreenPrice = if EMA > EMA[1] and MACDHist > MACDHist[1] then 1 else 0;
def RedPrice = if EMA < EMA[1] and MACDHist < MACDHist[1] then 1 else 0;
def neutral = !RedPrice and !GreenPrice;
input hma_length = 50;
def dma = hullMovingAvg(close, hma_length);
AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_OPEN, GreenPrice == 1 and dma < close, tickcolor = GetColor(8), arrowcolor = GetColor(8), name = "TMOLE");
AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, RedPrice == 1 or neutral, tickcolor = GetColor(8), arrowcolor = GetColor(8), name = "TMOLE");
AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_OPEN, RedPrice == 1 and dma > close, tickcolor = GetColor(6), arrowcolor = GetColor(6), name = "TMOSE");
AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_CLOSE, GreenPrice == 1 or neutral, tickcolor = GetColor(8), arrowcolor = GetColor(8), name = "TMOLE");"
def bn = BarNumber();
def lbar = HighestAll(if !isnan(close) then bn else 0);
def entryPrice = EntryPrice();
def pl = FPL();
def nan = Double.NaN;
input fplBegin = 0000;
#hint fplBegin: start time: the time in which then dailyHighLow profit should consider the day start. Recommended value is 0000.
input fplTargetWinLoss = .50;
#hint fplTargetWinLoss: sets the target winlossRatio (in percent) which determines display colors of the W/L label.
input fplTargetWinRate = 1;
#hint fplTargetWinRate: sets the target winRate (float) which determines display colors of the WinRate label;
input fplHidePrice = no;
#hint fplHidePrice: hide's the underlying price graph. \nDefault is no.
input fplHideFPL = yes;
#hint fplHideFPL: hide's the underlying P&L graph.\nDefault is yes.
input fplShowEntryBubbles = no;
#hint fplShowEntryBubbles: display bubbles on the FPL showing the entry and exit P&L values
input fplEnableDebugging = no;
#hint fplEnableDebugging: displays various debugging labels and chart bubbles. \nIt's recommended to hide the price chart & set the fpl hide fpl setting to yes, when enabling.
#temp input var references
def begin = fplBegin;
def targetWinLoss = fplTargetWinLoss;
def targetWinRate = fplTargetWinRate;
def hidePrice = fplHidePrice;
def hideFPL = fplHideFPL;
def showEntryBubbles = fplShowEntryBubbles;
def enableDebugging = fplEnableDebugging;
#hide chart candles
#Plot default Floating P&L
plot FPL = FPL();
FPL.DefineColor("Positive and Up", Color.GREEN);
FPL.DefineColor("Positive and Down", Color.DARK_GREEN);
FPL.DefineColor("Negative and Down", Color.RED);
FPL.DefineColor("Negative and Up", Color.DARK_RED);
FPL.AssignValueColor(if FPL >= 0
then if FPL > FPL[1]
then FPL.Color("Positive and Up")
else FPL.Color("Positive and Down")
else if FPL < FPL[1]
then FPL.Color("Negative and Down")
else FPL.Color("Negative and Up"));
plot ZeroLine = if IsNaN(close)
then nan
else 0;
#Global Scripts
script calculateDrawdown {
input plLow = 1;
input plHigh = 1;
def _drawdown = if plHigh == 0
then 0 #handles the divide by zero error
else (plLow - plHigh) / plHigh;
plot calculateDrawdown = _drawdown;
script incrementValue {
input condition = yes;
input increment = 1;
input startingValue = 0;
def _value = CompoundValue(1,
if condition
then _value[1] + increment
else _value[1], startingValue);
plot incrementValue = _value;
script getDurationInMins {
input gdimBarCount = 1;
#get the aggregation period (MS per bar)
def aggPeriod = GetAggregationPeriod();
#multiply length of bars by aggPeriod to determine total milliseconds then convert to minutes
def _getDurationInMins = Floor((gdimBarCount * aggPeriod) / 60000);
plot getDurationInMins = _getDurationInMins;
script formatDuration {
input fdBarCount = 1;
def _fdDuration = getDurationInMins(fdBarCount);
def _formatDuration = if _fdDuration >= 60 and _fdDuration < 1440 #hours but not days
then 1
else if _fdDuration >= 1440 #days
then 2
else 0;
plot formatDuration = _formatDuration;
script calculateDuration {
input cdBarCount = 1;
def _cdDurationFormat = formatDuration(cdBarCount);
def _cdDuration = getDurationInMins(cdBarCount);
#if minutes > hour convert to hour, else if minutes > day, then convert to days
