Common support, resistance and key levels


New member
Hi all

Drawing support, resistance and marking up other key levels on the charts are a pretty common thing that most of the traders end up doing. Volume, gap ups/down, multiple touch points, breakouts, etc. - a bunch of techniques are used to plot these and all of us have this plotted slightly here and there on the price marks.

Would be pretty cool if there was an indicator or service that would show me community collaborated price levels (& verified by some expert) on the chart, that way everyone would be able to leverage everyone's elses work and we wouldnt have to plot these individually, does anything like that exist? or could be made?
Here is a very nice Globex support/resistance script:

## OneNote Archive Name: WIP_PickAPlotPlus_v03
## Suggested Tos Name using JQ naming convention: WIP_PickAPlotPlus_v03
## OneNote Section: Support Resistance
## Archive Date:
## Provenance: scripted and archived by JQ

## Archive, Usage or Lounge Notes:
    # Concept by JQ
    # Initialization and vastly superior logic by Nube...thank you!

 ## Drafting Notes:
    # 02.26.2019  Begin drafting
## End OneNote Archive Header

 declare upper;

# Universal Definitions using Padawan variable naming convention (JQ) v03.04.2019
# iData Definitions
    def vHigh = high;  # creates the variable vHigh.  Use of the variable reduce data calls to tos iData server
    def initHigh =  CompoundValue(1, high, high);  # creates and initialized variable for High
    def vLow = low;
    def initLow = CompoundValue(1, low, low);
    def vOpen = open;
    def initOpen = CompoundValue(1, open, open);
    def vClose = close;
    def initClose = CompoundValue(1, close, close);
    def vVolume = volume;
    def initVolume = CompoundValue(1, volume, volume);
    def nan = Double.NaN;

# Bar Definitions (Time & Date)
    def bn = BarNumber();
    def currentBar = HighestAll(if !IsNaN(vHigh) then bn else nan);
    def Today = GetDay() ==GetLastDay();
    def time = GetTime();
    def GlobeX = GetTime() < RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD());
    # def globeX_v2 = if time crosses below RegularTradingEnd(GetYYYYMMDD()) then bn else GlobeX[1];
    def RTS  = RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD());
    def RTE  = RegularTradingEnd(GetYYYYMMDD());
    def RTH = GetTime() > RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD());
    def RTH_v2 = if time crosses above RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD()) then bn else RTH[1];

# Bubble Locations
    def x_AxisLastExpansionBar = BarNumber() == HighestAll(BarNumber());  #corrected 11.12.2018 (JQ)
        # syntax: addChartBubble(x_AxisLastExpansionBar, y-axis coordinate," text", Color.LIME); #verified 12.25.2018 (JQ)

## Begin Globex Code
## Globex Highest High Code
## Inputs

input HighestHighGlobeX = {"Do Not Display",  "From High to Current Bar", default  "From High into Expansion Area", "Entire Chart Time Frame"};

#input "Highest High Test" = "the manual states this should function properly";
#addlabel(1,"Highest High Test",color.white);
## Definitions (specific to Globex script)

def iterHighestPrice_GlobeX = if GlobeX and !GlobeX[1]
            then initHigh
            else if GlobeX and initHigh > iterHighestPrice_GlobeX[1]
                then initHigh
            else iterHighestPrice_GlobeX[1];
        ## Iteratively discover the Highest Price occurring during the desired time period
def iterHighestBar_GlobeX = if GlobeX and initHigh == iterHighestPrice_GlobeX
            then bn
            else Double.NaN;
        ## Iteratively discover the bar at which the Highest Price occurs
def HighestHigh_GlobeX = if BarNumber() == HighestAll(iterHighestBar_GlobeX)
            then iterHighestPrice_GlobeX
            else HighestHigh_GlobeX[1];

        ## define a variable which is assigned a value equal to the Highest High
        ## beginning with the bar at which the highest high occurs and then
        ## assign that value (highest high) to any future bars

