Comedic Trading Wisdom


Trader Educator
A little smile along the trading path of life?

Question: Do you trust your indicators? If not, why not?

What (or who) do you trust when it comes to trading options? Do you listen to the pundits? Are indicators trustworthy?​

Does you chart look like this:

Are you a technical trader?

The pointed hair boss and technical trading

Are you stress-free, or uptight, when trading? What is your heart rate?

What do you read, or who do you ask, to get market information?

Is your computer with you everywhere you go?

Should you buy or sell? When should you exit a trade?

Is quitting a viable option?

Do you need to give mom a call?

Put a smile in your trading!

Actually, you can become a happy trader when you learn market mathematics, find charts on that give you information on money flow, direction, market pivot levels, standard deviation markings, ORB (opening range breakout) information, PSAR, and overall trend.

Never stop learning because “where you focus your thoughts will increase your trading intelligence”.

Check out my AGAIG Trading Edge Chart and trade with an edge:
What is a trading “Edge.”

A trading edge is a technique, observation or approach that creates a cash advantage over other market players. It doesn’t have to be elaborate to fulfill its purpose; anything that adds a few points to the winning side of an equation builds an edge that lasts a lifetime. Don’t be frustrated if you haven’t found one yet because the majority of traders don’t even know it exists. It’s the primary reason why a few book excellent profits while everyone else struggles with weak or negative returns. (Investopedia)

Happy trading!
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