def _calculateDuration = if _cdDurationFormat == 1
then _cdDuration / 60 #convert to hours if greater than 60min but less than a day (1440)
else if _cdDurationFormat == 2
then Ceil(_cdDuration / 1440) #convert to days if greater than 1440mins
else _cdDuration; #fallback to minutes
plot calculateDuration = _calculateDuration;
# Entry Calculations. Note: Only parses on a Strategy Chart
def entry = EntryPrice();
def entryPrice1 = if !IsNaN(entry)
then entry
else entryPrice1[1];
def hasEntry = !IsNaN(entry);
def isNewEntry = entryPrice1 != entryPrice1[1];
#is active trade
def Active = if SecondsTillTime(begin) == 0 and
SecondsFromTime(begin) == 0
then 1
else 0;
def highFPL = HighestAll(FPL);
def lowFPL = LowestAll(FPL);
def fplreturn = (FPL - FPL[1]) / FPL[1];
def cumsum = Sum(fplreturn);
def highBarNumber = CompoundValue(1, if FPL == highFPL
then bn
else highBarNumber[1], 0);
def lowBarNumber = CompoundValue(1, if FPL == lowFPL
then bn
else lowBarNumber[1], 0);
#Win/Loss ratios
def entryBarsTemp = if hasEntry
then bn
else nan;
def entryBarNum = if hasEntry and isNewEntry
then bn
else entryBarNum[1];
def isEntryBar = entryBarNum != entryBarNum[1];
def entryBarPL = if isEntryBar
then FPL
else entryBarPL[1];
def exitBarsTemp = if !hasEntry
and bn > entryBarsTemp[1]
then bn
else nan;
def exitBarNum = if !hasEntry and !IsNaN(exitBarsTemp[1])
then bn
else exitBarNum[1];
def isExitBar = exitBarNum != exitBarNum[1];
def exitBarPL = if isExitBar
then FPL
else exitBarPL[1];
def entryReturn = if isExitBar then exitBarPL - exitBarPL[1] else entryReturn[1];
def isWin = if isExitBar and entryReturn >= 0 then 1 else 0;
def isLoss = if isExitBar and entryReturn < 0 then 1 else 0;
def entryReturnWin = if isWin then entryReturn else entryReturnWin[1];
def entryReturnLoss = if isLoss then entryReturn else entryReturnLoss[1];
def entryFPLWins = if isWin then entryReturn else 0;
def entryFPLLosses = if isLoss then entryReturn else 0;
def entryFPLAll = if isLoss or isWin then entryReturn else 0;
def entryCount = incrementValue(entryFPLAll);
def winCount = incrementValue(isWin);
def lossCount = incrementValue(isLoss);
def highestReturn = if entryReturnWin[1] > highestReturn[1]
then entryReturnWin[1]
else highestReturn[1];
def lowestReturn = if entryReturnLoss[1] < lowestReturn[1]
then entryReturnLoss[1]
else lowestReturn[1];
def winRate = winCount / lossCount;
def winLossRatio = winCount / entryCount;
def avgReturn = TotalSum(entryFPLAll) / entryCount;
def avgWin = TotalSum(entryFPLWins) / winCount;
def avgLoss = TotalSum(entryFPLLosses) / lossCount;
def lowestLowBarNumber = HighestAll(if FPL == lowFPL then bn else 0);
def highestHighBarNumber = HighestAll(if FPL == highFPL and FPL != FPL[1] then bn else 0);
def hasPrevLow = lowestLowBarNumber < highestHighBarNumber;
def isPeak = FPL > Highest(FPL[1], 12) and FPL > Highest(FPL[-12], 12);
def isTrough = FPL < Lowest(FPL[1], 12) and FPL < Lowest(FPL[-12], 12);
def _peak = if isPeak then FPL else nan;
def _trough = if isTrough then FPL else nan;
def peak = if !IsNaN(_peak) then FPL else peak[1];
def trough = if !IsNaN(_trough) then FPL else trough[1];
def peakBN = if isPeak then bn else peakBN[1];
def troughBN = if isTrough then bn else troughBN[1];
def ptvDrawdown = if !hasPrevLow then calculateDrawdown(lowFPL, highFPL) else ptvDrawdown[1];
def equityDrawdown = if isTrough and trough < peak then trough - peak else equityDrawdown[1];
def equityDrawdownPercent = if isTrough and trough < peak then calculateDrawdown(trough, peak) else equityDrawdownPercent[1];
def largestEquityDrawdown = LowestAll(equityDrawdown);
def largestEquityDrawdownPercent = LowestAll(equityDrawdownPercent);
def drawdown = if hasPrevLow
then largestEquityDrawdownPercent
else ptvDrawdown;
# Drawdown Durations
def equityDrawdownLength = if bn >= peakBN and bn <= troughBN
then troughBN - peakBN
else equityDrawdownLength[1];
def ptvDrawdownLength = if bn >= highestHighBarNumber and bn <= lowestLowBarNumber
then lowestLowBarNumber - highestHighBarNumber
else ptvDrawdownLength[1];
def equityDrawdownDuration = calculateDuration(HighestAll(equityDrawdownLength));