## Switch Code
plot HighestHigh_GlobeX_plot;
switch (HighestHighGlobeX)
    case "Do Not Display":
        HighestHigh_GlobeX_plot = nan;
    case "From High to Current Bar":
        HighestHigh_GlobeX_plot =
                if Between(bn, HighestAll(iterHighestBar_GlobeX), currentBar)
                then HighestHigh_GlobeX
                else nan;
    case "From High into Expansion Area":
        HighestHigh_GlobeX_plot =
                if bn >= HighestAll(iterHighestBar_GlobeX)
                then HighestHigh_GlobeX
                else nan;
    case "Entire Chart Time Frame":
        HighestHigh_GlobeX_plot =
## End Switch Code

## addChartBubble Code
input showGlobeX_HHighBubble = yes;
AddChartBubble(x_AxisLastExpansionBar and showGlobeX_HHighBubble, HighestHigh_GlobeX_plot, "HighestHigh_GlobeX", HighestHigh_GlobeX_plot.TakeValueColor());
## End GlobeX Highest High Code
## -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----

## Begin GlobeX Lowest Low Code
## Inputs
input LowestLowGlobeX = {"Do Not Display", "From Low to Current Bar",  default "From Low into Expansion Area", "Entire Chart Time Frame"};

## Definitions
def iterLowestPrice_GlobeX = if GlobeX and !GlobeX[1] or bn == 1
            then initLow
            else if GlobeX and initLow < iterLowestPrice_GlobeX[1]
                then initLow
            else iterLowestPrice_GlobeX[1];

def iterLowestBar_GlobeX = if GlobeX and vLow == iterLowestPrice_GlobeX
            then bn
            else Double.NaN;

def LowestLow_GlobeX = if BarNumber() == HighestAll(iterLowestBar_GlobeX)
            then iterLowestPrice_GlobeX
            else LowestLow_GlobeX[1];

## Switch Code
plot LowestLow_GlobeX_plot;
switch (LowestLowGlobeX)
    case "Do Not Display":
        LowestLow_GlobeX_plot = nan;
    case "From Low to Current Bar":
        LowestLow_GlobeX_plot =
                if Between(bn, HighestAll(iterLowestBar_GlobeX), currentBar)
                then LowestLow_GlobeX
                else nan;
    case "From Low into Expansion Area":
        LowestLow_GlobeX_plot =
                if bn >= HighestAll(iterLowestBar_GlobeX)
                then LowestLow_GlobeX
                else nan;
    case "Entire Chart Time Frame":
        LowestLow_GlobeX_plot =
## End Switch Code

## addChartBubble Code
input showGlobeX_LLowBubble = yes;
AddChartBubble(x_AxisLastExpansionBar and showGlobeX_LLowBubble, LowestLow_GlobeX_plot, "LowestLow_GlobeX", LowestLow_GlobeX_plot.TakeValueColor());
## End GlobeX Lowest Low Code
## End GlobeX Code
##  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===

## Begin RTH Code
## Begin RTH Highest High Code
## Inputs
input HighestHighRTH = {"Do Not Display",  "From High to Current Bar",  default  "From High into Expansion Area", "Entire Chart Time Frame"};

## Definitions (specific to this script)
## def RTH = GetTime() > RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD());
## def RTH_v2 = if time crosses above RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD()) then bn else RTH[1];
def iterHighestPrice_RTH = if RTH and !RTH[1]
            then initHigh
            else if RTH and initHigh > iterHighestPrice_RTH[1]
                then initHigh
            else iterHighestPrice_RTH[1];
        ## Iteratively discover the Highest Price occurring during the desired time period

def iterHighestBar_RTH = if RTH and initHigh == iterHighestPrice_RTH
            then bn
            else Double.NaN;
        ## Iteratively discover the bar at which the Highest Price occurrs

 def HighestHigh_RTH = if BarNumber() == HighestAll(iterHighestBar_RTH)
            then iterHighestPrice_RTH
            else HighestHigh_RTH[1];
        ## define a variable which is assigned a value equal to the Highest High
        ## beginning with the bar at which the highest high occurs and then
        ## assign that value (highest high) to any future bars

