Combine Two Studies

"Stochastic Smooth Relative Strength Index (SSRSI)"
be combine with "Stochastic RSI of Smoothed Price [Loxx]" by Samer
to make some very nice entry/exit ...

Yes, these use the same scale, 0 to 100, making it easy to combine them.

The code below is the 2 indicators combined into one script. The stoch def in the SSRSI indicator had to be redefined to stoch_ and the related references to it as the stoch was used in the other indicator. Other duplicates were commented out (#) in the SSRSI code that were in the other indicator.

The image shows, in the 1st 2 lower panels, each of the 2 indicators individually.

The 3rd image is just the 2 indicators moved into one panel, where TOS automatically uses a normalization process to combine the indicators for display.

The 4th image is the combined code below. The TOS normalization in image 3 and this are the same. As opposed to the TOS normalization, you can use this combined code to create other logically coded output.

Here is a link to the image.

Screenshot 2023-08-15 090935.png
#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// © loxx
#indicator("Stochastic RSI of Smoothed Price [Loxx]"
# Converted and mod by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 04/2023
declare lower;
# stoch(source, high, low, length) =>
script stoch {
    input src = close;
    input h = high;
    input l = low;
    input len = 0;
    def stoch = 100 * (src - Lowest(l, len)) / (Highest(h, len) - Lowest(l, len));
    plot return = stoch;
#variant(type, src, len) =>
script variant {
    input type = "SMA";
    input src = close;
    input len = 14;
    def v = if IsNaN(volume) then 1 else volume;
    def VWMA = SimpleMovingAvg(src * v, len) / SimpleMovingAvg(v, len);
    def sig =
    if type == "SMA" then Average(src, len) else
    if type == "EMA" then ExpAverage(src, len) else
    if type == "WMA" then WMA(src, len) else
    if type == "RMA" then WildersAverage(src, len) else
    if type == "VWMA" then VWMA else sig[1];
    plot out = sig;
input colorBars = yes;    # "Color bars?"
input showSigs = yes;     # "Show Signals?"
input StocPeriod = 32;    # "Stochastic Period"
input StocSlowing = 8;    # "Stochastic Slowing Period"
input Source = close;     # "Source"
input PriceSmoothing = 8; # "Price Smoothing Period"
input maType = {"EMA", "WMA", "RMA", default "SMA", "VWMA"}; # "RSI Smoothing Type"
input RsiPeriod = 32;     # "RSI Period"
input rsiType = {"RSX", default "Regular", "Slow", "Rapid", "Harris", "Cuttler", "Ehlers Smoothed"}; # "RSI type"
input MinMaxPeriod =  25; # "Levels Period"
input LevelUp = 80;       # "Upper %"
input LevelDown = 20;     # "Lower %"
input signalType = {"Fixed Levels", default "Floating Levels", "Fixed Middle", "Floating Middle"}; # "Signal type"

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
def SM02 = signalType == signalType."Fixed Levels";
def SM03 = signalType == signalType."Floating Levels";
def SM05 = signalType == signalType."Fixed Middle";
def SM06 = signalType == signalType."Floating Middle";

