At the top of the TOS window is an Education tab. Answers to that question can be found there. Sorry I can't help further.So TOS does not support custom aggregation for scanners apart from those available from the dropdown menu. Thanks all for the response. one day
Hey guys, I'm wondering if there's a way to use the built in tos scanner to scan specific timeframes, specifically 2day candles. I use the 2 day time frame a lot and it would be helpful if I could scan these timeframes. I've attached a picture below for clarification.
I found my answer in scan, I can pick the aggregation period for the candle patterns I am looking for, answer was staring me straight in the faceI'm trying to find yearly candlestick patterns
I know you can scan by timeframes which are normally daily is this correct or is there a script that will start off with yearly bars
I'm trying to create a scan that will find 1 red bar and 2 green bars as yearly candles or
multiple yearly green bars
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