##  Switch Code
plot HighestHigh_RTH_plot;
switch (HighestHighRTH)
    case "Do Not Display":
        HighestHigh_RTH_plot = nan;
    case "From High to Current Bar":
        HighestHigh_RTH_plot =
                if Between(bn, HighestAll(iterHighestBar_RTH), currentBar)
                then HighestHigh_RTH
                else nan;
    case "From High into Expansion Area":
        HighestHigh_RTH_plot =
                if bn >= HighestAll(iterHighestBar_RTH)
                then HighestHigh_RTH
                else nan;
    case "Entire Chart Time Frame":
        HighestHigh_RTH_plot =
## End Switch Code
## addChartBubble Code
input showRTH_HHighBubble = yes;

AddChartBubble(x_AxisLastExpansionBar and  showRTH_HHighBubble, HighestHigh_RTH_plot, "HighestHigh_RTH", HighestHigh_RTH_plot.TakeValueColor());
## End RTH Highest High Code
## Begin RTH Lowest Low Code
## Inputs
input LowestLowRTH = {"Do Not Display",  "From High to Current Bar", default  "From High into Expansion Area", "Entire Chart Time Frame"};

## Definitions
def iterLowestPrice_RTH = if RTH and !RTH[1]
            then initLow
            else if RTH and initLow < iterLowestPrice_RTH[1]
                then initLow
            else iterLowestPrice_RTH[1];

def iterLowestBar_RTH = if RTH and initLow == iterLowestPrice_RTH
            then bn
            else Double.NaN;

def LowestLow_RTH = if BarNumber() == HighestAll(iterLowestBar_RTH)
            then iterLowestPrice_RTH
            else LowestLow_RTH[1];

##  Switch Code
plot LowestLow_RTH_plot;
switch (LowestLowRTH)
    case "Do Not Display":
            LowestLow_RTH_plot = nan;
    case "From High to Current Bar":
            LowestLow_RTH_plot =
                if Between(bn, HighestAll(iterLowestBar_RTH), currentBar)
                then LowestLow_RTH
                else nan;
    case "From High into Expansion Area":
            LowestLow_RTH_plot =
                if bn >= HighestAll(iterLowestBar_RTH)
                then LowestLow_RTH
                else nan;
    case "Entire Chart Time Frame":
            LowestLow_RTH_plot =
## End Switch Code

## addChartBubble Code
input showRTH_LLowBubble = yes;
AddChartBubble(x_AxisLastExpansionBar and showRTH_LLowBubble, LowestLow_RTH_plot, "LowestLow_RTH", LowestLow_RTH_plot.TakeValueColor());
## End RTH Lowest Low Code
## End RTH Code
##  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===

## Begin CTF Code
## Begin CTF Highest High Code
## Begin Highest High Chart Time Frame
## Inputs
input HighestHighCTF = {"Do Not Display", "From High to Current Bar", default "From High into Expansion Area", "Entire Chart Time Frame"};

## Definitions (specific to this script)
def iterHighestPrice_CTF = HighestAll(vHigh);  # Highest High Price for the Chart Time Frame
def HighestHighBar_CTF = HighestAll(if vHigh == HighestAll(vHigh) then bn else nan);
##  Switch Code
plot HighestHigh_CTF_plot;
switch (HighestHighCTF)
    Case "Do Not Display":
        HighestHigh_CTF_plot = nan;
    Case "From High to Current Bar":
        HighestHigh_CTF_plot = if Between(bn, HighestHighBar_CTF, currentBar) then iterHighestPrice_CTF else nan;
    Case "From High into Expansion Area":
        HighestHigh_CTF_plot = if bn >= HighestHighBar_CTF then iterHighestPrice_CTF else nan;
    Case "Entire Chart Time Frame":
        HighestHigh_CTF_plot = iterHighestPrice_CTF;
## End Switch Code
## addChartBubble Code
input showCTF_HHighBubble = yes;
AddChartBubble(x_AxisLastExpansionBar and showCTF_HHighBubble, HighestHigh_CTF_plot, "HighestHigh_CTF", HighestHigh_CTF_plot.TakeValueColor());
## End CTF Highest High Code

