# Volumed - Aggregates time segmented volume blocks
# Farmin
# 7.16.2018
# Kickstart: DMonkey, UpTheCreek
# We discussed that daily volume vs summed volume aren't the same for equities
#hint:<b>Volumed</b>\nShows aggregated volume by market time segment - premarket, RTH and afterhours. Use on a 30m chart or less. All times are Eastern. N.B. Counts reset at midnight.
declare lower;
declare hide_on_daily;
input Begin_precount_at = 0400;
input Stop_precount_before = 0930;
input Begin_mktcount_at = 0930;
input Stop_mktcount_before = 1600;
input Begin_aftrcount_at = 1600;
input Stop_aftrcount_before = 2000;
input show_labels = yes;
input debug = no;
def v = if IsNaN(volume) then 0 else volume;
def na = Double.NaN;
def Count_Pre = SecondsFromTime(Begin_precount_at) >= 0
&& SecondsTillTime(Stop_precount_before) > 0;
def Count_Mkt = SecondsFromTime(Begin_mktcount_at) >= 0
&& SecondsTillTime(Stop_mktcount_before) > 0;
def Count_Aftr = SecondsFromTime(Begin_aftrcount_at) >= 0
&& SecondsTillTime(Stop_aftrcount_before) > 0;
def save_prior = GetDay() != GetDay()[1] ;
def Start_Counting_Pre = Count_Pre && !Count_Pre[1];
def Cum_Vol_Pre =
if save_prior && !Start_Counting_Pre
then 0
else if Start_Counting_Pre
then v
else if Count_Pre
then Cum_Vol_Pre[1] + v
else Cum_Vol_Pre[1];
def prior_pre = if save_prior then cum_Vol_pre[1] else prior_pre[1];
def Start_Counting_Mkt = Count_Mkt && !Count_Mkt[1];
def Cum_Vol_Mkt =
if save_prior && !Start_Counting_Mkt
then 0
else if Start_Counting_Mkt
then v
else if Count_Mkt
then Cum_Vol_Mkt[1] + v
else Cum_Vol_Mkt[1];
def prior_mkt = if save_prior then cum_Vol_Mkt[1] else prior_mkt[1];
def Start_Counting_Aftr = Count_Aftr && !Count_Aftr[1];
def Cum_Vol_Aftr =
if save_prior && !Start_Counting_Aftr
then 0
else if Start_Counting_Aftr
then v
else if Count_Aftr
then Cum_Vol_Aftr[1] + v
else Cum_Vol_Aftr[1];
def prior_aftr = if save_prior then cum_Vol_aftr[1] else prior_aftr[1];
plot Cumulative_PreSession_Volume = if Count_Pre
then Cum_Vol_Pre
else na;
plot Cumulative_MktSession_Volume = if Count_Mkt
then Cum_Vol_Mkt
else na;
plot Cumulative_AftrSession_Volume = if Count_Aftr
then Cum_Vol_Aftr
else na;
AddChartBubble(SecondsTillTime(Stop_precount_before) == 0, Cum_Vol_Pre, Cum_Vol_Pre, Color.DARK_ORANGE, 1);
AddChartBubble(SecondsTillTime(Stop_mktcount_before) == 0, Cum_Vol_Mkt, Cum_Vol_Mkt, Color.YELLOW, 0);
AddChartBubble(GetDay() != GetDay()[-1], Cum_Vol_Aftr, Cum_Vol_Aftr, Color.MAGENTA, 1);
addlabel(show_labels, "PreVol: " + cum_Vol_Pre + " MktVol: " + cum_Vol_Mkt + " AfterVol: " + cum_Vol_Aftr + " = " + (cum_Vol_Pre + cum_Vol_Mkt + cum_Vol_Aftr) + " | Reported by Daily agg: " + volume(period = AggregationPeriod.Day), Color.LIGHT_GRAY );
addlabel(show_labels, "PreVol: " + prior_Pre + " MktVol: " + prior_Mkt + " AfterVol: " + prior_Aftr + " = " + (prior_Pre + prior_Mkt + prior_Aftr) + " | Reported by Daily agg: " + volume(period = AggregationPeriod.Day)[1], Color.GRAY );
### End Code ###