Curious to hear people's experience with new Apple M1 Chip performance on ThinkorSwim despite it having to use Rosetta 2.
I am on the fencepost of buying a M1 Macbook Air for ThinkorSwim so want to make sure it performs well.
Thinking of getting base model Macbook Air + 16gb ram.
Thanks in advance!
@BenTen anyone you may know who has experience with ThinkorSwim on M1 Air or MBP?
I am on the fencepost of buying a M1 Macbook Air for ThinkorSwim so want to make sure it performs well.
Thinking of getting base model Macbook Air + 16gb ram.
Thanks in advance!
@BenTen anyone you may know who has experience with ThinkorSwim on M1 Air or MBP?