## Begin CTF Lowest Low Code
## Inputs
input LowestLowCTF = {"Do Not Display", "From Low to Current Bar", default "From Low into Expansion Area", "Across Entire Chart"};
## Definitions (specific to this script)
def iterLowestPrice_CTF = LowestAll(vLow);
def iterLowestBar_CTF = HighestAll(if vLow == LowestAll(vLow) then bn else nan);

##  Switch Code
plot LowestLow_CTF_plot;
switch (LowestLowCTF)
    Case "Do Not Display":
        LowestLow_CTF_plot = nan;
    Case "From Low to Current Bar":
        LowestLow_CTF_plot = if Between(bn, iterLowestBar_CTF, currentBar) then iterLowestPrice_CTF else nan;
    Case "From Low into Expansion Area":
        LowestLow_CTF_plot = if bn >= iterLowestBar_CTF then iterLowestPrice_CTF else nan;
    Case "Across Entire Chart":
        LowestLow_CTF_plot = iterLowestPrice_CTF;
## End Switch Code

## addChartBubble Code
input showCTF_LLowBubble = yes;
AddChartBubble(x_AxisLastExpansionBar and showCTF_LLowBubble, LowestLow_CTF_plot, "LowestLow_CTF", LowestLow_CTF_plot.TakeValueColor());
## End CTF Lowest Low Code
## End CTF Code
## End WIP_PickAPlotPlus_v0
I've been looking for a key-levels indicator and this one seems great. What do the different levels mean? What does Globex mean? TIA!
Last edited by a moderator:
I've been looking for a key-levels indicator and this one seems great. What do the different levels mean? What does Globex mean? TIA!

## OneNote Archive Name: WIP_PickAPlotPlus_v03
## Suggested Tos Name using JQ naming convention: WIP_PickAPlotPlus_v03
## OneNote Section: Support Resistance
## Archive Date:
## Provenance: scripted and archived by JQ

## Archive, Usage or Lounge Notes:
    # Concept by JQ
    # Initialization and vastly superior logic by Nube...thank you!

 ## Drafting Notes:
    # 02.26.2019  Begin drafting 
## End OneNote Archive Header

 declare upper;

# Universal Definitions using Padawan variable naming convention (JQ) v03.04.2019
# iData Definitions
    def vHigh = high;  # creates the variable vHigh.  Use of the variable reduce data calls to tos iData server
    def initHigh =  CompoundValue(1, high, high);  # creates and initialized variable for High
    def vLow = low;
    def initLow = CompoundValue(1, low, low);
    def vOpen = open;
    def initOpen = CompoundValue(1, open, open);
    def vClose = close;
    def initClose = CompoundValue(1, close, close);
    def vVolume = volume;
    def initVolume = CompoundValue(1, volume, volume);
    def nan = Double.NaN;

# Bar Definitions (Time & Date) 
    def bn = BarNumber();
    def currentBar = HighestAll(if !IsNaN(vHigh) then bn else nan);
    def Today = GetDay() ==GetLastDay();
    def time = GetTime();
    def GlobeX = GetTime() < RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD());
    # def globeX_v2 = if time crosses below RegularTradingEnd(GetYYYYMMDD()) then bn else GlobeX[1];
    def RTS  = RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD());
    def RTE  = RegularTradingEnd(GetYYYYMMDD());
    def RTH = GetTime() > RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD());
    def RTH_v2 = if time crosses above RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD()) then bn else RTH[1];

# Bubble Locations
    def x_AxisLastExpansionBar = BarNumber() == HighestAll(BarNumber());  #corrected 11.12.2018 (JQ) 
        # syntax: addChartBubble(x_AxisLastExpansionBar, y-axis coordinate," text", Color.LIME); #verified 12.25.2018 (JQ)