script nz {
    input data  = close;
    def ret_val = if !IsNaN(data) then data else 0;
    plot return = ret_val;
#// @function method for returning 1 of 7 different RSI calculation outputs.
#rsx(float src, int len)=>
script rsx {
    input src = close;
    input len = 14;
    def src_out = 100 * src;
    def mom0 = src_out - src_out[1];
    def moa0 = AbsValue(mom0);
    def Kg = 3 / (len + 2.0);
    def Hg = 1 - Kg;
    def f28;
    def f30;
    f28 = Kg * mom0 + Hg * nz(f28[1]);
    f30 = Hg * nz(f30[1]) + Kg * f28;
    def mom1 = f28 * 1.5 - f30 * 0.5;
    def f38;
    def f40;
    f38 = Hg * nz(f38[1]) + Kg * mom1;
    f40 = Kg * f38 + Hg * nz(f40[1]);
    def mom2 = f38 * 1.5 - f40 * 0.5;
    def f48;
    def f50;
    f48 = Hg * nz(f48[1]) + Kg * mom2;
    f50 = Kg * f48 + Hg * nz(f50[1]);
    def mom_out = f48 * 1.5 - f50 * 0.5;
    def f58;
    def f60;
    f58 = Hg * nz(f58[1]) + Kg * moa0;
    f60 = Kg * f58 + Hg * nz(f60[1]);
    def moa1 = f58 * 1.5 - f60 * 0.5;
    def f68;
    def f70;
    f68 = Hg * nz(f68[1]) + Kg * moa1;
    f70 = Kg * f68 + Hg * nz(f70[1]);
    def moa2 = f68 * 1.5 - f70 * 0.5;
    def f78;
    def f80;
    f78 = Hg * nz(f78[1]) + Kg * moa2;
    f80 = Kg * f78 + Hg * nz(f80[1]);
    def moa_out = f78 * 1.5 - f80 * 0.5;
    def rsiout = Max(Min((mom_out / moa_out + 1.0) * 50.0, 100.00), 0.00);
    plot out = rsiout;
#export rsiVariety(string rsiMode = "rsi_rsi", float src, int per)=>
script rsiVariety {
    input rsiMode = "Regular";
    input src     = close;
    input per     = 14;
    def _change;# = 0.
    def _changa;# = 0.
#    //Regular RSI, same as ta.rsi(src, per)
    def alpha = 1.0 / Max(per, 1);
    def change = src - src[1];
    _change = CompoundValue(1, _change[1] + alpha * (change - _change[1]), alpha * change - change[1]);
    _changa = CompoundValue(1, _changa[1] + alpha * (AbsValue(change) - _changa[1]), alpha * AbsValue(change) - change[1]);
    def Regular = if _changa != 0 then 50.0 * (_change / _changa + 1) else 50;
#        // Slow RSI
    def up;
    def dn;
    def _rsival;
    up = fold k = 0  to per with p do
                  if (src[k] - GetValue(src, k + 1)) > 0 then p + (src[k] - GetValue(src, k + 1)) else p;
    dn = fold k1 = 0 to per with p1 do
                  if (src[k1] - GetValue(src, k1 + 1)) > 0 then p1 else p1 - (src[k1] - GetValue(src, k1 + 1));
    if (up + dn == 0) {
        _rsival = CompoundValue(1, _rsival[1] + (1 / Max(per, 1)) * (50 - _rsival[1]), Regular);
    } else {
        _rsival = CompoundValue(1, _rsival[1] + (1 / Max(per, 1)) * (100 * up / (up + dn) - _rsival[1]), Regular) ;
    def Slow = _rsival;
#        // Rapid RSI, same as Cuttlers RSI
    def Rapid = if (up + dn == 0) then 50 else 100 * up / (up + dn);
#        // Harris RSI
    def avgUp;
    def avgDn;
    def up1;
    def dn1;
    up1 = fold k2 = 0 to per with p2 do
                    if (src[k2] - GetValue(src, k2 + 1)) > 0 then p2 + 1 else p2;
    dn1 = fold k3 = 0 to per with p3 do
                    if (src[k3] - GetValue(src, k3 + 1)) > 0 then p3 else p3 + 1;
    if (up1 != 0) {
        avgUp = up / up1;
    } else {
        avgUp = up;
    if (dn1 != 0) {
        avgDn = dn / dn1;
    } else {
        avgDn = dn;
    def rs;# = 1
    rs = if avgDn != 0 then avgUp / avgDn else if nz(rs[1]) == 0 then 1 else rs[1];
    def Harris = 100 - 100 / (1.0 + rs);
#        // Cuttler RSI     
    def Cuttler = if dn > 0 then 100 - 100 / (1 + up / dn) else 50;
#        //Ehlers' Smoothed RSI
    def bar = AbsValue(CompoundValue(1, BarNumber(), 0));
    def up2;
    def dn2;# = 0.
    def _prices = if (bar > 2) then (src + 2 * src[1] + src[2]) / 4.0 else src;
    up2 = fold k4 = 0 to per - 1 with p4 do
          if ((_prices[k4]) - (GetValue(_prices, k4 + 1))) > 0 then p4 + ((_prices[k4]) - (GetValue(_prices, k4 + 1))) else p4;
    dn2 = fold k5 = 0 to per - 1 with p5 do
          if ((_prices[k5]) - (GetValue(_prices, k5 + 1))) > 0 then p5 else p5 - ((_prices[k5]) - (GetValue(_prices, k5 + 1)));
    def Ehlers = 50 * (up2 - dn2) / (up2 + dn2) + 50;
    #        // RSX RSI     
    def RSX = rsx(src, per);
    def nRSI = if rsiMode == "Regular" then Regular else
           if rsiMode == "Slow" then Slow else
           if rsiMode == "Rapid" then Rapid else
           if rsiMode == "Harris" then Harris else
           if rsiMode == "Cuttler" then Cuttler else
           if rsiMode == "Ehlers Smoothed" then Ehlers else
           if rsiMode == "RSX" then RSX else Regular;
    plot out = nRSI;
def prices = variant(matype, Source, PriceSmoothing);
def rsi = rsiVariety(rsiType, prices, RsiPeriod);
def stoch = Average(stoch(rsi, rsi, rsi, StocPeriod), StocSlowing);

def lvlup;# = LevelUp
def lvldn;# = LevelDown
def lvlmid;# = 50.

