Combine EMA cross and ATR Trailing Stop


New member

I am trying to learn how to write/manipulate code to combine a signal from existing code to generate if another criteria is met such as stacked ema's. I have an indicator that gives a buy and sell signal that I use with confluence of stacked ema's (8 and 21). The code I wrote shows an up arrow when 8 crosses above 21 and a down arrow when 5 crosses below the 21.

I dabbled in writing some code for the ema crossover that I was able to get to work so I was happy about that with it being my first time but I know I have a ton to learn to get this to work how I would like and eventually build the strategy.

# EMA Crossover Buy Signal and Exit signal
# This script generates buy signals when the 8-period EMA crosses above the 21-period EMA and generates sell signals when then 5 crosses below the 21-period EMA

input fastLength = 5;
input medianLength = 8;
input slowLength = 21;

def EMAfast = ExpAverage(close, fastLength);
def EMAmedian = EXpAverage (close, medianLength);
def EMAslow = ExpAverage(close, slowLength);

plot BuySignal = if EMAmedian > EMAslow and EMAmedian[1] <= EMAslow[1] then 1 else 0;

plot SellSignal = if EMAfast < EMAslow and EMAfast[1] >= EMAslow[1] then 1 else 0;

Now I am trying to figure out how to use this existing code to plot only when there are stacked ema's but honestly I have no idea where to start. Any guidance is appreciated.

input Key_Value = 1.0;
def a = key_value;# input(1, title = "Key Vaule. 'This changes the sensitivity'")
input atr_period = 10;
def c = atr_period; # input(10, title = "ATR Period")
input Signals_from_Heikin_Ashi_Candles = no;
def h = signals_from_Heikin_Ashi_Candles; # input(false, title = "Signals from Heikin Ashi Candles")
input show_labels = yes;

def xATR = atr(c);
def nLoss = a * xATR;

def src = if h then (open + high + low + close) / 4 else close;

script nz{
input x = close;
input y = 0;
plot result = if isnan(x) then y else x;

#xATRTrailingStop = 0.0
def xATRTrailingStop =compoundValue(1, if(src > nz(xATRTrailingStop[1], 0) and src[1] > nz(xATRTrailingStop[1], 0), max(nz(xATRTrailingStop[1]), src - nLoss),
if(src < nz(xATRTrailingStop[1], 0) and src[1] < nz(xATRTrailingStop[1], 0), min(nz(xATRTrailingStop[1]), src + nLoss),
if(src > nz(xATRTrailingStop[1], 0), src - nLoss, src + nLoss))),0);

#pos = 0
def pos = compoundValue(1, if(src[1] < nz(xATRTrailingStop[1], 0) and src > nz(xATRTrailingStop[1], 0), 1,
if(src[1] > nz(xATRTrailingStop[1], 0) and src < nz(xATRTrailingStop[1], 0), -1, nz(pos[1], 0))) , 0);

def ema = expaverage(src,1);
def above = crosses(ema, xATRTrailingStop, crossingDirection.ABOVE);
def below = crosses(xATRTrailingStop, ema, crossingDirection.ABOVE);

def buy = src > xATRTrailingStop and above ;
def sell = src < xATRTrailingStop and below;

def barbuy = src > xATRTrailingStop ;
def barsell = src < xATRTrailingStop ;

defineglobalColor("Green", color.Green);
defineglobalcolor("Red", color.Red);
addchartbubble(show_labels and buy, low, "Buy", globalColor("Green"), no);
addchartbubble(show_labels and sell, high, "Sell", globalColor("Red"), yes);

input price_color_on = yes;
assignPriceColor(if !price_color_on then color.current else if barbuy then globalColor("Green") else color.CURRENT);
assignpriceColor(if !price_color_on then color.current else if barsell then globalColor("Red") else color.currENT);

input alert_sound_on = no;
alert(buy, "UT Long",,if alert_sound_on then sound.ring else sound.NoSound);
alert(sell, "UT Short",,if alert_sound_on then sound.bell else sound.NoSound);
input mobile_arrows_on = yes;
plot mobile_arrows_buy = if buy and mobile_arrows_on then 1 else 0;

plot mobile_arrows_sell = if sell and mobile_arrows_on then 1 else 0;

Thanks in advance


  • EMA Crossover Buy Signal and Exit.txt
    818 bytes · Views: 137
  • UT Auto bot.txt
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I am trying to learn how to write/manipulate code to combine a signal from existing code to generate if another criteria is met such as stacked ema's. I have an indicator that gives a buy and sell signal that I use with confluence of stacked ema's (8 and 21). The code I wrote shows an up arrow when 8 crosses above 21 and a down arrow when 5 crosses below the 21.