## Begin Globex Code
## Globex Highest High Code
## Inputs

input HighestHighGlobeX = {"Do Not Display",  "From High to Current Bar", default  "From High into Expansion Area", "Entire Chart Time Frame"};

#input "Highest High Test" = "the manual states this should function properly";
#addlabel(1,"Highest High Test",color.white);
## Definitions (specific to Globex script)

def iterHighestPrice_GlobeX = if GlobeX and !GlobeX[1]
            then initHigh
            else if GlobeX and initHigh > iterHighestPrice_GlobeX[1]
                then initHigh
            else iterHighestPrice_GlobeX[1];
        ## Iteratively discover the Highest Price occurring during the desired time period
def iterHighestBar_GlobeX = if GlobeX and initHigh == iterHighestPrice_GlobeX
            then bn
            else Double.NaN;
        ## Iteratively discover the bar at which the Highest Price occurs
def HighestHigh_GlobeX = if BarNumber() == HighestAll(iterHighestBar_GlobeX)
            then iterHighestPrice_GlobeX
            else HighestHigh_GlobeX[1];

        ## define a variable which is assigned a value equal to the Highest High
        ## beginning with the bar at which the highest high occurs and then   
        ## assign that value (highest high) to any future bars

## Switch Code
plot HighestHigh_GlobeX_plot;
switch (HighestHighGlobeX)
    case "Do Not Display":
        HighestHigh_GlobeX_plot = nan;
    case "From High to Current Bar":
        HighestHigh_GlobeX_plot =
                if Between(bn, HighestAll(iterHighestBar_GlobeX), currentBar)
                then HighestHigh_GlobeX
                else nan;
    case "From High into Expansion Area":
        HighestHigh_GlobeX_plot =
                if bn >= HighestAll(iterHighestBar_GlobeX)
                then HighestHigh_GlobeX
                else nan;
    case "Entire Chart Time Frame":
        HighestHigh_GlobeX_plot =
## End Switch Code

## addChartBubble Code
input showGlobeX_HHighBubble = yes;
AddChartBubble(x_AxisLastExpansionBar and showGlobeX_HHighBubble, HighestHigh_GlobeX_plot, "HighestHigh_GlobeX", HighestHigh_GlobeX_plot.TakeValueColor());
## End GlobeX Highest High Code
## -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----

## Begin GlobeX Lowest Low Code
## Inputs
input LowestLowGlobeX = {"Do Not Display", "From Low to Current Bar",  default "From Low into Expansion Area", "Entire Chart Time Frame"};

## Definitions
def iterLowestPrice_GlobeX = if GlobeX and !GlobeX[1] or bn == 1
            then initLow
            else if GlobeX and initLow < iterLowestPrice_GlobeX[1]
                then initLow
            else iterLowestPrice_GlobeX[1];

def iterLowestBar_GlobeX = if GlobeX and vLow == iterLowestPrice_GlobeX
            then bn
            else Double.NaN;

def LowestLow_GlobeX = if BarNumber() == HighestAll(iterLowestBar_GlobeX)
            then iterLowestPrice_GlobeX
            else LowestLow_GlobeX[1];

## Switch Code
plot LowestLow_GlobeX_plot;
switch (LowestLowGlobeX)
    case "Do Not Display":
        LowestLow_GlobeX_plot = nan;
    case "From Low to Current Bar":
        LowestLow_GlobeX_plot =
                if Between(bn, HighestAll(iterLowestBar_GlobeX), currentBar)
                then LowestLow_GlobeX
                else nan;
    case "From Low into Expansion Area":
        LowestLow_GlobeX_plot =
                if bn >= HighestAll(iterLowestBar_GlobeX)
                then LowestLow_GlobeX
                else nan;
    case "Entire Chart Time Frame":
        LowestLow_GlobeX_plot =
## End Switch Code