def fmin = Lowest(stoch,  MinMaxPeriod);
def fmax = Highest(stoch,  MinMaxPeriod);
def rng = fmax - fmin;
if SM03 or SM06 {
    lvlup = fmin + LevelUp * rng / 100.0;
    lvldn = fmin + LevelDown * rng / 100.0;
    lvlmid = (lvlup + lvldn) * 0.5;
} else {
    lvlup  = if (IsNaN(lvlup[1])  or lvlup[1]==0) then LevelUp else lvlup[1];
    lvldn  = if (IsNaN(lvldn[1])  or lvldn[1]==0) then LevelDown else lvldn[1];
    lvlmid = if (IsNaN(lvlmid[1]) or lvlmid[1]==0) then 50 else lvlmid[1];
def state;

if SM02 or SM03 {
    state =  if stoch > lvlup then 1 else
             if stoch < lvldn then -1 else 0;
} else
if SM05 or SM06 {
    state = if stoch > lvlmid then 1 else
            if stoch < lvlmid then -1 else 0;
} else {
    state = state[1];
def goLong =  state == 1 and state[1] != 1;
def goShort = state == -1 and state[1] != -1;

plot long = if showSigs and goLong then 15 else -5;       # "Long"
plot short = if showSigs and goShort then 85 else 105;    # "Short"


plot Middle = if last then na else lvlmid;            # "Middle"
plot UpperLevel = if last then na else lvlup;         # "Upper level"
plot LowerLevel = if last then na else lvldn;         # "Lower level"
plot Stochastic = stoch;         # "Stochastic"

Stochastic.AssignValueColor(if state==1 then Color.GREEN else
                            if state==-1 then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

AssignPriceColor(if !colorBars then Color.CURRENT else
                 if state==1 then Color.GREEN else
                 if state==-1 then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

#---- END Of Code

#indicator(Stochastic Smooth Relative Strength Index, 'SSRSI')
# Request from memeber
# Converted and mod by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 07/2023
#declare lower;

input len = 8;#, 'Length', 1)
input ex_sm = 1;#, "Extra Smoothing", 1)
input smooth_rsi = 1;#, "Smooth RSI Filter", 1)
input stoch_leng = 13;#, "Stochastic Length", 1)
input k = 3;#, "K", 1)
input smoothD = 3;#, "D", 1)

#def na = Double.NaN;
#def last = isNaN(close);

DefineGlobalColor("bg", CreateColor(48, 6, 80));
#filter(float src, int len) =>
script filter {
    input src = close;
    input len = 8;
    def srcSum = (src + (src[1] * 2) + (src[2] * 2) + src[3]);
    def filter = TotalSum(srcSum / 6);
    def filt = (filter - filter[len]) / len;
    plot out = filt;
#rsi(src) =>
script nRSI {
    input src = close;
    input len = 8;
    def up = Sum(if src > src[1] then src - src[1] else 0, len);
    def down = Sum(if src < src[1] then src[1] - src else 0, len);
    def rsi = if (up + down) != 0 then up / (up + down) else 0;
    plot out = rsi;
def filter = filter(close, smooth_rsi);
def nrsi = nRSI(filter, len);

def nClose = Average(nrsi , ex_sm);

def lowest_k = Lowest(nClose, stoch_leng);
def c1 = nClose - lowest_k;
def c2 = Highest(nClose, stoch_leng) - lowest_k;
def FastK = if c2 != 0 then c1 / c2 * 100 else 0;

def stoch_ = Average(FastK, k);
def d     = Average(stoch_, smoothD);

def crossUp = Crosses(stoch_, d, CrossingDirection.ABOVE);
def crossDn = Crosses(stoch_, d, CrossingDirection.BELOW);

plot stochK = stoch_;
plot stochD = d;        # "RSI-based MA"

plot SigUp = if crossUp then 15 else 0;
plot SigDn = if crossDn then 85 else 100;

plot rsiUpperBand = if last then na else 80;# "RSI Upper Band"
plot midhline = if last then na else 50;    # "RSI Middle Band"
plot rsiLowerBand = if last then na else 20;# "RSI Lower Band"


AddCloud(rsiUpperBand, rsiLowerBand, GlobalColor("bg"));

#---- End CODE

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