def equityDrawdownDurationFormat = formatDuration(HighestAll(equityDrawdownLength));
def ptvDrawdownDuration = calculateDuration(ptvDrawdownLength);
def ptvDrawdownDurationFormat = formatDuration(ptvDrawdownLength);
#Daily profit
def Midnight = if Active then FPL else Midnight[1];
def DaysProfit = FPL - Midnight;
AddChartBubble(!hideFPL and showEntryBubbles and isEntryBar, FPL, "Entry: " + entryBarPL + " | " + bn, Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(!hideFPL and showEntryBubbles and isExitBar, FPL, "Exit: " + exitBarPL,
color = if isWin
then Color.LIGHT_GREEN
else if isLoss
then Color.DARK_RED
else Color.GRAY,
up = no
text = "LastEntry: " + AsPrice(entryPrice)
text = "Current Trade % Return: " + AsPercent(cumsum),
color = if cumsum > 0
then Color.GREEN
else Color.RED
text = "Total Trades: " + entryCount,
color = Color.WHITE
text = "WinCount: " + winCount +
" | LossCount: " + lossCount +
" | WinRate: " + winRate,
color = if winRate >= targetWinRate
then Color.GREEN
else Color.RED
text = "W/L: " + AsPercent(winLossRatio),
color = if winLossRatio > targetWinLoss
then Color.GREEN
else Color.RED
text = "HighestReturn: " + AsDollars(highestReturn),
color = if highestReturn > 0
then Color.GREEN
else Color.RED );
text = "LowestReturn: " + AsDollars(lowestReturn),
color = if lowestReturn > 0
then Color.GREEN
else Color.RED );
text = "AvgReturn: " + AsDollars(avgReturn) +
" | AvgWin: " + AsDollars(avgWin) +
" | AvgLoss: " + AsDollars(avgLoss),
color = if avgReturn >= 0
then Color.LIGHT_GREEN
else Color.RED );
text = "PeakToValley DD: " + AsPercent(drawdown) +
" | Duration: " + ptvDrawdownDuration +
if ptvDrawdownDurationFormat == 1
then " hours"
else if ptvDrawdownDurationFormat == 2
then " days"
else " mins" ,
color = if drawdown > 0
then Color.GREEN
else Color.RED );
AddLabel(largestEquityDrawdown < 0,
text = "Largest Equity DD: " + AsDollars(largestEquityDrawdown) +
" | Duration: " + equityDrawdownDuration +
if equityDrawdownDurationFormat == 1
then " hours"
else if equityDrawdownDurationFormat == 2
then " days"
else " mins",
color = if largestEquityDrawdown > 0
then Color.GREEN
else Color.RED );
text = "P&L High" +
(if enableDebugging
then " at bar " + highBarNumber
else "") +
": " + AsDollars(highFPL),
color = Color.GREEN );
text = "P&L Low" +
(if enableDebugging
then " at bar " + lowBarNumber
else "") +
": " + AsDollars(lowFPL),
color = Color.RED );
text = "Days Profit: $" + DaysProfit,
color = if DaysProfit > 0
then Color.GREEN
else Color.RED );
text = "Total Profit: " + AsDollars(FPL),
color = if FPL > 0
then Color.GREEN
else Color.RED );
#peaks & troughs
AddChartBubble(enableDebugging and isPeak, FPL,
text = "FPL: " + FPL
+ " | Peak: " + peak
+ " | Trough: " + trough[-1]
+ " | Drawdown: " + AsPercent(calculateDrawdown(trough, peak))
+ " | PeakBN: " + peakBN
+ " | BarNumber: " + bn,
color = Color.LIME );
AddChartBubble(enableDebugging and isTrough, FPL,
text = "FPL: " + FPL
+ " | Peak: " + peak
+ " | Trough: " + trough
+ " | Drawdown: " + AsPercent(calculateDrawdown(trough, peak))
+ " | TroughBN: " + troughBN
+ " | BarNumber: " + bn,
color = Color.LIGHT_RED,
up = no );
AddVerticalLine(enableDebugging and isEntryBar,
text = "EntryBarNum: " + entryBarNum
+ " | ExitBarNum: " + exitBarNum[-1]
+ " | BarNumber: " + bn,
color = Color.WHITE);
AddVerticalLine(enableDebugging and isExitBar,
text = "EntryBarNum: " + entryBarNum[1]
+ " | ExitbarNum: " + exitBarNum
+ " | BarNumber: " + bn
+ " | EntryReturn: " + entryReturn,
color = if isWin
then Color.LIGHT_GREEN
else if isLoss
then Color.LIGHT_RED
else Color.LIGHT_GREEN
def FractionalWin = avgWin / fplBegin;
def FractionalLoss = avgLoss / fplBegin;
def Edge = (FractionalWin * winLossRatio) - FractionalLoss * (1 - winLossRatio);
### expectacy may need work. each time showing negative when should be positive
def Expectancy = (winLossRatio - avgWin ) - ((1 - winLossRatio) * avgLoss);
text = "Edge : " + AsPercent(Edge) +
" | Expectancy " + AsDollars(Expectancy),
color = Color.WHITE
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