## addChartBubble Code
input showGlobeX_LLowBubble = yes;
AddChartBubble(x_AxisLastExpansionBar and showGlobeX_LLowBubble, LowestLow_GlobeX_plot, "LowestLow_GlobeX", LowestLow_GlobeX_plot.TakeValueColor());
## End GlobeX Lowest Low Code
## End GlobeX Code
##  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===

## Begin RTH Code
## Begin RTH Highest High Code
## Inputs
input HighestHighRTH = {"Do Not Display",  "From High to Current Bar",  default  "From High into Expansion Area", "Entire Chart Time Frame"};

## Definitions (specific to this script)
## def RTH = GetTime() > RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD());
## def RTH_v2 = if time crosses above RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD()) then bn else RTH[1];
def iterHighestPrice_RTH = if RTH and !RTH[1]
            then initHigh
            else if RTH and initHigh > iterHighestPrice_RTH[1]
                then initHigh
            else iterHighestPrice_RTH[1];
        ## Iteratively discover the Highest Price occurring during the desired time period

def iterHighestBar_RTH = if RTH and initHigh == iterHighestPrice_RTH
            then bn
            else Double.NaN;
        ## Iteratively discover the bar at which the Highest Price occurrs

 def HighestHigh_RTH = if BarNumber() == HighestAll(iterHighestBar_RTH)
            then iterHighestPrice_RTH
            else HighestHigh_RTH[1];
        ## define a variable which is assigned a value equal to the Highest High
        ## beginning with the bar at which the highest high occurs and then   
        ## assign that value (highest high) to any future bars

##  Switch Code
plot HighestHigh_RTH_plot;
switch (HighestHighRTH)
    case "Do Not Display":
        HighestHigh_RTH_plot = nan;
    case "From High to Current Bar":
        HighestHigh_RTH_plot =
                if Between(bn, HighestAll(iterHighestBar_RTH), currentBar)
                then HighestHigh_RTH
                else nan;
    case "From High into Expansion Area":
        HighestHigh_RTH_plot =
                if bn >= HighestAll(iterHighestBar_RTH)
                then HighestHigh_RTH
                else nan;
    case "Entire Chart Time Frame":
        HighestHigh_RTH_plot =
## End Switch Code
## addChartBubble Code
input showRTH_HHighBubble = yes;

AddChartBubble(x_AxisLastExpansionBar and  showRTH_HHighBubble, HighestHigh_RTH_plot, "HighestHigh_RTH", HighestHigh_RTH_plot.TakeValueColor());
## End RTH Highest High Code
## Begin RTH Lowest Low Code
## Inputs
input LowestLowRTH = {"Do Not Display",  "From High to Current Bar", default  "From High into Expansion Area", "Entire Chart Time Frame"};

## Definitions
def iterLowestPrice_RTH = if RTH and !RTH[1]
            then initLow
            else if RTH and initLow < iterLowestPrice_RTH[1]
                then initLow
            else iterLowestPrice_RTH[1];

def iterLowestBar_RTH = if RTH and initLow == iterLowestPrice_RTH
            then bn
            else Double.NaN;

def LowestLow_RTH = if BarNumber() == HighestAll(iterLowestBar_RTH)
            then iterLowestPrice_RTH
            else LowestLow_RTH[1];

##  Switch Code
plot LowestLow_RTH_plot;
switch (LowestLowRTH)
    case "Do Not Display":
            LowestLow_RTH_plot = nan;
    case "From High to Current Bar":
            LowestLow_RTH_plot =
                if Between(bn, HighestAll(iterLowestBar_RTH), currentBar)
                then LowestLow_RTH
                else nan;
    case "From High into Expansion Area":
            LowestLow_RTH_plot =
                if bn >= HighestAll(iterLowestBar_RTH)
                then LowestLow_RTH
                else nan;
    case "Entire Chart Time Frame":
            LowestLow_RTH_plot =
## End Switch Code

## addChartBubble Code
input showRTH_LLowBubble = yes;
AddChartBubble(x_AxisLastExpansionBar and showRTH_LLowBubble, LowestLow_RTH_plot, "LowestLow_RTH", LowestLow_RTH_plot.TakeValueColor());
## End RTH Lowest Low Code
## End RTH Code
##  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===  ===

