Color area between fib lines


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My big brain friends....I have a request. Can we please create a way that the area between the fib lines can be colored like how tradingview does it. Sorry, I cannot find a script associated with that. Why do I need this?.........My style of trading used fibs but only the 0,.25, .5,.75, and 1. Only trade futures /ES or /NQ. After there is a CHOCH, I draw fibs lines......expectations are price will seek liquidity. So, if there is a change of character (CHOCH) on the 1 hour chart to the upside, I draw the fib. Go to the 15 min expectations....price will seek the discount zone (liquidity) defined by the lower quarter of the fib, before resuming upward push. Noting that price will take the most indirect route to this POI. In fact, there are many opportunities to trade this move lower...but NEVER take it past the 75% fib (why, because that is your POI for liq grab to go higher). Price will do all kinds of what I call shake and bake. Traders get chopped up around the 50% fib. KEEP you eyes on the POI. Of course this does not happen 100% of the time.....but if you know how to map out price will be surprised on your profit.

So, I did not answer why I want the colors. Currently I use the rectangle tool and color in the POI quarter on the fib. I also color in the area between the 45-55% area. This tells me this is the fair value area that will have lots of chop. I than remove the fib and just have the colored someone can help in this regard

Thank you Shawn V

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