I dabbled in writing some code for the ema crossover that I was able to get to work so I was happy about that with it being my first time but I know I have a ton to learn to get this to work how I would like and eventually build the strategy.

# EMA Crossover Buy Signal and Exit signal
# This script generates buy signals when the 8-period EMA crosses above the 21-period EMA and generates sell signals when then 5 crosses below the 21-period EMA

input fastLength = 5;
input medianLength = 8;
input slowLength = 21;

def EMAfast = ExpAverage(close, fastLength);
def EMAmedian = EXpAverage (close, medianLength);
def EMAslow = ExpAverage(close, slowLength);

plot BuySignal = if EMAmedian > EMAslow and EMAmedian[1] <= EMAslow[1] then 1 else 0;

plot SellSignal = if EMAfast < EMAslow and EMAfast[1] >= EMAslow[1] then 1 else 0;

Now I am trying to figure out how to use this existing code to plot only when there are stacked ema's but honestly I have no idea where to start. Any guidance is appreciated.

input Key_Value = 1.0;
def a = key_value;# input(1, title = "Key Vaule. 'This changes the sensitivity'")
input atr_period = 10;
def c = atr_period; # input(10, title = "ATR Period")
input Signals_from_Heikin_Ashi_Candles = no;
def h = signals_from_Heikin_Ashi_Candles; # input(false, title = "Signals from Heikin Ashi Candles")
input show_labels = yes;

def xATR = atr(c);
def nLoss = a * xATR;

def src = if h then (open + high + low + close) / 4 else close;

script nz{
input x = close;
input y = 0;
plot result = if isnan(x) then y else x;

#xATRTrailingStop = 0.0
def xATRTrailingStop =compoundValue(1, if(src > nz(xATRTrailingStop[1], 0) and src[1] > nz(xATRTrailingStop[1], 0), max(nz(xATRTrailingStop[1]), src - nLoss),
if(src < nz(xATRTrailingStop[1], 0) and src[1] < nz(xATRTrailingStop[1], 0), min(nz(xATRTrailingStop[1]), src + nLoss),
if(src > nz(xATRTrailingStop[1], 0), src - nLoss, src + nLoss))),0);

#pos = 0
def pos = compoundValue(1, if(src[1] < nz(xATRTrailingStop[1], 0) and src > nz(xATRTrailingStop[1], 0), 1,
if(src[1] > nz(xATRTrailingStop[1], 0) and src < nz(xATRTrailingStop[1], 0), -1, nz(pos[1], 0))) , 0);

def ema = expaverage(src,1);
def above = crosses(ema, xATRTrailingStop, crossingDirection.ABOVE);
def below = crosses(xATRTrailingStop, ema, crossingDirection.ABOVE);

def buy = src > xATRTrailingStop and above ;
def sell = src < xATRTrailingStop and below;

def barbuy = src > xATRTrailingStop ;
def barsell = src < xATRTrailingStop ;

defineglobalColor("Green", color.Green);
defineglobalcolor("Red", color.Red);
addchartbubble(show_labels and buy, low, "Buy", globalColor("Green"), no);
addchartbubble(show_labels and sell, high, "Sell", globalColor("Red"), yes);

input price_color_on = yes;
assignPriceColor(if !price_color_on then color.current else if barbuy then globalColor("Green") else color.CURRENT);
assignpriceColor(if !price_color_on then color.current else if barsell then globalColor("Red") else color.currENT);

input alert_sound_on = no;
alert(buy, "UT Long",,if alert_sound_on then sound.ring else sound.NoSound);
alert(sell, "UT Short",,if alert_sound_on then sound.bell else sound.NoSound);
input mobile_arrows_on = yes;
plot mobile_arrows_buy = if buy and mobile_arrows_on then 1 else 0;

plot mobile_arrows_sell = if sell and mobile_arrows_on then 1 else 0;

Thanks in advance

here is my iterpretation to merging the 2 studies. can choose to use stacked emas or not



#Questions UnAnswered Graveyard 
#Combine EMA cross and ATR Trailing Stop

script nz{
 input x = close;
 input y = 0;
 plot result = if isnan(x) then y else x;

def na = double.nan;
def bn = barnumber();

input fastLength = 5;
input medianLength = 8;
input slowLength = 21;

defineglobalColor("Green", color.Green);
defineglobalcolor("Red", color.Red);

def EMAfast = ExpAverage(close, fastLength);
def EMAmedian = EXpAverage (close, medianLength);
def EMAslow = ExpAverage(close, slowLength);

def stackup = (EMAfast > EMAmedian and EMAmedian > EMAslow);
def stackdwn = (EMAfast < EMAmedian and EMAmedian < EMAslow);