## Begin CTF Code
## Begin CTF Highest High Code
## Begin Highest High Chart Time Frame
## Inputs
input HighestHighCTF = {"Do Not Display", "From High to Current Bar", default "From High into Expansion Area", "Entire Chart Time Frame"};

## Definitions (specific to this script)
def iterHighestPrice_CTF = HighestAll(vHigh);  # Highest High Price for the Chart Time Frame
def HighestHighBar_CTF = HighestAll(if vHigh == HighestAll(vHigh) then bn else nan);
##  Switch Code
plot HighestHigh_CTF_plot;
switch (HighestHighCTF)
    Case "Do Not Display":
        HighestHigh_CTF_plot = nan;
    Case "From High to Current Bar":
        HighestHigh_CTF_plot = if Between(bn, HighestHighBar_CTF, currentBar) then iterHighestPrice_CTF else nan;
    Case "From High into Expansion Area":
        HighestHigh_CTF_plot = if bn >= HighestHighBar_CTF then iterHighestPrice_CTF else nan;
    Case "Entire Chart Time Frame":
        HighestHigh_CTF_plot = iterHighestPrice_CTF;
## End Switch Code
## addChartBubble Code
input showCTF_HHighBubble = yes;
AddChartBubble(x_AxisLastExpansionBar and showCTF_HHighBubble, HighestHigh_CTF_plot, "HighestHigh_CTF", HighestHigh_CTF_plot.TakeValueColor());
## End CTF Highest High Code

## Begin CTF Lowest Low Code
## Inputs
input LowestLowCTF = {"Do Not Display", "From Low to Current Bar", default "From Low into Expansion Area", "Across Entire Chart"};
## Definitions (specific to this script)
def iterLowestPrice_CTF = LowestAll(vLow);
def iterLowestBar_CTF = HighestAll(if vLow == LowestAll(vLow) then bn else nan);

##  Switch Code
plot LowestLow_CTF_plot;
switch (LowestLowCTF)
    Case "Do Not Display":
        LowestLow_CTF_plot = nan;
    Case "From Low to Current Bar":
        LowestLow_CTF_plot = if Between(bn, iterLowestBar_CTF, currentBar) then iterLowestPrice_CTF else nan;
    Case "From Low into Expansion Area":
        LowestLow_CTF_plot = if bn >= iterLowestBar_CTF then iterLowestPrice_CTF else nan;
    Case "Across Entire Chart":
        LowestLow_CTF_plot = iterLowestPrice_CTF;
## End Switch Code

## addChartBubble Code
input showCTF_LLowBubble = yes;
AddChartBubble(x_AxisLastExpansionBar and showCTF_LLowBubble, LowestLow_CTF_plot, "LowestLow_CTF", LowestLow_CTF_plot.TakeValueColor());
## End CTF Lowest Low Code
## End CTF Code
## End WIP_PickAPlotPlus_v0

This script provides the highest and lowest price levels that are provided on your CTF (current time frame)
and the highest lowest for the GLobex session.

Globex refers to the Global Execution System (Globex), which is a global electronic trading platform used for futures and options contracts.
Hello, can someone please provide a algorithm levels script where the previous singificant moves happened or buy or sells orders can be imminent? Thanks very much.

Looking for something that is daily auto generated levels that are really trusted. Could be just from yesterday or a month ago. Not sure if such a thing exists, so checking.
There are many indicators doing just that.
LuxAlgo has many offerings for example. There are several scripts posted here too.
Posty's for example is one of them.
Hello, can someone please provide a algorithm levels script where the previous singificant moves happened or buy or sells orders can be imminent? Thanks very much.

Looking for something that is daily auto generated levels that are really trusted. Could be just from yesterday or a month ago. Not sure if such a thing exists, so checking.

These should assist you in your quest:

Thank you, @CBOE, for providing understanding of the question.

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