# move the conditions to be DEFs, so can be used in other formulas
# use input controlled plots to display
def buysignal = if EMAmedian > EMAslow and EMAmedian[1] <= EMAslow[1] then 1 else 0;
def SellSignal = if EMAfast < EMAslow and EMAfast[1] >= EMAslow[1] then 1 else 0;

input ema_cross_arrows = no;
plot zBuySignal = if ema_cross_arrows and buysignal then 1 else 0;

plot zSellSignal = if ema_cross_arrows and sellsignal then 1 else 0;

input show_avg_lines = no;
plot z1 = if show_avg_lines then EMAfast else na;
plot z2 = if show_avg_lines then EMAmedian else na;
plot z3 = if show_avg_lines then EMAslow else na;

#addverticalline(BuySignal , "-",;
#addverticalline(sellSignal , "-",;

# Key Vaule. This changes the sensitivity
input Key_Value = 1.0;
input atr_period = 10;
input Signals_from_Heikin_Ashi_Candles = no;
def ha_sigs = signals_from_Heikin_Ashi_Candles;

input show_labels = yes;
def xATR = atr(atr_period);
def nLoss = Key_Value * xATR;

def ha_close = (open + high + low + close)/4;
def src = if ha_sigs then ha_close else close;

#xATRTrailingStop = 0.0
def xATRTrailingStop = 
   if(src > nz(xATRTrailingStop[1], 0) and src[1] > nz(xATRTrailingStop[1], 0),
     max(nz(xATRTrailingStop[1]), src - nLoss),
     if(src < nz(xATRTrailingStop[1], 0) and src[1] < nz(xATRTrailingStop[1], 0),
       min(nz(xATRTrailingStop[1]), src + nLoss),
       if(src > nz(xATRTrailingStop[1], 0),
         src - nLoss,
         src + nLoss

input show_trail_stop = yes;
plot ztrail = if show_trail_stop then xATRTrailingStop else na;

#pos = 0
def pos = compoundValue(1, 
  if(src[1] < nz(xATRTrailingStop[1], 0) and src > nz(xATRTrailingStop[1], 0), 1,
    if(src[1] > nz(xATRTrailingStop[1], 0) and src < nz(xATRTrailingStop[1], 0), -1,
      nz(pos[1], 0))),

def ema = expaverage(src,1);
def above = crosses(ema, xATRTrailingStop, crossingDirection.ABOVE);
def below = crosses(xATRTrailingStop, ema, crossingDirection.ABOVE);
def buy = src > xATRTrailingStop and above ;
def sell = src < xATRTrailingStop and below;
def barbuy = src > xATRTrailingStop ;
def barsell = src < xATRTrailingStop ;

input use_stacked_avgs = yes;
input arrows_on = yes;
def mobile_arrows_buy2 = if !buy then 0
  else if use_stacked_avgs and stackup and arrows_on then 1 
  else if !use_stacked_avgs and arrows_on then 1  
  else 0;
def mobile_arrows_sell2 = if !sell then 0
  else if use_stacked_avgs and stackdwn and arrows_on then 1 
  else if !use_stacked_avgs and arrows_on then 1  
  else 0;

def y1 = 0.005;
#addchartbubble(show_labels and buy, low*0.996, "Buy", globalColor("Green"), no);
#addchartbubble(show_labels and sell, high*1.004, "Sell", globalColor("Red"), yes);
addchartbubble(show_labels and mobile_arrows_buy2, (low*(1-y1)), "Buy", globalColor("Green"), no);
addchartbubble(show_labels and mobile_arrows_sell2, (high*(1+y1)), "Sell", globalColor("Red"), yes);

input price_color_on = yes;
#assignPriceColor(if !price_color_on then color.current else if barbuy then globalColor("Green") else color.CURRENT);
#assignpriceColor(if !price_color_on then color.current else if barsell then globalColor("Red") else color.currENT);
#    better to use only one instance of assignPriceColor()
assignPriceColor(if price_color_on and barbuy then globalColor("Green")  else if price_color_on and barsell then globalColor("Red") else color.currENT);

input alert_sound_on = yes;
#alert(buy, "UT Long",,if alert_sound_on then sound.ring else sound.NoSound);
#alert(sell, "UT Short",,if alert_sound_on then sound.bell else sound.NoSound);
#alert(alert_sound_on and buy, "UT Long",, sound.ring);
#alert(alert_sound_on and sell, "UT Short",, sound.bell);
alert(alert_sound_on and mobile_arrows_buy2, "UT Long",, sound.ring);
alert(alert_sound_on and mobile_arrows_sell2, "UT Short",, sound.bell);

plot mobile_arrows_buy = mobile_arrows_buy2;

plot mobile_arrows_sell = mobile_arrows_sell2;


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